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I think all I've eaten today was bread and butter
and I'll still blame it on my parents
!!autokick towc "/parents/"
@Luggage That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
Submitting PR
@towc Take some responsibility for your own actions. It might make you less of a shit person.
that helps
@Loktar WHoa isn't that actually like..... Catastrophically dumb? Do they have backup walls of lamps or can someone go in and knock the shelf down and take out crypto capabilities lmfao
@Jhoverit it seems pretty retarded tbh
Backup Plan: Hit every local pet store for gold fish.
I think random.orgs is pretty great tbh
> In one of our production data centers, there’s a service which connects to the server in the office and consumes its entropy feed. That service combines this entropy feed with output from its own local entropy system to produce yet another entropy feed. This feed is made available for any production service to consume.
ALso it's not even about the lava lamps
They could point at the sky as long as it's not 100% clear and do same thing lmao
It says this is the actual cam view they use
And they are just encoding based on pixel lightness lol
does the sunlight level change?
I would assume so
@Jhoverit Destroying the room wouldn't break crypto, it would only weaken it at best
which would be a pattern
Yea the whole room lighting changes
Dude we need a goat one
I just hate when people reinvent the wheel and think it's the coolest thing ever when someone has already done it better
@KendallFrey Thanks captain obvious. You miss the part where I opened and read the blog on what it actually does? Or the quote?
I wanna point a cam at a pasture full of goats
And use it for this
Captain, now? When did you get promoted?
Hope the board approves him for Major
Major obvious.
@Mosho We've having discovery after discovery with this new build :D
Has a nice ring
Do you remember importBadCss()?
@Jhoverit I was specifically replying to your point that completely ignores the other entropy.
@MadaraUchiha lol
that sounds fun
@MadaraUchiha yeah that's some bug I could never really fix
Then they destroy that, too. The cameras.
but it's related to systemjs
@KendallFrey Oh so you were repeating my very next mesage that explains the other entropy. Niiice
@TylerH It imports 3 specific, seemingly random CSS files using System.import, before the rest of the CSS gets imported via organic resolution.
@Mosho Well, we found what's so special about those 3
do tell
Those are the only 3 files in the project that get composes something from in other CSS files
i.e. PostCSS composes
What would I do without redundant information from @KendallFrey <3
I think I noticed that
Webpack got into a conundrum over those files as well
so what did you do
By default, what webpack did is include the file twice
@Jhoverit I don't see anything in your message that mentions, say, pixel-level randomness, which I was basing my comment on. What you quoted isn't exactly clear about entropy sources.
Once for the import from js/ts, and once from the CSS file
Only the one from the CSS file wasn't processed
i.e. nested rules and media queries
Which totally screwed over the CSS because things that should have been affected by media queries got overruled by the exact same rules that came later in the CSS file.
@BenFortune really awesome
@MadaraUchiha This is why you just write your CSS inline with !important after each property
Haha wait why did I get kicked?
@Loktar Sargeant Obvious sounds better IMO
without reading up to much too know if this is a vaslid suggestion: webpack.optimize.DedupePlugin() ?
I might have spelled Sargent wrong :P
@Jhoverit Same as usual. Because you're being an asshole.
@ShrekOverflow Sargeant
@Luggage It seemed like a valid suggestion, but we found the more "correct" way
@TylerH Sergeant
@KendallFrey I was? I think you were and I playfully jaunted with you
@MadaraUchiha I'm pretty sure that's documented - they import from other CSS files and that didn't work with the loader
@ShrekOverflow Chief Obvious
@Loktar President Obvious!
you win
@MadaraUchiha oh, sucks
@BenjaminGruenbaum I can assure you it was not documented. We looked.
You TRUMPED me 😉
@MadaraUchiha lmao
@Loktar eyyyy I was gonna follow up with Lord Obvious, but then I thought trumping you would be better.
@KendallFrey fml
@MadaraUchiha there's literally a comment above it saying these files import from other files and that's why they're here - because the module doesn't handle that.
Using the rather obscure importLoaders option of css-loaders, which makes CSS imported from other CSS files to pass through N loaders (wat), caused Webpack to understand that it's the same import, and it was resolved.
@MadaraUchiha also lmao really funny bug - what did you do? dedupe?
For real I want to draw attention to this haha
> What would I do without redundant information from @KendallFrey <3
@BenjaminGruenbaum There's a comment saying "I have no idea why this shit doesn't work"
Seriously, that's what it says.
