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eating it is the real dominance assertion
even more so if you do it without cooking it
or killing it first
I eat it then cook it.
Protip: When ordering from Subway; start with the bread.
Its just faster.
I do. Sometimes I am still deciding what to put on the bread while they get it.
Terraria is so racist. My only black NPC is named Tyrone and sells guns.
What do you do in college when somebody/somebodies isn't allowing you to help on group projects? My group members are basically dating each other and won't let me help.
I'm afraid they are going to screw over my grade
Inveitably you'll google "Why do colleges still do group projects?" out of anger and then read some bullshit about how professors geniunely believe "It emulates working in the work place with colleagues" then you'll sit in anger for a couple of more hours while you devise a method to do all the work yourself..similar to how a Coyote will chew its own leg off in sheer survival.
But they won't let me help. I would gladly do it myself.... We can't turn in 2 assigments.
I was being facetious from my personal experience. My last two projects, thank fuck, have been measured by each person's contribution. Our professor gave each of us a task from the start.
Honestly, I would just be as assertive as you can, but politely.
Its YOUR grade, you should fight to ensure that you're going to walk away with a good one. As long as you remain tactful/professional in your 'assertiveness' then if the other start causing drama, direct it to your professor at that point.
I'm not saying be confrontational, that's foolish, but be vocal with an open-mind to the possibility you won't get fucked over. Then operate accordingly.
I think you should hide razor blazes covered in botulism and fire ants in their bed.
i dont know how to advise on not being allowed to help
i usually ended up doing the work myself... opposite problem
@SterlingArcher oooold repost :)
I might have misunderstood something
can I open a browser from a daemon ?
actually nvm I should be able to figure this out
why is chromecast so slow
mine is decent. some apps are slow, like hbo go
but most of google's are fast
Yeah, I've never had any issues I can speak of with Chromecast.
modal is not appearing: pastebin.com/FetkkQsH
mine is about 6 months old. there was an earlier model, i think
I only followed the instructions but it isn't showing
@Mosho Mine is 6month old, its fast for its purpose
if you want something with more powah and crap userexperience
go for FireTV (not the stick) or Apple TV )$_$(
@ShrekOverflow I just got this tv, came with it
Chromecast is inbuilt :O ?
but it's liek
ohh, a built in
15 seconds to start streaming
That makes sense :P
its the TV's processor
does it
mine is liek 3-10 seconds to start youtube (usually closer to 3) and 0-10 to start a new video (usually like 2)
Mine usually works instantly
from a PC
and about 5 seconds from a phone (I find that concerning)
yea, casting a local stream from the pc is instant
no even stream
but delayed in the video
is near instant
when i throw it from a PC
I don't throw mine. No idea what that means.
I don't think it's processing power
seeking is instant
@Mosho I get that same time if I use Chromecast on Amazon FireTV Stick
its probably starting the ChromeCast listener etc when you connect
it's flaky connecting sometimes for me. One app won't want to connect until I force close it, or sometimes reboot
(from a phone)
what's the js date function for converting numbers to date?
a one line function
what about reversing integer to date?
huh? Date
how would i convert this integer, 1508199014400, to it's date?
For the third fucking time, Date
unplugs the room security camera
oh gosh, i got it lol...
holy shit, i hate dealign with dates
plugs camera back in
Plot twist: it's wireless
It still has a cable for dramatic uses.
The cable has been cut
A CAD program, Blender is not.
what do you mean
I don't know.
I wonder how secure secure email is
it pretty literally is a CAD program
well, yes. I am thinking autocad.
Cause I literally just sent every important number tied to me over the internet and it scares me
@Mosho Not in the context that anyone uses that word though
why are you comparing it to autocad
I am finding it difficult to place precisely
@KendallFrey did you just nitpick my nitpicking
I felt like it. Just a passing comment.
@Mosho :)
aight :P
@Luggage You mean what Blender is?
the only thing that can truly compare to AutoCAD is software that does everything in its power to consume every bit of RAM on every machine within a 10 mile vicinity.
Heh, yea, since when does Kendall consider context and not just the dictionary definition?
!!s/l// 39662960
@SterlingArcher @Luggage You mean what Bender is? (source)
@Luggage Fuck, man, idk, I'm gonna go see a doctor
@SterlingArcher lol
@hilli_micha I've never heard Visual Studio compared to AutoCAD before
@Luggage it's 3d graphics software
@KendallFrey You know, I don't have RAM problems with VS, even though it is pretty beefy, but I do have an issue where it will just randomly try to work my CPU like its on liquid nitrogen or some shit.
