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It is. Get out of IE8 support right now lol
BoltClock told me what I wanted to know
I'm not telling you it's XY, or that you should "can" IE8 or use jQuery. But if your images are over 0.03 mb, you won't be able to use toDataURL, or data URIs at all, for that matter.
You don't even have a machine that can run IE8
So the whole premise here is confusing
@Jhoverit You can emulate it in edge.
@Jhoverit I got VMs brah
The beautiful part of an XY question is that the asker has no official say in whether it's XY or not :D
@SterlingArcher unless he intends to self answer
@towc how big are your images?
@William you can't self answer an XY problem, by definition. You'll be answering Y, when you should answer X.
I guess technically
@towc because this image, at it's reduced size... i.sstatic.net/6zQkZ.png?s=328&g=1 is still twice as large as IE8 can handle
You could chunk the image up I guess.
But at that point might as well do a bytestream
I'd like to know where you're getting information about restrictions on images in IE8
not that i'm arguing, I've just never experienced or heard of this
@rlemon that's only for data-URIs
because or url length limitations
But it all depends what he wants to do with the images. Hmmm. This sounds like an XY problem
ie8 does have restrictions on URLs in general, iirc
8kb or something
I love how google.com supports Mosaic the originalish browser(Nexus can't find the sources)
I've run into it before
Yup. A lot of old dragNdrop hacks encountered this
it's a problem that doesn't exist because ie8 doesn't support canvas...
@rlemon well I mean he's just using the canvas to get the Data URI of the image, which can be done without the canvas
Sure. But that's not currently the case :p
I'm generating the image with the canvas
I can have a fallback for IE, but I'll get to that later
I'm using a canvas to generate an image which used to be an svg
Why not use svg
Just use the svg
but svg underperformed
Better support overall
If your svg is slow it's your code. Not svg
Svg is pretty damn fast
I always use svgs where I can.
had a lot of filters, and svg animations are hard to HA
New Betraying the Martyrs!!!
nice listening haha
I get excited and super ping you
@towc How hard of a requirement is the IE8 support?
@SterlingArcher I still think the better option would be to persue the svg route
Ugh.. @towc
how dare you misping me
what about mobile?
I'm on mobile.
So I fucked up the ping
that's the thing, I'm making the images super high-res, so they can be crisp for the common user
@towc which is a great use for svg
Oh boy are you going to have a bad time
and would rather not make them download the content because the images I'm making with canvas are really big
What is the first word in svg @towc
scalable, I get it
Forget what I said about chunking files, it won't work for your use-case @towc
but it's also slower than other things
I'm animating this a lot
@TylerH lmao
Svg animations don't have to be slow if you do them right.
fastest option is actually transforming images
Look at rapheal.js demos
@SterlingArcher @SterlingArcher @SterlingArcher @SterlingArcher @SterlingArcher @SterlingArcher @SterlingArcher @SterlingArcher @SterlingArcher @SterlingArcher
Jesus christ i just had the weirdest sneeze
You're not supposed to sneeze when you're holding goldish
@rlemon when I'm done I'll send you the thing. If you can do it without it affecting performance in noticeable ways, I'll be very impressed
It really hurt actually lol like all the sneeze power came from the back of my throat, not my nose, so it was like a super cough
So weird
@towc lol why would I do that. I don't need to prove to you svg isn't slow, there are battle tested svg libs out there proving it already
You should just make it a gif and be done with it
gsap is the best I could find, and it wasn't going well :/
so I did some research
and svg can't be HAed as much as normal dom
@towc A couple of problems supporting IE8:
• Any data-URI image **cannot** be presented to the user if it's big (u said it's big)
• Canvas support doesn't work
• It's IE8 - it has less than 2% of global **desktop** market share.
• All the polyfills will slow your application down
omg @Vap0r can you please not send unsollicited IE8 spam
hi guys ... jasmine2.6.4 drives me crazy.. How can I make a wait?
I might not be a seasoned developer, but I know a thing or two about IE8, and if not, I'll do the research and ask
you were talking about that earlier, it's not exactly spam
> if not
^ this is the case, and I'm supplying you with the answers to the questions you will ask
I mentioned it, and ignored him for a while. It's actually driving my nervs
@towc don't be a dick please.
what infuriates me is that he thinks I don't know most of the things he's saying. Can I be offended by that?
Ignoring advice just because you dislike somebody is immature as fuck
you really can't
You think he thinks that
@towc I did this before, I'm not assuming anything other than that you'll encounter the same browser issues in IE8 for canvas dataURI manipulation that I did, which I think is reasonable and deserves acknowledgement (which you didn't give). Or at the least just not malice.
You're making assumptions just to justify you acting as you just did
@SterlingArcher 007 style
show that you actually know those things and how to apply them
    describe('Search Expectations',function () {
        it('1 Result found!', function () {

            //now wait til Result is loaded:
            setTimeout(function (){
                var results = $(".searchQuery").text();
                expect(results).toBe("1 Result!");
            }, 100);

