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A: event listener show/hide div that's populated from a loop

tbednerWhen you use a CSS class, javascript will usually only hit the first instance of that class, and then break on the rest. What you will probably need to do instead is to create unique ids for the html elements (you can add the style="display:none;" directly to the html element to avoid having to w...

@r3wt yea, moment isn't that big
and it is useful
u sure?
i thought it was quite hefty
it's really not that big compared to other libs and frameworks that people use a minuscule amount from but still include.
@ndugger beamauthentic.com you can wear your gifs now
i use tiny-relative-date. its like 30 lines i think
i mean to calculate a date offset, moment seems really hefty
A: Convert UTC date time to local date time

digitalbathAppend 'UTC' to the string before converting it to a date in javascript: var date = new Date('6/29/2011 4:52:48 PM UTC'); date.toString() // "Wed Jun 29 2011 09:52:48 GMT-0700 (PDT)"

Well it happened. High sided the bike. That sucked.
Bikes ok, runs fine, bent brake levers easily replaced and a cracked fairing.
“No snow” my ass
you okay?
Couple scraps but I’m fine. Had my gear on
how's your pants?
did you wear your brown pants today?
Shockingly ok
Wee bit bleeding but nothing major
I don't see any poop
couldn't have been that bad
@Webster jealous
Nah man it was low speed. Ice that wasn’t supposed to be there. I just need new brake lever, peg, and a fairing. No leaks so I don’t think anything vital was damaged
@rlemon lol yeah I saw that
that was pretty funny though!
yea, 1/a big number for sure
I have just got my macbook
glad you are ok. high side? like you flew off?
which is placed on the apple box
and an external fan for cooling
with a ceiling fan added to avoid overheating
Yeah low speed high side @luggage
@SterlingArcher is the bike ok?
yea I'm super glad he's okay. can't make fun of an injured guy :P
not with that attitude
Just installed postgres locally, #excited
The bike is ok, seems to be just cosmetic damage
@SterlingArcher just don't tell the fam jam unless you wanna lecture about your death machine
They are NOT going to find iut
why are all hosted postgres db services > $20 / mo
@ShrekOverflow because of Net Neutrality
that's not how it works
you know better. :)
@SterlingArcher Remember that in hospitals they call bikers "donors".
yea but those greedy doctors will put that label on anyone breathing heavy
they start taking inventory of what they can harvest
I don't want anyone labeling me when I'm "breathing heavy"
i'm thinking of rimworld
@ShrekOverflow because memory
@Loktar ...
@ssube mm, makes sense, I guess I'll just got with an AWS EC2 instance than
how big of a db are you thinking?
for small, light-usage, there are cheaper hosts
I run a RDS t2.small RI now and it's pretty quick
leave the scratched fairing
I’m trying to figure out how I scraped the left side of my left leg when I high sided on a left turn
How the fuck???
review the footage
@ssube I was thinking about t2 ish
didn't realize AMZ just offers RDS PG out of the box now
@SterlingArcher I once slipped and fell on my ass and cut the top of my foot open
@ShrekOverflow and aurora
... the top
and the free AWS plan should be more than enough
no footage, the camera died before i left work
nothing makes sense
I had a bolt shape burned into my leg from a motorbike
wow body cam happened to be malfunctioning again
I feel stupid, but it could have been way worse. Should only be a couple hundred bucks to fix
i stubbed my toe last night, you dont' know pain
meh. many people crash. some do actual stupid things, not just get caught in bad weather
tragedy is when I stub my toe, comedy is when you fall down a hole and die
many stop riding. doesn't sound like your is that bad, which is cool, so something to learn from
@Luggage yeah, I guess it couldn't have been avoided except for not riding
my first year i rode in all weather, too
But the weather said no snow, so it's not all my fault
dude, it's mid-late december
don't lean, don't turn
you can't trust 'no snow' reports
No this wont stop me from riding at all
that's no guarantee of snow there
my elbow hurts a bit
@ssube that's like a weatherman in the UK saying 'no rain today'
you still take an umbrella, because he's a lying sac of shit
idk dude, green xmas was pretty common when I lived in MD
@SterlingArcher callup the nurse
Aside from the peg and lever (brakes) that's all the damage
dude, mark that NSFW
Remind me to get frame sliders please
get frame sliders
the bruise is starting lol
@rlemon I haven't talked to her in over a week now
sounds like the perfect relationship
@SterlingArcher and now you have the perfect excuse to ask for a full body exam
yeah broken is not as cool looking as scraped on a fairing
> Come diagnose me and then we can play doctor
I might have pulled something "down there"
tell her you went down on your motorcycle in the snow and you'll either be a badass or a moron to her
or both
that's why you have to slowly work your way up
Fairings dont seem to be expensive for a naked bike
Pegs and levers aren't bad either
I came out lucky gents
psh, anything on the bike is fine. there is insurance if it gets too expensive
bikers average 1 accident per year
yeah, do cheap repairs yourself
so your statistically safe for 15 days, thats how it works
Yeah bikes staying in the garage rest of the winter. Not risking a weather play again
put your money into suing the other guy
@ssube it'll be good experience. I'll have to have it checked for damage I can't see though. Going to head down and inspect the bike in a few to check for leaks and shit
