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I use Windows File History as my "backup"
it's very easy to debug network traffic/ajax requests
but since i'm not sitting at your pc i can't do it for you
File History is nice. It goes downstairs, which goes out to The Cloud.
In the network tab, you can see the raw response to the request. This is what we need first
I have no cloud backups yet
My desktop and laptop constantly sync themselves and the big box downstairs has some directories synced out.
I'm setting one up on my storage box with rclone (rsync for clouds), but the file history goes to synology's cloud manager. It works well, that NAS is just super old.
I can see the request name and status 200 in the Network tab. I specifically clicked on XHR to seperate it from the others
Do you also see the request type
The Request type is xhr
i know what you chose with $.ajax
what does network tab say it is
Also still waiting for the raw response body
That's the screenshot of my network tab
this is like pulling teeth
click on it.
an entire section should appear on the right half of that area with a ton of information
> jquery.js
Lol, sorry. I'm not that good with the network tab.
It shows a POST method
Request URL:s-hq-appsvrtest/ArmFinance/api/v1/CalculateInterest
Request Method:POST
Status Code:200 OK
Remote Address:
Referrer Policy:no-referrer-when-downgrade
Response Headers
view source
Content-Type:application/json; charset=utf-8
Date:Fri, 20 Oct 2017 15:42:09 GMT
Request Headers
view source
Accept:application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01
That's what's in Headers
and a tab over you'll see the response body
@KamilSolecki suck a mop
{"ResponseCode":"00","ResponseDescription":"Response received successfully","Result":{"monthlyRepayment":109900,"totalRepayment":659400,"monthlyInterest":22400,"monthlyPrincipal":87500}}
and in your console (press esc) you'll probably see a CORS error
eh, no
same origin
I pressed esc in console and didn't see any CORS issue
Wouldn't that be if the domains are different?
yeah, so that all looks fine
I've done everything I know, It's baffling
so what's wrong now
what isn't working
@KevinB he just doesnt know how to USE that response
From what I read
@gbade_ post the code making this request and maybe we can point you in the right direction. Use pastebin or jsfiddle or similar, please
SHow us where you're trying to use it we can show you what is wrong
i love how inconsistent the response is
ResponseCode -> monthlyRepayment
20 mins ago, by gbade_
would that be
success: function(response){return $('#divhandle').html(JSON.Parse(response.text))}
He seems quite close
that was after people incorrectly suggested JSON.parse :p
i want to know what it was before
Lol oh
plus the response.text bit was due to digging through jquery core, that particular response object never reaches the success callback
Sharing codez is only way to help someone who doesn't know what they're doing yet
just use jQuery.parse
var React = $;
That way you can say you're a react pro
url: "http://s-hq-appsvrtest/ArmFinance/api/v1/CalculateInterest",
type: "POST",
data: jsonData,
dataType: "json",
async: true,
contentType: "application/json",
success: function(response) { console.log(response); },
error: function( jqXhr, textStatus, errorThrown ){
console.log( errorThrown );
that should have worked fine
and logged just fine
If anyone wants to know the image on facebook that I tagged Jordan in, it's this
@KevinB maybe he doesn't know where console log is?
if he didn't, he does now
> poopourri
Hi guys, what do you think about the variable naming used in this article? I found it confusing because I am new to javascript. codementor.io/olatundegaruba/…
function calculate_important_thing (variable_1, variable_2) {
    return variable_1 + variable_2;
The author used a mix of Capital letter and lowercase and underscore in his variables, do you think there is a reason behind this? I think he should use camelCase. Does a variable start with Capital letter denote special object?
Ew, he did use snake_case
I was kidding, by the way
Yeah, he's really inconsistent in his naming
Snake case is easier to read, harder to write.
This line made me think it's a class thing from Java

var TaskSchema = new Schema({
That was my original code
response.data and there's your problem
@lamwaiman1988 It's not from Java; most languages with classes (or functional objects in JS) use capital letters to denote a class/type
response has no data property. Look at the response and use the properties it does have
but that's just a naming convention; it's not required by the parser
@Jhoverit, @KevinB
I have response.dd, response.data, response.dataType, response.dataList

Which one do I use?
I also just returned response, no changes
Hi, can i know which is the best frontend framework for build a cms?
also backend
There is also response.text
there is no best
hey guys
how to do this restful?
@gbade_ eh, no, according to what you showed us, none of those are options.
Endpoint User and endpoint Comment
how to get all Comments from User xy? (restful url scheme?)
