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@MadaraUchiha yay
@BenjaminGruenbaum good luck! ;)
@MadaraUchiha distribute tomatoes to throw at him
why does my onMouseOverCapture also catch mouse leave
or at least it looks like it does
nah Im just rambling
now testing
oh well I know why
its because the viewbox of my path is bigger than the path
so its frist time when it gets into the group
second time when it gets into any of the paths
What's up with 'JakartaScript' ?!!
It is the new thing
JakartaScript is the future
Is this a joke? Haven't heard of JakartaScript.
@bharadwaj Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
haha, I got a lot to chatch up then apparently!
@bharadwaj we never joke
@bharadwaj check the first starred message (that one with a link "mmilinkov....")
In fact, joking is against the rules
no jokes, only jquery
ok I got it
> Life at Eclipse
pls kill me
gladly :D
want me to?
or wait
better yet, kill Eclipse
(probably gonna be easier as well)
Eclipse is a perfect name for it. If you look at it for too long, you get cancer
/me brings out my knife collection
> Glassfish -> Eclipse Glassfish
@OliverSalzburg solid!
as if Glassfish wasnt bad enough
I seem to remember liking eclipse
taskkill /IM eclipse.exe ?
@Cereal your memory seems to have a fatal error
@Cereal how could you?
have you tried rebooting yet?
my company CRM uses tomcat servers :|
it's the crappiest thing ever
@Cereal I liked Eclipse. Back when my standard was VB6
I last used it in 2012, so I mean I could be wrong
What's wrong with it exactly
We're talking about the editor, right
we are talking about the horrors of the Java world
Eclipse and... uhm... yea just Eclipse
I think that is a good summary
@KendallFrey @Loktar @FlorianMargaine
but... it's tuesday
@KendallFrey hold on
did you not get my yesterday meme?
@Cereal It's big and slow
Visual Studio ftw
wtf is a yesterday meme
And the bugs, oh my
All ides are big and slow
I'm pre-wednesday
Every 5 years I need to use Eclipse and every time I go like "That still isn't fixed?"
Kamil started it, blame him
@OliverSalzburg I expected better from a CTO
@KendallFrey tpcg.io/Rk6pjx
* whines with Intellij IDEA *
It is Java though, but it is what i wrote like literally an hour ago
@KarelG I use it to open legacy projects, I swear
except it was tuesday and saturday
the whole intellij package is nice
wtf @ that code wietlol
@SaitamaSama I disagree
use java 8 LocalDate
@KarelG 0.o?
except some, like CLion
Jetbrains is some of the most toxic BS you can waste money on
and fiddle with the time of day enums
@OliverSalzburg why so?
@OliverSalzburg well, I have a student license for it, and it works out great for me
@KendallFrey @Loktar @Luggage @ssube @hilli_micha @FélixGagnon-Grenier i.redd.it/34qzxjgxtni01.jpg .. so car paint is awesome (not mine)
that looks slick af
@OliverSalzburg we have to use it because our PM wants us to use it. He is even tracing the license requests
@Wietlol Poor software quality and even worse support
ReSharper is good though
so some of us are just booting up the IDE each morning to switch over to eg VSCode afterwards
@rlemon I still see the layer lines :)
PHPStorm / WebStorm are pretty nice as well
carwash safe
@OliverSalzburg you know Eclipse isnt from Jetbrains right?
We use(d) PhpStorm, WebStorm, DataGrip, YouTrack and ReSharper from them
@Wietlol You don't say...
I use IntelliJ, Rider and CLion
youtrack ?
I didn’t like resharper, the one time I tried it
@ndugger you must have had code Resharper didnt like
I have opened literally hundreds of issues with them over the time we worked with their shitty products
or you just didnt like Visual Studio
It's just embarrassing
I have opened 3 :D
one is a kotlin language feature
so, actually 2
It's always the same shit with them
You open a ticket, they tell you to use the new beta/RC/whatever
So you do and the bug is fixed
But now you have 2 new bugs
They tell you to wait for the stable. You do
Well, looks like I have another project
You install it, now 1 bug is gone and you got 3 new ones
@OliverSalzburg EAP
what bugs are you talking about?
