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So what is the standard way of a dynamically named error ?
way of doing what?
What's a "dynamically named error" used for?
@FlorianMargaine congratulations on the birth of your son <3
robin v2
Getting errors from a different language and converting them to JS Types
I am only doing this for standard ones
Wouldn't errors either be a string or maybe some kind of enumerated type?
Why wouldn't you just name them the same thing they are named in "the other language" where they came from?
He wants to name it as he gets it, from what I can tell
Q: What does the 'x' mean in this code?

Niall TuohyI am taking a Javascript course and they put out the following code for me to play with however they did not explain a part of it. What the code does is in the function closeMe() it changes the style of an element to 'display:none' and on openMe() changes the style to 'display:block'. However, on...

so you'd have to piece it together as a string and evaluate it somehow
Not sure how
Say I throw StopIteration() in python
I am converting that to a StopIteration in JS
@ndugger you dealt with this .. kinda I guess.
const err = new Proxy({}, {
	get(target, key) {
		const cls = {
			[key]: class extends Error { constructor(p) { super(p); this.name = key; } }
		return cls[key];

throw new err.Foo('bar'); // uncaught cls: bar
// how do I get this to throw uncaught Foo: bar
Ohh, yeah, proxies
(this isn't real code, this is how I understood "dynamic errors", so I played a bit)
so then my code can look like

import {exceptions, instance} from './python';

const module = instance.load("some_module");

function * getter() {
const getter = module.get_a_getter();
while (true){
    yield getter.next();
catch (e) {
   if (e instanceof exceptions.StopIteration) {
const DynamicError = new Proxy(...);
throw new DynamicError[ someErrorName ]();
Ah neat!
Downvoter - are you one of those freaks who downvote answers because you don't like the question, or is there something wrong with my answer? — baao 1 min ago
oh my
@SterlingArcher ha
hehe, comment removed
> ohh shit, I just played myself. delete
@ndugger that should do it
Was probably flag removed
although typing it down I think I should just downgrade to
and have if / else with PythonError#name
I was close. I get a part point
> rude or abusive โ€“ Sterling Archer 1 min ago helpful
I pulled up the mdn page for Proxy, and im not sure I get the point of them. Is it just extending default behaviors?
I have an object I've created. I want to write it out to a file as JSON. Don't I have to prep it somehow.. e.g. use Object.stringify..?
otherwise obj.toString === "[Object object]"
@rlemon What's the difference between doing the JSON.stringify and toString?
JSON.stringify creates a JSON string
there are specific steps to take to do that
.toString just converts something to a string representation, which for objects are not what you want
!!> JSON.stringify({a:1})
@rlemon "{\"a\":1}"
!!> ({a:1}).toString()
@rlemon "[object Object]"
JSON.stringify(stationsObjects, null, " ")
I think I get what you are saying.. toString should only be used on simple types like numbers, etc because a nested object is too complicated and you end up with [Object object] which is useless.. stringify actually traverses the tree and creates text representing all of the nested objects... is that correct?
Sounds right
Sorry to see that the stackoverflow moderators are becoming this strict. Is the question broad? Yes. Too broad? Maybe. But, new users might easily be put off from asking questions when they are met with these strict interpretations of what a good question is. I think those of us that can moderate should be more accepting. That's just my 2 cents though... Don't give up @niall-tuohy :) — Spiralis 5 mins ago
Can I flag that as rude?
@SterlingArcher but are you? a freak?
@Earth2Eddie it's me
@SterlingArcher If anything it should be sent to meta.
A: We're more aggressively enforcing self-moderation in chat

Mark SchultheissChat rooms are like growing ferns in a desert or working with children, it will never be easy, frankly it will be difficult and will always take a huge amount of effort to be successful. Ferns and children generally don't "try harder" just because you say it must be so Some people are just natu...