29 mins ago, by gbade_
{"ResponseCode":"00","ResponseDescription":"Response received successfully","Result":{"monthlyRepayment":109900,"totalRepayment":659400,"monthlyInterest":22400,"monthlyPrincipal":87500}}
Those are the properties of response
@KevinB Yes, but I decided to edit the return part of success and intellisense showed those options
then the intellisense is wrong
the intellisense can't possibly figure out what the server is going to respond with
/api/comment/{id} => how to get all user xys comments?
@Suisse Yeah you can use just like that api endpoit. /api/comments/:user_id
@gbade_ Open up your devtools and look at them.
FOr real why would you be asking us that
So just response should be sufficient
Thanks guys.
No clue
It's your code
response gives you an object
if the object is what you want to put in the html, sure, but that's likely to not have the effect you're hoping for
@DININDU /api/comment/:user_id ===> :user_id is not expected.. the comment_id is expected here
@KevinB I actually wanted to pick out some of the values
Hi there. Is there any hybrid mobile app navigation only framework which I can use? I just want a framework for navigation. I dont want something like IONIC since for all UI components, I am planning to use https://material.io/components/web/catalog/

Is there anything I can use?
@Suisse For get all comment relate to an user /api/comments/:user_id, for one comment /api/comment/:comment_id
    {"ResponseCode":"00","ResponseDescription":"Response received successfully","Result":{"monthlyRepayment":109900,"totalRepayment":659400,"monthlyInterest":22400,"monthlyPrincipal":87500}}
Monthly Repayment
Monthly Principal
@DININDU why not /api/comments/:user_id/comment
And if you had var response = {"ResponseCode":"00","ResponseDescription":"Response received successfully","Result":{"monthlyRepayment":109900,"totalRepayment":659400,"month‌​lyInterest":22400,"monthlyPrincipal":87500}}, how would you access those values?
@DININDU aha comments and comment
Then /api/comments/:user_id/comment/:comment_id for comments?
it's just an object.
@DININDU that way you don't have to worry about pluralization issues with your API?
seems okay
@gbade_ try putting a debugger statement in the code, and then just paste shit into console to try it right there in the success function
@Suisse sorry it must be relate to post, article or something like that
@KevinB Your patience is legendary man this guy's been struggling with this for a while
I passed response into console.log and I'm still not getting anything
Like I said if you just stop in the success you can figure it out. You can access arguments there and see exactly what's going on
success: function(response) {
The actual object called 'arguments' from in your console.
*sigh. honestly don't know what's wrong
Not like I'm exactly enjoying this
@ShrekOverflow an e-note, huh
Learn to debug is the suggestion
And then do it. That's how we do it.
@ssube Look at the channel
I did
if they can't afford spellcheck, maybe there's an open source roposotoro they can use
@ShrekOverflow fuckity fuck fuck
These things are why I don't trust TV news anymore.
damn true
@ShrekOverflow What do you mean "anymore"?
@KendallFrey I used to when I was 5 (or whatever)
then I heard a TV news channel freak out about asteroids
and neighbour countries going on war and plotting ... blah blah
Even friken Comedy Central does more review than mainstream news channels.
whoopee, I get to parse <a> tags with regex
@KendallFrey please don't swear; it offends my christian sensibilities
@ndugger shit, sorry
@KendallFrey why fuckity fuck fuck though? The github valuation?
The image is not ridiculous enough for you?
it's like CSI Miami had a stroke
and then it and Numb3r5 had a baby
and it grew up learning Visual BASIC
I dunno what Numb3r5 is, but... that's Numberwang?
@KendallFrey I guess I just don't understand the response then
at least write forwards
@KendallFrey Please don't, I'll need to find you
express your use-case
and why can't you just use the DOMParser ?
Don't worry, it's not real HTML
the attribute values don't have quotes
@KendallFrey That's valid in HTML5, afaik
@ndugger he is beyond hope
Thoughts on per file logging ?
~../oss/ssh-over-rtc master*
❯ tail -f goph.log
2017-10-20T07:04:58.508Z app:info (Users/shrek/oss/ssh-over-rtc/lib/index.js) Initializing Goph
2017-10-20T07:04:58.509Z app:info (Users/shrek/oss/ssh-over-rtc/lib/index.js) Process is running as an agent
2017-10-20T07:04:58.617Z auth0:node:client:verbose (Users/abhis/work/oss/ssh-over-rtc/lib/Auth0NodeAdapter.js) Awaiting response from Auth0
@gbade_ $(target).html(response.Result.monthlyRepayment_
!!afk 🍔 🍟
too dumb
whoops, that's a typo. $(target).html(response.Result.monthlyRepayment)
because why not
$(target)[0].innerHTML = response.Result.monthlyRepayment
not enough jQuery
!!afk $($)
@Loktar @SterlingArcher i.imgur.com/6AJnjhB.gifv
he's young. they're flexible
guys I got a typescript problem. Getting a version dispute between a lib that's using @types/[email protected] and my application which is using @types/[email protected]. It says there is "no exported member 'PropTypes'"
phrasing, I do believe
I think I am supposed to somehow extend the module, but not sure what to do, is this the thing I am looking for?
pretty chill beat
@KendallFrey letterkenny halloween special.
rlemon do you know quantic?
