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my grandparents had an old B&B for a while, the cellar was huge
aren't all cellars in canada cold?
oh, grandmother called for help before going in
rooms behind walls, drop chutes from the third floor, the works
@Luggage really depends on what you call a cellar.
concrete walled offshoot from teh basement? yea they're cold in the winter.
basement itself? nahh, that's where the furnace is
I close all the basement vents in October
it's still warmer than the rest of the house
odd. my funace is down there, but the hot air comes out up here..
it's cold down there. Well, a few degrees colder than the rest of the house.
I keep them closed all year round. but I have fish tanks in there so.. dehumidifier and fans are also running year round
and i leave the door open
but.. i guess that lets heat come up, too
@Luggage sure. so is mine. but it isn't "cold" in any sense
my house had pretty bad ventilation
house is 23c, basement is like 21c
yea, so normal
mine sits between 20-21 according to octoprint :P
we just had different definitions of warm in this context
the cold cellar is like 20c in the summer, and goes between 2c and -5c in the winter
my garage is like that, which would be fine except it's under my room
my floor gets quite cold in the winter
I have tile and hardwood in the main floor, and I've learned where all of the heat ducts run under it 😃
I had an apartment with polished concrete floors
they were always cool, which was great
sooooo useful in teh winter. nice warm floor in the morning if you know where to walk
you play hopscotch on the way to the bathroom?
no upstairs has carpets
only floor that does.
I just bought slippers from amazon
if you time it right, you can only step on the cat as he flees, that works too
Why does youtube just turn on captions sometimes.
it's like some deaf guy is using my account
maybe it's a setting for the uploader
or a hotkey you keep on hitting inadvertently.
it gets turned on for all videos and i have to turn it off in settings again
yea, maybe
though i mostly start videos from my phone.
worth checking your sessions just in case
@Luggage is your phone muted?
if it's my general google* account sessions, i do
@ssube step on the cat and ride the wave
isn't it amazing how hard it is for companies to put out good-looking, well-functioning websites
ohh.. maybe
my bank's website, they've been working on it for so long, and still, so many things are a little off
It does go into 'do not disturb' sometimes by accient. I'll have to see if that is coincident
banking sites are always slow to update
all those security concerns
that they didn't actually do right
but still delayed development
@Luggage when locked if you hold the volume down does it do that?
they've shipped out a brand new app/website
because mine does
and you can tell they put a lot of money into it
s/they've/their last contract team, who are now gone, have/
loaders seems like the hardest engineering problem in the universe
yea. or something liek that. I know it's how i hit the volume.
but i don't if that is turning on captions. MAYBE.
who loads the loader?
I put my phone on dnd in my pocket all the time
@rlemon doing quests and shit?
yea man
roll for thac0
my other pocket is 3 d6's and a d12
are nfc dice a thing yet?
no fucking clue?
"put my phone on dnd"? Does that mean start some dnd app?
looks like not really
what would nfc dice do?
@Luggage do not disturb
@Luggage know which side is up/down
when they land on a table or phone
man, I bet I could print some freaking nice dice
Ugh so my tv is supposed to have an auth code setup in the menu
ohh.. jesus. all the "roll for thac0" shit made me thing "DnD"
But it doesnt
remember when MS surface used to be a nfc table screen thing?
@rlemon get a mobious dice
they hijacked the name for their tablets
@Shmiddty with a D&D demo
it was fuckin sweet
I still have a dnd dice app on my phone
And I really need to access it over the http
I still want one
it was mostly just a TV under a digitizer that could read NFC markers
and make the numbers appear in binary, as patterns of dots, just to confuse people
and the linux foundation training website
you just need some extremely low power, very local form of NFC
what an ugly POS
how do they cast in metal from a 3d print? like mold transfer?
and it complains about my zipcode not matching my visa so I can't buy the course
I wonder how well weighted a 3d printed die would be
I am pretty excited for MR/AR tabletop games, or at least RTS games
I don't think the designers would put that much detail in, but maybe?
