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@Jhoverit just made no sense to me. pot is anything but a performance enhancing substance. :P
Worst that might come of it is reading some classified docs that I didn't source
@rlemon it's an effective painkiller
@ssube SInce when
that's why they legalized it for cancer
@ssube not really.
@ssube thats a minor benefit
@ssube well, they didn't legalize marijuana smoking for cancer
That's not why
appetite and anti nausea are main reasons
@ssube this looks fine so far, right?:
describe('/room route', () => {
    it('should be JSON', () => {
        return chai.request(app).get('/rooms')
            .then(res => {

Yea stomach settling etc
@rlemon that is also true
I have a prescription for nausea
there are clinical trials that take a specific non-opiate parts of THC and put them in pills, droplets, etc.
Lots of stuff. Least of which would maybe be the analgesic
@TylerH I believe all parts of THC are non-opiate
They've had this for a while too
@Vap0r whatever the thing is, cannabis
two different names, Marinol and Drabinol I think
THC extract is what they take
@TylerH THC
Wait they get the THC?
just made me think of that snowboarder who got his metal stripped for testing positive for THC. you really think getting high made him a better snowboarder? ha
And remove waste, CBD, and other Cannabinoids?
Can I juts say. Going to dispensaries in Denver was the most underwhelming experience of my year
Just FYI. Every shop is just a shitty hack
the CBD and stuff goes into shitty candies
its mostly CBD that helps
It's like a closet
It's as sketchy as going to your dealer lmgdao
@Vap0r well they probably synthesize it but yes the THC is what is medically useful
@Jhoverit idk, my dealer has a nice doggie and offers me a beer.
@TylerH nah not necessarily
@rlemon You are streets ahead of dispensary
@TylerH I tried that local. No bueno. I can u/l the changes for you to see if you'd like or its just as easy to change in dev tools. Still to no avail
@KamilSolecki depends on what you're treating, but yes, CBD has some great properties. THC can't be ignored though
It'll be interesting to see how it goes over here. they're moving beer into the grocery stores (previously illegal) and making the liquor control bureau control weed distribution.. but not through the already in place liquor stores.
And THC taken in pure form has side-effects that are treated by CBD
@rlemon you have govt-owned stores?
that was until this year the only places you could buy liquor
and they're building/buying a second set for pot?
@rlemon beer in grocery stores illegal? Damn, people around here would flip the fuck out if that happened
with two exceptions. the 'beer store' which is gov regulated, and 'wine racks' which only sell ontario made wine
@ssube yes. which imo is silly.
97% distillate on a vaporization rig sometimes makes me extremely anxious
they should sell it from LCBO stores
that is silly
they're controlled in much the same way for most of the same reasons
being able to buy alcohol anywhere is so strange to me when I travel.
@Stuart Sorry, you also have to remove background-attachment: fixed;
its funny how hard alcohol is regulated in us/canada, while here 70% of the time they wont even ask you for ID as long as you look at least 16
I've never bought alcohol in a state with govt stores
@KamilSolecki not canada/us
@ssube NC has them.
specifically ontario canada
@Vap0r haven't been there since I was a kid
not sure about outside of ontario. haven't been in a while.
The Liquor Control Board of Ontario (LCBO) is a Crown corporation that retails and distributes alcoholic beverages throughout the province of Ontario, Canada. It is accountable to the Ontario Ministry of Finance. It was established in 1927 on the advice of Ontario Premier Howard Ferguson, to sell liquor, wine, and beer. Such sales had been banned outright in 1916; thus, the creation of the LCBO marked an easing of the province's temperance regime (see Prohibition in Canada). By September 2017, the LCBO was operating 651 liquor stores. The LCBO maintains a "quasi-monopoly" on alcoholic beverage...
Florida doesn't have gov stores, but you can't sell liquor (non-beer and malts) in regular stores
has run our liquor for like, ever
They have to be an alcohol dedicated store
Hmm Yea BG: fixed is the whole idea. That is what is causing the trouble but is mandatory for the "Parallax Effect"
I remember my friend buying us alcohol in ontario, he said we couldn't even go with him to the store (we were 17 then)
I usually get my driver's license checked, although not always, but the stores here are all private with a license
you can go into the store, but if you touch the alcohol you have to show id
it really differs by state
i.e. even your kids can't carry it for you
if they let the kids carry a case, maybe daddy wouldn't be out of beer by sunday
then he wouldn't have to go for cigarettes
and NOW with the new regulations we can sell it in grocery stores (only beer, and cider. no spirits or liquor)
but grocery stores have to ID everyone, gov stores only id if you look <30
it's by percentage or by how it's made?
or both? convenience stores here can carry beer/malt < 3%
@ssube I think its by classification.
we can have all spirits up to 40% vol in grocery stores that have a special license (so pretty much every grocery store)
beer under 3???
