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hooray, the fake elon musk got banned
eilon mussk
Well, they banned him $14k too late
2 days ago, by Richard
@rlemon dude I don't like you don't adress me anymore.
I love how this has 23 stars
> Hi guys, Michael here. The egg came first, or did it? Today on Vsauce
*hey vsauce
get your intros right
the only intro I need
much better
Oskar van Deventer has the best outro in all of youtube
@rlemon is it possible to prevent an iframe from making any network requests except to whitelisted urls?
no clue
but how about this scenario, and anyone can chime in on this. say you have scriptA and scriptB, and you wrap scriptA in a closure so scriptB has a harder time reading it's local variables. you can't afaik reasonably stop scriptB from just downloading scriptA and using some clever regexp (or other) to extract the data it wants
you might not even need the download, .toString on a function has a good chance of returning source
sure, if that's available.
I'm just thinking if you wrap it in a iife, and you don't inline it, and you idk.. other obfuscation?
there is never a scenario where you can completely block the client from accessing it with another script
there really isn't, JS is incredibly hard to hide
especially since you eventually have to use some predefined names and you can't obfuscate those (unless you go full base64 malware-minifier)
honestly the safest approach I've seen was what Zirak has done with !!eval
sandbox it in a webworker and blacklist anything problematic
and even it has issues
actually whitelist
workers and the node domain/sandbox feature are pretty good
@KendallFrey yes, my mistake
@rlemon which message did that richard guy flag when he got so upset?
2 days ago, by rlemon
carrier pigeon
ahaha okay then
mmm tulips
and that's a small moose
listening to japanese curlers is hilarious
Nov 7 '17 at 18:33, by user6893344
@Loktar dont do jokes here. when someone need help. its not funny
it took me a long time to track that message down
did that guy delete his account?
@rlemon I should have clarified the plugins are pages basically not scripts. They could run in an iframe just fine. The iframe can make API requests to sensitive data, if I can restrict the network requests the iframe can make. This way the iframe code can only interact with whitelisted servers.
my fingers look like an 80 year olds
cubing dries them right out :/
they're not rough, just wrinkly
This has to stop. https://www.google.com/search?q=movie+posters+with+the+actors+names+out+of+order&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS736US736&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi6l5Xq7rDZAhVEmlkKHWHfANwQsAQIWA&biw=1847&bih=932#imgrc=_
@KamilSolecki Hey dude, yeah sorry, classwork was heavy and I needed to get it done. I'll be good for next Sunday tho
morn nacdomald here
Damn, the hate on sour patch is up to 23 stars now
Richard is an important hombre.
I love Richard
I never understood why Dick was a nickname for Richard.
I looked it up
it's a really long stretch
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Richard -> Rich -> Dick
you forgot Ditch
and there is some explanation about how it was a name of power or some bs
you're digging yourself into a hole here Kendall
@hilli_micha I'll tell her you say hi
Tell her my test came back positive as well.
She'll know which one.
congratulations, have you decided on a name?
Yeah, Herpes.
isn't Herpes the greek goddess of promiscuity?
btw, @KendallFrey, that coupler printed perfectly.
hope it works for you
so do I
was too late, and I was too lazy to test it
fits well tho, just dunno if it sings
next step is to re-design my dust collector.
you might enjoy that :P
you need to make a cyclone of the dust and air so the particles separate and fall into a bin
why does it need a redesign?
that's not mine
mine sucks
so you just wanna copy that?
well, it kinda works. like 80% of the dust avoids the shop vac
I wanna design my own :D..
ok that's something I shan't touch
I don't know nearly enough about fluid dynamics
damn masculine science
No Stephen Fry please, I'm on a diet.
just need to spin the air/dust as it goes from the source to the shop vac
with a bucket under it
@hilli_micha you don't have to swallow
this looks like someones model of it. no clue about that bottom plate
but that's mostly how mine works now. just a tube going towards the wall, and a straight up and down tube
hrm.. maybe I'll just print this :D
anybody know why when i capture the let i initiliazition variable in a function inside a for loop it works correctly? i get why a var i doesnt but dont get why let does?
because of block scoping
let i is block scoped to the for loop right/
but we dont create 10 instances of i right?
or 10 i variables i mean
every i iteration must have its own memory location for it to work like it does though right?
