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I'm so confucius about all of that
apparently they've understood each other though, so that's good
understating each other is pretty important
I don't understand how this answer has any upvotes
A: jQuery - prevent default, then continue default

bipeni would just do.. $('#submiteButtonID').click(function(e){ e.preventDefault(); //do ur stuff. $('#formId').submit(); }); call preventDefault at first and use submit() function later.. if u just need to submit the form

@BenFortune I mean, I do have a job
and I haven't been nearly that annoying in a while, have I?
Definitely not!
I don't regret not going to uni (yet)
right now I'm at 10 mins distance from the person I want to spend the rest of my life with, have my own very independent place, have a steady influx of jobs (again, for now), made enough to have a very safe amount of time in which I wouldn't have a job anyway. It's not perfect at all, but I feel I'm doing it right
@towc you should apply for a great german uni or MIT :D
I'm probably reapplying to cambridge in october. Even if they do accept me, I'm not sure I'll go
and maybe applying to MIT if she decides to move to the states after highschool
@towc how old are you?
ahh high school hmm
not old enough for whatever sex game you might have in mind
17 and no
@lambdaisland, A functional ocean
Beautiful Clojure and ClojureScript screencasts.
421 tweets, 679 followers, following 123 users
kinda want to learn clojurescript soon :)
and lisp
and proper haskell
and everything
not java
@KendallFrey does REBEL count as FP?
DP, maybe
Declarative programming, that is :P
I mean, there are no side effects. The new state is just sent over to the new regexp. I guess it kinda depends on how you implement it, as it has a "single state"
it's just a concatenation of lambdas
REBEL is 100% about side effects
it has a side effect on the only state used, which is immediately passed to the next thing, right?
The program is just a series of state transitions (with the occasional IO)
@towc There's not chain of control, nothing to pass from or to
The only way you can consider it to not have side effects is to consider state as a function of time
And if you do that, all programming languages lack side effects
TIL Kendall puts physics even in his programming languages
> Function of time
D: how dareth thy
That's an extremely loose connection
in this case time is discrete
There is another joke to be made here
I will not.
the way I see rebel is a( b( c( d( e( f( ... initialState )...)
I started using async await today and Sets in production code today
never realized how cool sets can be :D
@towc Except a b c d e f are all the same function
or more like regexes.reduce( initialState, String.replace.call )
also it's infinitely nested
recursive rather
@KendallFrey wait how come? a,b,c.. represent state transitions, in my representation
There is only one state transition function
just like any DFA, I guess
which is regex replacing?
If you want to count the number of possible state transitions, it's infinite
for me, a,b,c are state => state.replace( part1, part2 )
wait, I'll make a concrete example

should give 5 (just replace a thing with the next one)
The corresponding js in a functional paradigm for me is something like:

