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00:00 - 15:0015:00 - 00:00

@FlorianMargaine ah, you missed the memo
@BoltClock you STUCK
@littlepootis nice
@BadgerCat something wrong? Or rather, can you make a list of what's wrong?
@Neoares hi
@towc hmm... I haven't had breakfast yet
but other than that, it's great
I thought you came in to leave chat
move to discord permanently
I always forget there's discord and always post here
I met the BDFL yesterday
Google it
benevolent dictator for life?
I even took a picture with him
!!urban BDFL
@towc [BDFL](http://bdfl.urbanup.com/1350226) Benevolent Dictator for Life.

The informal, slightly tongue-in-cheek title given to a respected individual in the open source development community who sets general directions and makes final calls in certain situations within the scope of a given project. The BDFL is a tacit acknowledgement that communal, consensus-based decision making within the open source community occasionally runs up against obsta(snip)
Guido van Rossum
I almost died
The conversation went like this:
huh, I hadn't heard of him before
Guido: Oh hi, where did you fly from to get to PyCon?
Me: Yes.
huh, badger's a fan girl
who'd have thought
I'm a super fan girl
@copy's biggest fan
fair enough
But also, Guido, Andrew Ng and @davidism
andrew rings a bell
hadn't heard of the others
have fun at pycon :)
you'll give a talk, right?
@AndrasDeak are you here too?
or did you give it already?
@towc I gave it on Friday
nah, I'm 1. just a hobbyist, 2. in Europe
how'd that go?
Each talk that I give is better than the last one
But I don't think I can do better than PyCon
This is the highest point of my career, it's downfall from here
Better start having kids
nonsense, there's no such thing as "better than pycon" ;)
@AndrasDeak that's what I said!
Suggest me in memory DB, I have to store array of objects where it will get queued and dequeued at a frequent interval and if every object will have some TTL
Redis's data types doesn't seem to fit the bill
hi all,

say I have arr=[5,5,5,5,5,4,3]

and I want to remove all 5's

what would be the best way please?
@AviE.Koenig Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. If you have a question, just post it, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help. If you want to report an abusive user or a problem in this room, visit our meta.
1 message moved to Trash can
@AviE.Koenig Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. For posting large code blocks, use a paste site like gist.github.com, hastebin.com, pastie.org or a demo site like jsbin.com

    removeNum(num) {
        for (let index = 0; index < this.Array.length; index++) {
            if (this.Array[index] === num) {
                this.Array.splice(index, 1);
        // this.Array.forEach(element => {
        //     if (this.Array[element] === num) {
        //         this.Array.splice(element, 1);
        //     }
        // });
@AviE.Koenig look into array.filter
I don't know why the JSON.parse doesn't parse. I've got this "Sending {"message":"dsad"}" (what I'm sending to backend). Received {"message":"dsad"} (what I get back). If I do JSON.parse(jsonObject.data) then jsonObject.message, It displays {"message":"dsad"}
@VioAriton Sounds like it's working as expected?
I wanna display just the "dasd"
Basically I send a message, it decodes it into a POJO backend, then encodes it to back to json after It's done. ideone.com/TPpvWD - here's the js

