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to run in node, for tests and SSR
@Mosho You don't want the same version for prod and dev, because you get bad stack traces and errors are hidden
Do you know how many missing key warnings we're getting now that we've switch to the dev version of React for dev?
@MadaraUchiha you always have a choice between .js and .min.js
@Mosho arent' those actually always the same code?
@Mosho Yeah, if you manually edit the System config file
@MadaraUchiha wait what? I always remember getting those - what happened?
Just with names/identifiers made shorter.
@MadaraUchiha I use a build flag for that
@Mosho --p? I'm telling you that dev got a minified version
npm run dev
I'm not even at build yet
@MadaraUchiha I mean what I'm working on now, I don't recall how that part is set up at tipranks
I agree with most of what you sat @MadaraUchiha and you know I'm also in favor of rewriting that build now that 2 years have passed and tooling has matured - and argued for it. It's just things like the Rx bit I wouldn't do.
@Mosho Easy, it's not. You alter the config file manually and commit
Then you forget at prod, and you get a non-minified version
If you make a change and it's expensive no one is happy, if you suggest improvements and do them on time you'll get more time for improvements.
@MadaraUchiha there's a test that makes sure libs are minified, if you still run dashboard-tester that is
@BenjaminGruenbaum We warned that it would be expensive, and got the time for it.
@BenjaminGruenbaum No one told me that, I'm almost sure Nitzan doesn't know it either.
If it's not automated, and not documented, then no one runs it.
@MadaraUchiha it was definitely handed on when I left, not sure if it's still used though.
I'm sure I told Nitzan about it, and knowing him that means it probably runs.
Although maybe he superseded it with his own testing thing, I don't keep track.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Nitzan just looked at it, it doesn't test minification
@MadaraUchiha I'll get home, open my old computer with the old copy of the code checked out and for the lols of it find the bit that did and we can figure out together where it went
@BenjaminGruenbaum 👍 let's do a conference with Nitzan 😛
You are the last to touch the code, by the way.
having another argument with parents
ended up writing "it's a reminder that my parents will never appreciate me enough to trust me"
dunno how I feel about that
it was in response to them still wanting me to go to italy
@towc Where are you now?
@towc Honestly, out of pure parental instinct that I don't have, I'd want you to go to Italy too.
I'd much rather my son to live in a rich, safe country/city than one on the lower end of the EU food chain.
bratislava's so misunderstood :/
But I don't know the context, so I don't really want to presume.
@towc So is Israel, trust me, I know.
Also, whenever I have an argument with my parents, and I notice it getting heated, I close my eyes, breathe deeply, and tell myself, aloud, "they taught me how to crap in a toilet", then continue.
Usually helps.
well, sure they did
Unless you're still wearing diapers, in which case, they deserve it :X
they've helped me out a lot. But I've also been a really good kid, kinda
except for maybe this last part of my life
@MadaraUchiha he has chat access
ok, some context: my father's last point was "it has to be a long term lesson about doing things properly and when they need to be done"
And everything I say here is public
in reference to him thinking I tried to purposefully sabotage my exam (baccalaureate) marks and my uni application
@towc that's you being shitty in communicating with them.
If your parents don't believe you, work on that.
except I really didn't, partly because of the constant threats I had from them
It's not that they don't believe in you, it's worse. Imagine how frustrating this is from their side
@towc you don't have to be friends with them, I moved out and got married when I was 18, then again I also had a job beforehand, and I kind of had their support at that point. I used to fight with them when I was 15 all the time.
nothing wrong with that
but I do feel like if they keep threatening me, that means they don't believe in me, but in who they want me to be
and in many cases, that's ok
but not when I got something to show for it
not when I can say "parents, this is my plan, this is mostly proved to work and keep me safe and happy and stable and all that"
I'm actually still ok with going to university. I'd rather not, but I can agree that it's more safe and all
but going to italy so they can teach me a lesson from which I'd not learn anything?
queue criticisms
Hello guys
!!> a = [1, 2, 3]; for(let i in a) console.log(i);
@towc "undefined" Logged: "0","1","2"
a for...in loops over keys
generally discouraged for arrays
I think the question was about the shuffle
why is it there?
the answer is: you're using something that fucked up something else
some fucky library you use adds it to arrays?
well, yeah
!!> Array.prototype.shuffle = function() {}; let a = [1, 2, 3]; for(let i in a) { console.log(i) }
@towc "undefined" Logged: "0","1","2","shuffle"
so that's why it's there
also, as mosho said, try not to use for..in with arrays
ok, ty. No more use for-in on arrays-_-
in this case, hasOwnProperty will "solve" that
but still don't use it for arrays
if you didn't know about them, check out array.forEach, array.map, array.reduce
or, you know
a plain for loop :P
but but but
or for...of
or whiel?
@copy how's your tc?
What's a tc?
I "like" this one the best:
> “Every once in a while, in the past, they underestimated us. It was not pleasant for them, was it?”
@copy tranny companion. obv
@BenjaminGruenbaum: For the sake of argument, let's say I need to do universal rendering of React. I was looking to see if there is a way to do it without node. What if I have a proxy server written in Java or PHP for session management, routing to the actual API Layer etc all. Can I still use universal rendering with Java or PHP and not have to use Node for this purpose ?
@Shmiddty Well, how are you?
I'm sick :(
My other girlfriend is also sick :(
she must have given it to me
who was coming, and why were you watching?
