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00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

I smell you
Is there an easy way to get only unique objects from a list? [...new Set()] isn't working
And .includes() doesn't seem to work for object literals
new Set(array)
I already said that isn't working lol
...no you didn't
1 min ago, by Martin
Is there an easy way to get only unique objects from a list? [...new Set()] isn't working
!!> [...new Set([1,2,3,4,1,2,3])]
@Luggage [1,2,3,4]
So like [...new Set([{a:1},{a:1}])]
ah. are they equals by reference?
can anybody help me with implementing Facebook login ?
i want to know how i can make sure that my callback url is being called by Facebook and not some malicious user
@Martin That's a non-standard definition of "unique"
but I would want something that would, in that case, come back as [{a:1}]
are they equal by reference?
Can you be more specific about what you actually want?
I'm making a vue app and in the vuex store I have a list of songs. The songs have data about the album and I'd like to be able to pull out the albums as a getter
That's not the kind of specific I meant
  albums: state => [...new Set(state.songs.reduce((acc, el) => acc.concat({
    cover: el.albumCover.match(/[^?]+/)[0],
    title: el.title,
    artist: el.artist,
  }), []))],
... damn
That's what I'm trying to do
@Martin Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
are they equal by reference?
taps mic, "Is this thing on?"
I don't know what that is supposed to mean
two objects that are duplicates, are the they exact same object instance?
or two different instances that just have some/all props equal?
Two objects with same props
Not two instances of same object
do you need to test many props, or just an id?
I could check against the ID, in this case, but I'm wondering about if I didn't have one
to determine identity, i mean
well, if just an id, then a Map could work to make the list unique
Yeah that's true
What about if I had none, out of curiosity?
@Martin That's like asking "In the case I can't use a car, how can I get to the airport?"
It's not unreasonable to expect a situation where I might have to have unique objeccts that don't have IDs
if you need an arbitrary function to determine uniqueness then you will just have to loop over the list to do it, i think. O(n^2) i thin
"It's not unreasonable to want to go to the airport when my car is in the garage."
My point is, there a plenty of ways you can do this, and the best one depends on lots of things you haven't specified.
// The cheating way, use someone elses code: lodash.com/docs#uniqWith
const outputArray =_.uniqWith(inputArray, (a, b) => {
    return isUnique;
Is is appropriate to answer the door in a onesie?
More appropriate than the equivalent outfit sans said onesie.
I mean you’re not wrong
is it appropriate to own a onesie?
I don’t think I like your sass
@KendallFrey I don’t think I like your ass (source)
Hashtag backfire
i need a movie to watch
american zombie
(jk, that was the worst movie I've ever watched)
maybe Ex Machina
Hows everything going?
away from the big bang
Would anybody mind running "unban TheOneWhoMade" on Caprica
No seriously
link your banning so we know why
Ok, let me see if i can find it...
right after this:
in Sandbox, 2 hours ago, by TheOneWhoMade
@Alisha Sneaky.
wth is going on there?
sandbox grab-ass
talking to me?
Yes I got banned in a sandbox
!!unban theonewhomade
@Luggage theonewhomade freed from mindjail!
Thank you.
@TheOneWhoMade help, afk, ban, convert, define, die, doge, eval, forget, google, hang, imdb, info, jquery, learn, listcommands, listen, live, mdn, meme, moustache, msdn, mustache, nudge, quote, refresh, spec, stat, stats, summon, tell, unban, undo, unonebox, unsummon, urban, weather, welcome, wiki, xkcd, youtube, zalgo, !, !!, $.baby, (4337654<<1)+1, (y), /somecommand, 007, 2020/07/23, 3, 666, :p, </pissing>, ?, ???, ^, ^5, abesnacking, abhi, abhishekpornfreak, acronym, afsari, ah, ahah
algosmarts, aliens, alot, am, angry, angryticks, annoy, apocalypse, appreciated, archerneat, artisticpoop
but do that in sandbox, please
@Luggage i was looking for a thank you one
no worries. it just looked liek you were about to play with cap in here like you were in sandbox
you're welcome
wat is with that vid?
