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the rate of rocket launches is doubling every few years... essentially Moore's law for outer space
according to my calculations, in 20 years we'll go to the moon for afternoon tea
@Neil Is that actually the case?
how long has that been? source?
@Neil got data btw?
@KendallFrey well if you give me the leeway of "every few years" to remain variable, then yes, it's true
we'll call it "Neil's law" to screw with pronunciations
What's wrong with that?
there's a list of lists of rocket launches: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Lists_of_rocket_launches
I think wiki also has a list of lists
@towc It has a list of lists of lists
that's just the spacex flights
I remember the red one
was quite nice
video pls?
what happened to it?
I wasn't born yet in 2016
exploded on launchpad
I don't think they're taking booster landings into account, because they've lost more than 3 boosters
High altitude wind shear data shows a probable 2% load exceedance. Small, but better to be paranoid. Postponing launch to tomorrow, assuming winds are better then.
morning everyone
'morn corvid
helllo everyone, reader.pipe(writer), writer is not consuming the complete data of reader and also, maybe thats why, reader's 'end' event is not getting fired. Any idea what can be the problem?
in NodeJS streams
Probably depends on the writer
writer is response object
http response object
how can I debug, any idea?
vector racing! > v9 ✨
I think some people played this in highschool during latin lessons
that's cool
@MadaraUchiha @Mosho 20:30 the usual place, @MadaraUchiha tell Gal if he hasn't forgotten yet
it's me or spacex delayed the stream 24h?
5 mins ago, by rlemon
High altitude wind shear data shows a probable 2% load exceedance. Small, but better to be paranoid. Postponing launch to tomorrow, assuming winds are better then.
yea yeah
just read it
I saw the "live in 24h" in the streaming
im sad
@towc is the first line (that goes up first) not incorrect?
at the 2nd bullet, it goes to a different direction
@KarelG that's fine
the square change is in a 3x3 grid on the current position + the previous speed vector
holy crap the last 20 seconds was pure panic
woop woop semifinals
@towc what a paranoid
@Neoares ?
I guess you can get the best track with an algorithm
do they have an API for an AI?
> you can get a better X by using something that figures out the best X
Sounds like a fun use for a GA
guardian angel?
I play too much town of salem I think
it's also a "Three days grace" song
oh no, that's Fallen Angel
@Mosho 20:30, rotcheild
@KendallFrey here you go then harmmade.com/vectorracer
@KamilSolecki That's what I was talking about...
I have a stupid question. If you destructure from an event, you don't need to persist it, right? i.e., I grab the pageX and pageY and then set state with a callback, should be fine?
@KendallFrey i thought you didn't have a link :P
@corvid Code?
@KamilSolecki it's open source?
github treats + as list item
I want to try AI
onMouseDown = ({ pageX, pageY }: React.MouseEvent<HTMLDivElement>) => {
  this.setState({ selectionActive: true }, () => {
    const { x, y } = this.getRelativePoint(pageX, pageY);
    this.mouseDownX = x;
    this.mouseDownY = y;
@corvid I don't quite understand the question
Is it about React or JS in general?
I don't know React
@Neoares dunno
playing is boring u.u
I want to do some machine learning
What's stopping you
the fact that it's not open source nor it has an API
there is plenty of open source machine learning
I meant the game is not open source
so write it yourself
why? lol
I don't want to do a game
I don't even know how much time it will take
the game will take less time than the ML
yeah but ML is funny
I don't want to quit before reaching the ML part xD
haveny ou seen how do he create tracks?
This game should take about 2 hours to write if you have not a clue how to start
based on colored images
@KamilSolecki 2 hours my ass
> Datalore
what on earth does this do:
let newURL = origURL!.replace(/^[a-z]{4}\:\/{2}[a-z]{1,}\:[0-9]{1,4}.(.*)/, '$1')
try it :D
found it via lint: This assertion is unnecessary since it does not change the type of the expression.
@SuperUberDuper it's broken
If only there were websites that could explain it
@SuperUberDuper which, the origUrl!?
