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00:00 - 13:0013:00 - 22:00

and that's where the second thing comes into play
1 min ago, by towc
as long as you're confident they also won't be wrong in the future
@towc What you seem to be saying here is "You can have complete trust if they've never been wrong and you have complete trust."
you can be judge why they're never wrong and bet on their being wrong again or not
@KendallFrey well, yeah, it ultimately comes down to you. You can also decide to not believe in rationality
@towc Is there anything that could justify "complete" trust?
@towc Actually I don't think I can
@KendallFrey nothing that can't be argued against
that I can think of
@KendallFrey you should meet this one guy. Fake hair, orange skin
That's not me
I said I don't think I can
well, it's a general you
In general, no one can decide what they believe
I've been trying to find a IRL example of a scam that involved "never being wrong" but I can't find it
well, there's the betting thing
derren brown made a nice episode out of it
the idea is that there are, say, 10 horse races
Basically, the scammer would send out predictions to many many people, half of them saying stock X was going to go up, and the rest saying stock X was going to go down
yeah, that sort of thing
but I can be skeptical of that
How do you tell the difference between that and anything else though?
I don't think there's a golden rule
but I'd start by looking at their intention
How can you identify someone's intention?
either way, it's easier to gain trust by never being wrong than otherwise
I'm not convinced that's true
you'd probably enjoy playing town of salem
it's like some sort of weird social experiment
@KendallFrey you judge. Again, it's mostly a bet
it's also interesting to see the reasons why some people are lynched
this discussion is so deep
mhm people is still using .getAttribute it seems
A: Get data-attribute value and HTML in array

bambamSelect the elements, loop them using map and you got your array. Below will return an array of objects holding the data you want const res = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll('.dual-listbox__item')).map(e => ({ dataId: e.getAttribute('data-id'), innerHTML: e.innerHTML })); conso...

Q: AngularJS date in ng-model value not pass to controller

Ivin Rajwhen i click CheckAvailability button date value doesnot pass to controller <div class='input-group date'> <input ng-model="BookedFromDate" type="text" [email protected]("dd/MM/yyyy") class="form-control BookedFDate" style="border-width: 0 0 2px 0;"> <span class="i...

In relation to this comment; does anyone think it's right or wrong for the question? I feel link adding an Image in a question to demonstrate what has been described is okay. Am I the only one who thinks this?
let my neural network to decide
!!is it wrong?
@Neoares Yes, absolutely
Though so
The user also marked the answer to close. Apparently it's off-topic...
hmm anyone experienced with running a VM inside a docker?
A company has asked us to create/maintain a server that executes "well written" python scripts, with a web interface. - I can do that easily, no problem. However I need to put those python scripts at an abstraction layer away from the webserver. Otherwise if the client would be hacked they'd immediatelly have server level access to our software (being able to rewrite the server etc).
So the solution is to obviously run the python scripts in a seperate virtual machine; so that leaves me at a "docker container running javascript calling python functions in a VM inside (another) docker container".
> VM inside a docker
isn't that the 8th capital sin?
Well what other setup would you suggest?
In principle those python scripts are child processes of the main node process, communicating directly.
@Enijar an image can add clarity but it is not clear what you were showing. You can add a paragraph to explain what you did and what the problem is
a mouse click or down behavior is not shown there, so we have to figure out t things ourselves
without a code example, it is hard to determine the cause. See that as a stab in the dark
@KarelG The entire question is descriptive of the issue. The issue isn't with my code, it's with a third party library. From Google'ing it seems to be a fairly common problem but one with no solution
I'm hoping this will become a canonical answer link
Currently I'm trying to implement a very hacky solution...
sorry, but it is not
> When I pan the map, then release my mouse outside the area of the map, the map still thinks my mouse is pressed down.
is not obvious in the gif
That's your opinion. The GIF is only demonstrative. It's not a fundamental part of my question. The GIF can be removed if necessary. The question as a whole, I think, is clear.
@Enijar You should definitely add code
Not sure what flag to use.. Too broad? Unclear?
@Jhawins You want me to add the entire source of a third party library? Again, this is an issue outside the context of my code.
@Enijar you are saying that because you know what the problem is. You only describe it. It is like telling a mechanic that the steering wheel sometimes rotates to left when driving with the car. There are lots of factors that influences it: wheel, wheel chassis, bearing, servo mechanism, steering wheel pin, ...
Q: Is running over your extension cable with an electric lawn mower dangerous?