where is zoom and enhance?
this is de-zoom and de-hance
thats how you find the killer, dummy, not how you look at videos of penguins
i sometimes mix em up i guess
@ShrekOverflow That looks very similar to the days I was running GIMPS on my laptop
That I suspect
is the only way to cool a mbp 15" under load
You could try a laptop cooling pad
@KendallFrey its sitting on one
with fan maxed out it still reached toasty 90s
There's active cooling under there?
it's hiding
My room is around 35 C
you should try a better laptop
@ShrekOverflow Well that's not exactly helping is it
@Wietlol most other laptops I have tried end up in the same result :D
@Wietlol aka a desktop
what why what are you running?
iOS Sim, VS Code, 40 Chrome Tabs, iTunes, a Skype Call, League of Legends Client and an external display
uhm... ok
20 chrome tabs
and android emulator (worst offender)
4 times IntelliJ
2 times Rider
slack, discord
Oh yeah I've got slack too
but lets just merge, Slack and Skype as 2-4 Chrome tabs
i dont have a blue screen though
as they both use electron now
30 tabs here
maybe that is your issue
i think its VSCode
VSCode is pretty light
VSCode.taxesOnComputor > IntelliJ.taxesOnComputor*4 + Rider.taxesOnComputor*2
Not really
IntelliJ makes CPUs thresh
my laptop isnt even powerful
which maybe is the reason its not overheating
that MbP has a Quad core i7
thrashing is the normal mode my laptop is in
my cpu is at 10%
what with 6GB of memory and a platter drive
now the finish this line of thought laptop manufacturers need to stop trying to make laptops thinner than ARM phones
I need much more memory
currently at 77%
at work, I got 16GB ... missing it really much :(
Windows ?
i almost always use windows
only not on servers
@hilli_micha here have some culture youtube.com/watch?v=GZm1L7WGuD0
highly anecdotal
i could probably find heartwarming stories of ISIS returning wallets, too.
@Luggage whenever you're ready
baby moose pride flag looks like the netherlands though... not canada
@Luggage ..I wouldn't have even thought of that as a witty retort.. I'm impressed.
@Wietlol That is your problem
may I complain?
canadians are also americans
they are A mericans, but not THE mericans
The more I watch this video, the more I suspect that Canada finally found a way to create propaganda and have no one call them out on it.
Canada loves America
And we love Canada
Nobody messes with my Canada
My sister in law lives in canada
Ok we can mess with Canada a little bit.
I don't really like her
Is she hot?
I don't think so
I don't really like her either
I think she does porn though
She's starting to grow on me.
I just know that she has "a website"
What website are we talking about so I can protest it
I don't know it
I just know that it exists
I'm going to need you to find out for me.
Even if you have to brute force it with lisp somehow
I know her insta
but it's private
Have you seen me in the DMs? It's magical
I'm like the Leonardo DaVinci of tinder
and I'm butt ugly
I'm sure you are
@Meredith of course, Canada is the porn hub of the world
Someday there will be a religion that worships Elon Musk
could be worse, there could be a religion to worship money
the love of money is the root of all evil
so... satanism?
Nah satanists are cool
@ssube chemtrolls are rare enough, they decay very rapidly (after searching far and wide for them, seeing none on Chem.SE. Can't say the same for StackOverflow trolls though)
I literally just bought these. Stop advertising them to me >:(
now you advertised it to us
thats why they advertised it to you
hes now a shill for weird pant
@hilli_micha armor for hips. moto gear
They look kinda dorky
@SterlingArcher OH FUCK
on a side note, any people who use marquees deserve a very special place in hell
@BenFortune was that on purpose?
Can't imagine it was, it just looks like he lost control of his bike and got really lucky. You can hear the way he speaks he had that moment where he realized "OH GOD I WAS THIS CLOSE TO DYING"
@Wietlol How did you even remotely come to that conclusion?
