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Red Carpet Organizers Regret Only Renting One Porta Potty https://trib.al/g6B20F9
function Student(name, studies){
	this.studies = studies;
why exactly do we have to give "this" to the call function?
I mean instead of "this" we could also give another object as parameter like:
var apple = {name: "apple", age: 12}

//than later:

well you want the Person constructor to apply to the student you're making right? That's why you're calling it in the first place?
than in Person sayhi we could have: console.log(this.name + this.age); //here the this is referenced to the apple object
you mean Person.sayhi.call(apple), the call bit is important
*yes sorry with call
*edited thx
@david but why the Person constructor knows what this.name; is? in Student I don't have: this.name = name;
I can't see your Person constructor but I assume it's something like function(name) { this.name = name;}? that's where the code is
the Student constructor doesn't need to do it again
yes its just that.
so with Person.call(this,name); in my Student function; I give the this of the Student to the Person function; so that the Person function knows, what is inside of the Student function?
Person.call(this,name); basically says 'I have a student, but I want it to have all the stuff that a Person has, so run the Person constructor on my student.
yes I understand what it does on generall, but don't understand why we have to give the "this" key
passing in this tells it to run it on the Student you're creating
function Person(name){
	this.name = name;
Person.prototype.isAlive = function(){
	return this.name +" is living";

function Student(name, studies){

	this.studies = studies;
	this.isAlive = function(){
	var tempObj = {name: name, studies: studies}
		console.log( Person.prototype.isAlive.call(tempObj) + " as a "+ this.studies +" Student!" );

Student.prototype = new Person();
s1 = new Student("Mike","Bio");
s1.isAlive(); // Mike is living as a Bio Student!
you see there? @david I created a tempObj and give it in the isAlive.call(tempObj) instead of this.. and that also works

