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hey @david are u there?
Typescript only adds type-checking. Mixins and inheritance are the exact same as JS.
@RachelDockter Yeah kinda
ah so i finished my go game, i put together a temporary html page and uploaded it, i was gonna ask if u wanted to see it
yeah definitely!
you got the territory ownership scan thing working?
yay ok, bare in mind the html page is just temporary. its the functionality of the game thats finished. and yeh, it requires the players to manually take out dead stones which makes it easy, thats also the norm for online go servers which i didnt know
@RachelDockter Don't use 000webshost. They store the passwords in plaintext.
oh really, this is just so people from my class can test it, i wasnt gonna use this for the final product
mainly just because the 000webhost at the end looks horrible
congrats, it looks good!
thanks @derp :)
So, the chat with this girl didn't go well. She said she found it awkward. And we spent most of the time starting at each other because we've got nothing to talk about.
😬 ffs
what timing.
this is about 45 minute drive from me
from the looks and description and assuming those are "2*4"s holding it up
that's a 90lb anvil.
even with the mucked up horn that's $200
$50 is a fucking steal. and I can't pick it up
Why did Youtube's loading spinner change to a fidget spinner? Wtf
are you going to get it?
@littlepootis probably the best piece of advice i got when talking to people is to say "oh really?" because then if they say "i went to the park today" you arnt just saying ok, saying oh really opens up for "yeh it was fun"... then u can ask what did u do, who did u go with, what park etc
airtasker to find someone to pick it up?
although by the time you pay people...you'll be pretty close to the 200 bucks anyway xD
I'm trying to get a hold of my mother to see if she'll take me
actually maybe a removalist?
I need to get it ASAP, it's stupid good price and posted on reddit
so it'll go fast. like in a day or two
@RachelDockter We didn't even get there.
i dunno...don't hurt yourself moving heavy stuff though
ohh I can lift that thing no problem.
due to unrelated to lifting medical issues I can't drive for the next three weeks minimum.
"So, what do we talk about?"
"I don't know"
"I don't know either"
*awkward silence*
so I can't go pick it up
how much does a polar bear weight? enough to break the ice.
hi, I'm pootis.
you reckon your typical uber driver will allow you to put an anvil in the back?
i wonder how much delivery would cost for that thing lol
not worth the good price I'd be getting it for.
they might report you to the police for being a cartoon villian though
@RachelDockter That's really quite impressive, well done
that horn has been replaced, otherwise I'm like 90% sure it's a solid peter wright anvil. around 90lbs.
go on google, you can see the similarities other than the horn.
@david you think so? that made me smile. i worked so hard on that, thankyou:)
finishing projects is HARD
@derp rm -rf
oh its nowhere near finished. but the hardest part is done
@monners did you just try to murder me?
@derp Crap. Didn't work.
@derp sudo rm -rf
uh oh...i needed that binary
i alias rm to rm -i so that command never burns me
i'm back from backups!
Eureka! I've done it! I have obtained the whitest of white peoples' socks! https://t.co/G9tCws9lsc
scp http://private.derp.com/stuff/horse-porn/ ~/media
disk full
I had over 1TB free on that drive!
there are a lot of horses in the world
hey they're beautiful creatures
i mean
their* beautiful creatures
I vividly remember getting a text from my brother in 2004 saying "i left a dvd of a chick screwing a horse on your desk"
I was like ...
I did not ask for this. Why did you think I wanted this.
and because of that event you have the life you have now
who knows
if he hadn't left you that dvd on your desk, you might have contracted ebola or something
he may have saved your life through his selfless actions
goodness I didnt think of that
also don't tell @rlemon about the contents of my hardrive xD
he doesn't know about the hidden cameras!
pretty sure he does. Why else would he he keep dropping things in the middle of the room?
maybe its really hard to hold stuff in frilly skirts?
His holding capacity isn't limited to the skirt
is there a word that describes both width and height
like a generic one
im thinking size/dimension but they don't seem right
the context is trying to explain grid layouts and i need something that refers to both width and height generically
good morning lovelies
because of its two dimensioness
should i learn angularjs?
rumor has it angularx is hipsterlier
what do u mean by hipsterlier?
AngularJS is probably not worth learning
Angular (which is version 2 or more, currently 4.3.2), is worth learning
so what should i do next?
learn javascript
^ i just wanted to make a three carat christmas tree
Also valid. But if you already have a good grounding in JS, then building something in a web framework is a fun thing to do.
Try building the same thing in React and Angular and Vue and Choo and whatever you want
see what you like