< 3% = pointless
because they sell hard beer (8%) but no spirits
otherwise, most nicer grocery stores have a small liquor store attached
you can't sell them at the same register, but they don't have to be separate at all
like, it's just a window
the grocery stores have people angry 😛 they have to ID everyone. doesn't matter. 19 or 90.
they also have to abide by province time bans.
can't sell it before 11am, can't sell it after Xpm, depending on the day
dear god
that's the law here, but having a beard, folks skip it fairly often
that is pure evil
the gov stores get away with it because they just are not open when they can't sell it
I think they need to be separate here. Only one grpcery store has a liqour store and it's a separate address. must go outside to get to it
it's 10-10 here, I think
@TylerH This does raise a clue. Boy does the img change just toggling BG: fixed in dev tools
god save poland and 24h alcohol stores
the grocery stores have pissed off people because they can't sell the beer, but can sell the groceries.
now I know im onto googling problems w BG-attachment: fixed
@rlemon we have that fairly often but can travel one city over where they can sell beer until 3AM
@KamilSolecki why do you think we're such angry people? Constantly running out of beer in the middle of the night
that's what causes crime
bars close at 2 here, it's stupid
@Vap0r hehe, to travel a province over would take me 6 hours minimum
the whole city tries to shut down by 230 and then pretend it's a real big city
@Luggage good move
@ssube same here. they stop serving at 1 (1:30 most places)
kick you out at 2
@rlemon not sure we're talking about the same thing with city V province. Maybe.
@ssube on another hand you dont get people laying under local shops / alcohol stores drunk throughout the day 😛 But still, I'll take my 24h alcohol time
@Vap0r our rules don't change city to city
@KamilSolecki oh no, we still do
so, to get around any liquor laws I'd need to leave the province.
@rlemon oh gotcha.
@Vap0r with that said, the USA interstates are much better than our provincial highways.
takes like half the time to drive acrossed the USA as it does Canada
the one highway across canada?
@ssube here each shop has its local drunkards that reside there (groups of 3-6) :D
@Stuart The real solution is to find a different image that fits the aspect ratio and resolution
which are just a dirt road for moose-drawn carriages
@KamilSolecki same
@ssube well, that, and you guys have somewhat of a real system.
instead of trying to force one image to change its own resolution to match some arbitrary one you picked
we just put roads where the moose were not
It was a key to obtaining alcohol when you were 15-17, to get on good terms with them
we put down roads where the mountains and rivers were not
and then numbered them based on if they went n/s or e/w
nahh, legit, the interstates and how you guys lay out your city roads is way better than in Canada.
and then made them turn sometimes so that didn't work well
your system might not always work out, but it's better than no system whatsoever
we just do it like every country. roads between major cities and a ring road around it
heh, city roads are a different story
@rlemon that could be because we did it later maybe? Your biggest cities are super old.
downtown minneapolis is set at a 30 degree angle from the rest of the city, so it lines up with the river. Both are on grids, but two different connected ones.
Same reason Italy and other parts of europe have crazy city streets, IIRC
@Vap0r older than our oldest cities?
canada and US have pretty close timelines as far as settlement, right? highways came in the 50's, i think
@rlemon But the way we zone fucking sucks
the longest drive I did was from my place to middle-bottom of NE
and other than the concrete highways, it was very nice drive.
If only we would mix commercial and residential.. It wouldn't be a necessity to own a car in America
the midwest has the worst highways in the country
ne = new england or nebraska?
the winter is brutal on them
There are some highways around here that are just terrible
2 lane, with a low speed limit
Highways = shitty a lot. Freeways = amazing
@ssube no clue. I was just wondering. I've heard that about Europe from city planners. Was wondering if it applied here. Also DC doesn't count because we purposefully built that to have space
you guys don't know how good you have it till you spend 4 hours on Ontario 400 going towards Barrie
can confirm, highways here suck
@KendallFrey probably know what I'm talking about
practically all roads here suck
fucking worst roads / layout of life
@Vap0r old European cities are super packed, but like Luggage said, US/Canada were designed by mostly the same people at mostly the same time
DO they?
driving from here down to mobile is just frustrating
I appreciate the shit out of our roads.
