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is Array.prototype.join the fastest way to concatenate a potentially large number of strings?
definitely use cat
no, use dog
Yay sleeping in a hammock, in a 231m² loft with bigass windows and a 7 speaker setup with Chromecasts and a night bar reachable without leaving the room, through doors, downstairs
yeah I agree with @ndugger here
Still haven't finished the sound isolation, so it's 3am and quite noisy, but meh
Just get more boxes
I actually feel like the movie representation of a millionaire
> Ladimir Wewton
@Loktar lol
A very geeky one who doesn't like boats, but still
@KendallFrey hahah yeah I saw someone post it and had a good chuckle, needed to steal it
The baby is out!!! I’m an uncle!!!!
Congrats boy or girl? Name? Can we call you uncle sterling?
Girl, no name yet, and no!
if it was a leap year you almost had a leap year baby!
my grandfather was born at 11pm leap day and they wrote march 1st because it was considered back luck
@SterlingArcher ...of the closet?
^ lol
I am using inline base64 images in my page e.g <img="...">
my problem is that in chrome dev tools I am seeeing "from memory cache"
and I want to clear it so I can view the page like a real first-time user
@neoDev what were you expecting to see honestyl?
I've tried literally everything... nothing worked
press f5
I did it as well..
then it should be live. Have you pushed git or whatever
You have Disable cache selected in the dev tools?
what I expect is to do not see (from memory cache)
yeah try another browser
yes I disabled cachd in dev tools
and website is live
firefox. edge, opera.
try incognito winddow
did you try restarting the browser entirely? presumably that would clear anything in memory
yes I did
now I try Firefox
anyway do you know if that is normal? (and I cannot avoid it)
I've tried Firefox just now, but I cannot see any data images request at all xD
oh, now I try chrome incognito window sec
same results.... from memory cache
at this point I'm starting thinking that this is normal behaviour in Chrome...
please correct me if I'm wrong
apart this, everything else is fine and my page is loading fast :)
funny/wierd my dad after 25 years of my life realized today
that I can't even keep my hand still
while I always thought that it is normal for people to not have steady hands
so QQ, can ya'll keep your hand steady normally, like say if you were to walk with a filled glass of water, how stable could you keep it, ~chances of spilling?
I'd say ~10% for me
Its about 100% for me
bb guys I've to go
also, mornings o/
All javascript jobs are lame :\
@ShrekOverflow how filled/how far?
Naturally filled
you're useless
lol rekt
after opening the link, pixabay >_>
oh i wouldn't spill that
did you just post a glass of water on the internet? im calling the authorities
I think I have seen everything on the internet now
It was something of that sort...
welp, now I'm binging
is this actually relaant?
Garfield is known for his love of Javascript
sigh so, unfortunatly, it is relavant? @hilli_micha
well, lets play a totally relevant snake game! w3schools.com/code/tryit.asp?filename=FOVMY741OC7V
heres the relevant part tell me if you spot any bugs
heres the irrelevant part try to beat my highscore of 60
take a look at my post with the snake game chat.stackoverflow.com/transcript/message/41470270#41470270
if you think you can take the nausea... ive got a challange for you:
3D snake!
you guys are so quiet... @SaitamaSama
well as a group this chat is quiet. Sorry. @SaitamaSama
don't ping random people out of the blue ;)
well, do you think you would mind playing a snake game?
made with javascript. :D
nah, I'll pass
also, you don't need to say that everytime a person comes by, if they want to they'd check it out by themselves
wait... what about 3D snake?
ok ill try not to post about it. but it does get cleared after a while
user image
Guys, meet my niece, Elsie :)
born 9:04pm
@SterlingArcher my dog is cuter
@SterlingArcher wohoo
@SterlingArcher grats. Being an uncle is pretty rad, you can spend time with them over a weekend and then send them back to their parents when they start bothering you
but to be fair, my nieces and nephews really don't bug me, I just desire to have my house empty after a few days
that's about what you'd expect at 6 in the morning
@SterlingArcher congrats :)
when I enter Subdomain for example ivin. then it's creating for demo link and password automatically send by Email.. i need like this any source code?
any Idea?