( state => state.replace( '4', '5' ) )
( state => state.replace( '3', '4' ) )
( state => state.replace( '2', '3' ) )
( state => state.replace( '1', '2' ) )
( '1' )
!!> ( state => state.replace( '4', '5' ) )( state => state.replace( '3', '4' ) )( state => state.replace( '2', '3' ) )( state => state.replace( '1', '2' ) )( '1' )
@towc "SyntaxError: missing ) after argument list"
@towc "TypeError: state.replace is not a function"
ok, got that very mixed up
Expressing it that way isn't turing-complete, you can only perform each step once and in a fixed order
@KendallFrey isn't that the same in rebel? You can't reuse a regex unless you redefine it, right?
there are no for loops across regexes in rebel, are there?
only if you implement one within a regex
There are no explicit loops, it's declarative
the loop is provided by the runtime
every regex gets combined into a single state transition function, which is repeated ad infinitum
oh wait wut
I thought it was just a to b to c to d and that was it
wait, let me look at the pseudocode
Did you read the pseudocode explaining how ... that
REBEL is turing-complete
Can anyone help me with a Javascript question quickly?
@matthewkap Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Pleasedon't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
How do I assign a variable value to the response a user enters in an <input>, if the input is generated in Javascript?
user image
What the shit, Lana
Ceryl was trying to prove his beurocratic strength
ok, so REBEL is not FP
I really didn't understand how it worked
As I covered
you did.
I'm wrong
shove it in my face harder!
You were
Now you're right! \o/
I was wrong
@matthewkap you mean inputElement.value?
I think so.
go ahead and try it :)
Will this code work? var inputChildOne = document.createElement("Input");
var testVar = inputChildOne.value;
@KendallFrey wait, can you kick yourself?
if you try you get a message about taking a walk
what's the reference?
it refers the a common mode of motion by humans
well, previously common
I have no counterargument.
oh, he was referring to the kicking
I thought he was answering matthew
@KamilSolecki starting the twitch stream in a couple of minutes, are you around?
just waiting for you before I start cooking
he's at a party :/
I guess I'll make myself some ordinary pasta, without a stream
ill watch
don't you have stuff to be doing?
of fuk i have to build this for my investors brb
@LucasH. come online, I want to help you.. because you are the only one who is more noob than me..
.. here in this chat
this animated show from netflix is pretty nice
but a season is 4 20 minute episodes?
@BenjaminGruenbaum I saw your comments on an SO answer about dynamic typing being harder to maintain for large projects. You mentioned you are using a lot of tools besides unit testing. What tools are you using to maintain large js codebases? + what unit test framework :p
@Schoening right now I'm using TypeScript :P. But for JS mocha+sinon+karma. And ESlint for sure.
Also, JSDoc where appropriate for intellisense
Also, interfaces that are obvious and well documented.
@Mosho same universe as the video game series?
@BenjaminGruenbaum based on it
cool, I guess
I always get a little nervous when I leave my home pc and come back and it's at the lock screen.
I don't have a timeout. it only goes into lock after a reboot or if someone physically locks it
@KendallFrey nasa is uploading archive footage here: youtube.com/user/DrydenTV/videos
according to reddit, quite a bit of it
I wish i had money omg
@Tobiq how much? Yeah me to
like $10
hmm that isn't very much
I was expecting a $100
It's fine after I deploy my application, I'll become a millionaire.
mmm biter corpses
Share some when you get there
@Tobiq your website doesn't work
What website
Yeah i couldnt afford to renew it
How'd you find it, anyway?
@Tobiq - I have an unlimited package for hosting - You can feel free to upload your site onto my host if you like
Thats amazing how ?? (is it unlimited)
its on github atm
like github pages
and hasnt been updated for over a year
@Ricky I think he means he didn't renew the domain because github pages is free
how much do you pay for your unlimited hosting?
Currently about £5.99 (I think - Havent looked for awile)
like unlimited bandwidth and storage and eveyrthing?
its probably practically unlimited bandwidth unless your site hits front page of something which I have gathered can cause problems

