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It's arguably simpler this way. Depends on perspective
More... Intuitive ig
I have a feeling those wrappers help only for a very small range of codebase needs, and there are way too many people that think it fits theirs
it's just a feeling, I don't really have anything to back it up
for bigger codebases, you'd have your own abstraction
for smaller codebases, you wouldn't need an abstraction
for demos or people who don't really know what they're doing? Sure
and also that sweet spot in codebase size
Idgaf about codebase size
it's just one metric
I don't know what I'm doing with canvas
So yea. Fit me like a glove
My previous experience is with Kinetic.js
Extremely similar
try some vanilla
isn't konva a fork of kinetic
it takes the magic away and I bet it will help a lot
@forresthopkinsa Well I'll be. It is haha
expecially now that you've experimented with a couple frameworks
Thid isn't someone using jQuery for query selectors when they could just use querySelector lol
Nothing wrong with using a wrapper
I don't care how you draw a circle
But I want to draw a circle and do something with it
SO taking the magic away would be counterproductive haha
Like I realize exactly what I am abstracting and that was my intent
drawing a circle by using a lot of very small circles is pretty inefficient
not sure if konva has paths and similar
That's exactly what I want
No I do not want a solid path
why solid?
anyway, up to you
I've made my point. You say it doesn't apply to you. That's fine
I wanted to use many small points to represent a shape
56 secs ago, by towc
drawing a circle by using a lot of very small circles is pretty inefficient
There's literally no other way to do what I want lol
what do you actually want?
I wanted to be able to calculate that path
well, use a path
And run 1 or more entities along it for the sake of example
You helped, but this is pretty dense
so the circles are just for debugging?
Yeah for the sake of example. I needed to understand the equation really
oh, sure
Originally I was drawing 1 single point but I drew shit loads for the sake of example here
say "it's to debug" next time :P
And then it turned out cool. But yea it was never about canvas itself :P
I'm still trying to figure out what you're actually making
That's why I have such a hasty for loop at the end lmao
const rects = [];
for (let i = 0; i < (Math.PI * 2) / 2; i += radianIncrement) {
  const { x, y } = this.calculatePositionOnCircle(this.state.angle + i);
    x={x + this.props.offsetLeft}
    y={y + this.props.offsetTop}
    fill={`rgba(${-i + 200}, ${i * 75}, ${i > 2 ? 255 : 0}, ${i / 8})`}/>)
This is not how I'd be doing that if it was the goal lmao
@KendallFrey Me too
well um
I'm calculating the damn PI * 2 / 2 like 3000 times per render lmao
SO efficient...
wait what
why not just PI
you might as well do PI + 1 - 1
@Jhawins I don't think this would be that detrimental. it should be taken care of for you
2 mins ago, by Jhawins
This is not how I'd be doing that if it was the goal lmao
Cause idgaf
Afaic that fiddle can stay there forever and I moved past this script
Yeah but explicitly adding nops is just retarded
Total radians = PI * 2 right
When I want to make 100% of the shape I remove /2
When I wanted to make 50% quickly I added /2
When I wanted less I do /3 lmao
It is legit jus like placeholder
It's quickly modifiable code to just explore the function
Lmao I guess removing /2 is dumb because then it keeps "animating" but it never moves
Can anyone explain why counter is 0? ^
That's cool with Math.PI for number of points tho
Cause it doesn't make a full shape you get a constantly moving one even tho you've used every point in the shape codepen.io/Jhawins/pen/bMLxGQ
@deostroll I'd assume it's because [] doesn't use window.Array
So technically there is no way of keeping track of how many Array objects we've created?
Why do you want to do that?
just for fun...
