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out is best because you might get an icon
material icons?
I think so
is it legal to have if statements in an anonymous function embedded in JSX?
can you refactor it out into a method?
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@AlexBollbach Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. For posting large code blocks, use a paste site like gist.github.com, hastebin.com, pastie.org or a demo site like jsbin.com
i'm getting a syntax error point to the location of 'if'
(status) => { is in the body of the component and not what you think
status is in the body and not what i think?
that's not a function since it's in the body where JSX expects text
does <Transition> take a function as it's child property?
i'm trying to find that out
i'm going through this tutorial - dev.to/underdogio/…
yup. it does, but you need another set of {} around that function
so the tutorial is in error
search that page for "// Children is a function " to see their example
no, the tutorial shows it correct. your code is missing the {}
printed a larger one, no supports
bit of stringing on the antlers, the wood filament fucking LOVES to string
need to dial it in a bit more
messed around with staining the smaller one, didn't like it too much though
that hatchbox wood though is some of the smoothest filament I've used
it's in stock.. just ordered another roll, that shit is pricey.
that's your print there?
yeah both are
yeah they came out really well, smaller one on the ender-2, larger one on the cr-10
is that smaller one sanded, or just stained?
I sanded it a bit
which made the stain come out looking weird
@Loktar I was looking at the hatchbox wood and this one, they offer a dark color as well
not sure about the brand tho
I've heard of it some people say it's alright iirc
I've only used 3 brands so far though
AMZ3D, Hatchbox, and some offbrand garbage Melca
hatchbox and AMZ3D have been great so far, I need to try some others
oh and I got some marble filament I've yet to use
there are some interesting metallic ones, for the smooth surface rather than conduction
Need to try that, just want to use it on something cool since I only got like 500g of it
I saw a roll of stainless ABS for $50
yeah I'm staying away from ABS though
I've only seen/heard horror stories really
you need an enclosure as well
plus venting
Hello everyone can someone please help me? stackoverflow.com questions/47252133/semantic-ui-accordion-overlap-position-fixed-element
@user3233787 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
if you plan on it, you also either need an all metal hotend or a higher rated bowden tube
I wonder if the metal makes that worse
the one that comes with craps out at around 235c
but check out PETG as well
I have a roll of that I need to use
I might grab that so I can print totally food safe
since brass nozzles have lead
but I'll prob wait until next year some time
I need a bookmarks folder for printer mods
^ What I want to print
@ssube bookmark this site tinymachines3d.com
upgrades and replacement parts for it invaluable haha
super fast shipping too
i heard ABS isn't needed any more. polycarbonate is stronger, pla is more convenient
oops, i was scrolled up
nozzles seem like a solid upgrade. You don't even need to switch back to brass, if I understand correctly.
Either way, it's useful to have a few nozzles on standby.
Things tend to get messy.
@Keerthivasan Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
i want to upload the file to remote server from node js
i want know the possile ways
Q: upload files to remote server using multer sftp in express Node js?

KeerthivasanI'm trying to upload the files to remote server using multer-sftp in node js. since i'm following the official docs npm multer-sftp. Previously i've uploading the files to Amazon S3 instead of remote server. now i want to upload the files to remote server. API: exports.newFileUpload = function...

why do all the test runners need a CLI
I want a test library I import and use by just nodeing my test script
@Loktar @Luggage @KendallFrey yea I'm convinced you just can't print round objects in single print and have the bottom turn out
use a bowl as a print bed
I'm just gonna slice it in half.
but I wanna see about making it hollow and also threading the halves
ambitious, but doable.
the threading.
anyone tried to install local typescript packages with npm using a symlink, and get type information?
Hello again.
I'm back from the void
You were arrested?
kek no
I was just hardly up in chat this week
@rlemon If you want the halves to align, threading is gonna be tough
can you print each half with a lip, then print the threaded sections, and glue em?
or you could add a hinge on one side
make a tiny flip-up globe and put in a few tiny shots
assert.deepEqual is ignoring my get properties. How do I get it to include them?
@KendallFrey yea, I've already thought of a way I think will work. there is a model that is print ready (split in two, with threads) that I am looking at, but I don't like the model itself.
however the threads and the print pictures look good.
omg thingiverse is down
ok, it's back :)
incredible drugs that guys is on
smoke detectors woke my up last night
with random beeping
every few minutes
I disconnected them but they still beeped loud af
so I put them in the washing machine
thats what I call disturbance prevention
it was just the only logical thing to do at 4am
is there a decent way to make this property enumerable?
class Foo
    get bar()
defineProperty is ugly as sin
that not being enumerable is a feature, I believe
Sure, but it's not the feature I want
let me call TC39
a property decorator can let you contain all the defineProperty ugliness
right, decorate that shit
you don't need defineProperty at all
function enumerable(value: boolean) {
    return function (target: any, propertyKey: string, descriptor: PropertyDescriptor) {
        descriptor.enumerable = value;
search this page for "@enumerable" github.com/wycats/javascript-decorators
or that
lerna is pretty neat
It's not working :(
20 hours ago, by rlemon
5/16th drill bit
@rlemon you sure you don't mean 5/64?
omg this measurement system is dumb. fractions!
ohh yea
totally did
@KendallFrey works fine for me
function enumerable(target: any, propertyKey: string, descriptor: PropertyDescriptor) {
    descriptor.enumerable = true;