@SterlingArcher "does this question break the rules? yes. does it break them flagrantly? maybe. BUT YOU JUST MADE THIS PERSON FEEL BAD!"
I think we need to chill out on "oh, that's rude". We get it, someone wrote a blog post, but we don't need to go citizen-policing what's already a trash fire.
it's comments like those that make people feel like people are out to get them
You guys think they're being sarcastic?
I doubt it.
They left an answer as well.
I don't think it is sarcasm. I just think it's wildly incorrect
Took a look at the question and it looks like a bunch of people just trying to tell the owner that x doesn't need to be declared in Javascript because it's loose. It get's declared on the fly the first time it's used
Yeah all those downvotes.. didn't they even look at the users profile picture/gender first!! /s
What's the issue here? A bunch of people downvoted the question because they thought it was too easy/basic?
apparently upgrading to python 3.5 breaks ubuntu's command not found mechanism
$ a
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python3.5/dbm/gnu.py", line 4, in <module>
    from _gdbm import *
ImportError: No module named '_gdbm'
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/CommandNotFound/CommandNotFound.py", line 7, in <module>
    import dbm.gnu as gdbm
  File "/usr/lib/python3.5/dbm/gnu.py", line 6, in <module>
    raise ImportError(str(msg) + ', please install the python3-gdbm package')
@Earth2Eddie meta upvotes mean agree / disagree
BTW why isn't there a mechanism in SO where users can assign/vote a difficulty level for a question (easy/beginner, intermediate, difficult.. yada yada
because it shouldn't matter
Because SO was never designed to be a service for beginners
because all questions would be voted beginner
so, I need to buy a new notebook recharger, mine is 6.5A 120W and there's another 4.74A 90W that claims to be compatible with my notebook model
all questions, regardless of difficulty, should be asked well
@KamilSolecki what are "meta upvotes"?
or researched
not sure I'm confident of buying it.. but the 6.5A is like almost 80 bucks more expensive
@Earth2Eddie that post was from meta, wasnt it
ah, so the critics thought the asker was taking their homework without giving it much thought and just kind of copy/pasting it to SO?
@KamilSolecki RICKROLLED
@Earth2Eddie wait I think we arent talking about the same thing nvm
@SterlingArcher really?
@Earth2Eddie ruined it
wait I always thought that overfiow points to friday
i am dum
@Loktar didn't Jeff Atwood say SO was a knowledge base for experts?
Ok, so what's the knowledge base for noobs?
It's kind of wild, given how popular the meme of Rick Rolling someone was, especially at it's peak, that the video only has 430~ million views.
the documentation
@Loktar it was made as a forum for programming professionals and enthusiasts. not newbies and people learning programming
although, that 'not newbies' verbiage was never explicitly states afaik
@hilli_micha Doesn't a view only count when you watch most of the video?
> So if you want to be an expert in practice rather than in name only, take a page from Steve McQueen's book. Don't be the guy telling everyone what to do. Be the guy asking all the questions.
Jeff Atwood also said that.
I'd imagine most people click straight off when they realise
@BenFortune good question. I honestly do not know.
@BenjaminGruenbaum where can I read more about how to use the loader option? It's not in man node, nor could I find it on the Command Line Options page on the docs. I looked under --experimental-modules too just in case, but there's probably something else I should have done. Or a pull request has to be made
@BenFortune definitely not how pornhub calculates views, or there wouldn't be many
@hilli_micha not everyone uses the same video
@HatterisMad for you maybe
I'm going to submit a new question in #javascript "How do I Javascript?"
@rlemon I thought it basically was created as a way to help users with anything programming related, however curated by the community so you don't have 300 of "What does var mean" questions, instead you have 1.
@towc im glad you are finally getting me back, i had been throwing you under the bus for like a year straight now lol
and the 1, is a good one, with a good answer
lemmy see if I can find the quote
( อก° อœส– อก°)
@Loktar that was kind of my understanding as well
@BenFortune in my defense, I was going to look there next
but maybe there should be something about that in the other page too
