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have you played with angled blocks as movers?
@BenFortune omg more of james veitch
@Cerbrus so the corner blocks (hit a regular block with a hammer) go in 4 different directions. those translate to up/down/left/right and if you activate them solid while standing there you move in that direction.
great for farms
or elevators, or fast walkways
lots of applications.
Yea, read about'm :P
the easiest way to see them in action and have a purpose is to make a bait farm
I've got a bit of a todo list. An elevator using those is one of'm
you need the boots that make plants grow, and a bug net.
Got that one done
you went gung ho on the web looking at farms and plans didn't you :P
good man
I use a flare to uproot the plants
so I can basically stand there for 10 minutes swinging my net
making the farms and arenas is the most fun part about Terraria imo
Geez, the shroom one already grew full
the grind to mine the world isn't so much fun, but figuring out how to make a nice afk key farm is great
you can avoid a lot of that grind by jumping worlds and going right for hell
takes some time to get that powerful, but once you can jump right into hardmode and hell, getting ore is less of a problem
coming soon, Android.NET
@Luggage coming soon after, Microsoft v Google
if this ruling sticks, Wine and anything along those lines could easily be shut down
@Cerbrus dems a lotsa armors
so far it's been the floppiest case
dotnet core is MIT licensed
yea, stupid ruling
android do(n)t NET
@FélixGagnon-Grenier Yea, got most the pre-hardmode ones
Only mining shirt, Angler shirt/pants and Ancient cobalt helmet/chest are missing
And a bunch of vanity gear...
I wonder how long we'll have to wait for fuchsia
hey is it impossible for a promise to execute during the process.on('SIGINT', ...) from nodejs?
not as stated, but you'll have to provide a lot more detail before that's useful
well, it is executed later, so it wouldn't make much sense in there
@Cerbrus you mean that terraria gets fun after a while?
Absolutely :D
Got it last week, put way too much into it already
once you get past the initial "punch some logs to build a house" phase
yeah, it's decent
most of my games are colony/group/base survival of some kind and constantly setting up bases gets old
yeah tbh, for me it's like, I die a lot and can't get shit done
I'm so happy. I've been writing models and abstract components for two days, today I launched it with an implementation and it just worked
I have something like 90h playtime on it
!!giphy rookie numbers
Hmm how then to write data to a database (or do another intrinsic asynchronous action) during the exit call?
@FélixGagnon-Grenier the trick is to avoid the bats
151.1 hours past 2 weeks
Well that escalated quickly
@paul23 on(signal, () => database.save(model).then(() => process.exit())))))
ah fuck. ... so my 6pm deploy did not go well.
you don't have to respond to signals instantly
@Cerbrus please tell me that's mostly afk
@ssube hmm if the ought to work then there's a bug in my code.
Maybe somewhere between 8-16 hours?
of afk?
you're crazy then
I would say dedicated
I just don't understand how someone can play a game more than a fulltime job, unless it actually is their fulltime job.
it's called, priorities
@KendallFrey why not? people watch TV for 9 hours a day
It's not like I'm spending less time on my job
But 2 saturdays add up a bit
there's like, 60 hours if you start early on friday night
man, I wish I was thoughtful enough to make shit like this
I just make 23 identical rooms
that's pretty
mine all look like medieval apartment buildings
yeah i mean, that might look cool, but it probably has so much wasted space
Why do you hate fun?
pretty sure i'm going to buy that game by the end of the week
getting bored of ksp again
Well you've seen my designs xD
sweet elevator
ok so somebody smelled my ecig the next morning, but according to google the smell lasts less than 10 seconds
for sure lasts more than ten seconds.
but next day?
maybe you spilled some juice somewhere.
if you don't wash your hands or brush your teeth, it could be a problem... maybe
heh its probably just her
shes crazy lol
@rlemon If I did that I wouldn't have time to do the things that make me a functioning adult. Am I missing something?
not everyone is a fully functioning adult.