Hello everyone
@user2737948 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I need some advice in how to use node js im a little confuse
Im working on a endpoint status webpage, I was originally using xhmlhtt but I ran into some problems because of the cors header.
I cant move the backend because I cant access it
So I downloaded the request module and made my calls and it works, now I dont know how to connect those responses to my frontend
If anyone can give me a hint would be awesome
Okay guys i need your help
My friend lost his laptop and gmail is showing it was opened 12 minutes ago but i dont have exact location, he is checking emails and I need to send a spoof email from bank like template that he can click and i can track him
anyone ?
3 hours later…
Really want to find a way to use multiple monitors from the hammock without getting nauseated
A small tabletop strapped to it, and then the monitors strapped to that maybe
Can't imagine it being safe and comfortable without poking holes through the hammock, and it's not mine :/
Nah, the screens need to move with me
Otherwise it gets nauseating
you'd have a hard time finding for a solution for that
It's great with a laptop on my lap, but I want another monitor :/
yeah, laptops' screens are too small to do anything other than some recreational activites
I disagree
But I still prefer having an external monitor, if I'm somewhere safe
@towc well, okay... but I find it extremely uncomfortable with that tiny screen :B
Just crank the font down until things fit :P
And start saving up for some glasses
bleh :P
3 hours later…
1 hour later…
Guise I have found a gold mine of terrible code. Sadly a lot of it is in Polish, but you can tell just by looking at it how bad it is. To be precise, it's for our national train carrier ticket purchase web service
cc @Luggage @rlemon @KendallFrey @ssube
The way in which they mix polish and English for those 10 miles long variable names is amazing
My favorite is this
Bil seems to be a misstyped English word Bill, Dodatkowe means extra, and another English word in the mix lmao
@SterlingArcher you like bad code too
Ok in programming school they are teaching us about a project management model where you "decide" after you are done "planning". WTF? Sounds dumb to me. Shouldnt you do the decision before you do the planning? lol
It's actually pretty sane
maybe they mean to break the process down, first you communicate the needs of the user/client, behavior driven development, what do they need to happen, then you decide on how to implement?
Decide for sure what you will use and how once you've thoroughly planned what will happen
Also what Travis says
One of the most difficult things with this job is translating what a client says (s)he wants into what (s)he really wants
@KamilSolecki The fact that Google Translate in Chrome automatically fucks with that file brings additional joy
whoo, blue science
@ndugger whoo, blue waffle (source)
hi guys
i have a problem
I asked yesterday SO I thought it was a simple question but not an answer
I'm not trying to attract attention. it would be useful to have an idea that just could not be done
Q: Processing bar beetwen DOMContentLoaded and load events. Based on active window request status

Qh0stM4Ni have bigest: 1000+ images (css based bacground), 5mb+ raw html code in one page. DOMcontent loading in 1 or 3 minute, page loading 10+ minutes. This time is to bad user experince. (layz load? not for me, make print page needed all images loading and window.print()). need only get request st...

1 hour later…
@KamilSolecki love bad code
My computer won't boot if my mouse is plugged in
That's bad, right
does it think your mouse is a boot device?
thats not incredibly uncommon
just unplug mouse and wait for the starting windows logo to pop up and then plug it back in again
I plug it into the same port I used to install the OS
i have to do it on my work laptop every fucking time, or i get bitlocker locked out of the computer
@Meredith I don't think that's how it works
If i boot with my mouse in, grub is completely frozen so I can't do anything
So it will boot
that would be a different issue then
Well grub boots
yeah that is not what i was saying it was then
Hello all
Is AngularJs apps easy to be vulnerable ?
Depends on your server
ngnix or apache for example?
Hey guys, plz help, bought a new SMPS power unit. However my DP55WB motherboard has only 4 pins for the CPU
Do I have to get another SMPS Power unit ?
stormworks is pretty cool, the wiring system is nifty but it crashes quite a bit.