Specifically 3D modeling and animation
I am aware, but I want to place a line 1 unit from this other line and I don't know how, so I am throwing accusations around.
@hilli_micha Mine was doing that today
7 hours ago, by Kendall Frey
ServiceHub.RoslynCodeAnalysisService32.exe, why
@Luggage hmm, well I haven't really used it
but you should be able to
It did it ALL the time with VS 2015 on one of my solutions in particular, It seems to have gotten better with 2017, but I've only been running it for a week.
I mean, you can input exact values if it comes to that
vs2017 likes to spawn a node process to take 30% of my cpu and just stop responding when I type in .JS files.
@Luggage That'd be something like Duplicate + Translate, right?
@Mosho In Blender, I think it usually does
I can enter an exact value, but it's relative to the size of the line, and i want it relative to the size of the object
I can enter 0.9 for the first cut, but -0.9 is CLOSE but not exact for the second, since it's not scaled over a smaller line.
I want 0.1 from the side, no matter what.
You really need CAD software
Anyway.. I am reading. I'm sure you can.
You can type in values, maybe there is a mode or way to specify what it's relative to
^^ AutoCAD is the only CAD software I know that can reliably do anything well on a small scale with any degree of precision.
Even close neighbors like Revit, just can't.
go find a relevant discord server and ask
But admittedly Revit isn't a 'CAD' software so to speak, it's purely BIM
@hilli_micha What do you mean by "a small scale"?
@KendallFrey Well, for example, Revit. Revit cannot model anything smaller than 1/32"of an inch.
I am doing nothing at any unusual scales, just wanting to be more specific than just eyeballing it. Probably pointless.
All the CAD software I've used could go arbitrarily small, IIRC
I'm sure there are others, purely anecdotal experience; I have all the Autodesk Design Softwares so that's all I use.
What do people make models for 3d printers with?
@Luggage I use AutoCAD and export the files to STL.
I used OnShape (free cloud-based CAD) for most of them
SketchUp is a very popular alternative I believe as well.
That's not what I am trying to do in Blender, btw, asking out of curiosity.
A few I generated programmatically
that js modeling thing?
The little I remember of SketchUp tells me it would be fucking awful for CAD
With STLs, I import those into Cura and from there to my printer.
@Luggage You asking me? No, I never used anything like that.
@KendallFrey You're not wrong; that's still the case. It's really good for quick and dirty hobby modeling of non-precision items, but doing anything complex truly is a fucking nightmare from the little bit I did try.
I really love OnShape
But, that does not mean it's not popular, my brother-in-law uses it in tandem with AutoCAD for pretty big 3D projects.
aww, onshape doesn't have a google/github/whatver login
Oh yeah their login sucks lol
You can give Fusion 360 a look.
Only site I ever enabled the remember password feature
phone number? nah, fuck you, onshape
LOL I got a call from them a few weeks after I started using it
I'd have given you so much more data if you just made it more convenient or me.
Wanted feedback or something
I need this
$35 for a chew toy though :(
Looks like it is also made of wrinkle cream
@hilli_micha TL;DR strongest point?
this is japan level stuff
I'm not sure if I should be turned on or not.
She's nodding
@KendallFrey About Fusion 360? Web based and pretty darn powerful; but that's sort of expected being an Autodesk software.
Of course, you'll need to sacrifice your first born to use it.
Yeah but how does it work?
On a computer.
For example, OnShape is history-based parametric
So you can go back and tweak anything you did at any point
metric? shit. can you use standard?
It gave you metric by default?
I'm pretty sure I had to switch from inches
joking.. nevermind
So it's a stack of operations that you can insert into?
Pretty much
@KendallFrey By any chance, are you farmilar with Inventor?
Very git-like, it even has some form of branching
@hilli_micha nope
Shit. Well, that's the most comparable software. Fusion is basically Inventor-lite. They both do have direct, 'dummy' modeling as I call it and parametric modeling available.
I haven't done parametric models in inventor in some time; so where that's at in modern standards I'm ignorant on. I do all of my parametric modeling in Revit and AutoCAD MEP.
Screenshots seemed to indicate a list of objects that use a list of parameters
If that's the main thing, I think I'd feel uncomfortable
That history is so nice
OnShape has a History based Parametric Modeling?
Because all I've ever used is the list method (AutoDesk's preferred method)
Admittedly typing out formulas for my parameters gets fucking exhausting, so if there is an alternative, show me the fucking light dude.
