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why does every university gym have at least one asian squatting 4 times his bodyweight at all times
@Loktar I find simplify 3d give this cube rough corners with default settings. Have you have that?
I am pretty sure it's where it starts/stops each z layer
I never used the default profile, they didn't have it yet
try Chris Elkins profile
it's on the FB group, I think it's on V4
one sec I can upload it and just direct link
it's a good starting point imo
will do. also will try slowing down the outer perimiter speed like i just read.
maybe i can diff them. see what's different
that says ender2, but I didn't notice any differences
the printers are exactly the same anyway besides the cooling fan
np hopefully it works out better
at least you got rid of the lines above the X
heh, yea. Cura didn't have that problem, either
@Loktar Dude sick website lol
xhtml validated bruh
> Programming (PHP, ASP.NET, MySQL, MSSQL, JavaScript)
lol that actually was hard to do back in the day, also fuck xhtml
@KendallFrey did you get something to work with mocha
in that order
yeah that was before people hired FE devs :/
@Mosho Nah, at this point my money is on you using the doc reporter, not the html reporter
what a world we live in where you can have JS jobs, love it.
some people even have 2 JS jobs
@Loktar Damn, I thought it looked dated, but 2010 good god
reporter: 'html'
I'm partly smug because I overhauled my site a couple months ago and I like it
I call mocha itself in the browser :P
@Mosho Well, that would have been my backup guess
This process resets my machine bed size to the ender size when it runs.
haven't found where to change that, yet
@KendallFrey it's all pretty genius
I use systemjs to hot reload my tests in the browser
into mocha
pat self
I know what some of those words mean
or i'll just get the one off facebook
VSCode needs a tests sidebar
it does
make one
you have a console
@Luggage I've kind of got this other project going
@Mosho Right, and it sucks
what are you looking for
I tried it once
it really is quite magical
Details on one particular failing test (of which there are about 6)
but costs $100 (trololol)
I put in a bunch of test cases for future implementation, so right now they're all failing
rewrite wallaby.js
gotta scroll around to even see which tests are passing
how about a vertical console
sounds ugly and distracting though
it was just added
what interface are you looking for then
I miss VS
that's all
what does it have
A summary of how many tests passed/failed, and a list of tests (name, status icon)
when you click on a test it gives the details such as why it failed
that is exactly what the html reporter looks like :P
Yeah well I'm not running in the browser and idk if I even could
If I cared enough I could probably write something for the json reporter
well, being based on electron, vscode can technically render html
Oh, I know, VSCode isn't the problem. Mocha is.
@Mosho I guess I could try them, but they're never gonna be interactive, right?
I guess I could use .only
and by VSCode able to render html, I mean it shouldn't be insanely difficult to get a mocha html reporter going on there
Would that involve making mocha run outside of node? Because I think that's a no-go
I'm using edge.js for testing
It's exactly as fun as it sounds
well, you would run it in electron
also, you could just mock document with that package whose name escapes me at the moment
and output the html to a file
Well it's saturday night and tbh these things aren't so important to me atm
want to help me document my library?
Maybe for 5 minutes
have you ever used redux/mobx
well, not sure what you would take from what I do have
*eyes glaze over*
you said 5 minutes
I said maybe
You want me touching that about as much as you want your dentist wiring up your house.
better than no wiring
I think
I don't even know what you want documented
just to have a reasonable understandable readme
It's better than what I usually end up with
my condolences
My current project, if I ever finish it, will need next to no documentation. \o/
There are advantages to porting
what is it
> will need next to no documentation
Doesn't everyone say that?
@Mosho Regex engine that is compatible with .NET
is, will be, is in my imagination, whatever
so dirty
in a good way
So far it's been both easier and harder than I expected
Do you have a specific use in mind for your self?
as in, some shortcoming you are correcting?
Well, I miss things like lookbehind and fun stuff like balancing groups
.NET's regex is properly good
So, you are using that as a standard to match?