@Neoares how not? Everything revolves around a grid
And circular shapes
> {1,}
jesus christ
the origUrl!. bs
I remember there being a service in which you could get paired up with someone to watch each other work, remotely
that regex is just so bad
just as a way to feel like you've got company
count the wtfs
I wouldn't use it, but I know someone who might enjoy it and want to send them a link
but I don't remember what it was called :/
Guys i'm trying to use annotations with Chart.js
What am I doing wrong?
@JohnSnowTheDeveloper Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I see 7 at a quick once-over
eh @ that {1,} ... why not the kleene thing +
@KamilSolecki if you do it I pay you 20E
Lmao if you really want me to i can after I finish the thing I've been working on since yesterday
Which will go live today
@KamilSolecki Don't give into the vamp
this is not vampirism, it's a contract
or a job
what happened
I'm facing a weird situation. I have an observable ( rxjs) . when I subscribe to it and print the value , I do see the actual value. BUT if I await that observable - I see some wierd rxjs object. Can't I await on observable ?
@RoyiNamir What would you expect to happen?
...after the await - to have the value ?
Which value?
of the observable ?
What if it returns more than one?
Or zero?
 let localResourcefile = await  this.getLocalResourcesFile(language);
   localResource <-- here
yeah I guess it's the kind of situation where my mind stop working
value of localResource is rxjs object.... not the value
so I can't await on observable ?
the obseravbale emit one single value which is Observable.from({})
Why are you using observable in the first place then?
An observable with a single value is basically just a promise
becuase i dont like mixing observables with promises. and im using angular
Why not?
becuase promise can't do .retry(3) , isn't canceble ....(should i continue :-) ?
Then it looks like this is your best bet:
A: How can I `await` on an Rx Observable?

AgentMEYou have to pass a promise to await. Convert the observable's next event to a promise and await that. if (condition) { await observable.first().toPromise(); } Edit note: This answer originally used .take(1) but was changed to use .first() which avoids the issue of the Promise never resolving...

You probably don't need the first()
Thank you :)
RxJS may not support toPromise anymore
fromPromise as a letteable operator does exists
oh sorry , wrong direction
forEach returns a promise
Not sure what it resolves to
Is using a template string a valid way of calling toString()?
!!> const x = 5; const y = ${x}; typeof y;
@SterlingArcher "string"
that's just: const y = "" + x + "". I THINK that calls .toString()...
you know what, I have no idea and shouldn't have even spoken.
@SterlingArcher Depends what you mean by valid. I'd throw a stink if I was a code reviewer.
@KendallFrey valid like it calls the same conversion methods that toString would
Totes agree
Why are you even asking?
Just curious really
"for a friend"
@SterlingArcher That is the best reason
@SterlingArcher depends
Not a stink
First of all, it doesn't call toString all the time
!!> ${undefined}
@BenjaminGruenbaum "undefined"
typeof ${undefined} yields string though
@SterlingArcher That's not the defining characteristic of toString
Yeah, but that's like String(foo) and not like foo.toString()
!!> ${[4,5,{a:6}]}
@SterlingArcher "4,5,[object Object]"
!!> ${[4,5,{a:6, toString() { return "foo"; }}]}
@Luggage "SyntaxError: unexpected token: '{'"
@Luggage "4,5,foo"
im gonna do more research when i get to work
!!afk driving
would anyone know why my while loop is running infinatly when both of the while conditions are met?
