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stackoverflow.com/questions/47783223/… Please help me if you can give me an answer to this post.
in react I am setting a class level variable (it updates but I dont want to re-render), but when i webpack to production it's undefined
you mean a static class property?
so in my constructor I set this.variable = { code: 0 }; and in a function I use this.variable.code and this.variable is undefined
review your compiled code that actually gets executed in the browser
so not static
@hsimah check the context
how doyou call the function?
you may have to use a bound function
I'm guessing it's an event handler
the function is bound: this.formDidUpdate = this.formDidUpdate.bind(this);
it is an event handler
in the function this.props is not undefined
does it bind with a snapshot of this?
or is that persistent
(does order matter?)
i.. dont know how to answer that
@rlemon what does that mean?
nothing, nvm.
is it a bad idea to set class level variables? I dont want to use the state due to the value changing but not requiring a re-render
@hsimah try to mvce
What is the value
@hsimah it's fine if done carefully
the value is the previous value of a control
Sounds like state
If re-rendering is a performance issue theres a lifecycle method for that
I dont think it will be bad for performance, I just thought i'd try and not rerender it
but tbh it's easier to just keep it in the state
yeah if it's something like that no reason not to
you should still try to see why you're seeing that though
I will. I hate not knowing.
But for now this needs to be pushed to prod so
@towc nice, redux has lots of "would not use again"
though I guess relatively mobx does too :o
falcor dead lol
TIL falcor
kind of want to meet the "I've HEARD of it, and am NOT interested" of ES6
see what's happening in their heads
No point in using es6 if you dont use variable declarations or functions
no css-modules :|
yarn more popular than npm according to that :o
what does yarn offer over latest npm?
> 9 years experience in clojurescript
Yeah no way yarn is more popular
maybe in that specific hipster subset
why did they include a random OCaml based compile-to-js
ah, facebook/reason
> ~15% on No Framework: never heard of it
and huh, vue is ahead of angular 2?
I genuinely didn't expect that
"Reason" developers make 103k a year on average
because there's 5 of them and they work at facebook
Vue isnt ahead in terms of users
People just hate using angular
Which makes sense because angular is aids
ember devs are the most payed?
angular 1 should be renamed icarus
because nobody wants to write ember
Also how are the salaries only like 60-80k
literally everyone heard of angular
more people heard of angular than javascript
yeah, it's pushed by alibaba
China has a lot of react talent as well
pretty crazy that meteor failed so hard with so many millions of $
They have a lot of good react libs if you can find them and translate the docs
given that they were on everyone's radar
wtf did they do with the money
cars and women and drugs
what else would you do with money?
I would make the best js framework
I would do drugs and women in my cars
@ndugger Buy myself this
why are rubiks cubes to expensive
oh, I didn't realize you can use electron for mobile
well, that makes sense
@Mosho A normal one is like ten bucks
yeah $10 is more than I expected
wait, did they not differentiate between VS and vscode?
did who
@KendallFrey stateofjs people
IE11 doesnt support fetch
am I a bad person for not caring
I am facing some problem with my code
IE5 is where its at.
@William I dont even remember what that looked like now lol
@hsimah no
@hsimah it had a better box model layout. Also I believe there was only quirks mode
But most people remember the "high" points if you can call it that
Its funny my colleges site works on IE5 because it was made that long ago and frankly it works better then the "newer" stuff
i looked up a pic of the UI
it ran on windows 3.1
Yeah and wine
To be fair I only ever used it on wine
can anyone tell me how the scroll on this menu works? uqcc.azurewebsites.net
it's the default wordpress theme, you click the down arrow and it smoothly scrolls until the menu is at the top
I hate those "features"
bankofamerica is the worst because it overrides the pagedown keys to do smooth scrolling
i cant say i am a fan, i just have no idea how it works and it's tough to find a google search phrase that will answer
i think it has something to do with the aria tags maybe?
"smooth scroll" will probably work.
scroll then fix. nice.
thanks @Wietlol
aahhh yes fixed
in the IE5 days there was no position:fixed;
@William i can see you have the same reaction as MS when they created the position:fixed; option
> aahhh yes fixed
@Wietlol IE I'm pretty sure was late to the game for fixed
IE6 didn't support it either.
thank you for this completely not-useless information
There was even a workaround for it if I recall correctly. Multiple hack techniques. One of witch was to use CSS expressions
IE is a workaround
im at the point that i ran out of free memory
i have to get rid of stuff to know more
its a tradeoff
Yeah probably true, but frankly HTML was so simple back in those days. You had tables, and like 3 position options that was it.
The whole separate layout from presentation is rather stupid IMO
HTML + CSS go hand in hand.
oh man object.assign doesnt work in ie11 either
i really need to read the compatibility thing on mdn more
or lodash
i just got so used to just using everything in js
if its in the intellisense its there for using ;p
or babel
we're actually using jquery
so ill use that
good, jquery is great and does all things
$.extend i believe
we use the devexpress devextreme forms, it's all jquery based. next release is going to be vanilla js I believe. i dont really like devextreme, it's slow and clunky, but my team love it because it's simple to configure.
I was just serenaded with crocodile facts 😍
A woman after my own heart
Did you know that you can tell the difference between an alligator and a crocodile whether you see one later, or if you see one in a while
what is the difference between a crocodile and alligator?
all i know is that the manta ray will see me another day
I just told you
The state of JS starts in about an hour
What is this?
Its a new state in the United States obviously.
The yearly happening with javascript i guess it’s a livestream
spoiler alert @tereško react is still hot
will pls die
I'll watch it on my tv
Cc @MadaraUchiha @ThiefMaster @BenjaminGruenbaum @Zirak @ssube
Are we allowed to ask questions in chat?
kick out the girl of course
erm, in the stream chat
What's the state of js?
There is another chat going I think. Is this on twitch also
Yeah, the youtube chat isn't being watched by them; you have to go to their crowdcast
they should have put that in the description...
lol ember
hey look, an albino carrot
I know kassandra
Everyone vote for my question regarding Web Components (custom elements + shadow DOM)
@ShrekOverflow Do you never sleep?
@SomeGuy I can't sleep
@ndugger hold on. releasing my bots.
If I could I would
I just fade out and boot back up
smoke pot
makes you sleep
good stuff
or what nudgger said.
@shriek nyquil chicken, to be precise
@ndugger TROLL LLAND
living your way is a crime over here
Are you still in India?
Unforunately yes
and I am not in the nice part as Amaan is
Ah, so no cloud computing, then, since it can rain
I didn't know there was a nice part of India
there are moderate/bearable parts
what's going on with angular 5?
Its being replaced with Angular 6
You say that but wait till they jump to 9.
Angular 7 should take care of it
Angular 8 seems to do things the better way
8 times the charm.
nope they are already at 800
Won't take long.
@shriek Angular is a framework I would recommend using HexaDecimal for versioning
Hello, I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask, but could anyone help me with using the Adsense Management API?