Fredy31I'm currently about to buy a lawn mower, but don't know if I should take a fuel, electric with cable or battery one. I'm leaning more towards electric with cable, because it's cheaper than battery and the price and the raising price of fuel won't screw me over in a few years. But the only thing...

Stupid question of the day
I love this site
@Enijar Yeah man, I totally want you to paste an entire minified library... Sheesh
@Jhawins Awesome, give me a min to type is out by hand
@KarelG How else do you explain a problem other than describe and demonstrate it (as I did)
posted on June 19, 2018 by CommitStrip

If it's outside of your code and truly in the library... Go report a bug to Google.
Otherwise show how you invoke the map etc.
@Jhawins Already ahead of you there
Google isn't going to take it ofc
The question is there for anyone to answer if they have solved this issue of panning, hence the asking – haha
How to display relevant data in autocomplete window (label) as mentiond in stackoverflow.com/questions/50881027/…
@KoiToHoga Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
@Feeds huh, you can no longer click and drag the comic panel side to side to go to previous ones or newer ones? Bummer, that was a nice feature
my Chrome is losing it
all the browser elements are flickering
@Feeds sensible chuckle
> EDIT: As per request via comment: I'm 24, my brother is 26. We live together with our parents in the United States.
Oh interpersonal.SE.....
@Jhawins my uncle is 40 and he still lives with his mom, along with his 18-year-old daughter and six-year-old son
it's crazy
they moved back into her house a few years ago
@forresthopkinsa that's only crazy in the USA
@Shmiddty So that's normal in say... UK?
I have been paying rent and living on my own for 5+ years and am 23. So
in the U.S. you're expected to have moved out by your early twenties; I don't know norms in other countries
yeah in other countries I feel like people stay in their parents homes or have their parents move in with them when they get close to retirement age. The latter happens often in the US as well because retirement homes or assisted living can incur a lot of expenses
but yeah I moved out when I was 17
He said living at home in your 40s with kids wasn't crazy elsewhere specifically
Yea I left the week I turned 18
Was on like my 3rd vehicle
I'm a firm nonbeliever in the perpetual anti-millennial propaganda, but I have noticed that there are a lot of parents who shelter their kids too much and then those kids just don't ever have any urge to move out
I think a lot of the propaganda is true.
But the economy was fucked for them. That's for sure.
@forresthopkinsa Hi I'm 23 and live with my parents
@KendallFrey The guy was like 32 actually I think.
I lived with my parents after college from 23 to 25
I was homeschooled K-12 talk about sheltering and I turned out just.... Well...
@Jhawins I think it's probably more common in places like Italy and other Mediterranean nations
saved a ton of money not having to pay rent, though I still did chores and helped out around the house and bought my own food and other stuff
during college I lived on campus
@KendallFrey genuinely?
I'm 21 and I support my sick mom at my house.
Opposite situation. :p
I don't think 23 is over the line
I pay a tiny amount of rent, and no utilities
Oh that's true I guess. Why are you still there anyway @KendallFrey? Not judging
okay that's worth something too
so... it's super cheap
do you have an urge to move out?
I assume you'll either inherit the house or are able to save a massive amount of money
Yeah, but not the motivation
I have the money for a house down payment, but haven't used it yet
@KendallFrey Thought of an interesting question yesterday. Not sure it's a good one though.
that's reasonable. I don't think 23 is that crazy, especially if you're paying rent
paying rent changes the game
Between the two of us we have living expenses down to like $961 before food. So we are doing pretty well saving trying to decide whether we want to build or buy in 4-5 years
If the event horizons of two black holes overlapped but not their singularities and you put an object in the overlap, what would happen?
Selling my sports car heh
Everything would collapse into a bigger black hole
yeah I feel like the two singularities would collide relatively quickly
@KendallFrey nice, the longer you can save up for that the easier it will be if you have to get a home mortgage
relativistically quickly, even
^ nice
@TylerH There's no "if" when buying around here, unless you get a dumpster
@KendallFrey wya
@KendallFrey well I don't know your target lifestyle or where you live :-)
You see the house I posted yesterday on 1.6 acre?
the 85k one
Southern Ontario
Right by my original home where my mom lives
