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> yer a blowfish, 'arry
the details are not provided. so idk what that means. if it's like stardew but with magic. cool.
but it could be bad in a lot of ways too
YAML stands for "YAML Ain't Markup Language". It's recursive!
I prefer "Yet Another..." but it is old enough to have gotten in on that
all I want is JSON with multiline strings. That is it.
I must be tired... I read "chucklefish" as "cucklefish"...
remember when recursive acronyms were cool?
@rlemon bro whats worse is it's a websocket frame lmao
@FlorianMargaine ocean kinks?
What was the @rlemon sorry i missed it
@rlemon ( อก° อœส– อก°)
there is no "missed it" the transcript is index'd even
you can always look at the context of the message and when it was posted
A socket frame containing like "{"property":"{\"data\":\"nope\"}"}"
@rlemon no you are not supposed to know me
!!> JSON.parse(JSON.parse("{"property":"{\"dope\":\"nope\"}"}").data)
@Jhoverit "SyntaxError: missing ) after argument list"
then why do you ask me all of these stupid questions?
Piss off wanker
!!afk home time
^ That was at Caprica not @rlemon lmao
Same thing...
@rlemon ack trying to chat while upgrading raspberry pi with the flag -y
@Jhoverit I host, I didn't write the parser :D
blame Zirak for that
actually that was an error on jhoverit's part
what are you talking about?
his syntax error.
oh that's how you call it now
has to be scripted
could be.. i've had them leave smokeleaves
yea, but the name + the item
Tyrann (or w/e you spell it) has said he's done things like that in the past
which is why some character data doesn't make sense in modded versions
Can anyone help a learner with his crappy program?
specific backstory / traits seems to be a thing. I was unaware before that tweet.
let me open a chat with you. I think the others in here arent so enthusiastic @JakeNBake
fucking got caught with a weird drag and drop while dropping my phone.
first time
how is 1720x720 a less usable resolution than 1280x720?
too large
are you claiming it is?
I am
it's one of the options for this monitor's PinP/PBP setup
the 720 is what concerns me
get a better monitor
gaming from the VM means switching inputs, P-in-P, or Steam streaming. The latter is good but lags a bit.
da heck
you know JSON is an RFC, not a TC39 spec?
where did RFC get it from?
honest question
which came first?
RFC isn't a group, it's a thing: Request For Comment
probs came from an email from Crockford
well as it stands there is 0% chance they will add template literals to JSON
everything you know and love is described in an RFC somewhere
So where should I post this. I figured under the template literal revision isn't a terrible idea
ask crock
I'm sure he'll be approachable.
but again JSON came from JS so unless JS support is added I doubt it will be added to JSON
I'll send him an email I guess
so I tweaked this car to have tracking headlights and working brake lights
if this game was a little bit more stable, I'd say it was a good buy, but it needs a few patches
@ssube game?
the lasagna and ravioli analogies are so effective, I think this shoul be a thing
looks interesting.
I can't wait to get some reviews / gameplay of this
the construction is fucking cool, blocks have I/O ports and different channels (power, water, numeric, on/off)
it looks like a much more involved planet base
I think I can give it AWD with one of the feedback blocks
which was a fun, albeit short game
most positive renders of the future have so much green in them
it's almost the one constant between them
even for short-distance future, like making a building
is it an evolution thing? Beings who stuck around plants were more likely to survive?
or is it one of the things ads teach us slowly, as we grow up?
it's a not running out of air thing
I wonder how much difference plants make in common rooms
anyone can you think of a better way to escape raw named template literals in js?
then this
String.rawEscape = (s)=>{return s.raw[0].replace(/\\\{/g,"{")}
plants are awesome
even fake plants are better than no plants
oh well, I love how a lot of them look
but was wondering about air
googling it
unless it's the Happening
how to to console.log(), actually it needs to pass parent component
not even marky mark could save us from the plants then
lol that movie was so bad
it's a comedy
shamwowllamaman didn't think it was when he made it
that's why he was able to make it
> From the NASA Fact Sheet we know that air contains 20.95% O2 and 0.04% CO2. If you had enough plants in a room to use up all of the CO2 and convert it to oxygen, the oxygen levels would increase from 20.95% to 21% (ref 3). This increase is difficult to detect and would have no effect on humans. Keep in mind that this increase is the maximum increase possible and assumes plants would use all the CO2 available. In real life the increase is even less.
there would be some formulae to check out, but it seems to make sense
@Muhammed same way you always would.
cept wrapped
{ console.log(link) }
because that returns undefined, React will ignore it in the render
but you'll get the log
aaaaand it's almost 1am again
!!afk ๐ŸŸ ๐Ÿš— ๐Ÿ‘ง
putting a girl at the wheel so she can drive over a fish?
it says `Uncaught ReferenceError: link is not defined` when apply
filterTag = (event) => {
@Muhammed Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
@Muhammed not how scopes work
Also not at all like I posted
Put the log in your jsx
the console.log needs to be in a place where link is accessible
Or after it
Now really.
the purpose is to pass {link} text to props

filterTag = (event) => {
@Muhammed Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
@Muhammed Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
@BadgerCat oh, I have just seen that message. haha, yeah, that one's a classic. Vamummtn has been a pretty popular group a few years back. That's vienna dialect btw.
@CapricaSix I am trying but unfortunately it doesn't work on mac

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