@ssube I'm excited to put my TV on any wall and at any size
@rlemon I bet you could print it in halves, hollow, and put in a metal sphere.
plus multi screens
RTS tabletop seems like it would be chaotic
@rlemon I'd probably have printed some if I weren't sure they'd be awfully biased.
especially hollow ones with decorations, dragons and wizards, seems off balance
and though it can be just showing a message with zipcode, but I bet it tries to authenticate my card using the hidden, blank zip code field instead of the postal code (canada)
The weight should be so much more than the plastic that it ends up close to balanced
you could just paint the numbers on
@Loktar websites look pretty cool in the cliff house
print a 50% infill cube
I've done a fair amount of 6 window browsing in VR, it works well
or whatever shape you want
@Shmiddty Unless AR
yeah VR is cool, but I want to sit in my living room with it
I really want to checkout the iphoneX just for AR boardgaming too - the table sensing if things move is huge
I think AR is really where everything will happen
@KamilSolecki but how would you control it?
AR is much more useful
@Loktar Why would you want to sit somewhere boring?
sitting is more comfortable
@KendallFrey get some art noob
@KendallFrey on the comfort of my couch, I can make the world look however I want
and no need for pants
my living room isn't boring
AR would be cool if they can create something wearable that is actually comfortable/unnoticable
with AR I could paint my walls any color, or animation
@ssube I have art
VR I'm tethered with a cord meh
@Mosho the Windows headsets are fairly comfortable (mine is)
@Mosho I'm holding out for AR contact lenses
@Loktar like The Voices
still noticeable
@Shmiddty gestures, I guess
or subpar tracking without a cord, but I can't look at people in the room either
@rlemon yeah, that would be great
@Loktar AR doesn't mean wireless
especially now that I don't need glasses
@KendallFrey current AR tech seems to be wireless
I wonder how much more comfortable the vive is without glasses
how's that going for you btw? adjusting fine?
hololense is
I can't imagine them taking a step back and making it wired to some machine
@rlemon yeah, pretty good, no real discomfort and I think vision is improving a little still
i asked santa for the playstation vr helmet
@Mosho wait, do you need glasses for the vive?
good to hear.
@Loktar No, but that wasn't the point
@Mosho oh you get lasik?
I thought it somehow cancelled the thing out
@towc if you wear glasses
do you still reach to take them off before bed and stuff?
but I guess you still need to focus
@towc at my prescription, yes
I can imagine the muscle memory is hard to break
-7 ain't no joke
I have ok vision irl, the VR lenses make it better
@Loktar yeah, last week
AR is definitely immediate future - hardware isn't really quite there for VR without slowly killing & the batteries that are not replacable on cell phones
and it actually lasts for a bit
things are clearer after playing
problem solved.
nice, I want to for sure
i think staring at screens makes our eyes stronger
@Mirv I think it's the opposite
VR exists already and works well
@Webster gonna say no
I need new glasses again
even on mobile
I kinda hate glasses
the operation was about 5 minutes, and you can see immediately after
my eyes used to be fine, then I started computing
AR is the pricey, not quite there yet tech
I think I might need glasses.
even hololens you have a very limited fov
reading at a distance is getting harder
lemme guess. near-sighted?
you need a new phone ever year as if you do serious use on the VR - you are going to blow the battery
@Mosho you, @KendallFrey and @rlemon should hit the gym in celebration this saturday
I can't lift heavy yet
and get shitfaced and post the funniest messages here
Kendall isn't allowed in the gym since the incident
you mean when they strap the phone to their eyes? uses more than normal juice?
I can finally do pushups again
I'm planning to work out today
@Mirv there are users in here with it the battery isn't a huge issue
or tomorrow
right now positional tracking is what's being nailed down
I'm planning to work out this year
@Mosho think "a week" was too safe, and want to live dangerously?
or next year
any freemium game with 3d boobies will burn your battery just as well
@KendallFrey lol
@towc it's been a week
didn't you have it on thursday/friday?
or, will be, tomorrow morning
what's poopy about 3k AR glasses
oh, there you go
@Loktar ugh, that
oh, these assholes updated expected delivery for my bench from dec 29 to jan 01
my cat puked on mine :(
@Loktar yea - if the $ wasn't an issue we'd all have these back in 2003 - youtube.com/watch?v=LXAqdh4-hcw - I mostly throw that in because the mass market is what drives the developers
oh wait
that will bump your resolution out a whole nother year
omg, they had a slight logistics issue around the busiest time of year?
