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I know phantomjs is dead and chrome headless in the new big thing, but whatever.
I just wanna know how to open about a thousand pages in the same script with phantomjs.
Hoping someone could assist me w the best way to write a link to this function? (See 1st answer here stackoverflow.com/questions/2255291/print-the-contents-of-a-div/…)
phantomjs made me cry
just a straight up "Print This" text link
to that funct
@Nick why?
@littlepootis try to reek the power in port. If you smell something burnt then a fuse might be fried up
or adapter is failing. Or battery died.
@Stuart Id don't know mabe something like <a href="#" onclick="PrintElem(document.getElementById('whatever'));">Print This</a>?
you can remove the battery and connect the adapter. it is not recommended, but is a good indication if the battery is not the culprit
I've tried that, the battery is definitely not the culprit.
The last thing I did was insert and remove a USB drive a few times, because Linux didn't detect it for some reason.
While the keyboard and mouse connected and worked just fine using the same port.
@mega6382 phantomjs is discontinued (and even before it was discontinued it was crap, just the best crap we've had)
What's wrong with puppeteer?
The correct way to insert a USB is to try to insert it. If it doesn't fit, turn it upside down and retry. If it doesn't fit, turn it upside down and retry.
Legacy code. :(
Thanks @mega6382 I was hoping to elicit a firestorm of discussion about the use of # vs javascript void(0) etc
but i figured it out for now
micro analyzing
@MadaraUchiha Yeah, sure but there is still npmjs.com/package/phantomjs-prebuilt
@Neil Yeah, that's probably what killed my laptop
@mega6382 Sure, but it's unmaintained and you'll find fewer and fewer people who know enough about it to help you
I don't care about this laptop, but I need something I could connect to my ultrawide.
My shitty expensive all-in-one doesn't have a video out
that is clearly a shitty device
@MadaraUchiha ugh, gonna have to refactor the whole frickin thing to chrome headless now huh
sometimes.. I really have to puke
Me too. It's usually after a case of beer
@rlemon I went with your suggestion yesterday, I'm using performance.timing variables to get an idea about client "performance", by substracting domLoading from docComplete ... so, to get the DOM render speed in miliseconds. Sounds awesome so far...
:grabs popcorn:
I'm listening to DOMContentLoaded to actually make that check as early as possible... but, the result was always some crazy negative number (wtf...)
as it turned out, the freaking DOMCTL event fires already on 'interactive' state, which means at that time, the performance.timing.domComplete is still 0
hmm did you have checked the doc first ?
@KarelG ?
contentloaded comes before complete
so if you do time_contentloaded - time_completed then you get negatives
win.performance.timing.domComplete - win.performance.timing.domLoading
that's my formula
problem is, that DCL returns too early for that
does DCL fire multiple times?
for different states? like loading, interactive, complete
had another interview today
actually good company, I was looking forward to working with them
their code is kind of a mess, but nothing a little patience won't fix. Just styling (they do use semicolons)
no, it doesn't
awesome crap
> day 1: okay guys, time to overhaul.
day 2: why was I fired?
just don't be that new hire
@rlemon Second flower!
I wouldn't. Plan would be to stick with their style, until it was conflicting with creating an actually good product
Nigel has a Plumeria bonsai
the guy almost never destructured for example, which is ok, except sometime he did, and it was 8 properties in a single line
for example
O nice. I like it. I have work to do it seems
or he'd only use const for flags: const SOME_KINDA_DESCRIPTIVE_FLAG = something. Everything else was let. I don't really agree to that, but I can get used to it
I saw a lot of code repetition, which I think should have been abstracted away
@towc That's just stupid
I only looked at the code for like 30 seconds, and said "I can work with this"
and we moved on
Destructuring... meh
yeah, little things, not too big of a deal
Is the product interesting?
also, he was showcasing it through gvim, but was opening/closing new instances instead of using panes or opening new files, which I found funny
it's a password manager browser extension
I actually love it
That's a good start
they haven't finished GDPR integration yet, and there were a couple other red flags, but it's still better than the alternatives I know of
the most annoying thing is that the cto kept trying to tell me how good the company was, and not trying to find out if I was fit for the job at all
I tried to get him back on track a few times, but that might have been a mistake
also, it looked like he was really wasting the time of the other developers who came to interview me
He's desperately looking for someone new
big red flag
well, then I found out why he wanted me to have a good image of the company
Why would he do that?
he asked for my figure, and I gave him a very reasonable 20€/hr. I used to get ~28€/hr from uk companies, and that was doing frontend-only work
there was an awkward moment, and he explained it was well above what was expected
Are you going to freelance for them?
we ran some numbers, and a normal employment salary from them would be 10€/hr
which is just slightly above what waiters get in the UK (around the oxford area, for decent pubs/bars)
another possible option would be to be a contractor for them, so taxes can be cut further, and they can pay me more
but I doubt it will get as high as 20€/hr, which is a shame
the HR head was also there, and she offered me to live in the "company apartment" nearby, until the end of july
What does 20€/hr equal at the end of the month?
which is kind of tempting. No need to sign more contracts or look for apartments, or pay rent
so that's 3.2k/mo
@Cerbrus am sorry, but didn't I correct your mistakes in my edits?
@towc Seems reasonable then. 10€/hr is a joke
Well, by German standards and by the "cost of living" standards in my area :D
net or gross?
Iur gross
Eff mobile
after taxes
@OliverSalzburg yeah. I'm not even after the money, but it almost felt offensive
I see that there are so many bloody red flags, but it still might be my best option
they actually care about people's privacy and stuff
@overexchange And you broke the rest of the answer.