Need to calm down. Pretty angry at myself for being stupid
maybe go get a checkup if your elbow doesn't get better soon
@SterlingArcher at least you didn't slide it sideways into a tree :D
Elbow is fine, no pain in movement, it's just going to be a bruise
Still really confused about my knee though.
lol, gonna get the bike checked "just incase", but your own body? nahh fam.
don't be silly.
bikes don't stop their own leaks. humans mostly do
lol if I have movement pain that isn't obviously just from taking a fall ill get it checked out
the bike took a worse hit than I did
It was like a 8mph fall D:
need a new helmet or did that come out fine?
Nope, didn't knock my head, helmet is good
Kind of glad the gopro died lol cause I'd have to post the footage
i hear going over the high side is the dangerous side, guess its obvious
ive seen plenty of slide outs on turn 2 laguna seca, they just lay down and slide
Yeah I should have low sided, but I must have caught a dry patch going down and torqued over
there was a choice involved?
I'm kind of glad it happened the way it did, clutch repair is way more expensive
No like the way I was going down was a low side on the clutch side, that's how I thought it was going to end
brb gonna go check the damage
We good yo
I got off extremely lucky.
My sister half crashed the sled a couple day ago and bit a hole through her lip
sled's fine though :P
lmao thank god the sleds ok
lol right
most people have to pay for a hole in their lip
I'm lucky the oil holder (what is that called?) only got scraped and not cracked. that could have been expensive
heh, yeah. The only thing you can do then is kill the engine and hope it stops spinning before the oil runs out entirely.
and in a car, hope your brakes work
Oh yeah
I think I can bend the brake peg into place before I replace it
And I wanted to change my levers anyways so no big loss there. It might be hard to find the right fairing. Maybe carbon fiber will look good
did all of this happen today?
@r3wt yeah, it started sleeting and I tried to beat the ice home. Almost made it..
I should probably go clean the cuts
!!afk fml
@Webster I like how the randomly generated image id is FFFK
holy shit dude glad you're ok, but you are lucky as hell.
@SterlingArcher one shot for the cut, one for you
@SterlingArcher fuck dude :(
@BenFortune SterlingArcher is afk: fml
@SterlingArcher the case?
@HatterisMad SterlingArcher is afk: fml
haha yeah man you got the stator cover or clutch cover not the case
Don’t ask me how but I apparently scraped my nads
it's cold enough in my house that I went outside to warm up and smoke :(
damn, thats the worst casualty possible
yeah so you need to replace the fairings, probably bars, controls, rearsets
you are going to spend a chunk, but still less than a single hospital trip... soooo take it for what you will
Lmao I don’t even know how 50% of my injuries are even possible
you are a soft human
@HatterisMad honestly it’s just controls and fairings. I’m not going to bother with the scratches for now
Since it’s a naked bike fairings are shockingly cheap
Probably just a couple hundred bucks if I do it myself.
@SterlingArcher calls it a neke bike.... has to replace fairings.....
something here doesn't add up
mostly naked.
like a bikini fairing
it has fenders, and thats about it lol
Hey, can someone take a look at this question? Pretty sure it's incorrectly marked as duplicate: stackoverflow.com/questions/47759560/…
@AlexvonBrandenfels Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
So maybe I did gender damage and not fairing?
your gender is in danger
is this a rocket?
Lmao oops
if you managed to scrape your nads, you are so incredibly unlucky
how do I tell someone who's doing me a huge favour that they're wrong in something?
about design, they're a backend dev
do you need to?
I usually employ sarcasm or passive aggressive remarks. But I'm an asshole.
well, I redesigned the hackerspace's website so it's much more usable and actually makes sense
sent the owner the design to ask for his opinion, and he said "this is not effective for mobile", when the design were mobile-first, 360px width
I used to be a proper dick in code reviews (even by my standards, like relatively speaking), but that didn't work so well.
and honestly works a lot better than the standard bulma styling the site currently has
Now I prefer the "I like to do X this way: sample" and "What if you do this like so? It will make Y better, no?" type comments
my boss calls it developing soft skills or some such nonsense
I think he's just proud of it because it was one of his first times messing with bulma and doesn't want things to be changed, which I didn't expect from him
wait, you asked them to replace a bulma design with your custom stuff, out of nowhere, and they said no?
> I usually name my variables in a sensible fashion. What if you name yours less retarded? It will make our code less shit, no?
also, 360px wide? by mobile do you mean nokia?
lol, not quite what I meant
@towc Have you asked specifically what made him say it's not effective for mobile? Maybe he encountered some behavior that you weren't expecting
Maybe there is a less invasive change you can gently suggest that targets just one of your main issues with it?
yeah, starting off by removing a library generally doesn't go over well
I'm sure you can make something more usable within bulma, it's not a bad framework
not great but no glaring flaws
> the design I had in mind made things more readable and less "you need to refresh the page" and buttons much easier to hit and understand, but it doesn't feel the "hacky" point of view