And I drive my muscle car so
@Jhoverit illinois, no budget for ~3 years
as soon as you hit alabama that 4lane becomes a 2lane
highway is just a road, do you mean expressway? a controlled access road with ramps?
probably haven't put money into roads in longer than that too lol
@rlemon oh yeahhh :D
400 is the worst highway I've ever been on
interstate = expressway?
Canada and USA combined
Freeway is no stops controlled access IMHO
@HatterisMad they don't put money into the roads here, they just pour gravel on them every other summer
@Jhoverit one day I will restore one. Somewhen in the future, but it has been a dream of mine
@Vap0r yea.
Highway is State highway very literally
Not federal.
yea, i'd put 'freeway' in with 'expressway'
@ssube gravel and if you are really lucky, tar
@Luggage here, expressway is like between two cities.
ohh, NO controlled access
pei wei?
@HatterisMad I've lived in neighborhoods lucky enough to get the tar and ones that didn't
Highway is like a bridge to cities, Freeway/Expressway bridges states
yea, express way is between cities with exits. highway is just a road. it can have intersations and all
Stop lights etc yea
ah America where we drive on parkways and park on driveways
I don't drive on parkways
@ssube where i lived we got the tar like once every 5 years or something lol
if they didn't use such nasty salt, they wouldn't need to repave as often
What do you have against parkways?
@Jhoverit you should try the Blue Ridge parkway if you're ever in NC
it's amazing
gorgeous views, winding roads along the mountain tops
@TylerH i just cant understand why. w/o 3pageWrapper the img scales
@ssube if they didn't use such nasty salt you'd get ice all over
Oh you're calling byways parkways
Like our scenic byways
pull over areas with better vistas than some of the best overlooks
I was thinking of the Park kind of Parkways
Not the park-off type
@Luggage we do anyways
too many road types. big roads, small roads. done.
@Jhoverit I have no clue the sign just said "Blue Ridge Parkway"
dirt roads, paved roads
Not road roads
The Rickchurian Mortydate is the latest ep right?
@Luggage ??
yers, lemon
@Stuart I already closed the tab; if you want to debug the issue further, recreate the example in a Stack Snippet in your question
is it okay to ask a quick open ended JS question here? or not really the place...
!!afk 22:47
@sir_thursday yes
@Luggage hah, in the south they use sand instead of salt
What's a "JS"?
but it's not thursday
@Luggage "Jesus Shirt"
@sir_thursday come back in 2 days
Jesus Saves
or 3 days and meet Madam Friday.
god damn honestly i don't even know how to phrase this
The answer is webpack
and if webpack isn't the answer, probably electron
No one say it.
I'd say vue
wow they did it
write some tests, set up a CI server in the cloud, and then come back
too late
@towc God damnit
ohh no, its retarded
@sir_thursday God damnit
> vue <3
confirmed @towc alt
@sir_thursday are you available for marriage?
I hope you can cook.
And clean
Any reason to use a post request to get resources, for an api?
@Vap0r who says I can't clean?
@MichaelHCameron are you creating a new record of some sort?
@towc sorry I was hinting at your clothes washing abilities or lack thereof
@MichaelHCameron get requests should have limited data from client to server
to get resources? use GET.
Why, @Luggage?
okay so i have a laptop plugged into an external monitor with a much higher dpi/resolution. when I open my webpage on the external monitor (browser is IE11, unsure if important), it uses the window.innerHeight/innerWidth dimensions from the laptop screen... causing the webpage size to be significantly scaled down.
and sometimes, a nice json is worth a thousant ?params=
@towc that is what I'm getting at
@ssube fuck wrong ping
@MichaelHCameron because that's semantically what they mean
Limited data?
That is what GET is for. POST is for creating a new resource, PUT for updating, PATCH also for updating
GET gets, POST creates, PUT updates, PATCH is fucked, and DELETE deltes
Ah, that's just semantics
when i resize the window, the webpage corrects itself with the correct window innerHeight/innerWidth dims
okay... that's all i have
proxies and servers expect that to happen and react accordingly, so if your GETs actually POST data, things might break
What did you mean by limited data?
My POST would get data
wouldn't use gets
@sir_thursday that sounds like a bug in IE
@sir_thursday here's a few googles "media queries" , "responsive design", "resize debounce"
or just how Windows window work
see if any of them work for you
If you want to stick a sign on your API that says "push to open" when you should really pull, go for it.
I know they sometimes don't update until you resize them
@rlemon I think he's talking about all sites, not just his
@MichaelHCameron not a good idea
Well, it sounds like there isn't really an obvious reason to do it this way.
