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What's faster? a hammer or a screwdriver?
a hamdriver
how do you get an async function to self execute
anyone know why my angular form's select inputs are null in my angular controller? i have ng-model="blah" on the input, but blah is null
or rather have an idea what could cause it to be null
hammers are so much faster, have you ever tried screwing a threaded nail. Hammer is the fastest way to go.
Has anyone heard of Kubernetes?
I mean with the async keyword
async function f1(){} self execute !now
that i dunno
Luggage knows ¬_¬
you mean, a self invoking async function? there's no reason for an async function to be self invoking, or a self invoking function to be async
how about if you want to await for a promise to resolve
so apparently ng-if breaks bindings...
time to go see if angular has a visible binding
I need to await because I need to eventually expose it globally I don't want to use it inside then
but anyway you make it self invoking just like you would any other function. except the return value is needed.
@Arrow "SyntaxError: missing } after function body"
1 message moved to Trash can
@Arrow Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq.
I'm trying to get this stupid promise to expose in the interpreter
!!>(paceMaker = x =>
  new Promise(resolve =>
    setTimeout(() => {
    }, 2000)
  )), (async function(x, a, b) {
  a = paceMaker(20);
  b = paceMaker(30);
  return x + (await a) + (await b);
})(10).then(v => console.log(v))
I don't think cap was built for this
it's a single line I'm following the rules
how do you remove the safety protocols
!!>(paceMaker = x =>new Promise(resolve =>setTimeout(() => {resolve(x);}, 2000))), (async function(x, a, b) {a = paceMaker(20);b = paceMaker(30); return x + (await a) + (await b)})(10).then(v => console.log(v))
@Arrow Maximum execution time exceeded
nooo nooo!!!
please don't kill the bot
@ndugger I'm afraid I can't let you do that, ndugger
Oh shit, need to be RO...
O dam
I blame @Luggage
^ Agree
Luggage hates dank memes
and he's racist
ya he has a problem with black dogs
he thinks they all look alike
@littlepootis I'm afraid I can't let you do that, little pootis
@Arrow help, afk, backup, ban, convert, define, die, doge, eval, forget, google, hang, imdb, info, jquery, learn, listcommands, listen, live, mdn, meme, moustache, msdn, mustache, nudge, refresh, spec, stat, stats, summon, tell, unban, undo, unonebox, unsummon, urban, weather, welcome, wiki, xkcd, youtube, zalgo, !, !!, $.baby, (4337654<<1)+1, (y), /somecommand, 2020/07/23, 3, 666, :p, </pissing>, ?, ^, ^5, abesnacking, abhi, abhishekpornfreak, acronym, afsari, ah, ahah, algosmarts, aliens, am
angry, angryticks, annoy, apocalypse, appreciated, archerneat, artisticpoop, artisticsilo, asd, as
@Arrow @katherine you rock!!
@littlepootis Please go and play in the Sandbox
sup team
sup bro
bro sup
just finished 18 holes.. im trashed
Shot 100 tho
now you can go home and finish a 19th
I can't read removed messages anymore
ya dude he can't, so sad. I feel your pain ^
@Halie if you have any questions now is the time to ask.
what is best
@KevinB what is best?
no questions allowed
I'm hoping for a looping or hashing question I'm really sick of framework questions
how to angular in my jquery
how much dv do i need to get to the mun
how much money do i need to get with ur mum
give me one sec
what's a question?
Well you see, when a man and a goldfish cracker love eachother, he drops them on the floor
what's a what?
@ndugger type the country of the mom you want to get with and you will get back a list of prices and options with that persons mom
whoah, that's all a string?
that willl be an interesting algorithm question
> Greece:$15 to $20 with HIV Positive Girl, $35-$50 in a brothel
what the absolute fuck
ya data comes from Quora
why would anyone want to pay to have sex with an hiv positive person?
good for the person to have a job
but weird for the client
prostitution is often times forced; that's not a job
that is true prostitution is forced unless you are in Germany or Arizona
> United States - Young girls:$40 to $100 for 15 to 30 minutes
ya it's sad
black market sex trade is a huge problem worldwide
this was not effect was going for. I should have found a more friendly list
A great non profit to donate to to end sex slavery is exoduscry.com
I did a philanthropy project on them my senior year of high school
should I flag my own post
@ndugger can you take down the post?
cool just flaged it
I didn't really look at the data. I just want to build on top of the ndugger mom joke
I could have probably refactored all those multiple replaces
> var dar = pipe.map(x => x.toString().trim().replace('/\t/g', '').replace(/\n/g, '').replace(/["']/g, "").split(':'))
i have a challenge when i load page , show the sentence for 2 seconds at same div . i have to do it for 3 sentence and i used jquery animation. but when i load page only last sentence is shown at div. the implementation is as flows :
<!DOCTYPE html>