best to add the code :P
	for (i = 0; i < 2; i++){
		var randomId = 0;
		var randomList = null;

		do {

			randomId = Math.floor( Math.random() * cards.length)
			randomList = document.getElementById(randomId).getElementsByClassName('inside')[0].classList;
		while (!randomList.contains('match') && !randomList.contains('chosen'));

ive even put the 2 conditions in console.log inside the loop and they both return false
.contains :P
did i spell contains wrong somewhere
I have a string var a = 'My name is [{name}]'; I want to replace only [{}] containing element with Alisha Sharma how can I do this my code : - a.replace(/{([^}]*)}/g,function(a,b){return "Alisha Sharma"}); @KendallFrey
my output is "My name is [Alisha Sharma]"
I din't want [ ]
no it ain't
@RachelDockter that function is for Array, not String
you probably want .includes()
@KarelG it's a classList
randomList is an array
oi derp
randomList is a classList not an array
@do any one have idea
@AlishaSharma your regex only looks for {}, not for [{}]
So it only removes the {} and leaves the []
contains works with classLists tho
im 99.9% sure
like it returns false if i console.log the conditions
but still loops for some reason
really but my binding is something like [{name}] so how can I solve this @Luggage
oh classList does support it
@AlishaSharma I am busy and can't help you with regex right now, but here is a good site to learn and test: regex101.com/r/aqDdHp/1 (with your example)
@AlishaSharma Make your regex look for [{}] instead of {}. Obviously.
How @KendallFrey I don't have idea that is why i am asking u bae
Damn you powershell. Why do you make me love you when you are so broken and flawed?
escaping strings for powershell AND bash AND cmd.exe in a single script has made me question life choices
@AlishaSharma for some reason I thought you were @HatterisMad (avatar)
I was like since when is he into male canucks
@KendallFrey is that an offensive term lmao I have never used that
@Jhoverit neither male nor canuck is offensive
> I have canuck family members s it's okay
had to google that
I'm trying to detect the first emission of an observable. I've succeeded doing it via scan operator , but I don't like the increasing method. Is there any boolean manipulation I can do instead ?
 subject$.scan((acc, curr) => acc+curr , 0))     //<--- any boolean manipulation instead of increasing ?
         .do(f=>f==1  ? console.log("first time"):console.log("other"));
in js > 0 is truthy
I know but I don't like that a value is increased only to detect a boolean situtation
then don't
^hence my question :) was thinking about boolean which is flipped once and then with another operator , stays the same... ?
I need the scan becuase it provides details while emission
What's the actual question
I need to console.log on first emission , so I need to detect that first emission
you have already your solution. Why nitpick for something little ?
do you see any problem other it being an sum
If you're fine with a value being increased without any reason , just to detect first vs not first ,then we will agree to disagree
@KarelG Das what good devs do
i didn't do it, i swear
> It works just save the file and move on - KarelG
Got it:
scan((acc, curr) => (acc ==1 ?0:2),1).do(f=>f==0  ? console.log("first time"):console.log("other")
Fugly af
`scan` is one of the only operators who keep track of values and still emitting.
As opposed to `reduce`
@RoyiNamir Why not just .first() and .skip(1)?
I want to detect(!) first. not take first
Yeah and .first() will do that for you
No. first will take only the first
Yes, obviously
I'm trying to detect the first emission of an observable. - among other emissions
I'm confused
.first() will give you the first item
.skip(1) will give you the rest
Is that not what you want?
Anybody like Zoolander? :D
Say - a subject yields 5,6,7,8.
Now we subscribe to that observable.
in `.subscribe(a=> if (a is first) console.log("first") , else console.log("others" )`
5 - first
6 - other
7 - other
Yes, you've explained that
You seem to be avoiding splitting the observable. Why?
(i'm testing splitting... while typing here :-))
@SterlingArcher I do a mean Blue Steel
What's a reasonable delay before deciding a user has stopped on an item
@KendallFrey like this ? jsfiddle.net/uncey4v9/37
@Cereal 7
This will make 2 observable resources
@RoyiNamir exactly like that
@Cereal context needed
0.07 it is
@TylerH User's scrolling down millions of items, stops scrolling. How long do you wait before loading that item
I sent that snap to a chick and she said "hahahahaha what?"
She doesn't know zoolander
Or doing some action on that item
@Cereal 2 seconds sounds plenty
any shorter and you could be loading stuff in the moments they are taking between scrolling the mouse wheel again
but any longer and they will think 'what's taking so long'
the impatient valley
@KendallFrey (I haven't thought about splitting . thanks for that idea.)