He clearly did it for the views
TIL a hammock is not a great place to sleep drunk
@sterling motogadget m-blaze disc
sexy as fuck
@BenFortune as a kid, I kept wondering what falling backwards on a chair would be like. So one day, in class, I just did
I can kind of imagine wondering how doing what that guy did would feel like, in the same way
But ok, seems like he actually just lost control
I wonder how would sliding down a ongoing truck at 75mph would feel like..
Don't you?
If the bike wasn't wiggling, I could have believed he did it on purpose
1 hour later…
The trilogy meter http://trilogies.dsgn.it/
I get an error on opening the site ^ :/
I want stackoverflow chatrooms to show mobile view on desktop too. Desktop one looks like we still living in 90s😂
the desktop one looks pretty okay, admittedly not really pretty, but it does the job efficiently
use SO Dark Chat+
@Loktar is the background yours here? marcelcutts.github.io/reason-tinderdate-talk/#/0
Lol why is not using semicolons considered as good practice? I wrote in Java after 3 months of much JS and guess what, those semicolon compilation errors😂😂
it's not good practice, it's just a practice
and you pretty much never encounter the things that lead to those compilation errors in the modern versions of ES
What are you saying? I just started using npm standard package. So, I just stopped using semicolons at the end of the statement. So, in Java I also did the same unknowingly and got those compilation errors
Guys is this var t = $(window).width(); equivalent to var t = window.innerWidth|| document.documentElement.clientWidth|| document.body.clientWidth; please help me??
Any epub ebook reader plugin available for Angular 4?
if you're using dunst for notifications, can you share your dunstrc?
In xhr tab in my browser I have checked this data {"name":"Tony","age":34,"addr":"USA"} have been sent how I can ensure there is a response from the server
how does one re-render a react component from a div that is not his parent
Can react router url parameters be in the middle of the segment? Or must they take a full segment?
i.e. are things like /foo/bar-:baz or /foo/:bar-:baz possible?
genuinely trying to contribute: vue can (github.com/pillarjs/path-to-regexp)
wait, maybe wrong repo
uhm nope, that's the official one
either lacking in docs, or in features
or just a style of docs I'm not used to
2 hours later…
@JavaFan What response? The DevTools show the response with the request
If you need to ensure, then just look at it very hard
guys how to do this with raw javascript $('.navbar-nav').toggleClass('slide-in'); please reply
please help me please mention me if you have idea ??????
how can we create toggleClass('slide-in'); by raw js what does actually toggleClass('slide-in'); do please explain ??????
@AlishaSharma Do you know what classes are in the context of web development? And I don't mean Java-style classes.
@SterlingArcher That is a cute looking potato. I like this potato.
@AlishaSharma look for the keyword 'toggle' in the page I linked
I remeber you saying you wanted to convert jQuery to Vanilla JavaScript..
For that task.. one should be familiar with both the jQuery API (sadly) and the Vanilla APIs...
@cswl jQuery's APIs are amazing
The one thing they got absolutely right were the APIs
Those APIs are what inspired most of the decent new DOM APIs as they are today. jQuery invented document.querySelector
@MadaraUchiha would you be interested in the proposition of a match or two of the game named Overwatch, tonight?
You could write a jQuery mock implementation that defers the API calls to DOM ones.. :|
@cswl That's jQuery
That is literally what it does
Minus the legacy cross browser differences :|
@MadaraUchiha how was your long weekend?
@BenjaminGruenbaum relaxing
@SaitamaSama Sure
@cswl I've done that a few times
@MadaraUchiha that's good
@MadaraUchiha \o/
On the other note... since JavaScript.. or ECMAScript... is released yearly... it might be tough comparing browser support to ES versions..
@cswl browsers support most of the APIs though.
I'm talking language features.... but we are gonna transpile all the way down to ES5 anyway.. :|
also, I tried making something yesterday youtu.be/kKR6EDvDSBk ; the ending is quite bad, had to cut the music short since I got bored :B
@cswl why though?
Well it depends on the browsers you'd wanna support..