OnShape requires very few formulas. Models are made out of a history of "features" which create or modify 3D objects, and "sketches" which create or modify 2D objects. Most of the "formula" work is done in sketches with constraints, where you force objects into certain relationships e.g. these two lines are perpendicular, or this curve starts on this line, or this line is 42mm long
If you have 50 features all dependent on one measurement, you can create them relative to that, rather than a formula for each.
IDK how closely that matches other software
@Mosho chromecast is absolutely terrible in my experience. iPhones have a way to stream the screen but not Android. One reason Apple still has my support.
depends how you are using Chromecast of course
android can stream the screen.
not over wire to my knowledge
over wire?
Yes over the usb-c(microusb on some phones) or lightning cable. It drops all the time when sitting next to my router
i don't even know of wired chromecasts.
that's my point. iPhones let you stream the screen over the ligthning cable to a mac. There is no way to do this even root on Android. Back in the day I beieve droidVNC worked but not on the newer stuff.
very helpful for presentations
What does that have to do with chromecast, though? That's where I got confused.
The easiest way to stream something on Android is using a Chromecast device but it drops a lot. There is no wired way. In this case Chromecast let's you show it on your tv.
It is like the wireless audio situation but worse. I call it the Chromecast fiasco
I see, I misread and thought you were saying you used a chromecast wired.
I wasn't being clear. It does appear there are still ways to do this with root but annoying.
Anyway.. some android phones could output the screen to hdmi
i had a usb to hdmi converter for my old phone.
Then you can't keep it charged to my knowledge
true, but I wonder if the new phones with usb-c can.
like the pixel 2.
I doubt this, but it would be nice if it was thunderbolt 3, not just usb-c, so it could connect a monitor and keyboard/mouse
Like my laptop. That connects to my dock with a single thunderbolt 3 / usb-c cable. My phone should be able to take it's place.
I just want netflix & chill
@Luggage @SterlingArcher where can i get a printout at this hour ?
short of buying a printer from Prime Now
my colleges library is open 24/5
fedex kinkos
FedEx shouldn't it be closed ?
there are some 24 hour printing places.
you in DC?
@William the college nearby has a very weird shittery, won't accept real dollah for print!
@Luggage Blacksburg VA :(
Virginia Tech wow that is pretty close to me
that one is closed
@William where are you?
Can I drive to you? LOL
Winston Salem NC. Not that close. Wake Forest University played Virginia Tech in soccer this past week. I was at the game. VT fans were cussing at the ref.
You are about 2 hours away.
what do you need printed?
@Luggage documents important ones
@Luggage I guess I am out of options :P
@KendallFrey damn man
Ma'am, Dan
@KendallFrey tbh i stopped playing gta games because of this
@ShrekOverflow The walmart near you is 24 hours and they have a photo printing center.. MAYBE they have a printer to use.
ohh, that department isn't 24 hours, though
but they have a $35 printer.
@MattM. Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
omg how do I add this fucking gun
to this character
in ue4
hardest thing I've done in my life
gratz, you crashed the editor
that's what the starter content comes with
with is great and all
but what happens when there's a mirror
do tell
@Luggage Mmmm
it needs a usb cable, though
> He owned nine guns, including an assault-style rifle, said Harper, a part-time night nurse at the county jail. She eventually joined him at the shooting range with her own AR-15, thinking it could be a healthy mother-son activity.
(mother talking about her son who shot up a school)
stay classy
Used latex
holy shit its awesome!
Matlab should use Latex to write its code :D [/troll]
you just discovered latex? :P
no judge
@Mosho not discovered, converted a full blown document to it
i had minor exposure to it but not a 30 page doc :P
used it extensively in uni
@Mosho Your Uni is awesome :D
yeah was pretty much a requirement
my uni used to teach us to use space using " " when making columns IN WORD!
I don't know what that means
If you want to format your text in columns, format it using monospaced whitespace
and not the table tool :)
It was impossible to copy paste from the teachers version because of that
(back to code!)
@Mosho ayy sounds like my mother and I
I forgot what does ** do in C? Ok remember list of pointers etc
pointer to a pointer?