The end goal is to have absolutely identical feature sets
and twice as fast.
write it in webassembly
I can dream, Harold
I'm so tired
I've been sleeping 10 hours a day for the past few weeks
go into the light
@Luggage This is Canada, it's not so easy to come by
to me with the snow there's too much and from all directions
I meant when he's sleeping. just give up.
give up on what
I wasn't aware there was a light around while sleeping
tbh I don't pay much attention
@littlepootis were it only that easy
he's so pedantic that his dreams don't even bother any more
react/redux todo
with firebase
I mean, I understand the point is being an example
but :p
export function tasksReducer(state = new TasksState(), {payload, type}) {
  switch (type) {
      return state.merge({
        deleted: null,
        previous: null,
        list: state.deleted && state.deleted.key === payload.key ?
              state.previous :

      return state.merge({
        deleted: payload,
        previous: state.list,
        list: state.list.filter(task => task.key !== payload.key)
why does this seem fine to everyone
lets just make an app entirely out of one switch case statement
I did that once
Except it was two levels nested or something
I moved pieces on a game board based on their screen coordinates
mobx is so far ahead of that
it even has immutable state now
I've moved on a bit since then
but there are around 10 FE devs worldwide with the attention span to go through that readme
What is FE again?
my approach is the best
I just need to make people see
isn't this just unnecessary and confusing
@Mosho Ontario, California is worse
@Luggage @KendallFrey @Loktar ^ first vase rocket
yea vase mode is sweet
it's so nice looking
2 hours later…
@KendallFrey I have felt that way
@Mosho I would have used redux-actions
@William I like the new look imo, afaik you can flash the iOS 10 ROM
the bigger pain is the AI
2 hours later…
@ssube ooooh. You got me here :)
class Kappa{
   Ogre shrek;
   private class PrivateKappa {
      public void someMethod() {
Works in Java D:, I wonder though should you ever be doing this :?, makes me uneasy
When you come back to your work pc after a while
When did Luggage kick me ?_? ?
@rlemon Red rocket. Nice
would love to know the background behind that one
@ShrekOverflow Sometime over the weekend
how to read content:encoded in javascript?
i am using xml2js nodejs package for xml parsing
i am confused in this content:encoded thing
@MadaraUchiha Oh yeah, he confused that I was being mean to Traitor while I was educating it.
Hi guys! How can I make the submit button call the handleSubmit in this? gist.github.com/quico14/a723e3764824c9385f1427f0f794dff2
@ShrekOverflow I love your name bro. :D
also, hai
I'm back, yet again.
@OctavianDamiean Oh Hai :D
Good to see you back :)
how goes ?
I'm feeling fabulous, how are you guys?
Live is always good with gigantic sunglasses.
Stuck in TrollLand ;D, carpenting as a hobby.
Did you know that there is a Swedish town called Trollhättan?
Are you gonna be around more often now :D
@OctavianDamiean I do.
It is like Manhattan but for trolls.
It showed up when I was making my facebook profile
I honestly don't know, I'm studying law, so I've got to read A LOT (sorry ALOT, not today).
@OctavianDamiean Fancy!
so it seems
50 points to griffindor, for observation
sup nerds
@Kalium Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Zirak how alive are you exactly?
I'd give him a wednesday out of friday
@BadgerCat I love how facebook categorizes your photos in BA as "near Vienna, Austria"
> you're not wrong...
@OctavianDamiean Welcome back!
@OctavianDamiean Oh, do you have a specific field you're aiming for in law?
@SomeGuy sueing people for breaking Counter Strike knife party.
I just realized Eclipse uses non mono spaced font D:, only to see the horror java becomes when mono spaced >_> Oh uglyness.
@SomeGuy I'll probably combine my IT expertise with law, so patents, licenses, maybe legal tech, who knows.
also, hai there
any way I can load SSH keys into ssh-agent without having to store them locally first?
nodegit to the rescue 🙌
@FilipDupanović usually you generate keys for that. Watcha trying to do?
@ssube I want to pull in a SSH key from a secure store over the network, but seems that ssh-agent really insists on the private key to be stored on some path before it loads it into memory 🤷‍♀️
anyone tried Yarn workspaces? dunno why I can't have inter-ws dependencies... getting an error that my private package can't be found in the registry 🤔... d'oh, I won't have to set all of them as peer dependencies, will I :|?
@OctavianDamiean \o/
@ssube Why now?
Wasn't this a day ago?