@copy got it
linux traffic control
@HarshaVenkatram why did you ping me?
Anyway - no, you have to use Node, in practice
It bothers me when people say "ex-setra"
Wow benji is at 156k
Does any one actually pronounce it ett-set-er-a?
I do
because that's how it's pronounced
But are you actually real?
well, no. I'm just a mental construct that you created out of loneliness
I pronounce it e-se-te-ra
Hi guys, do you happen to know how to create a class and make its instance a object (specifically google.maps.Marker object). I would like to achieve that referencing "this" would point to google.maps.Marker. Below is code expression of what I would like to do (the syntax is wrong).
class Marker {
    constructor(map, position) {
        this = new google.maps.Marker({
            position: position,
            map: map
@JanHorčička You probably want the factory pattern
Like this but without the first t
@KendallFrey What is a factory pattern?
ehh sehh ter a
In class-based programming, the factory method pattern is a creational pattern that uses factory methods to deal with the problem of creating objects without having to specify the exact class of the object that will be created. This is done by creating objects by calling a factory method—either specified in an interface and implemented by child classes, or implemented in a base class and optionally overridden by derived classes—rather than by calling a constructor. == Overview == The Factory Method design pattern is one of the twenty-three well-known GoF design patterns that describe how to solve...
class Marker extends google.maps.Marker { ... }
@KendallFrey Why am I happy to finally see class-based programming not called object-oriented programming?
There's more than one kind of OOP, as JS demonstrates
@BenjaminGruenbaum Cz your git repo says "Node Star" :P Jokes apart, thanks for the info!
@Shmiddty There's more than one kind of OOPS, as JS demonstrates (source)
@Shmiddty Thanks.
@JanHorčička and then in the constructer, call super with your stuffs
I think that should work
@Shmiddty I'll give it a try
You'd better, punk.
@KendallFrey Exactly, and it is my dream to see Java become more disliked than liked
I have good news
my angular http post doesnt seem to fill the observable its sent on the backend with anything
sendText(text: string): Observable<any> {
        return this._http.post('/api/todo',text).map(res => res.json());
hi guys weird array question for you. i'm a novice pastebin.com/4CPtLpNK
i'm trying to manipulate an array of data, that's very much like a spreadsheet, by adding a new "column" to it
can anyone advise?
i figure there might be a simple javascript array method to do this but i can't figure it out
Since you are using an array, why don't you use map
i don't know what that is. is there a method you can tip me off to?
i don't really "get" arrays. working with them is hard for me.
@MoonOwl22 something like this? pastebin.com/gm1r1GaJ
somehow my function seems to create an empty json file
which is bizarre because i have checked the text is being read
@Darren Test it and find out
I'm off to bed
I have an exam tomorrow. Cheers
I missed it
sup guys
> remember remember the fifth of november
I've nosebled 3 times today
i have this really weird problem
when i click to submit some text to the backend it goes there
the angular page should then refresh but it doesnt
however when i click again the page refreshes and suddenly two new jumbotrons turn up (which is correct at this point)
but why wouldnt it work after one click?
^ jumbotrons learn something new everyday
do step by step console.logs
log every step of the code
hang on ill try that now
nothing ever works first time!
yeah it claims it has refreshed the page
  submitData(textdata:string): void {
    this._appService.sendText(textdata).subscribe(data => console.log(data));
    console.log("sent text");
but clearly ngOnInit() only works every second time
which is weird
after a while it works
just not the first time
or the second
can you force a reload of the page using js?
not sure what you mean?
I haven't read your code but maybe you could do location.reload()
essentially every time i call ngOnInit() I force a get http to find all the elements that have been posted to the backend
what if your method is running multipe http actions
[Close] -> Is Reading ? -[no ]-> Close After
                        -[yes]-> Interrupt the call

[Read]  -> Is Closing -[no ]-> Accquire Lock -> Is Closing -[no ]-> Call fs.read
                      -[yes]-> Skip                        -[yes]-> Skip
and when you do that, they have to wait 1 by one to fire the next
What would be the best way to implement that? (Read, Close, Accquire Lock) are both asynchronous
you should step by step console.log the 'ngOnInit()' method
@ShrekOverflow that's beyond most peoples scopes
My current solution is a mutex
hi btw
Can someone tell me how to refresh a div every 10 seconds with values from DB?
I checked online and found the .load() but
That loads/displays the whole page inside the div
@Traitor Ill try again
yeah it all looks ok
i wonder whether it the calling function goes out of scope
before ngOnit can be finished
@Traitor People in this room have variable skill level
and are far more skilled than you just gave them credit for
i can see my function is doing a post
then a get
and clearly the get is unreliable
@ShrekOverflow I can tie my shoes.
@Luggage i thought you used velcros :P
I did. That is why I am proud to tell you.
does anyone use vs code on windows? i am finding the integrated shell is borking my webpack builds. if i run it via cmd or stand alone powershell it is fine.
it is opening bash* in the integrated shell?
@ShrekOverflow do you use react.js?
@Traitor yes
in VS?
I don't really care the editor is just a tool
unless you are talking about buildign a vs code module using react
i see no significance of the editor, btw ask.
but what editor do you mostly use?
he dictates code to his secretary
they can use whatever they want
hard work pays off
that's a common misconception
enjoyable game with no graphic art: evilobjective.itch.io/bigtowertinysquarefree

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