Yeah, I completely forgot what was the legitimate use-case for it :/
feels bad :(
it's for when you need more pointers
sometimes it takes 3
(i haven't even looked at C in almost a decade so i'm just talking shit)
I was trying to port that from Ruby to JS FFI gist.github.com/sj26/111e35bd0b8cf8eb0d7e
@ShrekOverflow it's a pointer to a pointer
the use-case is usually a 2-dimensional array
:) thanks @Mosho
here is my port (untested)
I am using jquery .load() method to load a page fragment, how do I know all the images have loaded completely?
I feel like watching starship troopers
but I'm scared it's been so long and I'll be disappointed
How do I get a ppid in nodejs D:
@ShrekOverflow might have to spawn ps
eww, since I am using ffi anyway I'm just calling getppid(); from cland for now, probably I'll just bypass the mess
Oi shrek, if you're going to overflow, you have to visit Donkey to release it.
did anyone have gotten an use case for using functions in String.replace ?
ah yes, grouping.
@Mosho ah yes, groping. (source)
morning guys
Why are you using some girl's pic?
because i can
aslong as i dont lobby that the pic is also me
shall I remove comments from a typescript file in angular? will angular add the comments to the compiled js file too? or... just skip it?
@SagarV test it and see
@Traitor Your username is "traitor" with someone's pic, I'm not sure they'd appreciate the gesture
idc, i already talked to mods
@BenjaminGruenbaum I hate it to check the ugly compiled files. If anyone have an idea in it, that'll be great
@SagarV well, if you "hate" looking at what the compiler does, then yes - I recommend you remove all comments from your code
if you have uglified it, then those comments should be stripped in the final file
(err I have read that "ugly compiled files" as using uglify ... but that is not "compiling" ...)
* checks for coffee %
no need to uglify. Angular itself make it ugly than an uglifier does
that did not make sense
to prevent wrong symbols, change from US qwerty to UK T9
@Traitor That doesn't matter, IIRC @Loktar messaged the girl and she's quite understandably not happy about it
up to mods then, can i get a message about it?
It's creepy, and has the mannerisms of a stalker.
if madara or other head mods tell me not to then i wont, the first punishment said that i cant impersonate, since im not lobbying that i AM that girl then i think im fine, unless someone like madara, or chat head says so
get me?
you can send them a message for me i'd appreciate it
@MadaraUchiha hello got a min?
he don't like pinging
@SagarV What makes you say that?
he's madara's sock
his message on other room
he told that he will be appreciate if I didn't do that
just a second.
well i can imagine
@Traitor Sup
in Shadow's Den on Meta Stack Exchange Chat, Oct 3 at 11:57, by Madara Uchiha
@redhand I'd appreciate it if you didn't do that.
@MadaraUchiha can i use some girls pic as my avatar aslong as i dont lobby that i AM that girl?
and as long as that girl is ok with it and she's not a public figure
that's up to madara
@Traitor If I remember correctly, you used pretend you were that same girl.
it's common sense as a human being
@towc She's not okay with it
but yeah, up to madara in the end
and you've to give attribution to the source of image
@BenFortune exactly
I'd avoid her picture, especially if she's explicitly against you using it.
Hey guys, I read in another stack answer that you can post your question here in hopes that someone might have an answer? I posted it yesterday and got zero responses, and I'm still stuck.
@GöranKempe Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
does this apply to humans? can i do like a star wars character? @MadaraUchiha
public figures are mostly free game
as long as you, again, don't claim to be them
@GöranKempe link
@SagarV Well, that came after this
@towc and u are madara?
I'm his son
Thank you for just taking a look, @SagarV
that made me laugh :3
@Traitor Seriously dude, use common sense and common courtesy.
@MadaraUchiha so? anyway you hate pinging ;p
it shouldn't
I'm not a lawyer, but if we sense you're doing whatever it is you're doing just to be a dick, you will get suspended.
@MadaraUchiha yes yes il take the pic down, thanks for taking the time to address the question, wont bug u about it again
@GöranKempe mm got the answer. just a second. I prefer it as a CW
@SagarV Oh my god, thank you. You're the best.
@SagarV i think that he said that because people kept pinging him for nothing. Only ping if needed
i pinged him for a serious question
you're not in the wrong there. But you were in various other things
hi towc
@towc who?
got a fancy night with kamil? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
@Traitor you
@KarelG you bet
he wasn't ok with it at first, but then gave up and fell into my arms
i guess, the fun didnt last tho
i think u guys liked it better when i was 'Halie'
the room was funner
you've already lost a lot of credibility
ya know, badger has shown her selfie pic with you and copy
@KarelG aye :)
they're really nice people
that's good :3
so kamil took the pic or was he elsewhere

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