Just make your own function that returns an array, and call that when you want one
Python & Node are annoying
oh god, whatever you do, never change your code inside of a jupyter notebook
go back to the ide, do it there, and put it all over there again after you're done
this is a mess
hmm... vscode says it wants to update... that scares me after what happened last time
yeah I have to fix eslint/prettier plugins every time sublime updates
@Jhawins aka tau
the last time i updated... it deleted itself
@towc, @rlemon zirak.me/modules-slides dunno if it'll answer your questions
thanks master
@KevinB lightweight
gotta admire that
regular, office-bred macaroni dogs wrapped in sprinkles I wrote that an irregular amount of time which causes me to pause ago
Could you try to be a bit more welcoming?
The implication that anything is holy is offensive to me.
thank you for editing @Zirak I feel much more welcome now
I'm telling Jay
!!s/$/ Z/
@Luggage I'm telling Jay Z (source)
mmmm gimme your spicey flags
flags are for plebs
Let's not bait
we're taking this to Twitter
@forresthopkinsa duuuude
@forresthopkinsa I saw you on Twitter I know you're not a "bad dude"
oh god I've been found out
For the record this is why I'm keeping my chat distance
@SterlingArcher how much distance, though?
Peeking around the corner mostly
Gotta tell you, my team lead is gonna be happy I got a ton of code done today
@BenjaminGruenbaum :-) How are you? :-) I am heading to Israel for a family Bar Mitzvah next week :-)
one too many smilies there
!!s/:-)/:-) :-)/g
@SterlingArcher Could not process input. Error: unmatched ) in regular expression on line 6061
Get rekt
I think someone dropped a goldfish in Cap's gears.
@Neal Awesome, and you're coming to Tel Aviv for a beer with me and @MadaraUchiha and @Zirak I assume :D ?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Amen to that
!!s/ / :-) /
@BenjaminGruenbaum Ha. Will be in Jerusalem Sunday - Wednesday, Galil for Wed-Friday and then Hertzelia for Shabbat and the holiday. Send me an email and I can send you my number for israel and we can try to work something out (maybe)
@forresthopkinsa @BenjaminGruenbaum :-) Amen to that (source)
@GNi33 I am making Python WSGI with Node as WSGI Gateway Server
(or whats app) @BenjaminGruenbaum
@Neal Tel Aviv is 40 minutes away from Jerusalem (like Brooklyn <-> Manhattan basically) just ftr :D Hertzelia is 9 minutes by train from Tel Aviv - it's all quite small
Also - sure
Sent an email
@BenjaminGruenbaum Will be with my family (wife and one of my sons) so we can play it by ear, if it happens, it happens :-)
No pressure - whatever works out for you.
@BenjaminGruenbaum lol gmail thinks your name is Benjamin Greanbaum
Still in NYC ?
@ShrekOverflow Yes, you? (I do not recognize the name... new name? and you are?)
@Neal Yes, it is me
I have finalized on name
even have this on twitter and Gh now
@ShrekOverflow idk who "me" is
@ShrekOverflow We did? I have not been on this chat in a while. What was your original handle?
ah, yes. darkyen
I'll have a full day of Layover in NYC 😛 (on a sunday)
@ShrekOverflow When is this?
@Neal it's my work email, they set it up that way the first day and I never bothered changing it
@BenjaminGruenbaum lol
kk Mr Greanbaum.
Spelling never bothered me, which is why I never mind it if people call me Benji Benny Benjamin or whatever
@BenjaminGruenbaum What about Phillip?
Or Sarah
As long as it's consistent and not in bad faith, you can call me phillip or sarah I don't care
@BenjaminGruenbaum :-) It is all good ^_^
@BenjaminGruenbaum that's one of my pet peeves (being called Andreas, for instance)
it's not that hard to get someone's name right in written communication
@Andes do you have a lot of pet peeves?
if he's anything like me, he does
he is you, @Andrew
@AndrasDeak My pet peeve is being called Kendal
oh @Kendoll, you're so silly
it bug's me so much when people use the wrong names
I guess it can always be worse
what is it called when something blocks further interaction with the page? such as file save dialog when you press CTRL + S? you can no longer click on anything in the browser
@x0a Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@chili_mitch names aren't really that important, tbh
dude chilli mitch sounds like a bad ass biker name
@Shmiddty I know you're just trolling, but they really are
names are just optimizations, indexes, if you will. they only matter when you're communicating with another entity
indeed, which is usually what human communication is about
and it's common courtesy to respect someone's name
but if I get a name wrong and you still understand what I'm talking about, is it really wrong, @Andrea?
