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Browsers are open source. You already have the option to add it
I'm sure facebook and twitter would come up with something decent, like not displaying notifications in the title so you can get into "focus mode" without deleting the tab for some reason
It's a shit idea btw
yeah ok, main thing I can think of is just youtube
o fuk they're waking up
People would abuse it. Like they do with notifications
And everything else
meh, sound exists and people abuse it, but it's fine
I'm still waiting for them to remove the stupid X button from the tab
Or make it optional or whatever
oh, would totally love to make it optional
Because I have a dedicated X button on my mouse, which is sufficient
hello all
Greetings fellow friend
i have an question
@towc No
if anything I want a play / pause button
that maps to my macbook's play / pause
Safari does it :P
@towc Some already do (mute)
if i create a function like this <button type="button" onClick="deleteRow()">Delete</button>, why i'm not able to use $(this) inside deleteRow function???
I can even press & hold
ff to fast forward the youtube video
you can use this
i want to use $(this).parent() as this.parent() create error
ok i'll try thanks
is any possibility to use $(this)
Use $this
this way i can use jquery with that
you need to comprehend it first ... it is really straightforward
by the way, why is $this supposed to work?
where do you declare that variable?
or who?
(long time no use jQuery)
@Neoares It's not. I was fucking around
i want to use it like this
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@AtalShrivastava Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
@OliverSalzburg lul ok
if you are using inline listeners, the function gets a different scope, this is in this case the window
I was briefly thinking about making up a story that this is a new Chrome beta feature where they have jQuery built-in to upgrade this to $(this)
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@AtalShrivastava Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
i hit ctrl + K
why is there no couchdb chat room
but i want to use jquery
or this, for the parent: jsfiddle.net/mjnho018/2
@AtalShrivastava why xD
becoz i know that
i can create function inside document ready but i want to the same thing in inline function
but there this is not working
if "inline function" means arrow function then.. true story.
arrow functions are not a jquery thing
i think thats work
jQuery is all the things and Javascript itself is a plugin as you know
you can get the target with inline click listeners
everyone knows
just add event arg
Could someone help with my problem?
having that said, remember that event.target can change
on for instance, cascaded elements
gives you the target
<div onclick="del(ev)">bb</div>

in js
function del(ev) {
  // use ev.target to get ur element
How to uplaod a image to firebase storage using react native?
^-- google able question
but what about dynamically then
post request? idk
@AtalShrivastava dinamically what
on add row add on delete row delete
once dom ready
i can fire delete one time
but after adding row through script
@KarelG I and my friend we are both trying to solve it.He has actually posted a question on stack overflow.stackoverflow.com/questions/48113384/…
delete will not work again
i need to recall the function
the fiddle is cancer anyway, why oh why do we mix vanilla and jQuery in 3 lines of code
inside add function
@KarelG can you take a look.Thanks
@jAndy idk, I sent him 4 versions, because we wanted jquery
first version was without jquery
see starred messages
need to go full blown jQuery... ALL THE TIME
something like
function add() {}
I need to talk to some couchdb pro
function add() {
yea that makes sense
in trollnation
call add -> calls delete
but how i will use in the fourth version of @Neoares
man i don't know what you want to do
@AtalShrivastava delete is a reserved keyword. Please name it accordingly
for example
Hey anybody here worked on chrome-extensions ??

Basically what I want is, I want to run a script in the background in which I want to get page source and read it(want to play a sound if anything specific change happens in the page). Please note the HTML could be dynamic in the page.
@Neoares I just changed a function called "update" to delete something >.>
I usually do the exact opposite of what my function names say, that's half the joy
To be fair, it also creates something. It updates something if you squint
@jAndy you can also log a "IT'S A PRANK" message in the middle
discuss on this once again after some time
@Neoares or.. (better) "THE GAME"
@PraveenKumar search for "content script"
it's how you inject code into a regular web page
ffs got BSOD and upon restart: windows update is installing
You could also use a userscript
Easier than chrome extensions
@jAndy it's how you inject code into a regular girl (source)
Then use a MutationObserver to watch for your change
zirak, do you still work on chromium?
I have read through their new approach to secure website content by "site isolation"
!!sushi or Tento
@Neoares sushi
s/chromium/grandma sooo man opportuneties
I can foresee issues :)
@Zirak you're a genius aren't you.. you know everything about couchdb right?
Zirak a genius? hah.
@jAndy I know very little
@Zirak Ok is this the right approach something like injecting a script to all pages then look for html change via settimeout ??
When you have multiple Modal Boxes, why does only 1 close?