oh, it's about pretending isn't it
you get to a point where you no longer pretend
i can easily play a game for 10-15 hours every now and then. but when i do, i tend to burn out on it and move to a new game the next day
bills are paid, everything I'm responsible for will live another day, I can game for as long as I want 😛
the last game I did that with was Saint's Row 3
played almost 20 hours the day it came out
yeah, that and i do that with every wow xpac, :p
I tend to suck at games so I sort of grew out of them, I still have a ps1/2/3 though
@rlemon right, some are imperative adults
take time off and race to the starting line
@NathanJones you're not wrong, some people need a firm and regular reminder
supposedly works on WMR \o/
i'm glad to see there are still dad jokes in this room
Does anyone have any idea how I could go about pulling an ajax request from chrome dev tools and record the edits I may have put into the chrome console or style sheet
@Bama google does
they even built in the feature
into the browser
like literally into the dev tools
@ShrekOverflow oh okay, so could I pass them to like a database?
That escalated quickly
@Bama you want to record stylesheet edits when an AJAX request is made?
@Allenph That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: ead, bad, sad
those seem unrelated
You guys don't have that one, huh?
@ShrekOverflow Command dad learned
@ssube I think he is pulling back some data, modifying it after it goes to the dom, and wants to save the entire state
!!tell kendallfrey dad
@kendallfrey undefined
yea pretty much that sounds right @rle
yea pretty much that sounds right @rlemon
up arrow edits your last message, @Bama
and @rle does ping me
3 letters
rlemon encoding: small but bitter
RLE makes me think run-length
s/ encoding/'s/
I mean you can change the styles right but on reload, it goes away, where do the temporary styles really live, and how can I copy those to take them and add them to a file or database or something
@Allenph undefined
@Bama That is just an implementation, what are you actually trying to do ?
@ShrekOverflow What did you even do? :p
@Bama use stylish
it's a browser extension
they live in the dev tools, like Shrek said, and you can save them from there
and thank you all for helping me better use the chat
@rlemon DevTools do that for FS out of the box
if you setup the workspace correctly
which is almost impossible :)
stylish is easier
Do they live in ajax request or something?
plus the live editing breaks with most source maps and almost everything else
it's not stable enough to rely on (having tried)
that is true ^
@Bama have you heard of live-reloading by chance?
@Bama an AJAX request is just a script calling a webpage, unrelated to editing in the dev tools
I mean would it work if you could press ctrl + s in the editor and the changes just appear on the browser ?
if you're making local edits, you can save the files from the console, then feed them into your database or the extension lemon linked
I'm pretty sure bama is just trying to make a user style persist on a webpage.
look at those barrels go
@Mosho That is stupid
what sport is that?
@ssube How to lose a ball or two
@ssube one legged racing
next year.
worth it
@shr No not really because I want it to be done without an editor and @rle you seem to have the idea I am looking at. I want to use chrome dev tools to pass edits on the fly by converting whatever holds the data passed when I make edits in the chrome Console window take that data in its format and parse it out into a file to be used on the server
Sounds like XSS vulnerability as a service
okay then no, that's not at all what I was talking about
oh, that's totally different
you'd have to fork the dev tools to make that happen (unless the debug protocol happens to have it)
@Bama there might exist a extension to do that. but it'd be easier to just setup live reloading
yeah, server -> client reloading is a solved problem
@Bama I am still clueless, why are you trying to do this ?
Start with why always.
@ShrekOverflow live editing styles in dev tools is convenient
I get that
Meh, I have found it annoying AF except for CSS
> live editing styles
> record the edits I may have put into the chrome console or style sheet
@ssube This is more client-server reloading, the aim goal is to have a site that is edited by its users, the easiest the best solution so far is github with ssh, however I would really like to bake this chrome dev tools idea into the mix
@Bama ohh that is a terrible idea
@rle why so?
xss nightmare, terribly unusable model once communities like 4chan find it, need I say more?