because in person than "this" means tempObj; that makes sense here

but for the Person.call(tempObj,name); that wouldn't work!
when you say "because in person than "this" means tempObj; that makes sense here " do you mean "because in Person.prototype.isAlive then "this" means tempObj"?
because tempObj never goes through the Person contructor
right, its only in the prototype of Person, right? its some "box" on top of Person
I think you just need to spend some time playing around with it, add in console.log(this)es and shit
almost had a house fire
lol glad I smelled that burning... cheap Chinese degauser
We have existing PC Server and one table has millions of records, this is not my doings, it is already existed when I came here. The problem now is that lost of connection in mysql whenever it uses CRUD. Also it has no primary key. Is there a way to fix the problem? It is a production server yet using xampp for database.
Does anyone experience this kind of situation?
add indices?
@david i can add column but when adding indices, it will close the connection
i checked the logs and says about inndob memory
cannot use crud nor can backup. probably due to overflowing records
Probably losses connection because of its large number of
records or query. Perhaps you can check the mysql
code query to make sure its using limits.
@JesusErwinSuarez what im querying is a distinct of its model name. select limit is only up to 900k
@Loktar :/
Can I see sample query from database, also please
try to query small number let see if that works.
@Loktar jesus thats lucky
is a database table with millions of records not normal?
@HatterisMad :D
Hi Benji!
@Hat Its normal specially in big companies but you have
to choose better db provider like PostgreSQL, Oracle etc..
Also you to make sure your database table is propperly
structured to avoid issue in the long run.
@JesusErwinSuarez the problem is that it a pc server
not a database server.
@JesusErwinSuarez cannot query also a small number of record
it became sql lost
180305 10:52:47 InnoDB: Assertion failure in thread 4484 in file btr0pcur.c line 440
InnoDB: Failing assertion: page_is_comp(next_page) == page_is_comp(page)
InnoDB: We intentionally generate a memory trap.
InnoDB: Submit a detailed bug report to http://bugs.mysql.com.
InnoDB: If you get repeated assertion failures or crashes, even
InnoDB: immediately after the mysqld startup, there may be
InnoDB: corruption in the InnoDB tablespace. Please refer to
InnoDB: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.5/en/forcing-innodb-recovery.html
this is the error logs im experiencing whenever there is a query
Lets see if that caused by mysql or xampp itself, since you are using
xampp try to install new one and create simple query
there and point it to your existing database see if that
how can i uninstall then install xampp w/o deleting it's data
this is a live data im referring to
tried adding new column, cannot be.
Do you have a development environment? probably
you can use that one
or in your local machine
Okay you will need it, please set up.
Good morning @Linus
whats up mates
@Peeper Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
ho boy let me read these rules
most people are in bed around now, but welcome to the chat :P
I like these rules. I like that unicorn logo.
I am not in bed, I haven't slept in years.
go to sleep already :B
I can only dream of burgers
aww D: I'd like to have a burger right about now as well
2 hours later…
hello everyone.
@KPal Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Wietlol Ya know my reaction? it is this one: ...
hi kamil
@OliverSalzburg dem germans
Go to bed
no u
here is morning
we're in the future oooooOOoooooOOOOO
prepare yourself for flying cars and suicide booths
even if we're technically just a few hours ahead
O, my God, I talk to future javaScript coders.
the future is pretty dark though, semi-colons have been removed from the language spec altogether
If my semicolons are going down, Im going down with 'em!
I met a girl who genuinely thought you were moving into the future when you went east
Needless to say, I couldn't date her anymore after that
"Due to certain past events, I don't see our future together."
Although I mean, she was conceptually somewhat correct :P
well I clarified of course..
She moves, thus she has velocity, thus she is in a different timeframe from her relative position
she didn't just think the time was ahead, she actually thought there was some weird space-time phenomenon that she didn't fully understand
tfw she was talking relativity but couldnt phrase it right
@KamilSolecki get out of here with your relativity blasphemy, newtonian physics ftw
if she was, she didn't explain herself well at all
Also, I had a weird idea the other day
do tell
If the earth is already moving fast through the universe, could you tell exactly which direction that is based on relativity effects?
>tfw when I'm a Hanzo main
@Neil you can through light spectrum analysis
of different planets and stuffs
I mean, as an absurd example, if we were moving 0.9c in one direction, would we be able to tell?
maybe we're moving too slow to tell
@KamilSolecki so always relative to other stars/planets?
there is no absolute standstill
I misread your question @Neal, I thought you asked how do we know if we are moving at all
well if we were to suddently start moving at 0.9c, weird shit would be happening
no, not suddenly
well 0.9c in general
Suppose for a second that there were no stars in the sky (too far away to see, lets suppose)
1. You would undergo extreme time dillation
it would slow down A LOT
is there some sort of test we could perform to tell if we were moving and in which direction?
@KamilSolecki You wouldn't notice though
@Neil Relative to what?
@Neil not sure, to be honest.
Movement in any direction is relative to other objects
@MadaraUchiha relative to the other stars
we cant' see them, but they are still there
@Neil You can measure that, yes.
@MadaraUchiha you would notice the weird FOV
we're hurling through the universe at near light speed but we can't see the other stars.. can we ever know?
The most common way is using a doppler effect
only einstien ghost knows in which year she will meet him.
also yeah, doppler.
If you were to look at other stars
would that work though? maybe light moving away from you would seem to be moving away normally
@Neil wave differences (doppler)
you could see the ones behind in red colors
so pointing your flashlight in one direction produces red light and in another produces blue?
those in front in violet
is that what you mean?
@Neil From an outsider's standpoint, yes.
Not from yours
again, we're moving too slow to see that effect, but if we were moving at 0.9c
what madara said
no, the color indicates the temperature
Doppler effect is the reason cars sound differently when they're headed towards you vs away from you
@Neil We don't "see" anything, we observe and measure
And the difference is measurable.
@KarelG doppler effect on the wave nature of light particles would cause that to be very visible at near light speeds
in a pretty extreme fashion
Our eyes aren't sensitive enough, so we've created devices and sensors which are.
and therefore we have sensors sensitive enough to detect this doppler effect already?
@Neil Yes
been for ages
now they are researching for the next step: using emiting stars to position objects in our space.
using triangular (gotcah use more sources me think) geometry
that's interesting.. that implies if we had sensors sensitive enough, we could determine exact velocity for any moving object
I don't know if our universe obeys 3d spatial geometry 😃
oh man Im so happy
I cleaned my code substantially
I mean, gravity bends space
I know some of those words …
from my Friday shenanigans
@MadaraUchiha there are stars that emits constant light pulses. They use those stars as points in the space to determine your position to those
@SaitamaSama Don't worry your pretty little Hanzo head over it.
@MadaraUchiha and time
@KarelG Sure, but you can't reliably predict whether or not space is bent along the way.
that is what they are researching
yeah Pulsar based navigation would be pretty cool
@MadaraUchiha bleh, says the widow main
Ever seen stars near the sun during an eclipse?
General question to the room
It's easy to see the normal constellations distorted
That's not caused by refraction or anything in our atmosphere, but by the sun's own gravity, distorting space and the light that passes through that space.
oooh, cool
who so ever going to space please investigate do aliens also use javascript?.
@MadaraUchiha yeah. I recall that I had to correct someone on that
he was pointing on a group of stars which was positioned somewhat right of the sun and pointed that they were there. But actually, those stars are not on that position in the heaven
All Hail the schwartzwald radius
probably more left or right or up or down to what you see. It depends of the nearby gravity centers
@KamilSolecki the what?
it's something around black holes iirc
that's the Schwarzschild radius
@KamilSolecki typo?
the Schwarzwald is an area in Germany
Lmao yes
That's what I meant :P
Black Forest
also a cool fact: neutron stars are so heavy that we can see on the opposite side of the star due to light curving around it
@GNi33 Next to Eichenwalde?
Overwatch nerd ^
ah, now I get it. yeah, I don't play Overwatch
I hate that map tho
me neither
give me battlefield heroes
you can play as a german against the alliance
morn guys
@GNi33 WWII context
but EA pulled the plug btw.
i'm not one of those that won't play EA games on principle, but I won't play their games because the games are only as good as the servers they provide to play them on
and they do tend to pull the plug often
EA servers are shit
I guess they run windows server
the game ran fine back then. But on a given moment, EA introduced a P2W concept
after that, barely investments in new maps
only some clothings which is actually reskins
keh, they milked the product out and pulled the plug when it did not became profitable enough
I sometimes try some of those mobile games for a short period of time
I get it, you need to make money, but the milking in some of those is just ridiculous
the FIFA - franchise in general is laughable
1 game a year is laughtable
I mean they're the same
but as long as people keep buying those packs, why should EA change
they're just saying online users
when a new fifa is released, you have to buy it if you want to have online users to play with
because everyone moves cause of that
yeah, they do introduce some new things here and there, but basically it's all about that weird Ultimate Team now
if we just were a supermind...
and the gameplay just gets worse
did not have been playing FIFA since ... 2006
I like to play some matches against friends, but that's it
my last one was 2005
never played it online (which comes as no surprised, as I do not own a console)
you can do the same with a pc
yeah, it sucks though
it's not really the same game
how so?
unless they caught up in recent versinos
go home EA you're drunk
moved to RPG games nowadays
oh, you
have you tried octopath traveler?
and sometimes strategy / simulations ( played cities skylines last weekend )
no. I do not know that game
@KarelG how are you doing with traffic xD
good. Fairly good :P
I think traffic is the late game of cities skylines
Some people uses that traffic mod, but if you plan it well, there is no need. Also I have mass transit DLC which helps much
the ultimate challenge
you stop paying attention to people needs: school, hospitals... you just care about fucking traffic
yet, sometimes I come up with a fucked up road layout. Gotcha screenshot one of mine last night
hi all! 😀
Anyone have any idea how to use js .map() in react to output elements with dynamic refs? no matter what I do I seem to get