Unlimited traffic
MySQL databases
FTP accounts
SSH accounts
Operating System
wish it had nodejs still cool
unlimited traffic id ddos myself just for fun
Currently working on updating my site and then going to do a site to try and get business doing web dev
Just trying to figure out JS haha
is it a vps or an app host
its not a VPS
like u upload specific programming language
or do u ssh into it
and have 100% control
oh ok
I upload my files using FZ haha
<-- Didn't finish school so self learning
<-- Didn't finish school so self learning
I wish JS was more like php in the sense of simplicity(not that it couldn't) I think it would promote more adoption and make hosting options cheaper
<-- self learned and then finished school
node is easier to get a webserver running vs setting up apache/nginx + php
js >>>>> php
wtf why is nier automata $80
not that you should run node without nginx/apache, but you could.
@rlemon That's true. I like how one .php page corresponds to one .html page. Its part of the reason IMO that wordpress and so popular and easish to use.
I currently know HTML5 + CSS3 confidently to get by - Javascript is beginning to get easier, I need to work on my logic and get a better understanding - PHP, very little and then I am gonna learn Python
This is a site I did for a hairdresser awhile back feargamers.co.uk/sample Let me know what you think please and whether or not you would pay :)
william you can do the same thing in javascript
im doing that right now infact
@Tobiq and what is your file extension in the browser .js?
well not really
but u could
He every one
@AliTurki Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Pleasedon't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@sveri Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Pleasedon't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
!!giphy nick simpsons
@Ricky definately => definitly
@towc That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: giphy
@sveri Before correcting people, make sure you can spell it yourself first.
@sveri Thank you for the spellcheck :)
@BenFortune thats right. I should have done that. Nonetheless, better then letting it go on a public webpage ;)
it depends how you say it these days XD
That page isn't public :)
I done the site FOC - Just wanted paying for hosting and domain name - The lady wanted me to pay everything and said she would pay after blah blah blah so I never bothered finishing it and she didn't want to pay the < £20 to get it live lol - Some people
Welcome to the world of not writing contracts.
I got paid over $3000 for not signing a contract and doing something borderline illegal when I was 13. So there are positive and negatives
I was literally just typing a post on a group on facebook asking to take a look at a few peoplles so I can get one together lol
@William XD
@BenFortune That was just wrong...
if I can find the site I'll share it. I downloaded corporate MLS listings from a national database and populated them on a website for someone.
If it's illegal, I don't want to know lol
borderline illegal. Proudly say I was paid in cash.
technically borderline is still illegal unless of course you understand your country's bylaws and current laws to find the holes - Even then - If someone wanted to get you for it they still could
@Ricky there are 1 record of what I did
this site is indexed
...that you're aware of
Apart from tell a group of people in a chat what you "technically" did...
Ben is a cop.
I'm not a cop
He's undercover.
I am however a snitch
You guys need to stop distracting me - I'm trying to update my site to make it more "modern"...
just change font to Roboto. Done.
ohh, and: * { border: none; }
Lol - Nah its not optimizerd for mobile devices so figured I would just redo it
www.feargamers.co.uk - First one I ever done and its like ugh...
@import 'bootstrap.css';
@Ricky I've seen worse
Wanna redo mine at some point
I try to stay away from pre-defined libraries untill I have a fairly good grasp of what the original language is - Cus if the libraries fail I can fall back on myself - Or you guys XD
@BenFortune and thanks :)
sure if you pay me :)
@William "@Tobiq and what is your file extension in the browser .js?" I meant its .html in the browser. .js on the server
@Ricky I meant I need to lol
@Tobiq so how do you distinguish between .js files that are sent as .html and those that are sent as .js?
I dont mix all my files in 1 folder...
i could else prefix the exension, i.e x.template.js
@Tobiq last question but how do you do output in these so template.js files?
Theyre template functions like this:
module.exports = (req,res) => `Your IP is ${req.IP}!`
the Main module just calls that with the req/res objects and writes it to the user
and u can embed them within another.
like so:
not bad just curious
Great alternative to something like handlebars which would also be slower and less functional
@Tobiq what is your code for distinguishing post and get requests?
I'm just using a router i quickly created like this:
router = {
    GET: {},
    POST: {},
    get(route, handler) {
        this.GET[route] = handler;
    post(route, handler) {
        this.POST[route] = handler;
It's worked suprisingly well
very cool haven't messed with routers much
router[req.method][req.url.pathname](req, res)
ofcourse you can add checks and special methods
Man I've been trying for like an hour to get a solution submitted for this,
Tons of working ones but I exceed the time
I guess you won't get the job.
The test case it exceeds on is so damn huge, not even sure I can actually submit one with js
@Luggage :(
That code has just gotten crazier
I don't do C++
since I'm trying to reduce the time it takes
but for that test case in particular it takes 6 seconds
It was failing earlier when one went over 7 milliseconds on my end even lol
so not sure how the hell I could do that test case.
Finally got it down to where it did all the others in an acceptable time frame, but this one bleh. I hate giving up but alas I can't do it.
I'm sure there is some divide and conquer approach I'm not seeing
oh well just wanted to vent lol, going to dinner
@William you can do them all in JS as well
I just think JS is too slow for whatever checks their answers, or I am doing something terribly wrong
^ lol
bah yeah I suck, looked in the discussion I see one that passed
bah that's smart actually starting from the beginning and end and going inward it looks like rather than doing 2 loops
alright going to dinner for real
is there a reason my onsubmit isnt being called, at all?
just making get request right away
no error, and returning false
doesnt even call for the false to be returned
form.onsubmit = function () {
    return false;
nothing logged
remove return false;
it doesnt get to return false
the functinos not even called...
how are you referencing the form?
by id, the id is correct
make sure you have a doctype
would have to see more code
a link is not a form
That should be enough.

When I actually submit with the button, the functions not called
oh sht ur right
i didnt even check
i duplicated the id
im a retard

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