Oh right, EAP
you must be a nightmare for them. When they are checking the bug record and see your name, oh boi. drama * waves hand on gayish style *
I havent had any serious issues in IntelliJ
only in Rider
but Rider was pretty new at that time
EAP... * shivers *
@Wietlol Just generally features not behaving as they should. Extremely poor performance was a continuous issue. Drastically changing code formatter
Haven't had any problems with rubymine
I will say rubymine and webstorm appear to be the same product
code formatter is based on your specifications
Except one has gem/bundle context menu buttons, and one has grunt/npm buttons
And even the shell of their products is shit
performance is something you dont expect from any IDE
I've had issues with simple UI drawing and keyboard handling
except Notepad++
Like, they can't even get I/O right
(since we are in JS room)
Haven't had that experience. I'm on windows though
the debugger is okay though
And I only use rubymine to any extent
@Cereal So am I
windows xp?
And when I say poor performance, I mean I had to take a 10m break whenever I had to restart WebStorm
windows 98?
@KendallFrey what's that?
Do you use a lot of plugins?
@Cereal Basically none, because all of them are broken
not really... most of them work :/
@BartekBanachewicz micrometer/vernier caliper
@KendallFrey needs some acetate to smoothen it before the painting
@OliverSalzburg are you not exaggerating here ?
@KendallFrey not sure if a viable target for 3D print
@SaitamaSama I disagree. Every other one you pick is not maintained and will no longer work with the next update of WebStorm because JetBrains changes some internals
in other news I printed a set of knobs today
I have had very little amount of problems with their products, and have been using phpstorm since like 2014 or 15
That happened every single week while we thought plugins were the shit
@BartekBanachewicz Got any specifics? I'm not expecting it to be very accurate, mostly for fun
Let me see how long it takes for me to open rubymine
@KendallFrey oh if it's for fun then w/e
Also I'm wondering if there's a way to paint the notches
I think androidstudio is based on intellij, and that takes fucking forever to open
Pretty sure it's running build tasks when it opens though for some reason
yeah it is, also yeah, gradle or whatever that thing is
CSS questionen: Why does no kind of ( align / justify )-self work in this scenario?
Im specifically talking about `.legendElement > .label`
@Cereal Most of these issues were specific to JS, as their implementation of the language support was especially shitty. Some of the issues were caused by the IntelliJ shell though, but these were less frequent
So far the best thing I can think of is painting over it and then sanding the paint off the surface
Rubymine took about 30 seconds to open. 2 projects in the workspace
@KendallFrey a fine tip pen should do
I have a feeling that will leave the plastic severely discoloured
Let me try webstorm
generally 3d print plastic is a pretty shitty material imho
@BartekBanachewicz Don't think I own one
@Cereal Their JS support relies heavily on caching. These caches are the source of numerous issues and you would often have to restart the IDE with cleared caches. Rebuilding those takes forever on large projects
that's why I'm setting up to buy a proper milling machine
@OliverSalzburg Ah right, it probably indexes the whole node_modules folder doesn't it
webstorm opened in the same amount of time. Not a big poject though
tried opening PHPStorm as well, took ~20s
@KendallFrey spray bondo works well (from videos I've seen)
And to get good language support, you had to allow WS to index your Node modules, which takes for-fucking-ever
I only have the react dependencies, I think
In any project. The only thing I've ever used npm for
We have a lot of backend NodeJS projects
@rlemon I love shiny, new car paint. It looks so pretty.
I have some big ruby projects, and they open fine. If I use an interpreter in WSL, indexing takes forever though.