    <title>Bolierplate banner</title>
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge,chrome=1">
    <meta name="description" content="bolierplate banner">
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/main.css">
    <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.2.1/jquery.min.js"></script>

<!-- <body onload="playAnim"> -->

<body >
    <div id="mainContent">

function () {
        height: "0px",
        width: "0px",
        // marginTop: "0px",
        // marginLeft: "0px"
    }, 12000);
 //   $("#text").css({ 'color': "#FFF"},9000);
}, function () {
        height: "0px",
        width: "0px",
        // marginTop: "20px",
        // marginLeft: "40px"
    }, 9000);
 //   $("#text").animate({ 'color': "#000"},9000);
here i am just test for hi and hello...
@littlepootis I only ever need var dar = pipe.map(x => x.toString().trim().replace(/\t/g, '').split(':')) over compinsated.
@Arrow I deleted it
@BoltClock thank you
1 hour later…
explosive shotgun in fo4 is insane
4 hours later…
Angular(2+) docs are horrible. Where can I find about [ngValue] ?
had another blackout -_-
can't hold my hands still. I vomited more than a litre of weird shit
I need to stop
that's the spirit
1 hour later…
@Mosho i'm searching with -angularjs switch. there is no documentation in angular.io site.
!!tell ennmichael sandbox
@ennmichael Please go and play in the Sandbox
!!choose javascript is trash or javascript is the best language ever invented
@EnnMichael javascript%20is%20trash
interesting raspberry pi clone: le potato
jsbin.com/yobixurapa/edit?html,output..............how do i retrieve value of either radio or select ? which is selected by user ?
the best thing to do is give everything an id, then get a reference to the form elements in js, and finally get their .value
which is extremely long-winded, but it pollutes less and probably easier to use with bigger projects
i'd hardly call that the best way
what's the best way for you?
I take a screenshot and run it through OCR.
fair enough
actually yeah, my method works really badly with multiple choice inputs
I'm not actually sure what the right way to deal with radio and checkbox is
@towc And yet none will ever come close to the pi
Does anyone know what OODD is as a post to OOP?
@LiamSperry Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Pleasedon't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@LiamSperry OODD is a paradigm in which oop is applied to program design. It means nothing really.
Just write good object oriented code and you'll be fine
Thank you! I saw a video on BBC about how OOP was dead and it kinda confused me, so I had to ask the masters
i want jquery animation function to be stop showing after third image (class="imagebanner" in the code) , i used stop(), dequeue(), but they stop initially here is my implementation:
<body >
     <div class="imagecontainer" id="pot">
        <img src="img/product1.png" class="img1" >
        <img src="img/product2.png" class="img2">
        <img src="img/product3.png" class="img3">

    <div id="mainContent">
    <h2 >SONY</h2>
        <div >
         <img src="img/img1.jpg" class="imagebanner">
         <img src="img/img2.jpg" class="imagebanner">
         <img src="img/img3.jpg" class="imagebanner">

        <div class="textbanner">
        <!--  <p class="thenew"></p> -->
(function() {

    var img = $(".imagebanner");
    var imgIndex = -1;

    function showNextImage() {
        img.eq(imgIndex % img.length)
            .fadeOut(2000, showNextImage);

          //   if(img)
          // $(this).stop();



(function() {

    var quotes = $(".quotes");
    var quoteIndex = -1;

    function showNextQuote() {
        quotes.eq(quoteIndex % quotes.length)
#mainContent {
  position: relative;
  overflow: hidden;
  width: 300px;
  height: 660px;
  border: 1px solid black;
  left: 40%;
  background-color: #DAA520; }
/*  #mainContent div {
position: absolute;*/

h2{margin-left: 10px;


.quotes{ font-family: 'MyWebFont';  font-size: 60px;    margin: 2px; display: none;}
.imagebanner{display: none;}