I'm not sure I'm going to explain this with technical accuracy, but basically when you create the closure in the loop the value of i is scoped there, so the closure doesn't see or get any other value of i
because each iteration of the for loop will have a new scoped value of i
read this
What shall I use to execute my functions after the page has loaded: <body onload="script();">, document.onload = function(){}, window.onload = function(){}, window.addEventListener("load", function(){}); or <script src="script.js" defer></script>. There are a lot of diferents ways :(
easiest method is to just place your scripts accordingly.
at the foot of the body
but, if you are hard up on that, defer would probably be my choice.
but really. just place the script at the end and call it a day
now with that said, all of those examples are not equal.
some wait for images, some do not
Hello, can anyone tell me how to make a constructor in javascript that accepts an array of group objects or if nothing is passed - defaults to an empty array in javascript as javascript does not accept constructor overloading
@JavaDeveloper Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@JavaDeveloper yes it does
well, argument defaults
class Foo {
  constructor(objs = []) {

can you give me a detailed example , how would i write a constructor with a first name and last name or empty list if nothing
show me how you want it to be
and I'll show you how it will work
So, I've written this
constructor(list = []) { this.list = list
I also want the constructor to accept first and last name
if i pass
3 mins ago, by rlemon
show me how you want it to be
3 mins ago, by rlemon
and I'll show you how it will work
use whatever language you know
@SomeGuy phew, finally closed the last tab
@rlemon grats
@KendallFrey right?!
only took a year
hah lucky
and I bought two new colonists against my original plan
thinking maybe it was just a compatibility issue
Are they both men?
lol, yes, but not like that
not like what
I didn't wanna breed the two new ones together
I meant Bradford and Barry
bradford is a girl
Then it's not so bad for your goals
but now I have two outsiders
wondering if I should maybe just make them front line troops :D
s/outsiders/organ incubators/
@rlemon gotta keep that bloodline clean
that's the goal :D
How long would building a colony from children take?
I'm only 5 years into my playthrough
3-4 years
Ask China
@rlemon what
they are born 14 years of age
oh my
that sounds risky
and take 9 months of pregnancy
but average their parents abilities
so if you got good colonists lovers, you'll have good kids
and you have teach them new skills till they turn 16
@rlemon a straight average, or some variation?
(two new benches, desks and a blackboard)
@KendallFrey dunno.
@KendallFrey Haha you made decent time there, then
just noticed a strong similarity to their abilities and the parents
Also, do they inherit genetic skills or intellectual?
I have a feeling it's wrong
@KendallFrey @Zirak Oh, I heard a podcast you might find fascinating: youtube.com/watch?v=1s88Ze41pRU
uhh, what do you mean?
"skills" they seem to get from the parents. personality seems to be random, and traits seem to be random
ok, say their parent was born with no skill in X, but they worked their ass off and became a lvl 20. which do they inherit?
ohh, idk
I assume the skill level of the parents at the moment of conception
which is wrong, but I get it
hooray for Lamarck
if it makes you feel better, you can imagine the 14 years we don't see it where the parents (dead or alive) are teaching him/her
then the skill transfer makes more sense
it doesn't make me feel much better
but i'm ok with it anyway
unrealism makes games interestinger
I'm pretty sure in the options menu you can tweak the values for all of this
mods can have their own options menu
after ~900 hours I just learned this a few days ago
you have 900 hours in rimworld?
cheeseless crust
> 903 hrs on record
why do you have more fuses than you need?
@SomeGuy oh dear
I plan on expanding the batteries but leaving the fuses
@KendallFrey Yeah, lots of stuff I didn't agree with, but I think Sam did a pretty good job at being a host while still clarifying seemingly bad arguments
also, power switches, dude
Have you read Free Will by Sam Harris, btw? You'd like that too. Pretty short read
always have a zzzt backup
@SomeGuy I think that's the one I've heard about but haven't read
@KendallFrey if I have enough fuses, I don't see the point
I'm in general agreement with Sam on all controversial issues
the batteries are really not even needed
hydro electric is way op
ohh cheater
I heard the audiobook within my college commute (1 hour each way). Coolest commute ever
each turbine generates between 1500 - 2500 power
it's like smaller geothermal. with the downside of having to build on/around/over water, like I have
making all the heavy bridges to support the top right of the base SUCKED
> Length: 1 hr and 14 mins
not very long at all
@rlemon you can build any structure on bridges?
heavy bridges, and most
they count as a floor, so you can't pretty them up
but most objects seem to work
i may need to try this mod
deep water sucks
in a hydro basin or w/e
@SomeGuy I may finish this tomorrow, I'll let you know if I have any comments
here's a full view
I also have a mod that gives you glass roofing
Hello guys, I'm having an issue here
Q: Issue in Supplying Array Object from Global Function using ES6 and Axios

jsonGPPDI'm trying to make global function to be able to use same function in different methods. Here are my codes: First I created my global js class. import axios from "axios"; class GlobalFunction { constructor(){ } async selectNames(name){ await axios.get(`/Employees/GetName?...