@Schmiddty yeah you're right
I have a habit of asking people how they pronounce their names when I'm unsure. People are usually both surprised and flattered by the question
i rather them just butcher the hell out of my name
ok Keeven
i have a cajun last name
you're just a masochist, @KevinR
stackoverflow.com/a/50260920/774078 @BoltClock this is what I mean. No respect for duplicates.
i mean, to be fair, searching for "+ +" sounds like it'd turn up less than useful results
@KevinB cmon
it's more than that though, it's + +foo
@KevinB cmon :P
even "javascript +variable" works
second result
@Wietlol You might enjoy his official channel
I have seen some of his vids
but never noticed the sound it makes when you write a dotted line
I have no idea how he does that
you press hard with an angled chalk
its actually quite easy
mine usually break when I do that, and sometimes even screech
he just has has a rare useful form of parkinsons
That might be it. Note to self: drink 3 coffees before lecture in order to draw dashed lines
he has an artificial hand that each frame switches states between on-board and off-board
sound is made by a motorcycle behind the board
or from a place where the sun doesnt shine
i always hope its the motorcycle
i hate CORS questions
they always receive such terrible answers
even the canonical is plagued with terrible answers
do you guys know if its possible to store a variable (integer) in a callback function, who's source is a variable in the surrounding scope?
                    undo: function () {
                        var startX = that.startX;
                        var startY = that.startY;
                        that.setPos(startX, startY);
                    redo: function () {
                        that.setPos(updatedX, updatedY);
what in that sample is from the surrounding scope?
yeah, you can do that.
you don't need startX or startY though
would I have to add the values to the undomanager object along with undo redo?
like undomanager().add({ undo: {}, redo: {}, x: {}. y:{}});
that.setPos(that.startX, that.startY);
tfw @Loktar stalks you on social media
oh that's what I had originally
it's in your profile lol
but I saw you on the dumb chain from last weekend
so recognized your avatar
oh yeaah
I feel like my rebuttal was solid
wouldn't have gotten involved otherwise lol
yeah I agree.
I didn't get involved because I'm part of the room
was better to just let it be
right I getcha
is there a css selector for any child greater than 3?
like the 4th and 5th child?
nth-child(3+) maybe?
second example
I was close, kind of
Ergh, drag images are dumb
"drag images" is a pretty ambiguous phrase
Do wee need to follow these guidelines for front end development? w3.org/WAI/WCAG20/versions/understanding/…
@overexchange you'll go to prison if you don't.
I think you can get fined in the EU for not doing accessibility, but it's not a requirement, unless you work somewhere where it is. In general, you should make sure your websites are highly accessible, though
@Shmiddty So, there are 2 relevant aspects in WCAG 2.0 to read. 1) Instructions for developers(Techniques) 2) Understanding WCAG 2.0(Intent/benefits/...)
Did you refer these documents thoroughly?
When installing a few packages for a project with npm I was warned that a dependency has an important security flaw (module is ws and flaw is that it can be DoSed). It says in the report of npm that I should upgrade to version 3.3.1 of ws however the package-lock.json of the tool used to create my project it was set to ^2.0.1. Is there any table or anything where I can look up whether those versions are compatible?
pretty much all you can do is look through the releases.
That is highly unfortunate. Said project is a React-Native application and ws seems to be required for react-devtools-core. Can I ignore the warning as the ws appears to be used for debugging and nothing else?
Sooo, my supervisor thinks I went a little overboard with tracking my test cases, lol.
Why not just update it?