@Jhawins makes me wish I lived in IN lol
average house is like 500K or something
if you are 23 and you already have enough money for a house down payment then I would imagine you could save up enough money to get a whole house if you are able to continue living with your parents for another 5 years
I wanna get something like that but then I want to build a 300K designer home... lmao
damn, 500k is expensive
@KendallFrey I thought that would be your answer.
@KendallFrey holy crap man
canadian, but still
but I do live in the South so property is pretty cheap here
But consider a point where they're two giant mega super massive black holes.
@TylerH I've been saving for 5 years already, so... no
my girlfriend just bought a ~1100sq foot home for around 105k
I might just buy 7-8 acres in cash and then re-save for my down payment on the house
The singularities can't move faster than the speed of light and it's only a slight overlap...to such and extreme that they couldn't just immediately merge.
@KendallFrey I assumed you would start getting paid a lot more soon but maybe not
What about then?
@Allenph You're forgetting that black holes pull things in faster than light
@Allenph I don't think the event horizons would overlap during that (very short) window; it would be against their nature
Why @forresthopkinsa?
that's the whole point of being an event horizon lol
Look what 3-400K gets you here tho...
@TylerH I have a mediocre job, and probably not about to get a massive raise
5 acres and a mini mansion
@TylerH Yeah that's a massively simplified answer that ignores relativity entirely for the most part
I may be extremely tied down to this area... Big news have to wait and see. That's my main issue right now not knowing
@forresthopkinsa Well, to be more precise, you either have two separated horizons, or one combined one
@Allenph if the event horizons overlapped then they wouldn't be event horizons anymore. The event horizon isn't a physical line; it's just a term we have for the spot where nothing can escape. Therefore, based on our definition, it wouldn't make sense for them to overlap
disclaimer: I'm a total poser and I'm not a physicist
If the black holes are separated, then you can be between the event horizons without being inside one of them, and can thus escape
if they're not, you're inside the one combined horizon, and obviously can't
I don't know what the point is where two black holes are inevitably merged
if you were straddling the line of the combined horizon then you'd just be pulled apart
So is the Twitter account for the us space force satire
@forresthopkinsa not any more so than any other horizon
i.e. it depends on the tidal force which depends on the size of the black hole
@BartekBanachewicz link?
> "It is not enough to merely have an American presence in space. We must have American dominance in space," Mr Trump said at the White House.
So it's not even theoretically possible to have an instance (even for a second) that the two event horizons are overlapping without merging?
interesting @KendallFrey
I can only find a fan account
Seems like this would be possible, and that space would be weird.
@Allenph Well no, not when you consider what an event horizon is
It's not simply a sphere with a certain radius
@forresthopkinsa The US should launch a 300 mile geostationary flag
that'll show em
@KendallFrey So? It's still an area of space, right?
@Jhawins 300 mile... wide?
IT's only in the singularity that the backwardness of space and time happen, right?
I didn't know what size to say
@Allenph It's the surface of a volume of space
That's theoretically possible tho, right? (a geostationary flag in space visible from the earth)
Then I don't see why it could not overlap.
@Allenph The "backward" analogy (as normally used) applies everywhere inside the horizon
@Jhawins Probably not without it being rigid or folded a really specific way.
@Allenph Because two overlapping volumes of space that you can't escape === one volume of space that you can't escape
Well yea something would have to keep it open
@KendallFrey Oh, so the answer is not really "no" it's "who the fuck knows"?
all we have is theories currently
@Allenph Nobody know what goes on in the "singularity". That's for a theory of quantum gravity.
I personally doubt there's an actual singularity
@KevinB Technically we don't have theories, only hypotheses
Couldn't you attempt the math with those simplified black holes though?
That would be at least a reasonable guess. It is beyond me though.
What math?
Could have sworn there was some model somewhere that described a black holes with no angular momentum.
That's a Schwarzschild black hole, iirc
If you solve the equations of GR, then there's no "overlapping" horizon
If you use some other math, you don't get black holes. They come from GR