This is kickworthy. Ego ftw
!!afk arbys
Am I the only one who sees the pattern?
@KendallFrey Nope.
@MadaraUchiha yeah, and right above it a comment saying what doesn't work (importing) - to be fair, I remember code reviewing that
Look, he just "left"
@MadaraUchiha hmm, I remember that being better documented too
@MadaraUchiha don't make me turn on my old windows computer
@BenjaminGruenbaum Turn on your old windows computer.
fuck no lol
patiently waits for @MadaraUchiha to look at a year old revision and see
I take it back, you are indeed correct.
I uhh. I left to get arbys like I said... But pulled it up on mobile
Yall wild af
I concede, sir.
!!afk arbys
Madara just meteored himself in the head
@BenjaminGruenbaum Yer a wizard Benji.
// this shit solves a weird bug where nothing works as importing it later on stalls forever
// these are css files imported as css modules from other css modules
// TODO: debug this when life is going too well
const importBadCss = function importBadCss(System) {
  return Promise.all([
I'm guessing there's some nasal demons shit going on, webpack handles it relatively gracefully (include the file twice), and System just enters a deadlock and freezes.
Yeah, also don't paste TipRanks code in a public chat maybe without checking with Nitzan
@BenjaminGruenbaum That code is officially not in use anymore :D
Awesome :D
Did you release a webpack version?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Will be released this version. Passed regression.
SSR is still an open task though
I expect SSR to be pretty simple with webpack, and a lot more predictable
you don't even need webpack
You kind of do, because module resolution isn't the same, and you need transpiling
@Mosho The irony in that sentence is incredibly potent.
I tried a while ago IIRC
i.e. as the dude whose custom build we're currently rewriting w/ webpack :D
I recommend loading the exact same code on the client/server, using as little shims as possible and passing those super explicitly through webpack configs that inherit from a base config.
That's what worked for me at Peer5 best, although that build was complex in whole other ways
BTW, we did end up using an external for Rx, even though we didn't like it.
@MadaraUchiha I don't like it either, but it's the responsible thing to do
@MadaraUchiha I'm all for it
Part of next version might be to upgrade it to Rx 5
I almost sometimes think you think I enjoy that sort of debt.
though it's unrelated to the sentence
@BenjaminGruenbaum I don't think you enjoy it.
I think you're putting too much weight on the other side.
I hate it, I just acknowledge it and move on and pay it when I can justify it financially.
What the actual fuck?! Debian changed /bin/sh from bash to dash in Squeeze. Docker calls the CMD it is passed through /bin/sh. That has an effect on how passed environment variables are interpreted. Now we're missing all environment variables in our application which contain a :
Yeah, TipRanks was and still is a startup, anything that I couldn't justify financially I didn't do - I regret not insisting on more tests in the backend mostly - and Redux/FLUX obviously.
Is Rx short for React?
No, Rx is reactive extensions
@TylerH No, Rx is its own library.
Look up RxJS
btw @BenjaminGruenbaum wanna sit somewhere for dinner? We haven't sat in a while
I'm very happy with how we killed Angular though for example, and how we killed a bunch of other things.
hey, I was close. At least it has react in its name
@MadaraUchiha I'm meeting a programmer friend at ~9, I'll ask if it's fine for you to join by him (fine by me)
@BenjaminGruenbaum Still not quite dead just yet, but we vehemently refuse bug fixes on it unless they're absolutely critical
@BenjaminGruenbaum TBF, I'm still not sure myself, fell down the stairs today and my ankle is still kinda sore 😆 (nothing too bad though)
Sent him a whatsapp - waiting
I'm still debating whether I should order out something
@MadaraUchiha literally sidewalk, it's less than 5 minutes of walking
@MadaraUchiha yikes. are you icing it?
@BenjaminGruenbaum I'll make a valiant effort.
@TylerH Nah, it's not swollen
Why did you fall down the stairs?
I'm guessing it'll be fine by tomorrow.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Missed a step
Today's morning.... started rough.
@BenjaminGruenbaum It was Hamas secret agents trying to discretely take him out.
You should come work out at Rabin Sq, 5 minutes walk from your home - I'm terrible at it but it's a lot of fun and it improves strength and balance.