Because I don't know if stuff will still work. After what I have read the caret is added to explicitly note that the first version number should stay the way it is in the package.json to ensure compatibility or did I miss something there?
i mean... sure... but that just means the code you have just hasn't been tested with a newer version. it doesn't mean it won't work
even if it does cause some unforeseen problems, unforeseen problems can be fixed
So change the dependency in the package-lock.json from ^2.0.1 to something like ^3.3.1?
These are the important changes tha thappened between 2.x and 3.x:
Removed the upgradeReq property (#1099).
Removed unnecessary events (#1100).
Removed the flags argument from the 'message', 'ping', and 'pong'
events (#1101).
The permessage-deflate extension is now disabled by default on the server
if none of those things are being used by your app... upgrading shouldn't be a problem
links to the specific commits can be found at the link above
Alright, I will give it a shot, thanks :)
Hey Kev, have you ever used something called qTest?
I want "thank" (pronounced "th[ank]-[t]ank") to be a past of "think", in addition to "thought"
> I sat down and thank about my life
i've mostly stayed away from automated testing
what is testing?
> I genuinely thank it was a good idea to use thank instead of thought
Absolutely not.
> thank you
> I thank about you
that's it, I'm making it a thing
Now that I think about it I wonder why noone thank of that before...
No, you're not.
I hope you get committed for trying to get something so idiotic to become a thing.
hey, it will give some purpose to my life
you could just be happy for me
Absolutely not.
That encourages bad behavior.
I was thinking about something and "I thank a lot" was just the natural sentence that came to my mind
it was weird. But it just makes sense now
how do I move messages to another room?
do I need to be an RO here too?
You need to be room owner. Then you will find an option under room to do that.
an RO in the room you are moving messages FROM only.
I will eat a broom if I get this react-native thing running without any security warnings within the next 35 minutes...
Wait, @Luggage, did you just unsticky the repo message?
I didn't do anything.
i didn't either, but, meh, drama is over
Fair enough.
@towc that doesn't make sense for the current meaning of thank
and you stole my joke
what joke?
my mom?
she's a sweet lady how dare you
I will actually eat a broom if npm gets to install the dependencies within the next remaining 30 minutes...
@geisterfurz007 Don't do this. If you repeat this message every five minutes, I'll encourage the ROs to boot you for being dumb.
I won't :)
also brooms are not edible.
I noticed :/
As it stands, is there any way I can change a dependency of a dependency of a dependency in npm/yarn? Each time when running yarn/npm install after applying the change in the yarn.lock/package-lock.json those changes are ignored in yarn (Already up-to-date) and reverted in npm. I found two answers on SO that link to a github issue for npm but when reading through it, in the end it says that I should be able to run npm install and everything should be fine which is not the case.
I have the most recent npm version (6.0.0).
did you try deleting the node modules folder
have you made sure there's no dupes in either of the locks?
@KevinB nope. So delete node_modules, change package-lock.json and run npm install once again?
worth a shot
Alright; deleting and installing that will take a while making it the last one I will make for now. Hoping that works. Thanks!
Aaaaaaaand it's back to ^2.0.3
I give up for now. Have a good night o/
babymetal is dope
I've never met anyone who heard it and didn't think it was at least entertaining
Well we don't have a Tau constant @towc
I find the combination rather annoying to be honest
Well, your opinion is wrong
literally just the same 2 jokes
over and over again
oh my god it is
Stop sine
the taylor one gave me bad flashbacks
taylor swift is good
im not a fan
no, ur a person
haha sure
her new album is a step up though
I like her song delicate, and it's not weird
That's one of my favorite
King of my heart is my favorite off the album
never heard it
It's aggressive
I feel like it misses the mark a little but it's still pretty good
I feel like that describes most of her music
Honestly it's a really well produced album but I think she drags it down
Accidentally in love
What's your opinion on mosaic hops
never heard of it
I recently learned about hops so I'm an expert now

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