GR = General Relativity?
But that doesn't describe the whole concept accurately, right?
What doesn't?
he's asking about special relativity
Never mind. I'm going to go read more before I ask any more questions.
But yes @forresthopkinsa.
SR doesn't get you to black holes (I'm pretty sure)
While we're talking about black holes and shit...
Anyone live with a partner with significantly lower salary and if so how do you divvy up expenses lol
I know this is like a question for interpersonal
The more she pays the more I save for the house so in the end it all goes the same place as well..
My girlfriend pays for about 10% of the rent, but only because she wants to help.
The less she pays the more she puts into savings for the house?
Otherwise I've told her she can just quit and focus on school.
@KendallFrey Yea Idk about that one
She needs to save for a better car
so maybe it doesn't all go to the same place
Well if it goes to me it does
And yeah. She puts her savings into savings for the house. Pretty dismal in effect, but I appreciate it all the same.
@Allenph Yea I;ve kinda jus been suggesting she do her schooling and let me worry about it but I don't think that's healthy
@Jhawins But the question is about whether or not it should go to "you" (expenses). No?
@Jhawins As long as you respect what she wants to do then it's not.
She is 21 I don't think it's healthy for her to freeload (neither does she) when she would be learning independance and responsibility if we weren't together
If she doesn't have the funds she literally doesn't have the funds.
my girlfriend pays for 40% of the rent and I pay for 60% + utilities
It might be different for me though because I make more than I need and I'm taking care of my mom anyways.
Well yea for now she's not paying anything she is starting to collect paychecks and working close to full time tho. She keeps bringing it up not me
So, adding her doesn't really cost much.
Hah right...
I lived in Omaha for 3 years on my own, now that I moved my expenses went down and I am providing for another head (her)
So yea idgaf if she pays me anything. Jus wondered if that's a bad thing letting her "free load" for now while she gets her life together
If anything I thought about saving up her rent and gifting it back or something... But that's silly and overcomplicated she could just keep the money
Not your job to raise her. :p
Not good wording ^ but that's essentially what you're doing by paying 100% of their living expenses no?
That's what I'm saying. I don't want to be "raising" her (really poor word)
just seems like a weird way to look at it
Which part?
keep it separate and charge rent, or put it together and forget about it
We signed the lease here together if that adds any context
It isn't MY home that she lives in.
otoh, if you allow people to be independent for too long/from too young, you get a towc
nobody wants a towc
I want a towc, just not a self-deprecating one
soo not a towc
She shares that concern. Wants to "grow up" and all.
@KendallFrey you can't pick and choose
I will just ask her what she is comfortable paying (if anything) and let her do it.
Proportional to your salaries
But that's a bad idea, hah.
^ That's the answer I expected tbh
Just discuss that with her.
Idk she makes like lower teens/hr, I make like 4X that. So it's be like 20% 80%
@Jhawins you might want to ask on interpersonal SE
But yea no I think jus let her decide is what Imma go with. Sorry for derailing
@towc Those guys are crazy...
@Jhawins I meant this. "Letting he freeload" is you saying that she has some growing up to do and you want her to end up a certain way.
At least in my mind.
@Allenph Well that's a quote from her
she's 21, you said? How old are you?
Then just ask her what she wants to pay and be done with it. :D
I don't really care our expenses are so damn low here..
how long have you known each other?
@towc 23 going on 24
how did you meet?
SInce the week I moved to Omaha.. little over 3 years.
what keeps you together?
shut up -_-
Idk where this is going
See, I'm right.
@littlepootis Rofl.
She moved 600 miles for me tho worth mentioning that. Has no family or ties to where we moved but I am from here
@Jhawins just curious about the set of circumstances that would make her say that
@towc Well she moved out of moms house and in with me never had independence is still working retail jobs etc. She's jus super self conscious about where she is vs. where she wishes she was in life
But anyway
get counseling
Wait why
I mean, I moved 850 miles for someone I met once, without knowing anyone around. Double standards ey (this is a joke)
I moved 600 miles once for dem dolla dolla bills
You moved because you wanted to move.
I move to escape my problems even though I know that doesn't work.
Isn't that why everyone moves?

