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IE feels like it does too
@KamilSolecki I dont know how to use goto. That is what i ask for above?
Hi guys, I'm trying to pull data from LMDB ( http://data.linkedmdb.org ) and for this I write SPARQL Queries.
for now I type in the search terms in my code but I want it to make it possible for a users to type in their 'searchTerm' and get data from the LMDB based on what they typed
show how you used it so far
@Richard Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Richard how are you handling query parameters?
My idea was just to make a simple form and get the search term from it
and for now I want to seach only based on 1 term
@KamilSolecki currently i have just added a if clause, Its working. But i just dont like redundant code.
we need to see the code to help you
with PHP i know that i can just type in the variable which gets the data from the users and i just search for it but I;m not quite sure how can i do the same with JS
we don't know what is going on otherwise
@KamilSolecki Give me a moment
here is my query:
PREFIX mdb: <http://data.linkedmdb.org/resource/movie/film> PREFIX dc: <http://purl.org/dc/terms/> SELECT ?label ?resource WHERE {?resource dc:title ?label . ?resource mdb:id ?uri .FILTER regex(?label,'Love') }

at the end you can see FILTER regex(?label,'Love') }
@Richard are we talking about node or client side here?
the 'Love' is my search term i want to make it variable and pass the info from the form, which the user searched
Right now its still minor App which Im still in the start of dev
So both
frontend will make an AJAX request to the backend
asking for search results
yeah exactly
then in the backend you can do two things
1. Get things from db and parse them serverside to find what you need (here you can apply any search method really, for example fuzzy searches and whatnot
then return them to the frontend as a response
don't forget to sanitize user input before using term in your db query
2. make your search as a stored procedure (as long as the database supports it /w parameters)
OK! But how can I save the search term that the user typed in and pass it to the backend
it's a parameter to add to your ajax call
carrier pigeon
call the server at /backend?searchTerm=Love
do virutal pidgeons eat bread
what a flag
that was flagged?
@Neil will try it
yea, no jokes remember
lol people and their instant flags
i dont find it funny its just stupid
ah so you flagged it..
you flagged that?
it's fine. you're allowed to be wrong
If you're looking for love, don't start at the backend
but don't abuse flags.
people try to help you -> flag them of gratitude
I thought that was rather clever, actually
@KamilSolecki that was hardly trying to help
flagging is like sending secret stars to someone right?
but not helping is not flag worthy
@Wietlol flags send a notification to a bunch of people
@rlemon did you enjoy this morning's gimp?
@KendallFrey didn't see it
@KendallFrey he didnt seem to understand the concept of sending things to the backend, so I'd argue that
If he was trying to help I wouldn't have flagged he was just being smartass while other people were trying to help => inappropriate
@Richard actually that is the format you'd use to pass a parameter to the server
I honestly meant well
@Richard flagging that was more inappropriate
> don't forget to sanitize user input before using term in your db query
> it's a parameter to add to your ajax call
that looks like trying to help for me
@rlemon dude I don't like you don't adress me anymore.
@KamilSolecki he means my carrier pigeon remark
@Richard there's an ignore button. use it or leave
Also don't ignore room owners
Someone needs to die!
@KendallFrey lol
cc @KendallFrey @FlorianMargaine @Loktar
mine was better
the end of an era
what do you say to people who think discounts for women in tech is discriminatory against men?
this one is arguing that it's offensive to women too
@KendallFrey well done
oh nice @KendallFrey
Someone took down rebecca?
@towc the salary gap is also discriminatory
That is fucked
we'll have to resort to youtube
Heh, just saw him at work
i want to gimp someone else's face on there...
Prince Charles
I thought so, but wasnt sure
what was he doing there?
@KendallFrey That's actually what I was looking for. Couldn't figure out the shop
prince stuff
Being a royal and shit, basically nothing
@KendallFrey resist the urge
@rlemon does that mean working in the underworld
no, that's lizard stuff
prince stuff is mostly complaining about light bulbs
shit he better not come to my store, fucker
I want to punch a royal in the face before I die
@ndugger go to mcdonalds
no u
@ndugger It will be just before
I'm sure there's a joke out there about counting princes and screwing lightbulbs
He's back!
I missed you so much :'(
I miss Richard
Why do Brits still get excited over their fake royalty? Royalty doesn’t mean anything. They’re not genetically superior
!!tell CapricaSix echo Happy Friday my truest of loves, jmb-mage !!
@ndugger most of them don't, afaik
@KendallFrey (@Luggage?) how would you print this
@ndugger I'm all for them dying off, but they bring in good money
Tourists are stupid
also, by those standards, all royalty is fake, which I don't disagree with
what orientation
Fair enough
right now I'm just printing them flat with supports in the boxes
But Buckingham Palace is a cool place
@rlemon in parts
but if I stand them on the face, I can use less supports maybe
@KendallFrey has to be a single print
no glueups
@BenFortune they do? I'd have thought it'd be incredibly expensive with the secret service and luxury and flights
It's bad enough having a president
@rlemon Id use a 3d printer I think
@Neil It's not just them, Buckingham Palace brings in a shit ton alone
if you want to print the picture a regular printer will be fine
@KamilSolecki buh-dum-tsh
@rlemon newb naive opinion: what prevents you from printing it like a wall? the only support needed would be for the two holes and the twi slots in the boxes?
