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@TravisWhite It's not always exclusively used for rendered components, correct? It's meant to be used for any logic that needs to be stored through renders. Render isn't called when state itself is updated from what I understand, but only when state that is referenced in render is updated.
I could be wrong though
pretty sure setting state calls a 'shouldComponentUpdate' function, which handles whether it re-renders
whether whatever you save to state is accessed in the render or not
says it batches several state calls together
'React I think can consolidate some updates but you can simplify code and re-renders if you actively think about when you setState'
I'm nitpicking, do your thing, good luck! I must focus
@TravisWhite Thanks for the advice. I probably wouldn't have seen the repetition until next week lol!
@KendallFrey figured out time traveling?
idk lol
That's a creepy Kerbal(s)
that's actually the discussion topic on /r/seancarroll right now
isn't it always?
only if you can travel to every point in time and discuss it then
i'll do it later
Have you heard of Hawking's time travelers' party?
I wasn't invited so I can't go.
You were invited after the party happened. Everyone was.
I thought it was open invitation?
IS an open invitation.
I think everything that already has happened is still happening in a present that exists in the past lol
WILL BE an open invitation.
Was been
how's going
Hey there, total noob question
I was told yesterday about something that is inbetween data and method. It runs a method on data, catches it, and can be called like a method to return it
So if a time travel showed up to steven hawking's party, it would be the present that exists in the past and not the present that currently exists. Everything else will automatically account for fixing the relation between the two points in time that connect
@Btuman middleware?
That's like my answer for everything though so idk
That seems to be how it would function, this may be a vue thing
vs a regular js thing
I'm curious, what font do you guys use. (personally i have fallen in love with Fira code)
@AdraxasNazaron Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@AdraxasNazaron Ubuntu
@Btuman I think your talking about computed functions or watchers from Vue
@AdraxasNazaron Fira is great, used it for a while. Since I usually write a lot of prose as well, sometimes mixed with code, I've been really liking iA Writer Duospace since it came out.
I hate ligatures, source code pro is my favourite
We recently found a bug that stored passwords unmasked in an internal log. We fixed the bug and have no indication of a breach or misuse by anyone. As a precaution, consider changing your password on all services where you’ve used this password. https://blog.twitter.com/official/en_us/topics/company/2018/keeping-your-account-secure.html
thanks! I am pretty sure that is it
What's the point of the new react ref api referencing the underlying dom node as this.ref.current?
@KendallFrey what the fuck, isn't that exactly what github did?
what did github do?
@AdraxasNazaron fonts.google.com/specimen/Ubuntu+Condensed is my favorite but I don't always use it because some people don't like it
also, twitter apparently isn't very serious about that, because they sure as hell didn't notify me
@BenFortune Well, that looks like they localized it to a small set of users
unlike twitter
Yeah, it was pretty isolated I think
@Btuman feel free to ping me questions about Vue, Nuxt or vue-electron if you want, It's what I do at work atm :-)
@BenFortune So you're saying I can't make a chrome extension that records localstorage for every site and then sends it to me in the caiman islands?
@li can I call the method name of a computer function as it was a variable, or do I have to call it on the this or the input
Your using vue 2 right?
Just like methods you can add a computed:{ somefunction(){}}
yup, that part I have
oh right
Yeah you can call it using this
so when I call it, do I say "somefunction" and expect it to work or is it this.somefunction
So from an interaction standpoint you interact with them the same as methods
The main difference is in the hood where they are observed for changes
A good way to think about a computed function is passing in a variable that is possibly null but will eventually be something else, then inside the function we can lay out what to do when it is either null or X.
Vue is then smart enough to watch the variable for changes and executes the function again when the value changes, though note the variable has to be a reactive property, something like Date.now() won't work
More over you'll probably want to check out getters and setters as those often become useful for handling the two scenarios :-)
this is really helpfiul
Watchers are similar but there for just catching when something changes using caching
I can't stress how good the docs are for Vue vuejs.org/v2/guide/computed.html there a first class citizen when it comes to finding answers :D
Has anyone started playing with html5 web components? Is it something I should be interested in getting up to scratch with?