I mean when a new technology comes out, there are tons of "basic" questions related to it
that years later are seen as basic and "newbie" questions
@BenFortune it used to be 20% of a video, but youtube is a shit show these days. Nobody knows how it works anymore.
!!echo !!lenny
I can attest for that especially under the canvas tag
caprica doesn't trigger herself :(
@Neoares echo is echo
She does
!!tel !!lenny
@Loktar ah.. so that would make my "difficulty" vote challenging because it might change over time
@KamilSolecki he's saying that she doesn't then execute "lenny"
@towc I know but I fucked up too
@Earth2Eddie well I think there is still a distinct difference in the users themselves
Wait I actually forgot
Wasn't there some beginners idea floated in the blog post?
!!ban kamil
@Neoares The user will be thrown into mindjail in 1 more invocations
she does react to her own stops
He's an RO, so it won't work.
right, one man's "easy" is another man's "difficult"
sorry people, man/person
@hilli_micha and his username is not "kamil"
yeah for sure, and if they know that with good intentions then meh
!!ban kamil
@towc I couldn't find kamil.
I think that's the official slogan of tinder, too
but lots of people "just want the codes"
and that's where a lot of issues come in
also the whole "getting points" things gives people an incentive to answer crappy questions
that's a mighty big bowl
neat, I think I'm going to use loaders in production
you can fit like 4 lines of VB in that bowl
Maybe I'm just a grumpy vet tired of this ^
Is this what you guys are referring too i.imgur.com/SZPjHwz.jpg
I love when people demand expedited responses because they're up against a deadline
but you have a bitchin' computer now
so you cant be grumpy
gaming makes me happy
At one of my last jobs someone had printed that out and left it out on a common table. Most thought it was the QA guy. Very passive aggressive :)
gaming weeb
wow guys, please stop bullying jordan
@Earth2Eddie lmao
is this "cyber bullying"?
@SterlingArcher oh shit dude
did you get your PC back?
yesterday I saw the avengers
@Loktar it arrived yesterday evening :)
@SterlingArcher what are we playing today
niice, working alright?
why did you have to send it back?
What may we do for you?
@Loktar seems to work fine, I'm hoping it was a one off incident
I am trying to find JS job
@KevinB some issue to the power supply on the motherboard
nice man, fingers crossed
Let's play runescape
@KamilSolecki we're playing Overwatch tonight duh
@Microsmsm the only CTO we had here quitted the chat
@Microsmsm I think StackOverflow has a job board around here somewhere
@SterlingArcher good.
I'm trying to get good at McCree but he's hard to aim with than widowmaker tbh
I may try to be front-end or full-stack even
Why is there an Element class, and an HTMLElement class, if the only thing in the DOM that currently extends Element is HTMLElement? Seems like bad future-proofing to me
@ndugger Because old DOM is shit.
Fair enough
Without checking, and without really knowing, I'd say there's a pretty good chance that IE is the reason.
@Microsmsm I assume you just finished your degree
@SterlingArcher Definitely
cause people tend to quit from web programming when they get experience in other things
like I did
@MadaraUchiha at least being a good widow is pretty impressive, right? lol
I had a 60% crit accuracy last night I was like damn
Apparently SVGElement also extends Element
@SterlingArcher That's good!
but SVGElement is still technically an HTMLElement when loaded into the dom
I don't know
Although I've learned that it's more about which crits you take, rather than how many
If I have 40% crit accuracy, but all of them were on the supports, we're more likely to win than 60% but mostly on tanks
@Neoares what are you doing now?
did you finally become part of a teenage rock band?
@ndugger The question isn't the <svg> element, but the elements inside of it
Also, what about SVG embedded with <object>?
@MadaraUchiha very true, I will always aim for Pharah, or the back line supports
But if orisa's head is right there... I'll take the shot lol
@towc deep learning :P
!!afk leaving office
the DOM is a mess, and it makes me want to stop rendering to the dom and just go use flash
did badger have something to do with that?
> Node.prototype.hasOwnProperty('parentNode')
> document.__proto__.__proto__.__proto__
> document.parentNode
@ndugger What are you rendering?
Why document.parentNode is null?
the dom, duh
@MadaraUchiha nothing, I'm just complaining