I'm watching rick and morty
take what I give
@MichaelHCameron there aren't any reasons, are there?
@rlemon not AIDS though
Would using 'post as get' give you more control over how to request resources?
wait, does GET not have a size limit?
@MichaelHCameron no
@towc size limits are usually a server thing
@towc that's up to you and your web server.
nginx defaults to 10mb or so
@MichaelHCameron what makes you think that?
oh, I'd have thought it was a web standard thing
you can pretty safely set things to 4GB req/resp, but your clients will crash
well, TIL
Maybe just tripping
your server might crash too
@MichaelHCameron what control do you think you lose?
I hope express does this by default
express doesn't like large files
well, it streams them well enough, but it's not very efficient about it
!!afk finishing what I gotta do. No such thing as real news anymore
alternative fact
@ssube really? what's complicated about it?
it's been a while, so take with salt, but iirc it doesn't do much to cache them
so serving large static files to many client is not anywhere near as efficient as with nginx in front
I don't think express claims to be the best static file server
oh, yeah, definitely
it wants to be behind nginx
node isn't always great at pruning large objects right away, either, so I'd worry about memory usage
btw, this is gold. I'm chatting with the slovak girl about asylums. This room would have a field day
@towc asylums/graveyards/etc are not unusual pickup topics, in my experience/to my tastes
how many tattoos does this girl have, out of curiosity?
none that I know of
the funny part was that most of you think I probably should be locked up in a low-level asylum just for what you think I think about her
lol, nah
eh, you're not the only awkward person in the world, just happen to be the one that's vocal here.
that's far too dramatic
you just need a good friend to punch you a few times, buy you a beer, and point you at someone attractive
well, at least go to therapy
if you don't, I misjudged how fucked up you think I am
if I get drunk and someone mentions anything that reminds me of her, I start curling up in a ball and crying, dw about it
just need to be awoken
like the sheeple
very sheeple indeed
if anything, I feel like I'm watching a telenovella or Spoils of Babylon or something when you tell these stories
ok tys gents
> Cynthia and Devon are two siblings whose intense love drives everything and everyone around them to ruin.
incest story? great
it's also a spoof of soap operas
the last Rick and Morty started strong.. fucking hated the ending
posted on October 03, 2017 by Myles Borins

Notable Changes net: support passing undefined to listen() to match behavior in v4.x and v8.x (Sam Roberts) #14234 Commits [73416b46e4] - assert: refactor the code (Ruben Bridgewater) #13862 [a8b917ee2f] - benchmark: fix dgram/bind-params.js benchmark (Rich Trott) #14948 [855d7ae326] - benchmark: convert var to es6 const (Sebastian Murphy) #12886 [6a7e46ed9c] - build: add NetBSD support t

@towc :( no fun
haven't watched it yet
should have waited long enough where you couldn't edit it lol
missed it sunday
it was going real well.. then they just ended it
@rlemon Ikr? it's like "meh, is this what I've been waiting for?"
@ssube I was wrong.
@MichaelHCameron about what?
still pretty cool, but nowhere close to the expectations
Can't see any difference for an API
@towc it's just not what I expected from a cliff hanger
more like an unfinished ep
on the second-to-last episode to me it was obvious she didn't get cloned. Did you get the same feeling?
Probably I developed a preference for post as an alternative to unfriendly links
Only later I went on reddit and youtube and saw that so many people had different thoughts, and it was interesting
when she looks at the pictures of the family, it seems pretty obvious what her choice is. Or is this my inner republican rising up?
> inner
I don't consider myself a republican
@towc don't spoilers in the main room
be generic, or open a new room / hangouts
@rlemon too late to edit. can you RO remove?
to late now
just sayin
yeah, sure
didn't think about it
just be glad it wasn't GoT
you'd be banned
now you're just asking for it
Little sam survives. There. Big reveal.
GoT was a two week ban
I haven't started GoT yet can we ban towc now?
I think it's a fair rule for any show that we don't spoil it for at least two weeks
@rlemon was 1 week originally
Is that not less than two weeks ago?
but sure
major motion pictures too
@ssube but movies spoil themselves with the trailers
gandhalf and the rabbit have babies
> here's 1 minute 18 seconds of the best scenes we cut from the final showing
> gandhalf
> he can only do some magic
not to be confused with handgolf
he's this level of wizard
neo and Agent Smith go to oktoberfest
!!afk leaving work now I will see you wednesday my dudes

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