Not polymer native html5 web components developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Web_Components/…
I know Ionic 4 plans to use them and from my naive knowledge they could replace components in frameworks as then you could litterally up and move your existing components and go to another framework like vue -> react and you'd only have to fill in gaps
@lix all technologies are worth knowing at some level
Your not wrong, I just haven't informed myself enough on if I should be investing the time now or in 2 years time :)
Two years!? I hope we'll all be dead by then
That's light years away
!!> Array.from(new Set(['1', '2']))
@Mosho ["1","2"]
this doesn't work with a respectable polyfill
is it how it should work according to the spec?
@Mosho What did it return?
Sometimes I wish I could just go to work and make things that only work in 2 browsers that no one uses, life would be way better.
@Zirak empty array
JS: 0.1 + 0.2 == 0.3
=> false xD
@Mosho what if you add .keys()?
!!> Array.from(new Set(['1', '2']).keys())
@BenjaminGruenbaum [["1","1"],["2","2"]]
@KamilKiełczewski meh, that's true for any language using IEE-754, which is most languages
@BenjaminGruenbaum ["1","2"]
@BenjaminGruenbaum .values?
Would also work
@BenjaminGruenbaum I fixed the bug with values
but I would rather have not had that bug in the first place
Object.fromEntries is nice btw, real useful, totally replaced doing .reduce((p, c) => ({...p, [c]: whatever}))
@Mosho then fix it in polyfill.io
from a year ago
@Mosho Spec says that should work btw, if the object has @@iterator it iterates it
The polyfill probably doesn't also polyfill iterators
@BenjaminGruenbaum yeah! that looks like a good addition
@Zirak .values() returns an iterator
and it works with that
Q: How excess property check helps?

overexchangeFor the below code, interface SquareConfig{ color?: string; width?: number; } interface Square{ color: string; area: number; } function createSquare(config: SquareConfig): Square { let newSquare:Square = {color: "white", area: 100}; if (config.color) { newSquar...

Conversation with Ryan made me confuse
btw, I've been contemplating for years about pushing for an in-browser cookie jar API, like document.cookieJar being a Map or something, and being able to construct a cookie jar from a cookie string and back, etc
@Mosho According to the spec yeah. Set is also an iterable though
@KamilKiełczewski Found jsfuck did you? :D
Ahh just the guy, Ben I'm interested in contributing to node in my spare time or at least trying Just wondering after I email nodeTodo what are the first issues your sent like?
yes - any JS code can be convert to 6 characters valid js code xD
!!stats 3317808
@BenFortune overexchange (https://stackoverflow.com/users/3317808/overexchange) has 3298 reputation, earned 5 rep today, asked 537 questions, gave 3 answers, for a q:a ratio of 179:1.
avg. rep/post: 6.1. Badges: 5g 18s 60b
Are they things that are just tagged as 'good first issues' on the node repo?
@KamilKiełczewski There used to be a vulnerability in ebay's sanitizer
you mean JSFuck?
That allowed for arbitrary JS code encoded with JSFuck to run
that sounded pretty awesome (all the abuse notwithstanding)
So you could add arbitrary JS to your product pages via the description
@Madara may be - however currently there is steel some problem with JSFuck - the size of output is verylarge - someone need's to think about compression...
The stupidity isn't not catching jsfuck, it's allowing js execution of any kind
@Zirak They allow HTML
And instead of using a serverside DOM parser to get rid of anything JSable, they use regex sanitizers
That doesn't mean they allow script tags
I can only imagine the amounts of XSS hiding in some products
So... this might not be the best place to ask, but I've gotten to know you guys so I actually value your opinion lol. What color do you think a freelancer site would like best with?
can't really do orange because I don't want to be a stack over flow copier.
pretty much everything looks ugly af to me right now no matter what, so...
Using this logic, you cant do red, because Coca Cola, and you can't do blue because Pepsi.