@overexchange Because document has no parent?
Just because the property is there, doesn't mean it has to have a value
!!> var x = {foo: null}; console.log(x.hasOwnProperty('foo'), x.foo)
Ah it says null but not undefined
@MadaraUchiha "undefined" Logged: true,null
@overexchange heads up: it can have a property and also have the value be undefined
ok Cannot read property is different
!!> const x = { foo: undefined }; console.log(x.hasOwnProperty('foo'), x.foo);
@ndugger "undefined" Logged: true,"undefined"
What happened with Cap back there.. it looked like it responded to @MadaraUchiha 's !! ?
@Earth2Eddie !!> is "evaluate JavaScript"
@Loktar It's worth noting that this was a feature since forever, and the problem wasn't that severe back then.
so using with !! with Cap is kind of like a really basic JSFiddle?
!! is how you call commands with Cap
@ndugger All signs point to yes
thanks bud
seems like a potential security risk
For who?
StackOverflow doesn't run cap
Are you saying it's a security risk for this chat room? Because this chat room also does not run cap
@MadaraUchiha yeah because the user base was smaller
tbh I've never used SO when there weren't bad questions
I get it, as far as chat.stackoverflow is concerned, Cap is just another user.. ok I thought Cap was running here
there always have been, the userbase is just huge now
So SO just needs to develop better filters to handle signal/noise ratio
so rlemon is running Cap on some server of his I guess
as long as they're welcoming filters
right, as I said before maybe a difficulty attribute for questions
They need ai to determine whether or not to show me 50 more jquery copy/paste shitfests, or to show me actually interesting and complicated questions
I'll let these 200k+ rep jquery fans take the brunt of the garbage, since that's what they seem to want anyways
@Earth2Eddie you mean how difficult the answer is?
what if you want to find 50 more jquery copy/paste questions to cast votes on?
@ndugger just have the ai answer them
Fair enough
@KendallFrey yep
That's not the problem at all
have ai close bad questions
then they can just say the computer isn't welcoming, sorry though lol
The problem is unanswerable questions, and questions which essentially consist of "do my work"
I'm not familiar enough with SO yet, but maybe a like feature, so "good" questions for "you" bubble to the top of some kind of "TOP" queue?
@KendallFrey for me I don't even mind those that much, it's more of the ones that have been asked 40 times
SO could add a "Do my work question" flag? :^)
@Loktar that falls under the latter category
eh, some aren't do my work though, they are just terrible at researching
If you let people control what they deem is "do my work" and/or "difficulty level", they will just say that it's not doing their work, and that it's a really difficult question
So that's a no-go
mostly just kidding
@Earth2Eddie It has multiple
@Earth2Eddie SO should have done the code hiring crap
I can't remember the name of the site now..
but that was right up SO's alley huge missed oppourtunity
@Loktar Then the question should include their research
codementor.io I think?
seriously it's crazy to me how SO didnt implement that
you could tell if the person helping you was even decent at all with a simple rep/answer check
Maybe some kind of attribute for the questions that indicates "broad > very specific" (voted on)
could even charge based on site rep if you wanted, since on codementor you make your own rate
@BenjaminGruenbaum any estimate on when it could land as stable? Also, found the link to the docs
that would have weeded out the questions of "Please I need help for my job" in some respects
Another tack would be to expose a "skill level" of the questioner.. but then we get into the crowd on the site assessing other users skill levels :)
worthy of a vim plugin
vim help pages for the node docs
That way if @ndugger just wants to see more difficult questions, he can filter for questerioners of high skill/experience level
@Earth2Eddie the majority of users either aren't logged in, or havent been around or interacted enough to be scored.
count how many pages you have to go through to start seeing users with less than 50 rep: stackoverflow.com/users?tab=Reputation&filter=all
> let list = [1,2,3]
> list[Symbol.iterator]
ฦ’ values() { [native code] }
> let x = 3
> x[Symbol.iterator]
Most of the trash comes from first/second time askers who then run to twitter when they're told that their question is bad