well, the design I sent you

I'm still going to argue it's much better for a mobile experience, but what's there currently works 😛
I sent this, so he can explain if he wants to
while it's not provocative or dickish or submissive or anything
> Hi, you're wrong, you dipshit.
> I was right.
> I know I'm right, I don't care what you say.
wait, really?
kinda, yea.
ouch :/
without politics and greasing your design is wrong. Human nature is the great variable in workplace metrics. Of course he rejected an unsolicited redesign of his site. Its insulting, from one point of vview
it seemed reasonable to me
I'm being a little dramatic, but I would take offense at your email
not a lot, but enough to disregard your design, for sure
we're chatting on messenger
didn't aim get discontinued
shut down today :(
goodnight, sweet prince. *door closing sfx*
the day after losing nn
hmm, if I send my designs, can you all shit on them one more time?
Jesus google, two phishing emails creep into my inbox in one week? What's the deal
You're better than that
somehow I've been contracting/freelancing for a while, but haven't gotten much criticism in a bit
@rlemon net neutrality :/
@Loktar fake news
@rlemon were they from "amazon"?
> Bob has failed at fishing
> Bob has caught some trash while fishing: email
comcast redid their email system and deleted all of my rules and disabled my auto forwarding
@KendallFrey yyp
so i missed a few months of messages
lol my comcast email has like 4 messages in it
all cease and desists
I had a few amazon somethings-or-other come through
openable online through designer.gravit.io
Wow that sounds exactly like something Comcast would do
because i never open my comcast inbox, i always had it forwarded to my gmail where the spam gets properly filtered out
this is what the current website looks like:
big white boxes on a black background
the existing design has some issues, but it also has a very particular style
yours looks like stock bootstrap
@ssube yeah, the particular style is something I'm really not doing right
but tbh I think I can just invert some colors and get something similar
wanted to do it the light version way first so I the best practices could still make sense in my head
IMO You should look at Angular.js — ControlAltDel 1 hour ago
is angular becoming jquery
btw, the pages to look at in the design are pretty much only "user not subscribed", "user subscribed", and "refill"

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