thank you

      this.Array = this.Array.filter(v => v !== num);
do we not want car talk in the discord? I didn't get invited :(
Is this question off topic stackoverflow.com/questions/2498359/…?
You also didn't need to ping me in 7 comments, here.
@Cerbrus r u sure
Pretty sure.
classic Suraj
Hi. I'm struggling to integrate Google Log In via OAuth 2.0 onto my app
If anyone can help that would be great
In the console, it says: Not a valid origin for the client
I want discord link lul
@Neoares To clarify, I'm communicating from a web server
Does anyone here know How can one get .edu email id?
Without enrolling into the college, or by just doing distance course.
will answering my own question "Q/A style" likely get me downvoted?
No, it is even encouraged.
If you think it will help others you can always do this.
@SurajJain cool beans. I think it will. It wasted over an hour of my time and it was just something really specific that no one had posted about.
thanks for the opinion
yeah but the key is that you have to wait 24h before accepting your answer
at least give other people a chance to have a more insightful answer than you might give yourself hahahaha
Yeah you have to keep that in mind
@forresthopkinsa I'm ok with that lol. I think it's actually 2 days, but that might just be from my low rep
oh I didn't know that the site actually enforced that lol
@forresthopkinsa yep, I tried to click it lol
I am at a road-block
@ShrekOverflow just use a bulldozer or a monster truck
as in, the light console
@DavidKamer won't work
needs an std::initializer_list an argument
Whoever wrote this doesn't like me
All I needed was argv.begin and argv.end
but I completely forgot that is the normal way to do it
I have a challenge
> Create an XMLHttpRequest with responseType 'arraybuffer' that gets a size X from Content-Length header or X from a ProgressEvent's total attribute but response.byteLength Y; Y is smaller than X. You may write the URL endpoint you're making a request too - only in Chrome.
It's pretty tricky
@BenjaminGruenbaum Chrome bug ?
Also @BenjaminGruenbaum do you know any folks who write NAPI's C++ binding s?
@ShrekOverflow maybe
I'm still stuck on how to integrate Google Log In with OAuth
I already asked a SO Question yesterday, but nobody answered it.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Are you sure that isn't profound gibberish? Lol, I have no idea how that last sentence has anything to do with the rest, but it's probably clearer with some context.
@DavidKamer wdym?
Make that but for software development
@BenjaminGruenbaum adding a URL endpoint seems irrelevant to the rest of issue, but I get the feeling of profound gibberish when reading other programmers issues all the time so it could be anything from my inexperience to that problem (or in general) or overcomplication with this or any of those other circumstances
@DavidKamer it means you write the server that triggers the behavior
If anyone could help that would be greatly appreciated
@BenjaminGruenbaum but only for chrome lol? That seems like a bad way to do something unless it saves a ton of resources somehow
@DavidKamer I mean - only solve the riddle in Chrome
So it shouldn't work any where else or only has to work in chrome?
I'm ultra OCD though, so when someone isn't clear I spend way too much time defining the problem. Biggest difficulty I have in life tbh
Other people would make a rational assumption, but I tend to think that if there is only one right answer, I probably won't guess the right interpretation of the question when there are multiple logical interpretations.
Like I assumed you meant write a URL client side that only happens with a chrome browser
hey @rlemon long time
@BOi Hasn't he told you not to do that
@BenFortune im sorry. what? i was just saying hi. not trying to do any harm or anything jeez.
Hi folks
I'm having a problem with Google Sign In integration
If anyone could help that would be great; I've been trying since last night, but nothing has worked to solve the problem
whats the problem
The problem is that when I click Sign In, it says the following:
Well, I can't upload images, but you can go to the site here: refath.github.io
Scroll down to the bottom, and click Google Sign In
Then, you'll see the error
When I checked the console, it said: "Not a valid origin for the client: refath.github.io has not been whitelisted for client ID BLAH.apps.googleusercontent.com.apps.googleusercontent.com. Please go to console.developers.google.com and whitelist this origin for your project's client ID."
have u tried searching it up? this might help
Q: invalid_client in google oauth2

BobI try to make a web page for youtube video upload, therefore I try to get the client id from google api console, and in the api console it shows something like this: Client ID: 533832195920.apps.googleusercontent.com Redirect URIs: http://bobyouku.ap01.aws.af.cm/testyoutube.php https://developer...

@BOI Yeah, I've searched it up, and tried basically every solution possible, but none of them work
you should try asking on SO then
IE, I tried adding APIs, creating new Client IDs, etc. Nothing seems to work. It's so frustrating
@DiViHart Your url is wrong
Have you tried going to console.developers.google.com and whitelisting that origin for your project's client ID?
@BenFortune Oh yeah, I just replaced it by blah, but the correct one is in the code
that's not the correct one
@david Yes, that's the thing. The correct URL is on under the restrictions tab
I think he's saying you've got apps.g‌​oogleusercontent.com in there twice
@BenFortune Oh, I see! Let me replace it.
Let's see if it works
Also use your developer console, it's basic debugging...
@BenFortune OK Thanks, I'll let know if it worked out
it does work
I just tried it
@BenFortune Wow, thanks so much
It finally worked!
it took you 21 hours to find a typo
you've gotta give the dude credit man. thats not a bad site for someone who's in high school.
@BenFortune ruthless
!!witcher2 or witcher2
@KevinB That's not really a choice, now is it?
i pick witcher2!!!
@KevinB is that the one you're gonna buy for all of us?
i mean.... no
@KevinB play overwatch with me
@BenFortune :D lmao
i don't like overwatch
@DiViHart as a protip - I ping URLs when/before I add them
i've never actually played it, but i don't like that kind of game
if u never played how can u hate mate
@Zirak thanks for getting me back into d3, loving the necro
i know this is a js room but can someone help with beautiful soup pls?
chao mates. guess no one wants to help a poor mate. :)
Does all the collection interfaces(like NodeList) in DOM api have forEach() function?
@BenFortune documentation says: Defines forEach on iterable declarations
I used forEach on NodeList. Does every collection in provided DOM interface api has forEach()?
I mean HTMLCollection interface does not have forEach()
Look through MDN and you'll find out
In ES6, object is Iterable, when [Symbol.iterator] is it's property that returns object supporting Iterator protocol
In ES5?
Doc says: Defines forEach on iterable declarations
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