Your flag
the last flag I raised was yesterday
been doing other stuff this morning
Guess it was missed since yesterday then and I'm just a blind moron
until your ping
👍 carry on
lol k
ugh. octoprint just died
I should probably be doing something more productive than playing with tools for a printer I don't have
like.. half the js file is missing?
how does that even happen
unexpected end of input
server/filesystem did something bad
well, that's some tight butthole
Okay so I figured out the problem
if you're printing on vase mode, turn off z-axis timelapse
it just goes cray cray and fills the sd card
it crapped out at like 43000 images
continuous z-axis movement just records continuously?
how much faster is vase mode?
pretty fast
no infill
10 hours ago, by rlemon
user image
took like ~3 hours
little less
how tall?
~11 inches
that's pretty quick
I'm gonna put a rgb led in it and a stand with some control knobs I think
desk 'lamp'
6gb of images in my timelapse tmp folder from that print... god damn
I wonder if octoprint will run from the desktop I have down there
docker might make the webcam feed interesting, but I could get a cheap USB camera and run it all from there
just put thermal pads on the bed* and re-leveled. some to print more test cubes!
@Mosho dude hell yes
I thought about running it on my desktop, @ssube but you know.. a pi zero is only $5 an it'll give you something to print
(plus power and usb adapter)
I have a few, but I also have a box running 24/7 with nginx+docker
so it's a whole SD card format wifi fuckery setup or an ansible role...
well, d/l one image, set wifi settings in one file, flash, run
or flash, then edit, i forget
yeah, it's not much more trouble
but yea. have fun with the way you prefer :)
i used it as a reason to get a pi
heh, I just skipped a couple coffees
all my Pi power supplies are USB so if I did that, it would end up plugged into that desktop anyway lol
@KendallFrey any tips on how to get a curved surface bottom (globe) to print without a shitty bottom layer? I'm trying raft with a .4mm 'air gap' and a .1mm initial layer z overlap
I hope I can make something out of test cubes.
I've found a decent model of mars, while I've got the red PLA loaded I wanted to print myself a little red planet
supports will mess it up too much, i assume?
print all the planets!
and the Sun
to scale
@Luggage initial layer is usually the issue
indeed.... :(
when I printed the Trump Screw I printed him upside down and the curved bit of his head that was on the bottom layer was shit
I've never printed raft before, so I'm not 100% what these settings will do
i only know brim.
ohh raft looks interesting. a whole structure below
I may have made this test print too small
yea, that's pretty tiny
@OctavianDamiean Sounds potentially exciting! What led you to switch? (Or did you always mean to study law?)
And hai, it's nice to see you again! :D
@OctavianDamiean !!! hi
hey folk
@DaleBaker Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Hey guy
Morning Peopl.
I mean person.
@OctavianDamiean OMG
Haven't seen you since like... 2014 :D?
@Luggage trying some crazy settings to get a good bottom to the globe
no, just regular supports, but I put it on a 3*3*3mm cone
.01mm joined
so hopefully .. the bottom 'layer' isn't so shitty on the globe
yea, like a little manual raft, i think. that plus supports might work.
(not that I know)
yea, I'm also clueless.
but in my head it makes sense
in the end I might have to split the globe in half
print then glue
that could make a nice clean seam.
rotate it so that it makes a tripod from the tall mountains
would you be better off using the mountains as support or finding some flat spots, adding supports there, and sanding them smooth?
Start with a pole and print it on my patented* FDM lathe.
* patent pending
I mean, I probably am making things worse..
that's my support structures
Pretty sure you won't get a decent surface with supports
Splitting in half would be the way to go
and those go with the grain and don't support as well as they could
@KendallFrey yea, that's what I'll eventually end up doing.
just messing around now, learning some things
good to know what you can get away with
next I'm going to print a 5mm led riser with a threaded bottom
trying to increase the indentation size on ST3. i go to preferences/settings and add "tab_size": 12, to my Preferences.sublime-settings -- User file
i notice that the tab-stop length increases as expected but only in this user settings file that i'm adding the setting to
however when i navigate back to my babel-syntax file the tab stop is still very small as it was before i added the new setting
even if you close and re-open it?
(just an idea)
i'm using prettify so maybe that is overriding it? or the babel syntax settings are
@rlemon a dank ass maze besides that.
Guys, alternative names for "dist" for a folder where compiled frontend artifacts are served from?
static it is, thanks
out, target

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