What have you built there @ssube
the world's shittiest diesel barge. I had to tack on helicopter floaties to keep it afloat
I want to buy it but it looks overbearing tbh
Like I don't care to put that much effort into a game usually. Think I'd have fun in short bursts or need to spend large ish amounts of time and thought?
idk, this is the first thing I've built since the tutorial. I grabbed it because it looks like Minecraft for vehicles or KSP with voxels, and that seems to be true. Crashes fairly often though.
placing blocks and then wiring them up, with numeric/power/logic on different colors and blocks, is really cool
that all sounds good except the crashing
yeah. It came out in the last few days, has had a few patches, but it's too early to tell much.
starting it now
I feel so dirty, I have 7 vents just dumping petroleum gas :/
New mod
I thought that was standing on the floor for a second
A mcdonald's straw?
@kendallfrey Here comes the turkey!
ok. we need to fix humanity. why do we all have to learn the quirks of 3d printing. couldn't only one of us understand, and I mean understand, feel and live what using a brim is useful for, and then we could all understand too?
sure, just invent a way to transfer knowledge and you'll solve that annoyance (also most other problems)
c'mon, machines, just take over already, so we can learn stuff efficiently
Waya better than UnBox therapy :D
can anyone tell me what is the name of this sintax?: let {someV} = 'ddffd'
@mtsfaria Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
specifically the curly braces {}
Object Destructuring
and you are using it wrong
thank you :)
now I can duck duck go better
Ooooh @Jhoverit these are sexy
cc @rlemon
I'm definitely putting a GPS tracker on the 10mm
!!> let {length} = 'test'; length
@MadaraUchiha "SyntaxError: expected expression, got '='"
@MadaraUchiha 4
Huh, that works.
No idea why I'm surprised.
I just beat SUPERHOT. It's the most innovative shooter I've played in years. @KendallFrey
the VR version?
One of us.
the VR version is so cool
it's one of those games that messes with your brain even after you stop
its fun to do matrix stuff
yeah man i keep thinking time will stop if i dont move
I get the opposite
I think something will start happening if I move my hands
like shotgun bullets lol
It actually does, 5 out of 8 times I move my hands, something spontaneously spills
That's better than 8 out of 8
cough @SterlingArcher cough
i dont spill i drop
yeah, I admit I put some points in DEX
Jun 3 '16 at 17:40, by Sterling Archer
@KendallFrey I spill shit every week it's not that exciting lol
Anyone still here?
@ndugger had Tag pooped on you yet
good evening
can some have a look for me I have tried everything stackoverflow.com/questions/49088065/…
@Codi Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
this.warn( ${ n } could not be found in local node hash and therefore could not get removed.` );`
is that proper english?
maybe "the local node hash and therefore could not be removed
when do you generally use "be" over "get" or vice versa
welcome to 'learning english with Félix'
@SomeGuy I love tvtropes ^
Mine is definitely DHMIS
@jAndy I think that "get" is used when state change is involved
"get done"
as opposed to "be removed"
@jAndy Actually, get is simply not the correct verb. Nothing is gotten in that interaction. Something is removed cc/ @MadaraUchiha
aight thanks for the heads up
... so yeah, basically what Madara says, reading it again ;)
apart from having to manage the final bonuses, what really prevents a mod from allowing pawns to use any type of leather to create a duster?
@SomeGuy In related news, stakes
Q: Angularjs ensuring the json posted data has been transmitted

WebdevI am trying to send data from a Angularjs app to php in order to insert it into mysql db . I have the index.html that contains the script,getUser_api.php page and insert.php page I hav not error in console but I failed insert into mysql db. So Is there any way to ensure if json data has been...

My VSCode problem matcher is breaking apparently because tslint's output is line-wrapped. Any clue how to fix this?
this looks interesting
How did you make my browser zoom in so far
<autoscale width="256" height="256" zoom="535184234241"/>
except... that the image is actually not 256 by 256 pixels :(
I'm confused, is this fixed or not?