this is how we define an iterable in JS? presence of Symbol.iterator
(1) Someone earlier in this chat room said something to the effect of "javascript/front end programmers" tend to move on to other things when they learn them. I was just a team lead for a big team of Java programmers for a desktop application...
(2) I was told that that is a really old way of doing things now since almost everything is moving to cloud, web, mobile app. So, Javascript being THE language for web front end.. wouldn't that be a more and more in demand job skill?
@KevinB 24759 at the time of this stackoverflow.com/…
so there's a little less than 200k pages of users who have less than or equal to 50 rep
@KevinB Just to be clear, here on SO rep just means how much activity.. it isn't a connotation of good or bad behavior, correct?
basically yes
So i am going with this atm
} catch (e) {
    // Somehow Automate this
    const err = PyException.Intercept(e);
    if (err instanceof PyException) {
        if (err.name === 'StopIteration') {
            return null;
    throw err;
Eventually the Intercept part will be moved to native-land
because on avg you gain rep, even on negatively voted posts.
Is this bad ๐Ÿ˜ƒ ?
@KevinB SO has been around for awhile.. so this seems kind of odd
you could post terrible answers, but if you post them with high enough frequency, you'll gain rep regardless and bypass any automated bans.
there are users who provide a steady stream of questions ranging from crap to mediocre
@KevinB Is there any indicator of "bad behavior" and "good behavior" ... notorious vs ..
1 answer upvote would require 6 answer downvotes to go into the negative
It sounds like as is rep just equals amount of noise production :)
rep is rep
it isn't a measure of quality or usefulness (or lackthereof)
it's how much the system trusts you
seems like it could have a better name
lifespan? no..
fake unicorn points
i mean... reputation describes it perfectly imo
activity points? ...
garbage produced? :)
my project is not showing up for internet explorer 11
what to do?
no jquery loading
start by figuring out why it isn't showing up in IE11
@Breathing I think you're going to have to give us something more than that Breathing..
Did you include the jquery library? could be a million things
is this your first javascript project.. your 100th?
All figures in ms
@ShrekOverflow what's this?
Comparision Gunicorn vs Express serving the same app (the application logic is in python) something I'm working on
I wonder, are those samples taken sequentially or in parallel?
@AndrasDeak parallel if I understand your question correctly
ah, there you go :D
Hmmm 400ms vs 2
100 threads 100 requests each
are you familiar with the GIL? (global interpreter lock)
I respect it in the Node ABI code too
but I guess its hitting gunicorn much more than express
yes I did
I try <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge;chrome=1" />
but doesn;t work
@AndrasDeak any suggestions ๐Ÿ˜€ I want a more fair comparision
@Breathing Sounds like you know enough to know to look at Inspect and Console, right?
getting any kind of errors?
@Breathing jquery.com/browser-support This link shows jQuery should work for IE 9+
@Breathing Something I just found with Google: "Donโ€™t use a version of jQuery that was released before IE 10 was released." Also some other things here that might help: forum.jquery.com/topic/ie11-jquery-not-working
@Breathing Let me know if any of this helps or no
@ShrekOverflow I know nothing about web dev so can't help you, sorry. But if the server has multiple cores I'd find it plausible that only one python thread runs at a time but non-python stuff are not limited by this.
JS is also running on single thread
I suspect that even if this is the case this would only lead to a factor of n_cores difference
@ShrekOverflow I didn't know that!
ATM I am not threading anything
I mean, your code does, or all JS?
ah, I see
JS is usually single instance
Node usually offloads long tasks, I/O to a thread pool
so yeah, I don't know enough to be of use :(
> I had this problem, so I used JS. Now I don't know what this is.
sorry for the off-topic or not completely related question but...
I just uploaded my website on my host and it looks completely different from the preview I had opening it with my browsers form local path. Does anyone know why?
oh neat, this recipe site I had been using is written in vue: allrecipes.com/recipe/241713/…
no it isn't

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