haven't used it in a few months. dunno when she did
found it the other day
@Loktar I feel like we're better using VR and augmenting the feed, like night vision does
run it through a camera, don't do overlays and holograms
@towc dude, cats puke all the time
@Luggage yes they did, the bastards
it's good for them
hairballs and shit
not 'puke puke', but shits coming up
@ssube currently yeah I imagine they will just blend into one thing
Tell Justin.
it seems like with AR it's trivial to go full VR
@rlemon my gf's cat never pukes, it's weird. First one I've met that doesn't, pretty short hair.
so hopefully that's what ends up happening
I'm excited for the next windows update
I have an AR Game
@ssube weird. mine both shed like hell, and we brush them weekly.
Pokemon go?
I had a dragon that is the size of my house now :|
/me jokes.
which is weird, I've never been hyped for a windows patch before
@Loktar AR dragon :P
@ssube lol yeah it is funny seeing someone say that
iPhone 8 has pretty darn good AR :P, especially the Ikea app, I can feel like I am not in troll land by strapping a phone on my face
@ssube it's the hormones, it will go away
most patches don't just go "here, have VR, it works great"
@ShrekOverflow man, you sure do hate that place.
I hit reboot, waited 10 minutes, and it just worked
@Luggage I am suicidal, I think that should have made things clear.
on the subject of the AR stuff - have we declared a winner on the eye tracking hardware? I'm thinking about this one lately - amazon.com/Mouse-Facial-Recognition-Camera-Windows/dp/…
ok, no more dessert for shrek
@Mirv many of us just have full VR headsets
i think eye movement as user input has a lot of potential:
I haven't tried eye tracking personally though
> many
and 3d printers.
only render and fully sharpen the part they are looking at
well... at least 4 of us lol
move the mouse cursor with your eyes
who's #4? You, me, Kendall, ?
@Loktar 5
ssube, luggage, kendall, me, loke
Mosho, and Ben
so yeah 5
@Webster IIRC US AF uses it to control guns in Apache Longbows
ohhh I'm talking 3d printers now
@rlemon oh you get the PSVR?
very good potential I'd say :P
oooh lol
similar sets of people
@Loktar no but I will
Ben or Cereal has VR...
gonna get it for holly
@ShrekOverflow Sorry that I have no idea how to respond to that.
can't remember who lol
oh, we're playing that game, huh? Who's mentally ill?
my eyes are nimble af
Shrek, I, <just put your name here>
yea - I want a vive at some point just waiting for time to do more
@towc no, you win, go away
whatever the question is I'm the most, more
@Mirv meh, get the odyssey
looks better, tracks almost as well
get the rift :p
way more comfortable
$350 and tracks better
@Luggage you don't have to.
also higher FoV
@Loktar if you start printing now it might be ready for halloween
(same as the vive though)
Fun fact is TrollLand has/had death penalty for attempting suicide :D, its a criminal offense :D
LOL oh man @rlemon that is awesome
don't the Rift, Vive, and Odyssey have the same FoV?
projection may fill some of the gaps with AR
it's like 10 degrees higher on the vive/rift isn't it?
looks like 110
Unless I'm thinking of a diff mixed reality headset
AR should just 3d print things in front of you
AR / 3d Print what?
dont move your eyes move your head, 100% fov?
that's awesome - slipped my radar somehow @ssube
yeah, everything I can find says 110
the cheap Windows ones are 90
@Mirv they shipped last week
gcode viewer in AR appearing on your print bed
this guy has balls
When I predicted Bitcoin at $500,000 by the end of 2020, it used a model that predicted $5,000 at the end of 2017. BTC has accelerated much faster than my model assumptions. I now predict Bircoin at $1 million by the end of 2020. I will still eat my dick if wrong.