That was literally my first stair fall in forever
@MadaraUchiha my morning started at 7:30AM which is like 3 hours earlier than usual
@MadaraUchiha Daniel said sure - 9 at sidewalk?
Sounds good
@BenjaminGruenbaum Well, so did mine, I just magically woke up at ~7 and couldn't fall back to sleep
here in the u.s. its daylight savings day
Then I had to go back halfway to the bus stop, because I forgot something
Then I fell down the stairs
i came in an hour early
Then I missed 2 busses (they like to come in groups, the bastards)
that sucks mad
So yeah
rough morning XD
@Webster don't you have a smartphone?
But we made excellent progress with Webpack today, so overall, I call that a good day.
yeah, I woke up on time
awake early
came in
@MadaraUchiha Hey, don't feel bad. Last time I fell down a flight of stairs I tore my ACL, PCL, and ruined my lateral meniscus
@TylerH Oh yeah, I totally got off easy
Missed the last step and twisted the ankle a tiny bit
I've made all the mistakes except falling down stairs
Could have been much worse.
I had a rough start today too (morning, exercise) but I delivered a feature everyone told me I was underestimating a day early - so I spent most day solving IT stuff, making pull requests to open source and totally ripping on other peoples' code during code review at work :D
@MadaraUchiha how long did it take in total?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Reminds me of
!!xkcd 664
@Mosho Me and Nitzan worked on it a few hours each on our spare time. On the clock, it took about 4 days, with SSR still being open.
We haven't done the critical CSS inlining yet, and we might put it in the next version to keep the changes small.
Oh, I spent the week writing (voluntarily, and my initiative) Objective C, turns out iOS got a lot better over the last few years - you just use flexbox for everything and the code is meh but ok.
@MadaraUchiha sounds resonable
I flogged my programmer into gitting it done, took the credit, project is in review, i'm released back to doing my models
it took me at least a week to write the initial build
so happy
Sounds pretty fast actually, I estimated it 2 weeks of one person - so you're 2 days early.
Had to enforce a feature freeze myself last version too
I think I might have startled Talia a bit :X
@Mosho it took you a month to write the initial build, you just said you were done after a week :D
that depends on your definition of initial
@MadaraUchiha Gershon said it got a lot better.
@BenjaminGruenbaum It does, but sometimes... the mind boggles...
what got a lot better?
People you don't know at TipRanks, generally
took me minutes to design the pages, hours to get them laid in, weeks to get the search box working
"So let's add a dropdown for sorting under the table's header cells"
"But... literally everywhere on the site... and everywhere else... you click on a column to sort by that column... This very page has this pattern..."
"I don't understand what the problem is."
yeah we had that for sure
especially between angular and react
but if it's an upgrade I'm for it
@BenjaminGruenbaum I'm gonna have to pass a CancellationToken, turns out I'm ordering food after all XD
I do still find it amusing that both System and Webpack borked on the exact same bug with the CSS imports.
maybe the loaders use the same css-modules underlying code
@MadaraUchiha oh, ok then
also - lame
they have hawaiian plate lunch in my town
good eating
drive.google.com/file/d/1jRmp-Q_5fB9HFNG-_6ElrqGl2ZB1r35Vcg/… My Ikea brand 3d print station. @rlemon @Loktar
also, the 12"x12" mirrors on the table are from ikea. new print surface..
I gave up on that other print. once I did get it to stick the gcode was all fucked. it just started printed gaps.
not small ones, or mistakes
didn't see it in cura :/
what gcode?
the cat?
no, I was printing something earlier. a plate / spacer thingy for my boss
now I'm printing a holder for my rpi zero w so I can use it with octiprint
i am going to do the top half of the pi case, next. at 0.16mm layer. on glass only.
yea. same. i have the lower half (pictured)
doing the top in red. the bottom is white
@Luggage looks nice man
do you work from home luggage?
@BenjaminGruenbaum sowwy
Enjoy your dinner
@Luggage I'm waiting on my new filaments. got 4 more colours on the weekend
> Delivery estimate: Wednesday, November 8, 2017 by 8:00pm
i got some at a local place, microcenter. hoping they have decent ones so i can get some on a whim
by filaments you mean flatmates
@rlemon Isn't it about time for your maple syrup and snow lolis?
not even close
I mean, I know it's gotta be really cold for it to work right.
and you need .. snow
Didn't you get any? I know other parts of Canada did.