"A job" is still better than no job
@OliverSalzburg Yeah, I was about to say "depending on the costs".
I understand Singapore is one of the best places to live in that regard
Make it clear from the start that you want to renegotiate terms after 3 months
Money goes a long way and they pay handsomely
Downsides: you have to live in Singapore
After you've shown them that you are an extremely valuable asset on the team
I’m a valuable ass on my team
And if they will not raise your salary by at least 50% by then, you will look for new opportunities
If they decline that offer, break their legs
so, I talked with my landlord, who owns a company
and he can employ me for 20% tax, and that's much better than the 50% tax from direct employment of the password manager company
and I can subcontract with them
and that might be really awful
(yes, employment income is taxed 50% in slovakia)
but contractor employment is different
My first job, they hired me bare bones. Minimum wage allowable by law. I asked for a raise several times during the years which followed but the answer was always "Well, our poor company can't afford raises.."
When I left, they made me counter offers upon counter offers.. rejected all of them
I would probably find a better country to work in
I didn't want a future in that company
I hate the npm website so fucking much
Who designed the navigation on that shitty site?
my first job which required a signature was 15£/hr, and that was when I didn't know any frontend frameworks, at 15
man, I'm still so lucky actually
or talented
or both
> I’m so talented
Ok towc
iamverysmart after all
we know it
you have to be a quick learner in this field
And a quick forgetter
experience counts for something, but you get experience by being a fast learner
if you're slow to pickup on things, you could be working in the industry 20 years and still be a bad hire
at least imho
@Neil no you don’t. I’ve worked with several senior engineers over the years who were dumb as bricks and worked their way to senior by managing legacy applications over the years
I honestly doubt the company will interview someone who's more up to date on various things javascript than me
but they'll probably find someone with more experience on kubernetes or amazon aws
kubectl get logs
There, now youre an expert
Now you're golden
they didn't even ask me about stuff. I received an email this morning from one of them, asking me to bring some code for the interview so they can check it out. I gave them some links to my relevant github stuff and told them that they can have a look at it before the interview, if it helps speed things up
@rlemon that reminds me of a cool story my friend told me. They hired a new dev, who decided its really worthwile to refactor a whole application as he considered it bad. Well month later he reports refactoring is finished. They check it out, but pretty much all tests fail. Dude didnt know how reflection works and broke the whole thing.
at the interview the frontend and backend team leads said they were happy with it, and that was all they asked about my skills
which was also a big red flag
So many red flags. Sounds like China
tomorrow I'm freelancing for that shady corporation
while I wait for the next round of interviews with other companies, or a response from today's
ReD fLaGs EvErYwHeRe
Shady Inc.
Slim Shady Inc.
I had a call from them yesterday, and they said they can't actually pay me, but they can give me credit in systems developed by their partners, which includes an electronics shop
@Cerbrus Ok. I got you now.
btw, the corporation does telefony stuff
so yeah, it's really that wtf
why are you freelancing then
but hey, freelancing for them can actually look good on a CV
Then say no and find a different job
@KamilSolecki I don't have much better to do
@ndugger it's just for a few days
like 2-3, literally
You’re bad at life
@towc tell me you have a contract
I think we established that a couple years ago
@Cerbrus Am looking for reference for variable declaration using ? something like(a: string, b?: number)
I'm gonna bin now
@towc Why are you still working in Slovakia in the first place though? Because it'll look great on your CV in 10 years that you spent your golden learning years in an eastern european country?
@overexchange you mean optional parameters?
@OliverSalzburg if we get into that, I'm sure ssube will come out of nowhere and bin the whole thing
@OliverSalzburg He's obviously on a gap year
@towc Okay :D
Am not sure, if they are called optional parameters, am new to TypeScript
let me check
FIA Press Conference is currently underway with a Hulk, a honey badger and a spherical-shape enthusiast. #AzerbaijanGP #F1Baku
omg savage but extremely subtle reference
Hulk drives for Renault F1
guy on the right is KMag
If you have to explain it, it's not funny
and last year he told Hulk to "suck my balls" in the media pen
this shady company (they do telefony stuff) actually has less red flags than the password manager one
It's not funny regardless though
@towc without getting into it, I didn’t move on, and 2+ years later it’s bearing fruit, but my circumstances are a lot more complicated vs she just doesn’t like you. But we’re not getting into it.
@towc do you have a contract
@KamilSolecki nope, but I don't have anything better to do
if I just go there to use the coffee machine, it will be worth the trip
except I don't drink coffee
then expect $0 worth of your credits
Are you still trying to harm a company based on some perception that you've deemed it to be 'shady'?
yes I was looking for optional parameters, thank you
@hilli_micha no, they just hired him for freelancing for free and he agreed
That’s called volunteering
@hilli_micha I'm going to go there to work. If they really turn out to have bad intentions, then I'll try to handle it professionally
Which is illegal for non nonprofit companies in the US
@KamilSolecki I can at least put licenses on all the code/research I write for them
@overexchange So google it.
Don't ping me with random questions.
Does slovakia not have the concept of nonprofit vs for profit companies? You might want to look into the laws about pay and volunteering
we agreed on a payment, just haven't signed anything
and if they don't, it will literally not make much of a difference to me
@ndugger they do. But hey, he doesnt have a contract, he isnt even hired for free. He technically isnt even there.
I mean, I'll ascertain it when I get there
Credits for the next door slot machines does not count as legal payment
which is surely illegal
thats called black market work in Poland

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