I'm still waiting for full controller-less VR
maybe not for long
AR heatmap overlay on the print bed
hell, AR height overlay
@ssube yeah you;re right, I assumed they all followed the same spec sheet
but still very hard to beat 350 for the rift + touch
@Loktar nah, that's why I went for the odyssey. Specs-wise, it competes with the nice ones.
the tracking isn't as good though
I'd rather external tracking personally
it's not
occlusion seems like it would be annoying
it's close to being more reliable than the cameras, though
and $150 more doesn't seem like a leap to warrant that
@Webster the eyes can be used for selection stuff with blinks etc while the head guides your avatars motions
I get half as many peripheral not synced errors
if they were both $500 I could see the samsung HMD as a choice
it sounds better than grabbing a vive though
the price is a bit steep, but meh
besides the HMD locked releases, but those should be cracked fast
FO4 VR and Doom VFR are vive only :/
so dumb.
and people screamed about Oculus lol
I'm curious if the vive only stuff will just work, since the vive works with steam
and windows is trying to establish a standard API (or to establish someone else's standard? not sure)
I'd be very surprised if there are any Samsung exclusives, just Windows MR, and that already mostly works with steam...
Oh yea - the reason I was looking at a stand alone eye tracker is for people with disabilities that don't wear ar/vr
hopefully they just use openvr
I think they are
or maybe they just support it for Steam
ar rimworld would be awesome
with little paper dolls?
or totally 3d, like extruded
ultimate table top adventure
fully 3d
heh yeah with billboard sprites
that would be cool
but tbh I think the table novelty will wear off too
tabletop gaming surface you can load any board game, many 3D video games
AR will end up being used for meetings
or spreadsheets
once you can control things with your eyes oh man
oil prospecting looks like their minecraft demo
that will be so much better
architecture will change
because man it would be annoying reaching for every guy, tapping a ton of menus
sore arms ftw.
i'm undressing your mom with my eyes.
@Loktar there was a Rainbow Six (or extended universe) game that relied on voice commands
it sort of worked and giving order was much easier
yeah those suck too though since you can't play them when people are sleeping, or look like an idiot in public
I mean they have their limits I guess
throat mics solve that
plug it into your headset
heh yea
I have a bug
seems like 1 + 0 is 10
never change javascript
I'm still a fan of no head gear, projector over table w/eye or motion tracking (maybe a single leap vr lense infront of each person or above them - for casual food/board gaming, not hardcore stuff)
yeah, but in a really deep place so that the effects are weird and not obvious
im a fan of tech not developed yet, holograms, air interface
and sadly no tests :X
@Shmiddty Holodeck?
@ShrekOverflow that'd be the bestest
I wish I had a holodeck
holo everywhere
yea - could be really artsy Webster!...did you see that Mitsubishi table i linked earlier from 2003?
i think a lot about how to achieve holograms
yes that is so cool, i want that but modern
i think bi directional lasers can charge particles of dust or steam to make holograms
Webster .... like these cell projectors or touchable ones?
@Webster holograms are old tech
cell projectors very cool
hey guys! you know where can I find some Dlang examples with pre and postconditions?
Dlang, like D, the language?
the very dead precursor to Rust?
by hologram I mean digital display walking around in front of you, interacting, not intrusive hardware
wait no
I'll be happy to have a tiny Cortana on my desk
er me and the hologram if that wasn't clear...
that better be in the next windows update
3lol @loktar
@Webster I think we need a different word for that because hologram means something else
yes a new word is needed, holodeck brought the hologram term
I work as a namer
for operative words
as a side job
every developer works as a namer
sometimes for hours on end with nothing to show for it
it's the hardest part of the job
@ShrekOverflow yes a new word is needed, homodeck brought the hologram term (source)
Ok didn't work as expected :(
along with logging, threading, memory management, and security
caprica is kinda snippy
why are developers naming, except like class names or variables?
she said homodeck
@Webster That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
@Webster That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
did I break the room?
1. use a trailing slash on the !!s command
2. The room gets dead about this time. (e.g. I am now going to go play Rimworld)
I'm out too, goodnight guys
Bwaaaa Haha
Just in case.
of course theres a function to mangle others comments
May 13 '15 at 6:57, by royhowie
does !!redo work?
@Zirak Feature request Redo!
can't wait for undo/redo wars
...there's still a small part of me that might get the oculus rift stuff for $350 this week - just because facebook won't throw away the oculus like samsung etc might
@Shmiddty limit it to 1
redo only.
the oculus has not been popular in here

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