when should i learn a new framework?
im still in the phase of learning in js & jquery
my unpopular opinion is forget jQuery
Skip jQuery
learn jquery
form an opinion about why you do and don't like it
Learn vanilla first
what does vanilla stands for?
Then learn jQuery and form an informed opinion about why you do/don't like it
As in native, no libraries
ahhh yep that's what im doing
i kinda like the events in jquery
amazes me how effortless the effects has done unlike in css
hmmm... what?
the fade in fade out
for example
you will just call the element and call the fade in or out.
I prefer not to deal with calling elements to fade at all; I defer to ui toolkits
i know im asking XY in here. im very newbie in terms of your terms.
but what does uui toolkitsm ean
to be fair, I'm quite new to this chat as well, I try not to be too opinionated in what I say ;)
but in this case, I mean things like bootstrap, material-ui, purecss, libraries that offer components to render visual elements.
ah yes im using bootstrap too. what im saying is the event of jquery is simplified (for me).
which propelled my initial "what". events are not jquery things.
hmm, how did I download 55GB in 5 days
she's called candy
im refering to the effects that css can use
that jquery can do it effortlessly
you can also just have two classes
@EarvinNillCastillo that css looks as effortless as it gets ;)
and then go element.classList.add('myclass');
@FélixGagnon-Grenier how bout in jquery? $("#div1").fadeIn();
or fadeout
well, the argument of "jquery is an extra dependency, something efficiency something, blah blah blah" is old, and doesn't apply that much anymore considering all the other requirements of most webpages, but preparing pure css3 styling for that is so easy using jquery sounds too much
with that styling, it really becomes using a single class: <div class="fade">How effortless is a class?</div>
noted @FélixGagnon-Grenier :D
not to mention, with the number of sites that use jquery, it's likely already cached if you link to cdn
@Mosho you not got unlimited bandwidth?
@KevinB yes, sadly I guess exactly all versions of jquery are cached everywhere ;)
Hello, a question about css3: If I have three 'div' inside a 'flexbox', and I only want to show to last 'div' when the screen size is less than md, how to ?
I've tried to add class '.hidden-md-up' to the first two, didn't work, they still occupied space...
I use bootstrap 4.
@rlemon I do
just wondering
the filter will filter out both undefined and zero correct
Oh, I should use .hidden-md-down, frank.
empty array values are they considered null undefined or something else
Proof that there are no original ideas anymore https://t.co/7zPxYha7QQ
i made a blog post hopefully explaining css grids
that's deep
@rlemon pleasedon't
How Can Shoes Be Real If Our Feet Are Not Real?
how can a number be real if it's square is negative
am i doing this right
so filter will not remove all falsy values?
@Arrow That's so vague as to be meaningless
@Arrow []
!!>[,,0,undefined,null,+' '].filter(x=>x)
@Arrow []
That's almost the definition of filter
what the definition then?
What are you trying to do/prove?
that filter along with unary will remove all falsy values: undefined, null, 0, false, NaN and "" (empty string)
You know what filter is, right?
umm... I don't know how to answer that question, I would assume yes
Going with that, what is the problem you're currently facing?
but filter on its own won't evaluate an empty string as false
' ' this considered true
unless I used a unary
@Arrow I tested it, and you're wrong.
!!> [""].filter(x=>x)
@KendallFrey []
!!>[' '].filter(x=>x)
@Arrow [" "]
That's not an empty string...
ok it's not empty but, it contains empty char
There's no such thing as an empty char
Are you thinking of whitespace?
yes whitespace
strings containing only whitespace are truthy
!!> + ' AB ';
@Arrow "NaN"
!!> + ' ';
@Arrow 0
ahahah what the shits are you doing Arrow
you see what I am talking about
Not really
I doubt anyone sees what you're talking about
"ok it's not empty but, it contains empty char" I'm starring that
You're converting it to a number.
including yourself
why does white space converter to 0 but letters convert to NaN
!!> ["empty", "null", "nothing", "please filter this"].filter(x=>x)
@david ["empty","null","nothing","please filter this"]
why is it not working?!!!
@Arrow '' is not whitespace
i even said please
it's an empty string
!!> Number(' ')
@Mosho 0
this is a whitespace
@Arrow Because that's how the conversion from string to number is defined to work
I did not see that one coming
Jews don't see anything coming.
I saw enough to move to canada
so white space is considered 0 but letters are considered NaN
@Arrow it would appear so
y do dis js
the number constructor trims input it seems
I thought there was some weird reason i was unaware of thanks guys :)
O wait is that because the number constructor trims empty spaces
O dam
that makes sense
I just said that
Ya, it took a min to sink in
I thought you blabbering like a crazy person for a second there, but you slowly started to make sense.
that's ironic
that's what your mom said
query = where date IS NULL