@BenFortune from tourism alone?
I guess there's some cultural fascination to it as well, it is a long running monarchy after all
@KamilSolecki Yep
... oh and the huge dent I guess
... yeah
@FélixGagnon-Grenier stability
also, that's the question I'm asking
what orientation would you print this in
when printing tall thin parts they shake on the bed. if they're mid shake while the next layer goes down you got problems
> The British tourism agency has reported that the royal family generates close to 500 million pounds, or about $767 million, every year in tourism revenue, drawing visitors to historic royal sites like the Tower of London, Windsor Castle, and Buckingham Palace.
yeah :) I'm just so new to 3d printing I wasn't sure I was worthy of having an opinion on that :P
it's a tradeoff between accuracy and support
@BenFortune now the real question is, if that would really take a hit when there wouldn't be a royal family
Doesn't the royal family own like most of Canada too?
the only things that need accuracy in this print are the insides of the usb box and db9 box
because connectors go in there.
@BenFortune people would still go see those places if there was nobody inside, probably
@GNi33 Probably tbh
I don't think people would stop visiting the tower if there isn't a queen sitting around a few meters down the road
It's the attribution to royalty
If it's not owned by a royal, it's just some shitty tower
I'll take one Royal with cheese please
hehe, well, I would guess there's a little more to the tower of london than that
Hi, storey, I'm dad
I was recently schooled in my House of Joy (Church) meeting about the difference between Brits and Scots. Pleasantly.
@Loktar @Luggage like once a week I get this
his story; so mysoginistic. Where’s her story?
@jmb.mage I guess the story that was told strongly depends on where the guy telling it is from
@rlemon what application is that?
> But when it comes to asynchronous function. I usually prefer goto
holy shit.
Did you figure out how you were going to print that piece?
problem is I only have two PCs that use it
I'm curious because it poses a bit of a conundrum.
so I have to disable it from this pc then re-enable it
this is a gold mine.
@FélixGagnon-Grenier Have you never used await goto?
I assume you cannot see where they are used
Just watch Braveheart. It will show you how awful the Brits were to the Scots
sadly, I haven't ;P
@Wietlol I can. it's a bug
(it must be stored in some db online, so it is theoretically possible)
@FélixGagnon-Grenier Good!
I still want to try the good old try catch in lieu of gotos
it's used on this pc. so somehow it identifies this pc differently each week
@ndugger historically accurate film that is
sounds like a trick one must try at least once
@rlemon dont tell me you have a changing mac address :D
or actually... do
What did the plumber tell his customers? You'll have to await a sink.
What did the async diners do at the restaurant? They had to GetAWAITER();
@Wietlol I don't think I do
there aren't too many movies where the medieval english are the good guys, right?
s3d doesn't work perfectly on linux anyways
@GNi33 depends on who produced them
Well, because the medieval english were awful people
so I think the file it stores to associate itself with the account is getting deleted
@GNi33 there were plenty of english medieval dudes that were good guys in Army of Darkness
@ndugger check your future privilege
great movie
The english were awful until only recently
eh, I'm blind, I'm blind.. ;)
Well hello, Mr. Fancypants.
They still owned Hong Kong until recently
@ndugger when did it change? I mean... David Cameron is english
We got Ben, sure, but I don't know if he makes the whole country good
Ben is a charming fellow I think he does a good job
Y'all too kind
I’d mark the release of Hong Kong as them finally being good. No more shitty occupations.
@GNi33 Fuck you I do my country proud
@BenFortune all 11 of you?
@rlemon Is that a fat joke
"I do my country"
@BenFortune Punch May for me and I'll believe you
doppelganger one
@BenFortune no it's a doppelganger joke
@jmb.mage you’re extremely unfunny. Don’t try so hard.
You're British, we don't make fat jokes, just how it never stops raining and being generally gloomy on that fair isle.
you can only have one doppelganger
and Cameron while you're at it. The more, the merrier
@Neil tell that to the other Bens
@hilli_micha It's raining now
Who said I was uncultured? lol
I know my Britain so well, I piss crumpets and shit the queen.
I'm just salty I'm going to need a visa to visit in the future
seen this?
@rlemon yeah haha
this guy is amazing
I’d love it for the EU to fall apart so they can stop making brainless laws about the internet, like warning users about cookies
@ndugger Goes to show what the average technical intelligence is for most politicians are these days
I'm surprised they haven't outlawed viruses yet
> Guys, it's totally possible for software developers to just put a backdoor into software that only WE can use. Why are they such jerks about this?! Gosh they obviously love terrorism.
guys i had big problem same question var a = "border:1px solid red; max-width:100px; width:[{valk}]; height:[{valk}];"
var h = '[{valk}]';
var value = '99px';
var kv = new RegExp(h,'gi');
var r = a.replace(kv,value);
output of above program:- border:1px so99pxid red; m99pxx-width:100px; width:[99px99px99px99px99px99px]px; height:[99px99px99px99px99px99px]px;
I want :- "border:1px solid red; max-width:100px; width:99px; height:99px;"
Politicians in the U.S. really bummed me out with the magnitude of their ineptitude during the whole "WE CANT CRACK THIS IPHONE" debacle.