@Metsuryu Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Not unless you have an actual question and an MVCE
or just lots of money to give me
@ndugger I don't have much money, but I do have two questions if anyone is kind enough to answer, basically, I'm trying to generate a report programmatically with the adsense management API, and I want to get the URL of each page in which the ad was shown.

My website is made with Angular 4, and the pages that I put the ads on are supposed to be user-generated articles, so it's a bit complicated.

Basically, I have example.com, and the articles are in example.com/posts/articleID, but the /articleID is not an actual page, example.com/posts parses the articleID to get the contents of the arti
Sorry if it's unclear, if there is anything that you want me to explain better just ask
Ah right, I forgot the actual question, one moment
I tried the API with the API explorer, and I put in these parameters:


EARNINGS, PAGE_VIEWS, and DATE work as expected, but URL_CHANNEL_NAME only gives me the base URL of the website, not the URL of the page in which the ad is shown that I would need, so I tried other dimensions, but none of them seems to give me the full URL, is it something I'm doing wrong, or is it impossible to do because I'm generating the article dynamically from the URL?
I feel like the person hosting StateofJS and a lot of the guests aren't qualified to host this kind of event
Does Amazon sell anything anymore or is it all other sellers?
Also, does anyone know some other place I might ask this? I made a post on SO, and on Reddit's /r/learnprogramming, but so far I got no answers.
There used to be a way to tell. Honestly I have had terrible experiences with both
Well, wasted like 1.5 hours watching StateofJS
I saw an albino carrot, listened to some guy ramble on about react, and then a circle jerk around some static site generator
super quality
@ndugger But... that is the state of JS
make me
I thought my monitor was dirty.
@Luggage What makes you think it isn't?
well, it is.
I could really go for some milk right now
but all I have is beer
a milk stout?
lmao Doug Jones won
won what? Strangest looking actor?
I'm thinking of the wrong person
WHo is this dude?
when you google "engagement format" for a marketing class and start getting engagement rings ads lol
i.imgur.com/XnzjGR8.gifv moose bitch, get out the way
The Alabama senator
scary meese
Can we talk about how shitty the experience is to use a trackpad on windows 10 vs macOS
It is.
pointing sticks all the way
I like nipples
every time I try to scroll on my windows 10 trackpad, it zooms in the fucking web page
thanks obama
it's got all the right gestures, but I am constantly zooming, or fumbling th right click
@Mosho yes, heavily
@ndugger just disable all the features but scrolling. It worked well enough for me
@ssube nice, I'd like to try to deploy with it
even if it won't make it to production
No. Trackpads can be good. Windows needs to fix it
the scrolling is slow to respond too. Except in Edge. Edge scrolls fast
Chrome scrolls delayed. vscode is unbearable.
I only use trackpad with macOS; the gestures are super powerful
@Mosho I use it with kops to manage my kube cluster and the related AWS stuff, since it knows how to diff them. Works pretty well.
I actually like ubuntu's one finger scrolling better then macs features
@ssube where do your images get pulled from?
we also use it at work for... everything
I hate trackpads that don't have two finger scroll
images for kube?
your apps
@rlemon what about 1 finger scroll on the edge?
gitlab, although we're moving to nexus. private repo either way.
That would be annoying
windows adopted most of the same gestures. They just need to tune it.
@ssube what does the deployment flow look like?
My fishies keep making babies
push to gitlab, and it builds it and stores it for you?
never used gitlab
what type of fishies?
ever used travis, circle, any of them?
it's the same in this case, push the dockerfile and it builds, creates an image
not really, we use something called deploybot
@William feeders. Free food
and it's super simple and can't build images
another repo or another dir/job runs TF, that sets up the kube boxes and stuff
(guppies I feed to my newt)
kube pulls the image built in step #1
TF = Team Fortress?
things crash, days is lost, bailed paid, and that's the circle of prod
what, why do things crash
why are days lost
party liquor
You don't have to spit when you say that word...
we use digital ocean for our main app though :(
hm. I need a PLA-safe lube.
glue flavoured lube
anything should be possible, but all the docs always pertain to aws/gc
most of what kops does for TF cluster is subnets/routes and userdata to bootstrap the boxes