The rest don't
TIL chrome://restart
I always thought couchdb was the newest hipster and cool shit... but its really hard to find experts or any big forum or whatnot about it actually
seems like nobody is using it "really"
@PraveenKumar either listen for specific events, or as @Cereal recommended use a MutationObserver to track all changes. Note that a MutationObserver can be a bit slow on large pages
@jAndy A decent amount of use cases are handled by Postgres, some don't do enough research and go for the easy peasy leamon squezy absolutely garbage mongodb, a lot of couchdb users don't ask questions / understand the domain well etc
btw what are you trying to do ?
This is the best thing you'll see all day. 😍🐕 This Dog figures out how to carry his sled up the hill in order to sled for hours & hours & hours. #snow #sledding #dogs #blizzard2018 #cyclonebomb #philly #dog https://t.co/7qhZ3Km9jw
Incoming planet of K9s!
@Zirak I don't think there will be any large page but divs(with specific classes) dynamically could be added in page, There might be a chance of this.
@Cereal Thanks this example on this page looks good developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/MutationObserver
I will study the methods and if anything is above my head i will get back to you. :)
Quite a few people here have used it, so you'll probably get a good answer if you have any questiosn
Fuck. Northern Ontario reporting -45 to -50c windchills
Holy smoley
-21 without windchill here
@SterlingArcher My problem isn't really directly couchdb related, its more a meta thing. There is a process called "fs-manager" which gets launched sometimes and tooks like 200% cpu usage for ever. I can't find much or hardly anything on the interwebs about it
all I know is that it is somehow related to couch and even gets started with couchdb access rights and stuff
but if I kill -9 that thing, everything keeps working .. so... wtf
dat 200%
@jAndy that process is not part of couchdb I think. Because I have heard of that fs-manager thing before
it gets launched as couchdb user
and is located at /var/tmp/check-<crazynumbers>-.sh
looks actually very fishy
can you cat that sh file?
remove the entire shit thing already
I hope to not see it again
according to the above issue, it may be that it is a crypto mining process
btw your link is the only source which mentions it, but it isn't helpful at all
yea and the link he is mentioning isn't mentioning that at all
ya know that couch db is vulnerable for remote code execution? :)
or was. not sure if they patched it
yea.. it's also pretty scary to expose couchdb access. I guess I will shut that down entirely once I finished setup and stuff
I just like the option to remotely see and insert db's via browser
just checked their CVE: version should be 1.7.1+ or 2.1.1+
however, if that was really like injected or remotely done, pretty stupid from the bro to create a process which uses like 2 cpu cores to 100%
maybe they used my code that was causing mongo to take 100% cpu :P
I wish I could see the content of that sh file :|
the sushi was good
@rlemon how can you live with that cold
we're at +19ºC in barcelona right now
-30c with wind
people is leaving the office in t-shirt to take some sun
well, not with that purpose explicitly
and I turned the air conditoiner on
I think we have an anticyclone
but in 1 month we'll be dying with 0ºC
!!convert -30degC to degF
@Vap0r -54 degF
the convert temps don't work
Ah was wondering if that was fixed yet
@rlemon no
learn the freakin' IS
I refuse
also those temperatures aren't meant for humans
we're made of water
dude, parts of Ontario are at -55f
@Neoares isn't it like * 5/9 -20 or 30 or something?
> parts of Ontario are at -55f
hahaha I'm just gonna pretend you're lying
It makes it easier to pretend their are sane people in Ontario
@rlemon oh wait you were talking in Farenheits?
for him I am
radio this morning was reporting parts of Ontario are feeling -45c to -50c
-20F is -28C LOL
oh, ok
yea and -40c is -40f
true that
F = (9/5)C + 32
ok that's handy
i want a discount on my next florida meal, it shouldn't be allowed to get this cold here
my furnace wasn't keeping up last night
@hilli_micha I've never heard of florida meal, does this mean I'm owed backpay?
set to 21, house was at 19 this morning
@hilli_micha it's 8ºC
@rlemon that's a good signal that you should move
that's not cold
well it's cold but... you know
@Vap0r nahh, it's just a cold snap
you get a jacket
it'll pass, monday it's supposed to be 0c
or a t-shirt if you're canadian
@Neoares it's incredibly cold when you're not used to it
I would snap my ass down to a more moderate climate
@hilli_micha 8ºC is normal here in the morning
@rlemon relatively blistering, eh?
so you're encouraging more people go to Florida for the winters?
I thought you guys hated that
Only stuck up old people hate that. Tourism is the reason we don't have income tax
*state income tax :)
Also probably hilli hates that but I don't live in Orlando sooo....
@Neoares in the same way 30C+ with 100% humidity is 'normal' here during the summer, reaching up into 35C+ with that same humidity
@hilli_micha don't you love when you choke on your first breath of air because it's 100F+ with 95+% humidity?
I love it when you walk outside and you immediately evaporate into a liquid state.