Why was that so publicized
brought up an interesting issue though didn't it? should government be allowed to force backdoors to be made "in the public's best interest"?
@hilli_micha im pretty sure there was pretty big money involved
terrorism, apple, fbi, government. It must have been a dream for reporters
Because it was a nice "look, we obviously care and fight for your freedom and safety" for stupid people
The government doesn't need permission to do anything
gets almost all kinds of readers interested
^^^^^ Exactly, it was a brief moment to try and educate people on the fact that "No, you cannot do that, because the implications in the event of that system failing would be nothing short of catastrophic."
It's nice to know people/corporations can still say no though
@Cereal that's not how it works. at least not how its supposed to work
No, but I Think we'd be a bit naive if we thought the government didn't do things behind our backs
See: history
> he’s really angry because he’s an arsenal fan
Honestly I'm glad apple said no
@towc It got all kinds of everyone interested
Kind of like the spectre/meltdown thing. My girlfriend's parents were even talking about that
I don't know if I would have chosen to do that if I were Tim Cook, but still
THey don't even use computers!
@Cereal yeah, of course
@Neil It was really funny because eventually the FBI said "Just a prank guys, we have a guy who can crack it, don't worry about it :)" and that was legit the last thing you hear about it.
@Cereal how'd they found out and why were they talking about it?
@towc All over the news here
seems risky
Not even good reporting. Several thigns wrong with the report I watched
@Neil well, they probably know it would probably end in disaster when regular people crack your backdoor in a week or two
They had an expert on who was spot on though, even corrected them a few times
@hilli_micha Yeah.. biggest "save face" I've ever seen in my life
@Cereal I don't mix myself with the populus, I honestly don't know what the common non-techie does all day, or reads about
I haven't seen the news on TV for months, so it's all from the twitter feed and similar, which is ofc mostly about tech
but good to know people got interested
@GNi33 Yeah, they were looking after their own self-interests, no doubt
@rlemon I would print that slow and try to minimize wobbling near the top from compromising the print.
that took some self control
Still glad they did it though
@towc Neither do I, I'm pretty ignorant of the media. They have a TV in the kitchen that's always on the news channel, so I was watching that
any one youtuber here ??
At least that's my first gut guess, I've never printed anything that tall and that thin.
I didn't even know abotu the shooting a few days ago until this mornign
@hilli_micha the only benefit to printing like this is that I can print 4 at once
Or was it yesterday
it's like 25% slower
I don't even know
@AlishaSharma what's a youtuber?
@Cereal yeah, I only learnt about it through twitter
You were still having issues with your box corners melting together?
@AlishaSharma I’m pewdiepie
I saw political memes using it to push for anti gun laws
it wasn't the corners. it was the supports fusing
@KendallFrey someone who watches tv maybe?
either way, I'm more informed than I would be if I followed the plan to live in the woods, so I'm ok with that
if "being informed" is considered a positive. I do think information and knowing things around you is good, but maybe i'd be happier if I just didn't know
Defends if the information is correct zz
Welcome back by the way
misinformed is worse than uninformed
If any one teach something in youtube then i want to follow them
gosh, I'm really trying not to say things that might look bad out of context again
and I'm failing hard XD
first time in history that we have to contend with too much information
Hm. Either way, I think you could make that work the way you've got it laid out. It seems like your printer is pretty honed in with smaller stuff (e.g. your benchies) and hell, yeah you can get more on the bed.
@towc Ignorance is bliss
My girlfriend walks into the room like
@rlemon did you saw my last question try it if you have idea and you are free
"4 people run over in france 15 minutes ago"
Like yes, thank for you that brightening update on the world
@AlishaSharma no thanks
@Cereal Is your girlfriend my wife?
I don’t watch or read any news. I pick up interesting news from here or my coworkers
That's why my reddit front page is entirely animal pictures
@rlemon okz
@Neil Oh so it's common. Does she also blame you for being bored?
@hilli_micha I need to print like 200 of them
She might be the same person
It's 2018 and I got to ask you guys, what percentage of JS questions that you see are dupes and what are new?
so I'm trying to find a balance between speed and amount of hands on work
@jmb.mage 90% are dupes
@Cereal She blames me for not being as active as she used to be after having met me
And they’re all jquery related
@Neil Close enough
but I mean, she knew what she was getting into.. I am a programmer afterall
@rlemon @KendallFrey @Loktar omg omg omg!
fail #2
@FlorianMargaine dey took er links
@rlemon When you design stuff, do you take into account how it will be printed? If you do, you can usually eliminate a lot of supports
Elon are you okay, are you okay, are you okay Elon
@KendallFrey sometimes
Watch the short video
It’s good
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