That has more to do with the fact wsl's shit
But JetBrains will also love to tell you about their amazing support for frontend frameworks. But if you extensively invest into these IDE features, you might end up disappointed, because they will drop fixing issues in that area as soon as that framework isn't the latest shit anymore. For us this was AngularJS
I feel like you should be blaming that on the front end community
How do you develop a feature rich environment when the frameworks change every 6 minutes
They would tell you about amazing routing visualizations and whatnot. But those highly relied on you writing all your templates in plain HTML. If you used a preprocessor, like pug, it would completely fail
morning cats
Every single update they tell you about amazing new features (like wallpaper for your editor windows and emoji support) while not fixing the issues that are holding back your team
Fuck Jetbrains
The moral of the story is to stop using javascript (y)
The only real solution is to stop coding I think
@OliverSalzburg well... it is basically like choosing a new president for the USA
Disregard coding, become cyrptocurrency miner
you either get Eclipse, or you go for the less bad solution IntelliJ
same with Visual Studio and Rider
@Wietlol I complained so much about WebStorm in here that I was told to fucking move to VS Code. Was good advise
I saw live webcasts of the JetBrains staff using WebStorm it looked really cool if you know how to use it.
@jmb.mage Looking cool is all it does
That's how they reeled me in back in the day
I had Visual Studio crash last night when I hit a break point in my software. It was rad.
I dont know how WebStorm or PhpStorm is
@Wietlol windy
but IntelliJ and Rider are much better than their counterparts
@hilli_micha You should have debugged it
I disagree with you
if you ask me, I would use VSCode over Intellij
dat comment is not worth to be starred ...
sorry, wrong chat, but, can someone tell me, what does double slash in css means?
like: --yt-button-margin: 0;
it's a css3 variable
For JS, VS Code. For C# Visual Studio
You can debug JS in Visual Studio though
@jmb.mage Yeah, I did not like the experience
hmm "double slash" is actually //
I was evaluating Visual Studio for JS projects several time in the past and it was always lacking
yeah, english is not my native
Visual Studio JS debugger works best with IE
@jmb.mage We mostly care about NodeJS shit
Frontend is easy :P
Oh neat, they added a Run Anywhere feature to rubymine in release 18
How do you debug node js code?
@BrightSun not a problem. I was just pointing it out. if you want to know more, just google "css3 variable"
@jmb.mage with RAID
@OliverSalzburg border radius
it should lead you to a MDN page
@jmb.mage NodeJS debugger included in VS Code
@SaitamaSama You're a border radius
> With this build we’d like to tell you about the recent JavaScript improvements that the RubyMine 2018.1 Early Access Program inherits from WebStorm (our other IDE for JavaScript).
Further confirms my suspicions that rubymine is just webstorm with rails support
While we're talking about it, I'd have a few old PhpStorm and WebStorm licenses to sell :D
@KarelG what does VSCode have that makes it so good?
Probably worthless at this point :P
I haven't decided if I'll buy rubymine after my student license expires
are licenses not paid on a yearly basis ?
I have a forever lasting IntelliJ license :D
@Cereal It's all the basic IntelliJ platform with language support plugins
it is... priceless by definition
@Wietlol VS Code has extensions... out of the box it's OWIN and not much, it's the extensions and plugins that make it snappy
@KarelG The old ones were not
You get an actual serial number and stuff
@jmb.mage but that doesnt answer my question
For a lifetime of joy
I don't know enough about the products to argue with you
eh. would be amazing if those were usable
what makes it good?
But I think I found the specific ides are a little more feature rich in their respective languages than the plugins
But I might be wrong
@Wietlol OWIN inverts the question "what do you want to 'make it good'?"
@Cereal if you want to use it in a work environment, you can ask for subscription via work
@Cereal Maybe they are. This is just the "vibe" I picked up back then :D
some workplaces allow that. I have a budget for getting software licenses for my team
@OliverSalzburg I got that same vibe, that's why I went looking. But this was a long time ago
And I was told several times that the IntelliJ Platinum Ultra Premium was "exactly the same and more" as WebStorm
Whatever I found led me to use rubymine
It probably is
@OliverSalzburg i think it has been changed IIRC
Oh okay
Maybe I should get back on them then...

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