no, whoever else gave me advice on it, I thanked, and told that I don't need more advice on it, for now
@towc you can't just be an ass because people over-explain things
it's a very common thing to do
Search Expectations
@Vap0r I've worked with IE8 before. Thank you for the advice
@towc absolutely any time
See? That's how adult communicate.
@SterlingArcher Are you patronizing me?
why are you everytime arguing in this chat? :(
It's fun
It's love
@Suisse get rid of Jasmine, it's broken, use Mocha or something else.
Be respectful of each other. @towc if @Vap0r is being on topic, be nicer about saying you already know something. @Vap0r if I catch you giving "advice" and such just to be pedantic, I will put so many feet in your ass.
@SterlingArcher noted, but I would like to mention I wasn't being pedantic
@SterlingArcher lol noob no
@SterlingArcher he was more late than anything, imo
@Vap0r you're good this time, but you have a trolly record 😀 I just want to make sure all my bases are covered
I received zero acknowledgement and wanted him to avoid pitfalls that plagued me
@Vap0r what exactly would be the foot to ass ratio Jordan
God damn mobile. Respond to the right person
@SterlingArcher that's reasonable, but when I'm trolling I really don't back down, I commit lmao
Just let the record show, the situiation is handled, and future engagements will be better
@Vap0r wow lmao u include log message? XD
Fucking love each other guys ffs
@hilli_micha log message?
@SterlingArcher I'll fucking love you so hard, you'll go limp.
go eat some thin mints
my back can't handle any more loving
I have a date tonight with the british chick
Did you see a chiro?
You work fast
@SterlingArcher that's a car. Here's something you may need to know: make sure you put your butt on the seat
'cause like, they've done wonders for my back.
I'm back to work
@rlemon It's the eyebrows.
Chiros are not doctor's. I don't trust them
^ a few days later, everything's worse
@rlemon I worked for a chiro who was very skilled, and coming directly from him, you're right lol
For the record, towc, I could kick you for that sass 😀 But I'll let it slide because I'm grumpy because of my back, and I don't want to do something because I overreacted because I'm in pain.
@rlemon Doctors lied to me about my back for almost seven years. A chiro got me walking again. I only see him once a month for maintenance.
wait, did you miss the point of that :/
I'm sure there's plenty of chiros out there scamming folks.
it was meant as a half-joke
Lol. He's bandaiding your back for a fee
which showed a point
and it's not that you should put your butt on the seat
nevertheless, please put your butt on the seat and nowhere else
I need a break
@rlemon As compared to the dozens of doctors I went to that told me my back was fine, despite borderline not being able to walk or bend?
> Please put your butt on the seat and nowhere else
@SterlingArcher please don't do this
Your butt deserves to be free
put your butt wherever you want
^ this guys butts
!!afk back stretching
!!afk booty shaking
@Trasiva not defending the doctors, but if you need to see him month nothing is fixed. He is treating the pain
I apologize if I'm being rude guys, I really do, I blame my back. I'll chill out :)
@rlemon Right, I can't get my back fixed without surgery.
well, if it was up to me, you're being rude because you're not being rude enough
I'll get out now
wtf are you on about
I can't tell if you're drunk or trying to troll Sterling
Because of the lack of actual care, I've developed what's basically scoliosis, two vertebrae that are push forward by 1/2 an inch, and compressed discs because of that.
gosh no, I love sterling
I would let him adopt me without batting an eye, even if he didn't want me
I have degenerative scoliosis. It's not bad if your core is strong. And you don't aggrevat it
It's hereditary
Thanks gramps
lol wut
(I made dis)
anyone work with lasso-like selection in javascript? I can't find a good way to incorporate it with drag-and-drop
@rlemon That's the problem, most my issues don't come from the scoliosis (core's not an issue, my front core is so overworked that it shows on x-rays) but from the vertebrae deciding to slip or pinch in my lower back.
I'm just nerved out. The team from the uk stopped giving me assignments because... summer? I'm not sure. I'm being a lot slower at this other job than I would normally be, and not sure why, maybe just fatigue, and then vapor changes patterns all of a sudden. Which is nice, and I do somewhat have trust issues, but it does feel like he is trying to get under my skin
I'll go for a run and see if that helps
I'd adopt @towc so I could beat the ever loving vue outta him <3
I'm pretty sure teaching angular counts as child abuse
but you could learn him a beard
@Vap0r cc image
@KamilSolecki Vap0r is afk: booty shaking
@Luggage again, vap0r is not paying me. Totally not. 100% assurance.
@KamilSolecki use the leidenfrost effect
@KendallFrey I had to google that.
Still, lewl/
and a guy tried to steal 1€ from me with the whole "I don't know english" thing, at a kebab place I really like. That made me really sad and inclined to stop believing in humanity
There's plenty of evidence for humanity
@Luggage apparently I've been promoting him as a RO :D
since 2 days
ohh, that. yea, annoying.
You no fun.
i'm really not.
if doing string equality in JS is it better to do obj === 'something' just to be safe or is obj == 'something' sufficient
@rawrrang Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Pleasedon't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@rawrrang There's no reason not to use ===, use it.
@KamilSolecki lol that's great. I'm thinking of changing my avatar to the droplet with eyes hahaha
lmao wtf? Where's this from?
british gas advert
Saved, thanks
I think I'll go with something less "derpy" looking so it doesn't so accurately reflect my programming style
That you don't understand state?
@rlemon is that all you think is wrong with my programming??? You do love me <3
calls self vapor, shows picture of liquid state
you're out of phase, son.
Who are we voting for?
Oh that state. I mean yeah, kind of. Find me a good picture of vapor that looks like more than just droplets and I'll use it in a second.
@BenjaminGruenbaum me and Ben
Separately though. I'm his vice-RO
Same ticket
Are you balls
Pretty sure I am
I'm gonna need to see some documents
I'm ballin'
does that count
I vote that this Vapor RO this is getting old.
@Luggage 123
I rest my case.
voting with 123 is now a kickable offence. this is the warning before said offence.
@rlemon 122?
@BenFortune we get it, you vape.
@Vap0r cheeky doesn't go far when you hold none of the hammers.
@rlemon 121
@BenFortune fuck off.
@rlemon is that a russian phrase? because it didn't translate well
make me
fly to canada and I will
Did you just proposition him?
How about you come to the UK
I see, wussing out already eh
I thought so
I'll show you a good time
Did you guys just proposition each other?
^ guess so 8|

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