Make a new colour
@KamilSolecki fair
Just be creative
@BenjaminGruenbaum You have a point. I was looking at it like "How should I copy without copying" which is never a good place to start from.
you can use 2 colors
I ate too much already but there's more food on the plate @Mosho what do you do in this situation?
@KamilKiełczewski yeah, but starting from one to range to base off of is usually the best method, right?
@Zirak I can only guess
@BenjaminGruenbaum Is there somewhere I can go to find other people who are new to contributing to node who want to reach there first PR collaboratively?
I think would challenge my definition of "too much"
@BenjaminGruenbaum So just to make sure, green is not a creative color, right?
@DavidKamer do you have girlfriend?
@DavidKamer paletton.com might sometimes help
I checked the Official github repo's 'good first issues' and I was considering taking a stab at trying to optimise the tests maybe, I'm not opposed to doing some docs maybe but coding is more fufilling
good evening!
@MadaraUchiha uh oh
@MadaraUchiha mod-powers-blue
Blue in bootstrap means info, info moderator. :smile:
@lix there are code and learn events sometimes
There are several UK based collaborators that could do an event probably if we ask.
Ahh cool, where would I find out when those are run?
@KamilKiełczewski ...why?
You can also go to an official Node.js dev channel on IRC and ask if anyone is around to help (that's #node-dev and not #node )
Cool, I'll add that to my list and mail nodeTodo and get my first issue and join irc
@DavidKamer this is important question - do you have or not?
@KamilKiełczewski I'm a monk... We can't have relationships, you didn't know that?
I build our monastic order's web presence lol
@KamilKiełczewski stop being weird
nice day today ... .but i took the bait had to turn AC on jus tto get the heat out
of house
I'm a monk for this church wired.com/story/… lol jk, FBI don't put me on a cult watch list for saying that I was just kidding..
Does anyone know what the placeholder font color is by default? looks grey but dark? Once again, feel free to yell at me for asking the wrong room
@Zirak I had some fun tonight: gitlab.com/ralt/slime-shell
@KamilKiełczewski please re-evaluate the things you're saying.
@KamilKiełczewski Are we really trying to turn this into a weird mash up of 4chan and chatterbate?
@FlorianMargaine Why can't you send cd to the bash?
@DavidKamer he was kicked from the room for that FYI
@BenjaminGruenbaum it would change $PWD in the bash shell that you are opening then closing... not very useful
@BenjaminGruenbaum thanks
@FlorianMargaine why? everything runs in the bash shell anyway doesn't it? Ah
Just saw the edit
this is a long lived REPL
long live the REPL
Is it me or is the JS room suddenly way more active than usual after the blog post?
I'm definitely only here since/because of the blog post
FYI @KamilKiełczewski has been banned for a day from chat.
@FlorianMargaine oh cool
@lix It hasn't been positive
@lix A little bit, but I haven't been too bothered by it. The extra people means a little extra drama but also some new faces.
Fresh faces is good, unfortunately some regulars are having a hard time changing bad habits.
To turn a negative into a positive, hopefully we can convert some of these ill intentioned people into well mannered regulars.
And as you can see, mods are lurking.
Not a bad thing
@SterlingArcher bad habits have to go
@SterlingArcher yeah like @copy he's never playing with me
@Zirak copy prefers the NA server :P
Mods were always lurking at least from the two years I've been around :p
@SterlingArcher ;-;
Or do you mean SO mods?
@lix yeah, I don't mind it tbh
@BenjaminGruenbaum I did notice that Kamil had a 1 minute kick, but the line said "Moderators have been informed"
Has that always been there?
@SterlingArcher yeah
I dunno I had super mixed feelings about the whole meta posts, there's a lot of regulars in here who helped me loads when I've been struggling and going through uni / setting up my first company and I just can't say I've really seen super negative behaviour from my time spent here
To be fair the 24h ban was deserved IMO, I havev no idea what he was thinking
I could have sworn mods were only informed after the 3rd kick
@BenjaminGruenbaum You know him?
