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TIL that apparently there's a whole culture of sexual innuendos called alburs in mexican culture
@KarelG Yolo git add. && git push --force
Good morning all, but especially you, @KamilSolecki
yes, 2 branches
what are you guys smoking
@FlorianMargaine no drug talk in the chat
... thin mints
How can I make the first line of the form a bit more to the right?
right: a bit more;
@FlorianMargaine notice me if you want some
I missed the public project and clone thing
you cannot say no to some dutch weed man
@BenFortune thanks
so, 1 clone per issue
@KarelG you can say no to some ditch weed though
@QuicoLlinaresLlorens I don't know if that's going to work. You probably want to put a fiddle up.
getaddrinfo: No such host is known.
I appear to have misplaced localhost
Has anyone seen it
it's gone home
Oh jk, I'm not connected to the vpn
Is your localhost not in /etc/hosts?
@Vap0r I love you too, my gay droplet :3
It wasn't erroring on localhost, it was erroring on a servername I forgot I was doing a GET to on startup
oh lol
@KamilSolecki lol Gayp0r
i like it
oh no what have I done?
Not me yet
Ain't gonna happen I only have eyes for PHP
@Vap0r Don't let your self-steam drop
lol nice
I feel like I want a pizza today
Like specifically pizza
!!s/I want//
@BenFortune I feel like a pizza today (source)
Seafood w anchovies, no cheese
what kind of pizza is a specifically pizza?
That sounds delicious but I told this chick she could pick where we eat lunch and I'm starting to regret it
@Neil I don't know, and neither does the customer
@ndugger still better than pineapple pizza
^ truth
@Neil none pizza with left beef
phpizza tastes like phpoop
Pineapple pizza was created so even the pizza guy knows you disappoint your parents
only left beef? no right beef? Did it come from a lean cow?
@Vap0r agree
Hawaiian pizza is the best pizza though
@Cereal die
@Cereal you monster
There are children who read this chat..
@Cereal objectively wrong
What is wrong with all of you
I assume none of you have had a hawaiian pizza
if you go to italia and you ask for hawaiian pizza you're dead
well, you are not because they want the money
they keep a gun in the back for just such occasions
@Cereal I did
pinneaple is my favourite fruit
but in a pizza... just no
Then they made it wrong
it overrides all the flavours
like the bbq sauce
@Cereal I have had it. It is no bueno
no, no está buena
You don't put bbq sauce on hawaiian pizza
you want to know what's a great pizza? mushrooms and italian sausage
@Cereal I was speaking about the bbq pizza itself
despite that the last one I love it :P
I have seen bbq on a hawaiian pizza
Pineapple is my favourite fruit, but you don’t put it on pizza! It ruins it. Hawaiin pizza is for php developers and debutants.
@ndugger that's exactly what I said
I can't believe how wrong you all are
Explain to me what is on your hawaiian pizzas
You disgust me
@ndugger TFW am PHP developer but still have taste buds and can't stand Hawaiin pizza
Pineapple and ham
@Cereal Missiles
Okay well you're missing cheese
and pizza sauce
@Vap0r younlack taste in other areas, like programming languages
^ fair
^ Yes
!!ban rlemon
@Vap0r The user will be thrown into mindjail in 1 more invocations
@QuicoLlinaresLlorens well it depends what you're trying to fix, but I would change the label for username to have a class of col-md-4 instead of col-md-2
!!ban rlemon
@Neoares I can't mindjail rlemon, they're an owner.
@CapricaSix you lack comittment
@QuicoLlinaresLlorens that fixes your positioning issue. What other issues are you having?
!!do you like hawaiian?
@Neoares Yes!
!!ban CapricaSix
@Neoares The user will be thrown into mindjail in 1 more invocations
It's a conspiracy
Cap is dead to me
She's already.. nevermind.. I won't open that can of worms
@rlemon You like hawaiian pizza, right
nice shirt
Maybe it's a canadian thing
$60 USD for that shit, jesus.
@Cereal only poor people dislike hawaiian pizza
Is it possible to make full scren
in jsfiddle?
lemme get that shirt
@QuicoLlinaresLlorens yes
I really like that it's like a $60 signal flare to let everyone know not to talk to that person
or to get a stab in the kokoro
@QuicoLlinaresLlorens add /show
where? I can't find it
I wonder if maple syrup on a pizza would be good
get a pizza with bacon, egg, and syrup on it.
syrup to replace the tomato sauce?
@QuicoLlinaresLlorens to the url
@hilli_micha syrup -.-
@Vap0r now I have this problem
you were fine until now
holy fuck why do you have to put syrup everywhere
Does anyone know how they did the scrolling feature on officializemedia.com
@QuicoLlinaresLlorens I can't find full screen but if you go to the top-right hande corner I have a panel button that I can change the layout. If you pick Bottom Results you should be able to have an almost full-width display
just add /show to the url
@Neoares ndugger brought it up, why are you trying to colonize me over this?
I thought you were ndugger
not that hard to figure out when I said add '/show'
im not ndugger, i'm better than him, way better, he's a big dumb ugly fish
He wishes he was me
@rlemon yeah it was straightforward
@kolton what terrible scrolljacking
I wish I hadn't been a fish
@MarceloRafael it's dead
@rlemon right? Try on mobile, even worse
Ahah, and they're a big company too
@FlorianMargaine where the funeral gonna happing ?
@QuicoLlinaresLlorens what's the problem?
@MarceloRafael in your mom backyard
Can anyone work out what i'm doing wrong with this regex and json schema? runkit.com/embed/zvgs3z8j7d18 it's claiming that the data doesn't match the regex, but AFAICT it does
@Vap0r he's got the squirts
oh no Mr. Squirty don't do that
@rlemon Aight thanks man, is there any libraries you recommend?
@kolton jQuery
@FlorianMargaine which coffin I should buy ?
@kolton I'd recommend you don't duplicate that scroll 'feature', because it is awful
small enough to go in your mom backyard
Hmm ok
I want just the blue background to be in the text
not that thing to the left
My web design profs said to do something similar for my portfolio lmao
No dont pls
Ok thank you FLorian
I just tried scrolling on mobile. That’s disgusting
Make it seamless
That tip helped me a lot :)
you cant even scroll up without refreshing
Not jaggedy
Your professor is bad
Omg lol
Scrolling up works on ios, but still feels so wrong
@kolton most of the regulars here agree hijacking user controls (like scrolling) is bad for user experience
Someone wanna learn portuguese ?
Ok, i'll figure something else out lol
@kolton if it is for a grade and your prof is a hipster, go for it.
Una cerveza para mi amigo neoares, immediamente!
Nah, not a grade
Then just add anchors and let the user scroll
cheeseless crust VS is slow sometimes
@KamilSolecki you nailed it lol
@rlemon Would you like me to go and tell Officialize that their site is shit?
they just got bought out by another company lol
lots of sites are shit
even big companies can make shitty websites, happens all the time
their hq is across the street from my apartment
but officialize is all about websites tho, they make websites for NFL athletes and stuff like that
I can't come back to this chat until that amazon abomination moves far enough up I can't see it
@Vap0r Inspect element, H
dark theme -> collapse
@rlemon I would rather be fired
than have a useful tool collapse the image for you?
@OliverSalzburg instructions unclear now hooked on H
@Vap0r H is the hotkey to hide a DOM element in DevTools
huh today I learned
same lmao
lol I pressed H with body focused
Q: Protecting Express JS code