'course, Canada's fuckin' huge.
you can sinter hot syrup on cold snow
Winter isn't really in full swing for another month or two.
more food stuffs should be printed
@hilli_micha What the fuck do you know about winter, Florida Man?
Some of my tele-commuting buddies are Canadian, I have an ear to the ground there :P
Oh dear, it hit 70 today, I better put on sweats and a jacket!
my igloo is melting
@Trasiva Good chance we'll have some this week
I'll have you know I can tolerate as low as 65 before I'm shivering and almost dead from hypothermia.
But yeah 70 is actually kind of nippy for me now..
@KendallFrey None here yet, but we're getting close to it being freezing every night.
how far do you need to mush your sled team in order to trade furs and jerky for printing filament?
But of course, 85+ degree weather with 70%> Humidity is a cake walk now. Take that, Canada.
@Trasiva 6C now
@Webster We don't use filament, we pack snow together and lacquer it with a spray of water.
@rlemon About where we are right now too, yep.
@KendallFrey I thought you direct sourced it from your overproduction of oil?
By and by, I know winter is actually here when I see an influx of "Ontario" plates coming into my neighborhood. Them damn Canadians.
@Trasiva Don't make fun of my skin like that :(
need to supercharger this bed heater.
wood fired bed heater
@Luggage lol right?
trying to get it to 65.
@Luggage Does your bed have a connector for the heating element? If so, you'd wanna be careful though. 3D printers pull a lot of power.
i also want to turn the fans of fo rthe first layer, but don't know how it cura. i'll look that up later.
no, wireless power.
@Luggage Depending on your printer, you know they make external housings that you can snap on around it to keep the heat inside?
have to build some, i think
the excess heat from my computer should be piped right into my pants
Oh, I just re-looked at your photo, you're shit outta luck for that one.
But ultimately what I mean is are you using a plastic, dedicated connector or some kind of wire (hopefully relatively thick) directly connected to the bed.
i didn't strip the wire to look at the gauge.. probably fine. I have a strain relief I printef and put on
My printer (A8) has a somewhat common problem of the connectors burning out because of the power needed to get those beds really hot. I typically only do mine to around 56C
nice you made a cable support for it already?
Ive seen those made from springs
@hilli_micha Is that just sharing a bed with Alan Davies?
@KendallFrey No, he's British, the only thing sharing a bed with a Brit will get you is a cold cold case of depression.
a heated brick, hot water bottle, a cat
@hilli_micha Better than sharing a bed with Kevin Spacey I suppose.
@hilli_micha I wish this wasn't true
I mean, at least with Spacey you can just pretend he is Keyser Soze, so that might take the edge off for at least being exciting.
fantasize of francis underwood
Lie back and think of K-Pax.
think of how this will help your career
Can I put the people I've slept with on my resume?
Will they call for references? :(
You're not meant to have blank sections
@hilli_micha don't leave dangling pointers.
the ladies are compiling lists
@mikeTheLiar Oh my pointer dangles, alright
"Reverse linked list" sounds like something you'd have to pay extra for in Amsterdam.
@hilli_micha Why are you going to hand them a blank sheet of paper?
1 min ago, by Ben Fortune
You're not meant to have blank sections
@mikeTheLiar shame we haven't developed smart pointers
^^ Step it up dude.
@KendallFrey Fuck off, I didn't see it.
That's what she said.
cleans up after itself and everything
I mean, if they call my wife, she'd give me a stellar reference. "He's alright, but I wouldn't skip a re-run of Grey's Anatomy for it."
His brother, on the other hand....
no one to write home about, I mean, he'll get you there but not by the scenic route. A good, workman like boyfriend...
@mikeTheLiar Don't make me kick my brother's ass when I see him for thanksgiving
"Some moron said something witty about you in an online chatroom, sorry not sorry."
> moron
> witty
I don't follow. Morons can sometimes be funny, in fact, they're often funnier than most! Just for a variety of reasons :^)
Question - how do I test the SSL cert in my localhost website the way certsimple.com does it?
I mean, we're talking about mike here. The bar's pretty low.
@RahulDesai mostly you don't, many of the tests don't make sense.
The info that is still relevant, openssl s_client will get
seems like my printer doesnt wanna coop with the print server
stupid paper eater
@ssube I wish there was a way to do it :/
What are you looking for, which tests do you care about?
Just looking for the overall grade. Nothing particular.

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