1 message moved to Trash can
@Ash Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
Eg using code like -
outputStatePeople(key) {
return(<span className="db" key={key} ref={key}>name: {key}</span>)
{Object.keys(this.state.people).map(key => this.outputStatePeople(key))}
it doesn't work?
looks good to me
or at least not bad
well I'm assuming you have the .map inside a render method
ty! no unfortunately it doesnt,
Heres a codepen that outputs dom using 3 different methods, all of which do this -
ahh yes i do
should i try create a variable, outside the render?
and then insert that var (which would be the output of the object.map) into the render method
it's working for me
name: tango, height: 10
name: cash, height: 20
I'm seeing this
which seems correct
In async generator functions, is there a reason to prefer "yield await makePromise()" over "yield makePromise()"? As far as I understand, they are fully equivalent.
^see that, the ref isn't being listed as 'ref="tango"'
but yes, it is outputting the dom elements! its just the refs aren't happy
seems to be no information about online about dynamic refs inside .map()
but wait
why do you want a ref there?
Fuck import tax, bought a pcb for $100 from china, which worked out at £74.59 at the time. They're charging £38.91 import tax on that
@BenFortune next time tell the shipper to mark it as under no shipment tax value (here it's 50$) and as a gift
Then your chances, especially for small things, increase dramatically
Worst case scenario they will tell you to send the invoice / receipt
And you will end up paying the import tax
or in jail
@Neoares if it's a Dick joke, I missed it
@Neoares no, this isn't illegal in any way
@KamilSolecki it seems you didn't ;)
He's in the UK, they will tarr and feather him and make him run through the streets for 4 hours
@KamilSolecki don;t you get a fine above the import tax?
I had once a package being confiscated
@KamilSolecki That's illegal, I'll get fined if they find out
@BenFortune no its not. Its the sender who marks the value on the package, but the receipt will be correct
so receipt = real value
package value, passed by the sender to the shipment company and written by the shipment company on the package = fake value
the only one who could somehow magically get in trouble is th sender, BUT they dont care
alibaba even has this as an option in their shopping panel lol
lol fair enough
TNT don't make it fucking easy to pay it either
I have problem understanding one line of code, may be if someone can help.
Its actually main part.