@BenjaminGruenbaum When you work outside of Peer5, and you care about IE11, you kind of have to.
oh I happened to encounter something weird the previous day
there's a tag named <xml />, in html which can import xml documents into the runtime when you open the html; which is only supported until IE9
and you can potentially use it to load system files, if the server is not in a chroot environment
@MadaraUchiha you can still create two bundles, one for IE11 and one for other browsers - that should still make your dev build faster (likely)
Not sure if TS is actually faster if emitting ES6, the emitting isn't the hard part probably, it's the checking
statically typed strictly functional JavaScript.. sounds easy enough to make :/
@BenjaminGruenbaum That means I need to carry the knowledge of which browser supports what, in the server, and serve the correct bundle.
@MadaraUchiha if only if there was some way to do it automatically :(
Like, a tool that you could tell what browsers you need to support
@BenjaminGruenbaum ?
There was a proposal some time back, I thought you were aware
Also, I think Babel does it (although I admit I haven't tried)
@BenjaminGruenbaum Babel has a preset, you can tell it which browsers you want to support, and it will only compile down the parts that aren't supported in the browsers you pick
Very handy, uses caniuse.com data
But that is still build time, not serve time.
Yeah, TS has a propsoal for it but it hasn't landed (afaik)
Although to be fair, IE11 isn't adding any features.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Oh but IE11 isn't the only thing we support.
I meant at build time (not serve time) since the worst thing that could happen is you serve too many polyfills which is still less
Safari 9, Chrome on iOS, etc.
Safari 9 is pretty OK, Chrome on iOS is just Safari
@BenjaminGruenbaum Sure but "pretty ok" doesn't cut it
You have to be precise, else you get syntax errors in unexpected places.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Have you checked out Uri Shaked's TypeWiz, it's pretty cool
@BenjaminGruenbaum :shrug:
You miss 100% of the shots you don't take.
@MadaraUchiha I did, it didn't work for me, but it looked pretty cool
@MadaraUchiha don't look at me, I was already +1 and watching it :D
@BenjaminGruenbaum I think it could use a bit of polishing
After all, it doesn't even attempt to recognize object literal types
It would just output object for those
Oh, it failed completely for the (admittedly) complex types I gave it
That's the code the infers the TypeScript type from the JavaScript runtime type.
Oh wait, it changed since I last looked at it.
It can now attempt to recognize functions too
Bring it to goodness squad
There's an idea, although it isn't my project, it's Uri's
Doesn't he show up to GS semi-regularly?
You could add dependent typing to it
@cswl Go for it! it took me about 30 minutes to read all of the code and understand all the parts
It's actually really simple and well typed.
@MadaraUchiha she's indeed a good potato. Already threw up on her daddy, and farts like a champion
She's definitely his daughter lol
I heard that will be a great earthquake this year. I advise everyone to push their code more often :)
Moose is shocked to hear he has to push more often
what a weird looking cat
starting this today
found my stock of steppers
@rlemon did you watch Toronto get their asses whooped last night?
I need to order ball bearings and finish mine
i thought you liked hockey D:
I'm going to have to modify it slightly.
the arduino mount is unneeded, and I need 3 mounts for my stepper controllers.
but gonna print it as is first, then figure out the modifications after I put it together.
my plan is to not have the grabber either. gonna put a laser on the end and make a laser pointer robot arm
then the cat will stop bugging me
Twitch plays with my cat?
Sounds dangerous
it'd work just as well the pokemon one did
A motivated cat and a mischievous person with a pointer is like the same as someone with a furry club swinging it around your room
ohh and there's the cookie jar planter
glued some leds on the underside
water pumps from jar to tophat, drains back into jar
bamboo needs a better light, that will work for now tho
Where do you put your cookies, now?
inside of the flowerpots perhaps?
For a Moment I thought this contraption grows cookies
I'm dissapoint now
Anyways, I'm probably going to do some PUBG tonight.
Interested? @hilli_micha @ssube @Loktar @BenFortune
Can't tonight, sorry
00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

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