Almost like a...vapor. HUR
Hahaha this was an old SN from hacking days that never got compromised
Too many people think it's about vaping
@rlemon Yeah, to be honest, it's only the old drivers that occasionally get on my nerves, but when I'm stuck behind a beige colored economy car driven by some old granny who can barely see above the wheel and I think "I HATE SNOWBIRDS" that is probably confirmation bias. I doubt it's substantially worse than any other place in my day-to-day life.
But there is no denying that tourism is a huge factor in why cost of living here isn't obscenely high.
@hilli_micha in spain we got 40 or 45ºC
and in barcelona 100% humidity is also normal xD
@Neoares see it doesn't often get as high as 45C here at all. 40C is within "normal". The good news for us is when 40-45C hits us the humidity drops out*
*most of the time :P
@rlemon Slept in the cold -4
@KendallFrey lubing a cube with THC wouldn't work well at all
why not
Pure THC has uses as an adhesive
@Neoares All I know is this, I can deal with the hot. It's fine, but I've completely lost my ability to deal with the cold.
I was thinking thc oil
better, then you can fix it once you solve it
10 hours ago, by Kendall Frey
I saw a video where someone lubed his with Elmers glue
> lube with glue
@KendallFrey thc oil, still no, based on the assumption that adhesives and lubes are exclusive
I suspect Kendall has this formula where Rubiks Cube + (Insert Liquid Here) = Lubricant
Assuming they aren't, then I suppose so.
No clue how he does it. He did the same shit with syrup and I'm still amazed.
@Vap0r Again, Elmer's glue
@KendallFrey that might work until it dries
@hilli_micha I've been lubing cubes recently so yeah
@Vap0r it works after it dries
but it's extremely slow
I guess I would need your definition of lubrication
Because to me if something sucks as a lube you might as well discount it as one too
I mean I like being a pedant as much as the next guy, but these "gotchas" have been pretty lame as of late
uhm pedants are what you wear around ur neck come on guy, gotcha
@Vap0r If Cubey Time uses it in his Will It Lube series
@hilli_micha do you speak spanish?
@KendallFrey wow that's completely stupid
people in Miami speak it a lot
@Neoares No. I live in Orlando, I've mentioned before, Hispanic influence is virtually non-existent once you enter Central Florida.
Even in Southern FL, it's relegated to urban areas like Miami and, to some lesser extent, Tampa.
@KendallFrey is that proof, or is this the way you say "I saw something cool on youtube?"
just lube it with @Vap0r
It's not supposed to be proof of anything, it's just "look at these awful ideas"
@KendallFrey I'm deeply disappointed that a series titled "Will it Lube" on the internet revolves around Rubik's Cubes, this goes to show that nerds really do rule the internet.
To answer your question, THC oil, THC acetate, and any other high THC derivatives should be relatively terrible as a lubricant.
!!giphy thc
now I see your point
Wow a 90 second one-box collapse can seem like eternity when you have your boss over your shoulder lol
Get the dark theme m8
No I'm not some neon whore
Everything starts as not one-boxed until you manually expand it.
If I wanted to feel like I was on the seedy underbelly of the web, I'd go to 4chan
> hue hue I'm going to complain about dark theme without looking at the options to see what I can toggle
I downloaded it and it's just too dark.
so, you didn't check the options then
4chan isn't even a 'underbelly' anymore. It's just a popular place for edgy cringelords to complain about how their tendies were soggy this morning.
@hilli_micha how'd you know about my tendies?
I use every dark theme I can: Chrome, VS, VScode, Windows, MSDN, Office
I've got your Good boy point wallet, I saw your transaction history
Do I want to google "tendies"?
Also the dark theme is buggy
It's just chicken tenders.
Oh, that was alright. phew
!!urban tendies
It's chicken
@Neoares Tendies Tendies, also known as chicken tenders, chicken fingers, chicken strips or chicken fillets, are chicken meat prepared from the pectoralis minor muscles of the animal. These strips of white meat are located on either side of the breastbone, under the breast meat (pectoralis major).
Soft-spoken chicken
guys, small question on Prototype Chains:
Child.prototype = Object.create(Parent.prototype);
That means that Child prototype is a copy of Parent prototype right? An article makes it sound like Child prototype actually points to the Parent prototype, like inheriting, but the code looks like a simple copy.
@Vap0r I've been using the Dark Theme for a couple of months now, I haven't had any issues with it. It's pretty rad m8
I found that it has those "double-post" bugs a little more often and that it uses up more resources than no theme
@IanC it isn't a copy, its delegation. If you change anything on Parent.prototype it would still "reflect" on Child
But for example will Child look like:
| properties |
| ... |
| prototype | ----> | Parent.prototype | ----> | Object.prototype | ----> null

or like
| properties |
| ... |
| prototype | ----> | Object.prototype | ----> null
(prototype being the same as parent prototype)

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