function LinkedList() {
this.head = null;
this.tail = null;
this.add = function (value) {
var node = new Node(value);
console.log("node--------------" + JSON.stringify(node));
if (this.head == null) { this.head = node; }
if (this.tail != null) { this.tail.next = node; }//problem understanding here
this.tail = node;
function Node(value) {
this.value = value; this.next = null;
var list = new LinkedList();
i am having trouble understanding how this.tail.next = node if appended into head?
Kindly do help,
<a href="' + location.href + '" target="_blank">click</a>
when i click the button it will open in a new tab like this(http://localhost:8888)
but i want to add this(?name="myname") into the above url and
need to display like this (http://localhost:8888?name="myname")
i tried the following but it doesnot works
var var1 = location.href+'?name=';
var var2= myname;
var res = var1.concat(var2);please help me how to do this?
@Neoares (late reply sry, got called away)
Basically I'm making an endless runner (think chrome dinosaur game) and need to put refs on these elements so i can target them for collision detection
sorry guys, i was completely ignoring the fact of references, rather i was seeing it line by line. i just figured it out.
@hearthacker what exactly doesnt work? What is the error?
Also Did you check the documentation
Of string.concat()
Because that's not how it works.
@KamilSolecki ya its working fine now...! thank your for your response
no problemo!
the alert shows [object HTMLInputElement] when i run this
var room_name = document.getElementById('conference-name');
what would you expect it to show?
the value of input field but it displays as [object HTMLInputElement]
you are getting the DOM element with document.getElementById('conference-name');
try to get its value now
ya now it working
var room_name = document.getElementById('conference-name').value;
@KamilSolecki please suggest me best javascript tutorial
i struggling a lot from basics itself?
@hearthacker whenever you see something like this, you're outputting a dom node
work through this and you will be golden for a start
thank you
also, forget the concept of "best". There is never a "best" way to do something
ya sure...
@KamilSolecki not even the american way?
@GNi33 you mean the 'murican way
of course
@GNi33 I dont know (the wae)
Murica way, best way
there is an election going in Italy
one of the parties is using "Italia first"
@user3738171 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@KarelG let me guess, is Mr. Bunga Bunga part of it
hmm i think forza italia
of course he is involved with it
jesus, that dude is 81?
just got access to the chat (y)
hi and welcome
oh, it is from another party
Lega Nord
ah, those idiots
well, he has been in bed with them as well. not sure about now
he certainly has been in bed with some teens
@KarelG It's a real mess
They're not even entirely sure how to proceed.. no one party has majority
in other news, germany finally has a government
@GNi33 Took you long enough
although, we are not really in a position to throw stones
@MadaraUchiha ಠ_ಠ
@Neil they only need to form a government with another party. It is successful if they manage to get at least 40%
(just to add: in italy is having 40% of the votes = majority)
of course, 40% isn't majority to you? /s
hello guys
do you know any tool/plugin to check css compatibility ?
I usually just use mdn for that
firefox/ edge/ chrome like when you use transform you have to use -moz-transform
@gtzinos auto perfixr
thank you but when your website is local ?

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