@BenjaminGruenbaum "Like him"? He's a room newbie
Different Kamil
Ah fuck lol, thanks god
Oh he had just 10 messages chat.stackoverflow.com/users/860099/…
Guess that's the last we'll see of him
And he would've gotten away with it if it weren't for those pesky other people also using this chat
Any AngularJS person , if some 1 can help me with how to pass a new copy of template, my old template is pushed every time.

$scope.conditions = [];
                $scope.addCondition = function () {
@noobie-php Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
ok, sorry i thought that works with questions only
Oh man, has capri been updated to not bin messages instantly?
She does, sometimes there are hiccups
oh, maybe i should make a PR because I kinda want to see that now
Bot doesn't auto-bin for users with >2k rep
give them ~30 seconds to edit it before binning or something
@Zirak What's the reasoning? Sounds a bit arbitrary
that's repist
@Zirak oh
@noobie-php Do you know why cows can't upgrade past angular 1.x?
coz they moo
@MadaraUchiha What would you like the rep limit to be?
Can we get the amount of messages sent for say a year?
@Zirak I think 100K is a good rep limit
@Zirak I'd like for the bot to wait until the user can't edit the message and fix it, then move it away.
Regardless of rep
Actually make that 150K
1 million rep
@MadaraUchiha Two whole minutes?
Only mods.
Naa, then it'd just be Jon Skeet
@noobie-php No, they have many stomachs and need multiple digests.
@Zirak A minute is probably okay
30 seconds even
A reasonable period of time to fix the post
I don't remember the exact timeout, but it waits X seconds for the user to fix the message
3 seconds
it's a rule for a reason
@jake: they moooooooooo thats the only thing i know
maybe give them 2 minutes if they're new, to be inclusive. But if they fail repeatedly like that fred guy yesterday then just bin it instantly, without any message maybe.
@noobie-php Moral of the story: Take a look at the section on template linking docs.angularjs.org/guide/scope
to be inclusive you need to have caprica tell them their code is beautiful just the way it is
@david It's not a punishment, it's ok not to know how to format messages until you format them.
That's why the bot tells you how to format your message, and alternative places to put it in
@Zirak yeah, but it tells you over and over
punishment would be kicking the user
It's meant to reduce spam right?
not quite, unformatted code is difficult to read
but if caprica posts a 3 line message every time it happens then that's almost as bad. I say send the message, give them 2 minutes to fix it, but for subsequent posts just bin.
Works fine IMO
I guess i'm basing this off of fred's repeated failures to figure it out, and he is definitely an outlier
to be fair we should have kicked him earlier
@david Don't. He didn't figure out not posting JS code to the python room after a kind request and a kick
i was hesitant to kick for fear of being unwelcoming (I'm not even joking)
@AndrasDeak don't what?
kicking is definitely not welcoming
don't base off anything of fred's behaviour :)
@SterlingArcher Then tell him to go to the sandbox to figure it out
assuming we're talking about "baby between feet" Fred
@Zirak I did, twice I think
im a little kick shy to those who aren't being stupid right now
If someone can't hit Ctrl+K before hitting send, and can't read the page the bot links to, and can't read another page linked in the description, AND can't figure it out after it being explained to him...
I think the way things happened was fine
Kicking him should be a last resort and only done when the user is not acting in good faith
If the user is confused kicking him would probably make him return confused and angrier
Which would just escalate things and so on
That was my reasoning @BenjaminGruenbaum
We can tell him to take it to the sandbox, I'm +1 on that.
We're getting more traffic of new people, and it's great
@SterlingArcher yeah, I agree with that - it's not about being afraid of being unwelcoming - it's fine to actually be welcoming and shit
20 hours ago, by Sterling Archer
@FredMcgiff https://sopython.com/wiki/An_Illustrated_Guide_To_Formatting_Code_In_Chat read this. And go test it https://chat.stackoverflow.com/rooms/1/sandbox here
yup lol
plus the python howto itself contains a link to the sandbox
wow 59 people in here
count me out :P
It's been a long time since I've seen the ellipsis
@SterlingArcher I think you did good, also with handling the python ro
handling python ro where?