@rlemon I heard :D
You know it's gonna be good
They got some dank chill beats
@KendallFrey you talk about letterkenny so much that I'll have to watch it at some point :D
Honestly it's better if you're a Canadian, but you should still watch it.
@KendallFrey I just can't wait to see more shorsey
Can't see more until you've seen some
ohh, I've seen some
just not his face
I wonder who actually plays him
we've seen full ass, remember
it's for sure wayne
How could I forget
It's definitely not Jared playing him
Only the voice
He's got longer hair than Jared
you don't think? maybe give your balls a tug there bud.
it's for sure him
@KendallFrey wig
If you're not showing the face, why bother?
There's no way Wayne === Shoresy
Wayne.voice === Shoresy.voice
but Wayne.body !== Shoresy.body
Just my thoughts
I'm like 99% sure it is him both body and voice.
$1 steam link
total with game is like $9ish
That seems wrong
yeah it's been up for a while though
since yesterday at some point
buy it
I have one already
and never use it ;P
but it is a neat gadget overall
definitely worth $1 if you don't own one haha
@KendallFrey well no hard proof, but in the shower scene you can see jareds tattoos on shorsey
Jersey Shore?
so unless it's someone with similar tats, or they put tats on him. idk.
@rlemon Wait there's a tattoo? Where?
@KendallFrey Re Tex Editor: well I underestimated her skills
on his arms
she already surpassed the Lyx stage and hates it on day #1
and writes mediocre tex now :D
@rlemon Hmm, tough to tell
Shower dude has missing tattoos
There's one spot that could be a tattoo or a birthmark or something
What is the best way and secure way to use user_ids in js. I want to use php user_ids in my js. I tried {!! json_encode(USER_ID) !!}
but it shows in dev tools the exact user_id
i want it to be encrypted
nothing is secure in JS
@KendallFrey all I imagine is that someone has a fucked up arm leg
You mean I can't accomplish what I wanted? @Loktar
Could be filmed before that though
@Loktar Wanna see the whole nsfw picture?
@ndugger Are you Loktar?
idk what it even is so I'll look
as long as if there is a penis it's a respectable one.
Guys, any help
not wanting to see any needles.
no penis
@ndugger no panini (source)
ah ok, well now I half don't even want to see it, but I still will I guess.
@ndugger Incredbile
success: function(response) {
@Loktar please tell me you aren't gonna just forget about hangouts and come back later to a nudie from me
read your hangouts dammit
I modified your response. Thanks
@gbade_ KevinB is afk: $($)
shorsey is wayne
@rlemon daamn
so then why the long hair
hockey hair
How many of the hockey players have short hair?
heck one of the guys is a skinhead
@KendallFrey glad you mentioned hangouts
lol, it's just a guess
oh, that wayne
@Loktar FYI, that's only the second funniest scene involving Shoresy naked.
yea, the urinal scene is way better
I don't even know what any of this is
None of this is american
no idea who Shoresy is
@Loktar you need to watch letterkenny
it's fucking hilarious
but I respect his shower hand stand
The canadians and this stupid TV show
never heard of it
ah lol alright
it's basically a tv show about where Kendall lives
You're part canadian, you could handle it
Canadian hicks
@ndugger and skids and hockey players
@ndugger better than degens from up country
We get those people in MN; I don't need to watch a show about it
fuckin hate degens from up country
@KendallFrey the show taught me how many terms are local to here
Honestly so many of them were new to me
I see people asking questions on youtube comments, and it makes me realise I am lucky to understand as much of the show as I do
I wonder if you can get cravetv in the states.
Nahh, needs a VPN
Too bad
selectorgadget.com Oldie, but I found about it only recently.
> to generate jQuery selectors for dynamic sites
@ndugger s/jQuery/css/
You select elements, reject the redundant ones, and get a correct selector for all matching elements on the page.
It's pretty neat
The CSS reduction algorithm is nice too.

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