@KarelG on a side note, I figured out how an optional semicolon can actually make things really not break and still do everything correctly
that ticket leads to a PR attached to github.com/Microsoft/vscode/releases/tag/v1.19.3
most languages say "if I match a newLine and the currect expression is valid and the following expressions is valid (second condition not always included) then treat the newline as a semicolon"
so presumably that version or better has the fix
but, it would solve all problems by making the parser "greedy" like how regex works
it will attempt to continue on the next line except if it breaks the syntax
@ssube Well, I have 1.20.1 and I have basically the same problem :(
then, you will never auto break too early and you can manually pop in a semicolon to make it break earlier than the auto breaks
the only issue then is, if normal code would be valid as a continuous expression, you still have to place a semicolon on each line
but most languages wont have an issue with that
@KendallFrey maybe it got unfixed in a recent version
or it was not completely fixed
@Wietlol So in other words, your change fixes nothing?
or you have a special computor
@KendallFrey my fix, in worst case scenario, doesnt allow semicolons to be optional
Then you've confused me. What does it do then?
but that is considering that "foo.bar() foo.bar()" is valid syntax
it is?
if that is valid, then you have found yourself the worst case scenario
Still confused
which means that after each expression (in this case the first "foo.bar()"), you have to place a semicolon
it isnt valid syntax
to, in most languages, my fix will fix mostly everything
it will at least fix logic
making something optional with an ungreedy parser simply doesnt work
It seems like your change goes from "semicolons are optional sometimes" to "semicolons are optional sometimes"
unless you can make a specific block greedy
my fix goes from "semicolons are just as useful as whitespaces" to "semicolons are in 0.0001% of the cases required and can be inserted at will to fix ambiguous things"
since we despise long lines of code, we ussually dont write many expressions in one line, so semicolons are literally whitespaces
semicolons are statement terminators
newlines are potential statement terminators
(considering the syntax wont break, newlines terminate the statements as early as possible, aka non-greedy or lazy)
And why is that a problem?
More than the whole thing anyway
Whoever invented optional statement terminators deserves to be whipped
function() {
        * getSomeMultiplierFromWhatever()
consider this code
we know that "return" is a valid statement that should be terminated by a semicolon
we also know that "getSometNumberFromWhatever() * getSomeMultiplierFromWhatever()" is a valid expression
the optional semicolon thingy pops in and separates these two expressions
because they are both individually valid
there is no way that you can avoid this except by making them invalid
for example, by enclosing them with parentheses
but, those are undesired side effects
what we want is to make it possible to enter a semicolon and fix the issue
enclosing them with parentheses will just parse as a function call
I mean
return (
* getSomeMultiplierFromWhatever())
I think you're trying to put a bandaid on a decapitated head
which will make "return (" invalid
the solution that came to my mind is making the parser greedy,
so it will find "return"
The solution to optional statement terminators will never be another kind of optional statement terminator.
then, it will attempt to continue and finds "getSometNumberFromWhatever()"
together, they are valid, so it will combine them
if this is undesired, then you can manually place a semicolon after the return, and it will terminate "early"
Just like today we put the expression after the return
as in?
return thing;
apart from that it is a good choice to put it in a variable and return the variable instead (for many reasons), it wont be nice for extended expressions
The thing is that JavaScript allows for unreachable code as well as empty statements.
aka return getSometNumberFromWhatever() * getSomeMultiplierFromWhatever();
Which most other languages do not
@MadaraUchiha imho, the issue is ungreedy parser
return 42; 7; is valid code.
a greedy parser with a possible terminator is good though
@Wietlol What I said has nothing to do with variables
return getSometNumberFromWhatever() * getSomeMultiplierFromWhatever();
is quite long, and sometimes, they get even longer
and you generally want to keep below a certain amount of characters
not necessarily 64, but 120-180 should be the limit
depending on how you use it
a function that you call with many parameters is sometimes also an issue
(but that wont break things)
It annoys me that you kept copying "getSometNumberFromWhatever" instead of fixing the fucking typo
am I allowed to talk about drama that really doesn't directly involve me?
@towc Don't
I'm worried about these friends and I don't know who to talk to about it, maybe you can give me some pointers
preferably a professional
a prostitute?
The proper term is genital dentist
gentist, if you will
@OliverSalzburg i actually didnt notice :D
my deepest apologies :D
Hehehe ;D
it annoys me more that I have to program in a shitty editor, in plain Java 6 and am not allowed to declare classes or use imports
you dont know how much I miss normal programming
I hear you

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