@BenjaminGruenbaum thanks. I needed to hear that right now
hope you don't mean cᴏʟᴅsᴘᴇᴇᴅ
I did, I think @SterlingArcher handled that well.
he's not a room owner :P
just a nosy high-rep
He is in python I think. Getting someone to self moderate is always the best way to fix these things.
@Zirak it was amazing to watch
21 hours ago, by Rachel Dockter
cant format code but manages to format normal text lol
Oh, apparently not (RO in Python) :D
You do a lot of python @AndrasDeak?
I try to not interfere with local moderation
@BenjaminGruenbaum I mostly do python nowadays. I'm only here as a tourist :)
Let's be careful not to bad mouth coldspeed
I'm not badmouthing anyone, I'm even commending them for dropping it and letting you handle it in order to not escalate things.
sure thing
@AndrasDeak ml stuff?
@BenjaminGruenbaum sorry that was in reference to Andras calling him nosy
nah, just some data processing and visualization for research
no offense @AndrasDeak
none taken :)
@AndrasDeak what research?
computational physics
I only came here after the blog drama started to see if I can help with mediation when the need arises. I'm just very bad at lurking
I think @ThiefMaster is doing something like that
yeah, I think so, at CERN
i'm at CERN but not doing any physics-related stuff
@AndrasDeak you're doing fine :)
@ThiefMaster what are you doing? web?
@ThiefMaster doing large hadron collider things? :D
oh my god
so, as far as I'm concerned I prefer not to meddle with moderation beyond voting on flags as I see fit
wow what a typo
it's best to leave handling locals to locals
@ThiefMaster Keeping the 1st dimensional demon beings at bay I hope?
@SterlingArcher as if that typo wasn't intentional ;)
@ThiefMaster that was a rough one LOL
but don't worry, the BBC did that as well
@AndrasDeak ever tried julia?
not yet
I've heard Good Things of course
What's the best React animation library?
The python code there looks fine but the JS looks... outdated @ThiefMaster
why isn't rebecca.blackfriday autoplaying anymore
is just me?
autoplays for me
press f5
same thing
:( know idea what is wrong then with my computer
ahhh maybe chrome is differnt
yeah chrome doesn't autoplay the video anymore
@William Chrome updates
stupid update
stupid memes
is the object that is returned by Promise.then() a Promise or just a Thenable?
@Zirak current progress ^
it's pretty cool
@johnmarinelli why not both?
@FlorianMargaine i suppose if it's a Promise it is indeed both
but if it's just a Thenable, things would be slightly different, no?
It's a promise
!!> Promise.resolve(1).then() instanceof Promise;
@david true
@BenjaminGruenbaum yeah there's still quite some really awful legacy JS there. but it's getting better - next version we finally switch to webpack+babel (with ES modules, ES2018 features, etc.) and also start using react+redux in new code
the python code only looks fine because we spent almost all the time rewriting 99% of it over the last ~4 years
even released a few new JS libs since starting with react etc
Not a fan of redux myself :D
@Loktar I updated stackoverfiow.com to allow any youtube video while still defaulting to Rebecca black friday. I'll revert if you don't like the idea. Everything technically everything works the same for now
with out a hash tag
@BenjaminGruenbaum you know I haven’t used mobx but I’ve taken quite a liking to redux?
Inb4 "omg I just tried mobx and it's awesome I can't believe I've been using redux"
inb4 "What was I thinking lol, it was so much work and boilerplate"
!!afk good night
Lol goodnight
“It’s not terrible news, but it’s not good news, either,” a NASA official said of a new issue found recently during testing of the James Webb Space Telescope. http://bit.ly/2rjlKdN
Have any of you used react-transition-group?
Is it World Password Day today? I guess we are going too far inventing days for things..

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