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guys in this function what is param a and b (function (a) { }(b)); ???
I'll help
b isn't a parameter
@AlishaSharma whatever you want
basically you're calling the function passing b as a parameter for a
and you're calling it just after it's defined
and whats about a
what about it?
yep Whats about naughty a
@KendallFrey don't you know?
a is the parameter
No, I don't know what you're asking.
she's asking wtf is a and wtf is b
I told her
ok i got it thanks @Neoares
got it @KendallFrey i asked how to f*** a and b ...hehe
🎶 RTFM 🎶
You're calling function(a) by passing b to it
or something
I idea that alisha's some indian dude making sexual advances on kendal is absolutely hilarious
@KendallFrey are you diggin it?
Userscript: View Image button added back to google image search.
@KamilSolecki diggin what
the advances, duh
yes it's fun
Yay for userscripts restoring useful older features :D
@Cerbrus +1
diggin her advances
It's too late, I've already switched to bing images
@Cerbrus google images?
@Neoares Yes, google image search
@Cereal Bing? gtfo o.O
Just bing it
bing does it's job pretty well tho
Bing sucks.
Bing is the best search for porn
Not that I would know
See? Bing "Sucks" :D
dat pun
I'd love to use duckduckgo but it just doesn't give me the search results I want
One of the benefit of google spying on me is the search results are always pretty good
Yeah, sometimes profiling is a good thing :D
@Cerbrus I just installed it
I believe its time to head towards the thing called home
and begin the thing called weekend
Why the question is still on hold? — Tusumi 1 hour ago
@SterlingArcher I bet he wasted a lot of his life during phonecalls
That's cute
Although its pretty rare for someone to just go all in requesting code directly
Aww, poor guy is from VA
they usually try to hide it behind nonexistent efforts
is it possible to select the ID of the elements within the array ? ;>
@lovemyjob what?
what do you mean "select" them
@lovemyjob circle one?
@rlemon maybe it's a checkbox
@rlemon you can also cross the incorrect one, but please do not use checkmarks
more precise - push id`s of elements into array
I will keep googling then :)
@lovemyjob we can put you on the right track, as long as you give us enough information on what you are doing
I am trying to create an array of ids of content of a div
and how do you collect the elements?
from the dom
loop ? ;>
do you get them by, say, document.querySelector() ?
@lovemyjob can you show your code? It will explain much more than what you're saying right now
Why do I feel so patronized
before you post your code please read this
minimal something something example
Model-View-Controller-Exterminator Pattern
here we go
@SaitamaSama she won't, she's asleep
Microsoft Certified Example
Array.from(children, (_,{id})=>id);
Mindful Veal Confused Enters
Magical Vile Creature Emerges
@lovemyjob idArray.push(children[i].id);
would be how your current code would do it
Making Various Country Elderberries
On the contrary, rlemons' first example shows how to do it without even using a loop @lovemyjob
It just instantly creates an array of id's from another array
but that is ecmascript 6?
Ok since Im walking circles around my chair typing in chat
@lovemyjob yes, it is JavaScript
@KamilSolecki well, perhaps an implicit loop?
!!afk vroom vroom mi casa es mi casa etc etd
@SterlingArcher well yeah
thanks guys
get it right you walnut
can you suggest book/source to get a good understanding of JS?
eloquentjavascript.net <---- good stuff
and its free
!!afk guys I really need to go its getting dark
Careful of any towcs in the shadows
I'm ain't scared of no towcs.
towcs buster?
Who ya gonna call
hey @FlorianMargaine @rlemon @KamilSolecki @KamilSolecki @KendallFrey Happy Friday duuudes
Had to double up on Kamil 😉
wait @Luggage you want to be added to the Friday train?
Because I can do that
Happy Friday!
I'm not actually saddened, but ty :)
is the friday train eco friendly? How many dolphins are murdered when its running?
actually 17 are born!
as many as we need to feed everyone.
I love a good dolphin steak
can you turn a dolphin into a bong?
i mean, I'm seeing some potential in it's shape.
Hilli asking the important questions
They pushed back weed legalization in canada
Idk what new brunswick's gunna do if it gets cancelled. We're hedging like our entire economy on it
boo hoo, you have to wait a little bit longer for the commies to give you free weed
get it in a dark alley like us capitalists
I prefer that one long haired guy that everyone knows.
It's pretty lax here. I've never heard of someone being arrested for weed here
you guys talk about the comments on that NPM issue yet
> Thank you to everyone who is ranting about us posting immature bullshit on this bug report. I now have a nice neat list of assholes I would never hire.

How about we give the two person team more than 24 hours to run npm unpublish [email protected] ?
what a bunch of assholes
no jokes
> How DARE people be upset that we broke some shit hardcore. What JERKS.
lol people were rightly pissed
yeah exactly...
the ones that got deleted where some guy was ranting about Typescript were funny
What's the context of that, the npm team saying "a broken version is OK for 24 hours"? Who are you calling an asshole in that example?
Calling that guy an asshole for being angry at users for ranting at them
ok, yea, that's what I thought. just clarifying
> I will never hire you now
maybe, if you don't want angry users, don't break stuff
... well I'm white so yea..
not like I would be hired by NPM anyway
well, i assume ythey have other jobs
> NPM CEO: "If you are not a white dude and have things to say about JavaScript testing, please submit a talk to Assert(js)"
^ just in relation to that, if no one got the reference
fuck NPM honestly.
yea, that was a dick thing to say, but that stress they show of being on a small team responsible for so many other people's builds is showing through. That is something to take note of.
@Luggage it's a few people running the bastard stepchild
that just happened to become the main package repo
You know how I was complaining about a bug where sleeping a thread caused the program to just run itself waterfall-style?

I created an MCVE this morning, and it still does it, but I've discovered if you set a breakpoint it doesn't.
I'm going to go with runtime bug
every 5.x release has done something stupid, adding useless features, the whole npx stupidity, trying to wrap everything
i get the reason behind npx. windows users.
they're going out of their way to bury npm and let yarn et al take over as they should
well, more than that. it may be broken (I have no opinion. barely used it) but I see the motivation
@Loktar wait what?
@SterlingArcher heh yeah that happened a while back, like late last year I think
the CEO is a complete dick
and then Yarn devs got in on it
If you switch to Yarn from npm because of this anti-CoC/women/queer bullshit, you are unwelcome and I will personally block you
fucking loons.
What is CoC?
Politics ruin everything
another word for DiC
code of conduct
we've lived this cringy mess already
let's not get re-angry about something from last year
Too late lets dig that horse back up and beat the fuck out of HIM

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