Loai NagatiI am working on a Node JS project with Express. My problem for now is that my code is publicly accessible for anyone who can figure out where is my JS code located at. I mean in public_html, I have app.js, which is directly can be reached. I don't like that. So, here is what I thought of putting ...

QQ I am miserable with handing images in Java
I really wanna see how that server is setup
@Neoares It toggles
express.static('/', '/')
Why would app.js be in a folder for html?
I have a potentially stupid question
no stupid questions
we have lots of stupid answers
I have stupid questions, trust me
I have an svg element, size 30x30. The viewBox is set to 0 0 6 6.

I have a circle in this svg element, radius 3, positioned at 3,3.

I'm pretty sure this should snugly fill the svg with a circle, but in reality the sides are being cut off
Like so
The parent element is 54x53, and the svg is indeed 30x30 on the page
is automysqlbackup still relevant?
Fixed it
@BenFortune i recall a fork from it on GH
@BenFortune never used it :D
I had the stroke-width set to 1, which is very large in a 6x6 viewbox
I'm guessing you roll your own?
nope, not for backups
What do you use?
Oh, we're already using that
But it's just some shitty bash script I wrote, do you know of any that do rotations/incremental?
everything else we've tried was much slower
that's kind of why we're killing the maxscale/maria cluster and moving to Aurora, actually, the 5 minute snapshots
We looked at RDS but it was far too expensive
@SterlingArcher i.imgur.com/cJP5q5I.gifv dude just fucked up his floors

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