I didn't have many problems in oxford :P
@Jhawins when she said that, what did you immediately reply with?
When she said what? I didn't quote anything
that you're letting her freeload
It does not affect me in any way so if that bothers you pay me lol
This room has turned into group therapy, black hole questions, sprinkled with newbs asking about JS.
5 mins ago, by Jhawins
@Allenph Well that's a quote from her
Yea lets get off this
@forresthopkinsa He direct replied to a message about something else
as you wish
it's an interesting conversation, I think
respectful and all
I'm going to steal from her in her sleep that's the verdict
!!afk need to do some tasks
yeah Room 17 is for JS and IPS
No yea it's a fine convo thanks for having it. Jus not a good one to lock up the room with
@Jhawins if something better comes up, I'm sure we'll talk about that instead
for example, have you seen that ludicrous display last night?
what was Wenger thinking, sending Walcott on that early?
thing about Arsenal is, they always try and walk it in
@KarelG sleep didn't help. Lost my voice :(
@SterlingArcher quickly! kiss someone royal
@copy hmmm... this one is interesting. Do you think it's binary? golf.shinh.org/p.rb?print+asdf+hello+world
Q: Facebook friends haven't add friend option

user393886There is no add option on someone's profile how to send friend request

> I'm not sure why or how you ended up on this site but the problem you describe will not be answered here.
i mean... to me it's a pretty unclear question, they very well could be asking why they can't click "Add Friend" on an so profile to add the user to their facebook
kind of a stretch lol
but the person is clearly quite clueless either way so it's possible
You know how angular errors typically show core.js in the top right. Is there some way to have it more often show me the file or the line of the typescript code that is causing the error?

I know where that is originating from, however I was wondering if theres a way to possible have the console error message give me a better idea where in the Typescript file that it thinks caused the error.

I did some googling but I havent found anything useful yet.
Yours apparently isn't working
@BenFortune will the source maps also work with ng build instead of ng serve?
Oh wow that did it
Thank you so much @BenFortune !
Type 'string' is not assignable to type '"bold" | "initial" | "inherit" | "unset" | "normal" | "bolder" | "lighter" | 100 | 200 | 300 | 400...'.
'bold' is the string i'm using
Needs more context

styles = {
  whatever: {
    fontWeight: `bold`
Oh, and you're passing it to something else that chokes?
Try casting: "bold" as "bold"
that works
For simplicity's sake, TS treats every string literal as string absent any context, I think.
resulted in a ton of red on build
trying again
and no red
1 message moved to Trash can
@AK Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
@KendallFrey you shouldn't have to do that though...
Is there a better way?
I've used string types without having to do that
I'd assume that's because there was context that hinted the type inference
@phenomnomnominal Ah yeah, that's explicitly typing the property
ah so styles: Styles or something might work
side question: how do you explicitly type a property in an object literal?
you can't, you have to type the literal
what do you want to try to do?
00:00 - 13:0013:00 - 22:00

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