so you can make a proper greenhouse
@KendallFrey Sweet
@rlemon including proper greenhouse effect?
just 90% light
I'm trying to use global function in order to reuse them. Any help please?
I'm new in ES6
nice, ty
if you do bridges, you may as well do fishing
it's not at all OP and makes sense
but you can't add it to an existing game (fishing)
that's fine, I don't plan to
any help guys?
@jsonGPPD you doing this in node?
no @Rick
My inline functions are working though
can you provide more context in your question, I don't see what the context of "this" is?
I just moving the inline to global to be able to use it for multiple methods in different js file instead of creating them one by one
@Rick suppose, I'm trying to supply the array of object
even when I'm trying to alert this one globalFunction.selectNames(someName);
it's null
you are using this wrong. Your setup is wrong
do you have any suggestions?
I don't know what you are trying to do, if you want a global function you don't need a class for that
suppose, I have a class files ParentFile, and ChildFile js
ParentFile contains a function globally
morning room.
Every children file wants to access the function inside the parent file
you overcomplicating things, Classes are for constructors. you just need a function. All functions are first class citizens.
Oh, so what should I do then?
write it as a regular function
Okay, is it in separate file right? those regular functions?
It does not matter what file you put it in, just make sure it's a function declaration and keep it out of scope of other functions
I wrote this hyperlink it doesn't work and it doesn't even seem to be a hyperlink (angular ui bootstrap framework)
 <li class= "{{laptops}}"><a ui-sref="store.elec.Laptops" ng-click="laptops='active';Tvs='';Food=''" data-toggle="tab" >Laptops</a></li>
Is ui.router module configured
@Yitzchok Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
question for all the react devs out there...using something like redux, would it be bad practice to keep all imported components in a state map? And then refer to the mapped state to call components without having to import them
@Yitzchok yeah
reasons being?
good convo
I like the one about the flaw in windows allowing flash to be installed lol
@KamilSolecki I’m not sober and I cdont feel much what re you talking about
Stop me from stealing this boat peoae
seems like a rave party behind
Therrs nobody in it we’re out in the docks just drinking
1 hour later…
@KamilSolecki Overwatch is 50% off for a couple of days, so it's like 20 bucks for the standard edition
Hi. I need help.
@SaitamaSama "standard edition"?
there are already dlcs?
nah, the Game of the Year edition just has some exclusive lore-related skins which.... kinda... doesn't really matter :B
I have a div inside which I have input (which has jquery autocomplete). I refresh this div using .load method and after that autocomplete on the input is not working. I tried document.ready, window.ready, live is deprecated. How to get Jquery autocomplete to work?
it's just aesthetic, right?
like if you aren't a lore fan or anything, there's no point in having those cosmetics
@Neil yeah
ok, you just made me think it wasn't 100% aesthetic with that "kinda" :P
I don't play the game, but that kind of thing is irritating
pay to win.. even if they're minor advantages
Hey folks
i spent 1 day without the internet
... how could you?
Barely survived
Life without Apple Music, Slack, VSCode, Mail and Room 17 is pretty boring in the (list is in increasing priority).
@hilli_micha it's all good ^^ I ended up playing a little of overwatch
@SterlingArcher are you a proud owner of a boat now
2 hours later…
> morn
> morn
No, he didnt
Tavo used that as a hello since forever
see the filter
Then nick got pissed at that for some reason
You win this time @Neoares
@KarelG morn.
good mourning 😀
Tavo is my secret sock account
in fact, kamil's account is too
and just about everyone's
good moron
good moron
happy moron, mondays!
I need some help in angular ui ,I have checked routes
I wrote this hyperlink it doesn't work and it doesn't even seem to be a hyperlink (angular ui bootstrap framework)
 <li class= "{{laptops}}"><a ui-sref="store.elec.Laptops" ng-click="laptops='active';Tvs='';Food=''" data-toggle="tab" >Laptops</a></li>
a hyperlink is <a href="https://google.com">Laptops</a>
No it's ui-sref because it's angular ui bootstrap framework
why didn't you say so from the beginning?
Am going to fiddlejs
> numpy 1.80 can factor primes in O(log n)
> and must be quietly deprecated before anyone notices
who's alisha sharma btw?

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