yeah I was looking at that
I need to clean up and rotate a few secrets in my build tools repo, but I might be able to post that in the next few days
I'd appreciate it
it's a whole CI'd thing with terraform, ansible, kube, etc
what are you trying to do?
learn, mostly, I think
a few months ago I made a working docker-compose config that ran our main app
but never had the chance to put it in prod because our deployment tool does not support it so we would have to build on our own server and it kinda slipped away
the only gotcha with TF is the graph-state. If you go editing things by hand or delete them, it can get very confused next time it goes resolving deps.
my boss doesn't want to change that deployment tool, unfortunately
never had it fuck up other than that
your build runs in a server gitlab provides?
or your own cloud
gitlab lives on its own box, with runners in each env (aws account)
Any docker peeps around with experience installing custom fonts in containers?
it makes access control simpler
so you have your own "gitlab"?
yeah, that handles git and builds, hooked up to jira for issues :(
personally I use gitlab for everything, including issues and wiki
including running your own repo
for the code
we use a private github repo
we were, but those get expensive when you have however many we have
428 projects (repos) lol
where do you work btw
we mirror stuff to github if we're open sourcing it
I stalk sean
@ssube sounds cool
Like half of my former coworkers from my previous job now work at wheniwork
it's nice working somewhere execs care about dashboards and data
Shane poached them all
@ssube I bet it does
shane is a pretty good boss, devops reports directly to him now
Shane is dope
I hate using uncommon stacks
I just googled "digital ocean travis terraform" and the 4th result was some random guy's resume page
so, travis shouldn't matter, TF is a single binary and runs on the cli
it just needs somewhere to hold state (the resources after applying changes)
in AWS, that's S3. I know DO has object storage, don't know much about it.
I/we stay well away from them due to spammers
having something basic you can bake your code into is always nice
work has a few old boxes on linode which is bad enough, we get constant maintenance warnings about them lol
it's so annoying how GH doesn't give you a single private repo free
they're dirt cheap though
$7 for unlimited, meh.
Good morning
not for most of us it isn't
i am working on react.js form update part in which I am able to get form values for update. when i update form values it makes new entry instead of updating old values .thnaks. components -> Dashboard.js codesandbox.io/s/ryqn6j4vyq(edited)
1 hour later…
2 hours later…
Hey heyo
dzien dobrie (? not sure if right :P)
Morning scripterinos!
anybody got a javascript that accesses multiple sites with a bot delay?
Trying to farm bing rewardws without installing anything else or giving my password to strange websites.
Would also like to avoid building something in macroX, although I do like to play around with that.
@KarelG close enough! Its Dzień Dobry :)
:P i only have heard that from time to time when I was in Warsaw. that accent at the n... is there any different towards a "normal" n?
its like a "ni" in Sweenie, but shorter
any idea, why every arc of my pie chart could take more space than it renders?
Im creating them using d3.arc
posted on December 13, 2017

Following up on my talk “A Tale of TurboFan” (slides) at JS Kongress, I wanted to give some additional context on how TurboFan, V8’s optimizing compiler, works and how V8 turns your JavaScript into highly-optimized machine code. For the talk I had to be brief and leave out several details. So I’ll use this opportunity to fill the gaps, especially how V8 collects and uses the profiling informati

@KamilSolecki so you have to say " tssienie doobrie " ?
@KarelG the "dzi" is kinda like "dji" in djinni
Its best if you input that in google translate and press the microphone: "dzień dobry"
ah ok. I hope that I still remember that when I would be in poland.
I'm hearing impaired. Those subtle things are difficult to hear
dji sounds almost same to tsie for me
oh, I see.
djieni dobri it would be then I guess
ugh stupid stupid <path>
> By design, TP-Link firmware sends six DNS requests and one NTP query every 5 seconds, for a total of 715,4 MB per month.
* shivers *
@jAndy Yo
What Chrome?
I thought we fixed that
(It's Chrome that's leaking errors, not hls.js)
@ndugger hey, sup?
Good day guys.
I'm new in webpack, and I don't know how to use this package in my project
@BenjaminGruenbaum You're late
You missed the fun last night, Nitzan was here :D
Keep reading
I broke my phone's screen

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