class Foo {
    get wat() {
        return 5;

const foo = new Foo();
for (let k in foo) {
    console.log(k, foo[k]);
I think it's choking because the properties aren't own properties
The enumerable flag appears to be set right
so is there a way to fool it into treating them as own properties as well?
Or should I just give up and write my own deepEqual?
it should work regardless
@KendallFrey some of them have flags for deep comparison
er, for proto comparison
I tried deepStrictEqual as well
no dice
it's less common in the test ones because they're usually meant for comparing POJSOs
(I assume I'm using the default node one)
yeah you should not be comparing instances like that
Maybe I should be importing a custom assert lib?
@Mosho Why not? It's easier than writing my own
I would just use a deep equals assert for props and then individual equals for the getters
easier than fucking around with anything else
more explicit, etc
Well most of the properties are getters
I would implement Foo.prototype.isEqual
So at that point it's just a custom deep equals for the type
rather than trying to enumerate
then maybe that's actually what you're testing
@Mosho Seems out of place, since this is test behaviour, not API behaviour
then just isEqual that checks what you want to check instead of relying on enumerability
Then put that in in the test
function equalFoos
make sure you test your equality function
or, have one property on Foo that represents all the data that you need to compare
and is a POJO, even with getters
and just deepEqual that
that's a design pattern, although I forget the name
it's not unlike pointer-to-implementation
If I ditch deepEqual I lose the handy diff view
I think I'll write a cloner and compare the clones
I frequently serialize to JSON before comparing
I already tried that :S
properties were likewise missing
well, I have .toJSON props defined on everything
for interop with bunyan
so my tests rely on those
and .toJS for interop with immutable, etc
although mostly one just calls the other
I do like having immutable POJO state on everything
for this reason and many others
fuck, maybe I'll ditch the getters for a factory function instead
1 hour later…
python package ecosystem is a joke
The obscure features of .NET's regex engine are a joke
i'm having a tough time understanding react transition group. there's a lot of noise in the signal while learning about it on google. my goal is to operate at the lowest level I can by getting hooks into the animation events and applying css classes to elements or ideally using the 'anime' library.
i'm currently trying to make a slide deck and my animation hook callback is not even being fired on the Slide element. - gist.github.com/AlexanderBollbach/…
so, I'm in italy now
no big drama yet
@towc If you don't want drama, stop waiting for it.
it's not like I want it
I just expected it
and was pleasently surprised
ooh italy
i stayed next to a hospital when i was there
the sound of the ambulance sirens is forever drilled in my head
tried to make an impromptu middleschool reunion pizza
worked half well
until I was reminded how bad my classmates were at coordinating anything
i fucking hate url rewriting so much
A question, my website is being iframed on another persons website. I have a window onbeforeonload function. But he removes my iframe using this script after some seconds,

var content = document.getElementById("myiframe");
var parent = content.parentNode;

therefore my onbeforeunload script doesnt load. Any suggestions to make my onbeforeunload script work ?
make it so your site can't be iframed
other than that, he has pretty much all controls
No, its not what I wanted.
I need to print that one yet
it is not at all clear how to mount this thing
crap. i think i printed it for a e3d hotend.
uuuh, I just realized 3d printers are comparable to the lisp macros of the physical world

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