I wanted a Ryzen setup but... SInce I flat out can't get a real GPU I think I'll have to go intel
So I can wait until I can add a GPU and still use it lol
Where is the supply lol
@Jhoverit I don't understand this statement
@TylerH Integrated graphics while I wait
Are you talking about APUs?
or motherboard integrated graphics
Intel chips have onboard GPUs
sort of
^ I could use the PC while I wait for GPUs to exist again
If I go AMD I have to buy a shitty GPU and wait
You can get plenty of GPUs, just not the top tier...
@Jhoverit Intel is still a shitty GPU
and you think an integrated GPU won't be shitty?
> buy a shitty GPU and wait
there's also a big difference between top tier that is sold out and shitty
1 min ago, by Jhoverit
^ I could use the PC while I wait for GPUs to exist again
Haha I could use it for work
Am I nuts or could I have got a 1080 for <$500 last year
same casual gaming, even
I play video games on a 960 Ti pretty well
I have my laptop to game on while I wait, 860m lol
setState is async, but it will always resolve before render, correct? I haven't been able to find the component lifecycle in the react source
@TylerH Thats like $600 even tho a 1080 should be $600
FUck it, /me buys PS4
wow jesus christ
Does the new PS4 Pro have a GPU in it?
@Shmiddty that's sort of an implementation detail. it COULD let multiple setStates go before a render, or render with old state. but in practice, yes, it just does a render() once setState is resolved
Even the low tier stuff is outrageous rn
actually I take it back I have a 950
@SterlingArcher All consoles do
Harvest PS4s, sell GPUs, profit
@Luggage do you know where I can find that in the react source?
It's just some cheap AMD shit afaik
Or just have @Loktar print you out some GPUs
nope, but if you need to read source, you are depending on the wrong things
I paid $170 for that, most I ever spent on a video card before
they are selling for $300 to $500
wow bitcoin miners suck
lol 170 is the most?
Damn it. Launch delayed again.
@Loktar well I only have one monitor so
@TylerH damn dude
@TylerH They are like 300 now
@Luggage just trying to help coworkers understand how react works
@TylerH how long have you been buying PC parts for?
@Jhoverit do you have a ping of like 30000 ms or?
@Loktar since about 2006
just saying even back in the day.. 170 is pretty cheap
My first buy was an FX 5200
@Loktar You are in a different market than me though
ah yeah that was a cheapo card
@TylerH That makes no sense whatsoever.
@TylerH my ti4200 was more than that 😋
@Jhoverit Yes it does because I said it was $300 and then like 30 seconds later you said "that's like $300"
not knocking you just saying you've done well with prices haha
if (__DEV__) {
    // These should not be included in production.
amazon.com/ASUS-GeForce-STRIX-Graphics-STRIX-GTX1080-A8G-GAMING/… should have pulled the trigger when this was 500
@MadaraUchiha played overwatch last night, was crushing it as Mercy and Soldier 76. My team was a bunch of tards, and didn't even look for Pharah, even though she kept killing us. So I took matters into my own hands, ditched my team and killed Pharah as mercy 8 times :D
@Loktar I suppose... I've only ever bought from Newegg or Fry's
@Shmiddty I see, but exactly when render gets called is something they can and DO change for optimization. You only need to know that setState() will call a render() when it's done. If it changes get caches or it happens syncronously after a setState are all things that don't change how you USE react and can change at any time
but I also don't buy the latest greatest stuff ever
@TylerH Does your internal clock run way too fast
@Jhoverit So you just don't pay attention then?
Do you have a tiny head on the sidebar lol. Abrasive
(that means mute fyi, case you're a bit slow)
@Shmiddty explicit enough
That's the JS encapsulation mechanism. Threats.
@Loktar I went from an FX 5200 to a GeForce 6200, then to an 8600GT, to a GTX 650 Ti, to the GTX 950 that I have today
i HaVe A mAc
so I have increased the amount I spent on video cards each time by about $20 or $30
@SterlingArcher i have a pencil
this pc has a 9500 GT
@KendallFrey so essentially a lenovo?
@TylerH haha nice
it's a ppap joke dammit

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