return columnt int (working)

query = date IS NULL

return col (string) (output: null)
what is happening
I'm not sure what you're talking about.
oh sorry i was talking about when i return the array from php to ajax, *echo json encode($id) does not work if the query I get is string datatype
$result = $mysqli->query('Select * from masterdata where fdDate_Resigned IS NULL');
	// $id[$count]=$row['fcEmpFName'];

echo json_encode($id);
In typescript is there a way to prevent functions from being assigned to objects? e.g. I would like var test: object = () => 'test'; to error.
the problem in here is when I get row EmpId, the output is working but when I return fcEmpfname, the output is null
but when I use json_encode[$id[0]] for Empname, the output is working.
@EarvinNillCastillo if you wish to discuss that further, let's jump to php chat room, but at a glance, the $count = 0; increment to numerate the rows really is the same as using the much clearer $id[] = $row['column']; form. you should also declare $id = []; before the loop, in case there are no results.
@joshhunt it will error if you try to call it
functions are assignable to objects for some reason
that's annoying :/ any idea if that is intentional or a bug?
a function is technically also an object
@FélixGagnon-Grenier let's jump now if its okay to you
but to call it it needs a call signature
seems like a bug if you can assign it but not call it
it's polymorphism in a way
Function "inherits" from object, so you can assign a function to an object "reference"
quotes are because these terms don't really apply to typescript
but as far as the type system goes, the point is the same
so you can assign it, but any type information pertaining to functions is not available
just like if you try this:
hmm, what else "inherits" from object?
const test: object = new String('5');
this will also pass
!!> typeof (new Number(7))
@david "object"
or that
though typeof has nothing to do with ts types
note that this:
const test: object = String('5');
does throw a compile error
because String('5') returns a string and not a String object
Hi, I created a tiny tool for multiple task runner: https://github.com/jessechen0319/task-chain/tree/master
if you have any new idea about it, please let me know:)
where do you see a compile error? Just testing with typescriptlang.org/play atm and it doesn't seem to error as far as I can tell
I am using it for web data fetching~
it can't be related to typeof though as typeof function() {} -> 'function' right?
@joshhunt only first line has an error
like I said, typeof has nothing to do with TS typing
weird that it is smart enough to know that that is a string
why is that weird
well weird that it knows that but doesn't error on function
unless it is like you say and function extends from object
because a function "inherits" from object, as I said
more like, Function is an interface
right, well I guess that makes sense but not sure if there is anything I can do about it.
and an entity implementing an interface is assignable to object
something like that
@joshhunt you can use a more specific type
@Jesse use ES6 classes and extends instead of utils.inherits see: nodejs.org/docs/latest/api/…
instead of object
like an interface? or something else?
whatever type whatever you are assigning to that variable really is
That's what I was attempting at first but it seems like you can assign anything to it if the properties are all optional: typescriptlang.org/play/…
which also makes sense
I'm sure it does, but how so?
try this
that's messed up
interface Test {
    [index: string]: string;
    test?: string;

const blah: Test = 'test';
const blah2: Test = {};
first declaration has a compile error, second doesn't
well the problem with that is now it thinks { fakeProperty: 'fake' } is valid
still don't understand why it allows a string to be assigned to an interface. Is string an interface?
interface is duck typing
If it smells like a duck, tastes like a duck, and it's on the menu; eat it.
so this works:
interface Wat {
    substr: Function;

const wat: Wat = '5';
so that way, a string fits into an "empty" interface
anything does
but... why... sorry, will do my best to follow. I'm sure it is all logical, it's just a bit over my head at the moment but I will try to understand
oh I see!
what you're asking for, is an interface with a list of optional properties (and no other properties), to which you can't assign anything except an object
I'm not sure that is possible
correct, and :( lol
@ssube how are you finding it?
ah well, if nothing else at least I understand it all a whole lot better. Thanks so much for taking the time to explain it to me
np :)
Hey, does anybody know how to literally remove a key from an object in pure JS? I cannot find an answer anywhere.
did you try googling "remove key from object javascript"
@monners good point
has anyone worked with senecaJS for microservice architecture in node?
the docs are outdated and getting confused to make 2 services talk to each other
Q: jquery then and fetch src - upload images to server

Hoang NguyenI want to pass a list of image files to server at once. var formData = new FormData(); // Iterate all td's in second column $("#table-image tbody tr:not(:first-child)").each(function (index, value) { var blob = value.cells[4].innerText; var fileName = (index + 1) + ".jpg"; srcToFile(blob,...

hello guys!
@HoangNguyen Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Pleasedon't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
please help me to resolve this issue
thanks a lot
does anyone here know ui-router in angularjs
i need to practice it
i cant find an exercise that will make me use all its features
what do you need to practice
i mean
all its features, they are too many to practice. you need to find to use case
yeah thats what i meant
i need a use case
build a blog and do it by nesting the routes
use <ui-view></ui-view> in the routes, if you want something challenging.

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