5 mins ago, by ShrekOverflow
Sounds like XSS vulnerability as a service
it'll be people installing mining scripts and swastikas non stop
... Stupid travelling merchant jumped into my lava trap -.-
At least I got a cool hat
Yes but we would monitor for malicious scripts guys
and its not for the whole site only dedicated spaces
So you are making a WYSIWYG editor with Devtools ?
what problems have you run into with server-driven hot module reloading?
the only way I see it being possible is either through an extension (if chrome even opens those apis there) or if you put a MO on the entire page listening at every level.
which would probably capture it all, but a nightmare as well to setup. and they could always just delete it because you give them that access
do MOs see changes you make in the devtools? they should, shouldn't they?
changes the dom, I don't see why not
er, probably not external style sheets.
yeah, if they don't, that's a major exception
<style> maybe, the textContent should actually change
that's interesting, though, you could report on DOM edits
I wonder if something like vimium's elements show up (they should, real elements with real events)
No not a WYSIWYG editor, just a fun site to make "hacking" Developing a social experience
> "hacking" developing a social experience
I'm pretty satisfied with the social hacking experience SO provides :P
It'll most likely turn into a yoursite.com/space?qasdflasdf=blah to scam the user as a service portal
and monitoring for malicious script's won't help much 😃 because phpied.com/files/location-location/location-location.html
there is no way to automate it outside of making them use an extension as far as I can tell
there are personal hosting places and such
but not with built-in-xss
if you just want people to be able to code etc
you'll end up with something like jsfiddle.net or codepen.io
I get what you are trying to do now
IIRC Jsfiddle even supports that out of the box
isn't that jsfiddle's entire deal?
> here's an editor
he wants to do it in the dev tools.
No there will be compilers and more but its like glitch.com meets facebook meets github meets a couple other really awesome things in one
@Bama myspace already did that, it was a terrible mess
No @rl
no @rle my space couldn't be changed by everyone of its users
they did do that, I'm sure your twist will be more web 2.0
only on their pages
that was intentional. The SO/Reddit front pages aren't great and you can't edit them
twitch plays frontpage will not end well
if you allow live editing of every page from every user without a huge trusted base of moderators you'll have 4chan takeover of wikipedia constantly. I already told you how I think it could be possible to send the dev tools changes up, but I'm not going to deny it's a terrible idea, even as an experiment.
if you don't have a flood of xss attacks, you'll have unusable content
Not every page just dedicated pages and optionally personal pages
But yes It does have a myspace feel to it in some respects
what if you use a wiki, like a normal, off-the-shelf wiki, and write an extension that saves changes from the dev tools to the wiki page?
then you don't have to worry about permissions, serving it, any of that
@ssu mainly because having it on a server gives you so much more power over what goes on, and things like this grow and evolve to outperform limited option like a wiki or gist page, as well as users are to be given hosting space as a sign up profile to host web apps and websites for portfolios and more
that sounds a lot like sharepoint
or github pages
but with a new extension to edit them
if you're worried about not being able to power your users' random web apps, I don't think editing will be your biggest issue
but there are many options, from very straight forward ones like GH pages to very terrible enterprise ones
but by all means, undertake it. if you wanna, to answer your first question I don't think you can do the dev tools thing without writing it as an extension.
It will combine many of the similar ideas of the things that we love and use as developers yes, and parts of it will sound much like the things we use daily, but it is indeed different and I have yet to find anything like it while I have researched
and no I am not worried about powering web apps and stuff just for having a lot of user doing that. I have a enterprise web server net to my bed
ugh I may have messed up here
Anyway thank you all for your ideas, you all helped me learn something new. Hopefully it will get figured out
some people say you cant get random numbers. I say lottery balls are pretty random
@TerryADavis Are you trying to start some kind of philosophy/metaphysics discussion?
Id never dream of it
Then I can't imagine what your message means.
@KendallFrey riker googles
I was so hoping that would be an electricity pun
one bare wire and suddenly it becomes EDM
electronic death music?
close enough
the only thing faster and harder than hardstyle is AC, eh?
well that's super impressive.
> It's 100% stock

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