.greet{ font-family: 'MyWebFont';   font-size: 45px;    margin: 2px; line-height: 5px;}

.imagecontainer {
    position: absolute;
    display: grid;
@amar ghodke are you looking for hiding the element afterwords?
right now there are showing 3 images along with quotes as per js code . when 3rd image is shown then   i want to show <div class="imagecontainer" id="pot">
    	<img src="img/product1.png" class="img1" >
    	<img src="img/product2.png" class="img2">
    	<img src="img/product3.png" class="img3">

    </div>	to be  overlapped form right to left .
this is not proper but hope it will give some idea..codepen.io/anon/pen/RgeYQL
@LiamSperry lmao, everything is called "dead" every once in a while
It's a good sign you got attention
I just started in the chat room 10 minutes ago, I probably shouldn't have responded since I know little about Jquery the codecademy course briefly went over it
@LiamSperry: have i given clear idea about my challenge ??
are you trying to delete them one by one?
let me explain again...
his JQuery code isn't working the way he wants it to
We aren't here to do challenges or homework.
would it be more appropriate for him to post his problem in the Q&A?
there are one main div contains image banner and textbanner as per in the code. right now both image and textbanner are show one by one. after last image and textbanner it is again start showing from first image and textbanner. i want to stop after showing to third textbanner and image. i hope this clear the idea. thanks.
@BenFortune: i have habit to call issue or problem as challenge..
I'm not trying to be difficult but the way I'm seeing this is that you want the 3 images to
do their animation and after the 3rd one is done, show the sony banner over them so it covers them
am I getting closer to the point?
@LiamSperry: almost!! after image and textbanner animation done , i want to cover the div <div class="imagecontainer" id="pot"> over <div id="mainContent"> right now onload it starts overlapping as per given link on codepen.
do people use google calendar for managing things and not forget them, or are there better alternatives?
@amarghodke I'm thinking about just deleting the element when the animation is done
look into this: api.jquery.com/remove
@towc I think a calendar is a calendar, of course you could have a physical calendar to mark dates on but if you wanted to not forget something and you're always on you electronic device a calendar that gives notification would be the most helpful (in my opinion)
my animation starts onload event so in my function showNextImage() ==> img.eq(imgIndex % img.length)
.fadeOut(2000, showNextImage); do i add remove() here ??
wait... you're using fadeOut() on a function, thats probably whats causing you're problem
what i can use without fadeout ? as it is a part of animation effects and also image changes ...
Rimworld is nice. I've always wanted to starve people to death. Now I can.
did you learn JQuery before you learned the actual JavaScript language @amarghodke?
yes @LiamSperry
@amarghodke give the link I posted a read, then. You should at least be familiar with the underlying core APIs
you might want to take this to the Q&A page so more people have a look at it
@LiamSperry: please guide me for how do i make for Q&A page.. i just entered stackoverflow.
well for starters, make sure you make your point across on what the problem is and what you want you're code to do, obviously put in you're code into a snippet (so people can work with it) and good luck!
the code snippet can be found 6 tools starting from the left of the question box
we had that?
means ??
click on his link, it'll give you a tour of stack overflow
i have to click on ask a question right ??
He already has 14 questions asked on Stack Overflow; clearly this is just a language barrier issue now
oh also, I'm officially not a student anymore :D
are you finally 13?
@ndugger: so i need to post question as @LiamSperry says right ???
yes, now go away
you're always a student
not me; I know everything
@ndugger thanks. also to @LiamSperry for constant attention...
yeah! If I was better in JQuery I would probably have solved the problem, I'll help out whenever and whever I can
only downside to this explosive shotgun is i can't use it in close range
@ndugger what comes first the chicken or the egg?
@ndugger and a half
@LiamSperry People might think it's a fascinating question, but it's actually really dumb. I bet you chickens now are not 100% the same as chickens 1000 years go. Evolution hasn't stopped simply because you exist in the present. What constitutes a chicken, then? When do we draw the line to what a pure chicken is? If evolution is present we cannot.
1000 years isn't long, so they are likely the same species (can breed with) as our chickens.
But yes..
no need to go back 1000 years, it's a well known fact that selective breeding by humans has created chickens that grow bigger and lay more eggs
> The domestic chicken is descended primarily from the red junglefowl (Gallus gallus) and is scientifically classified as the same species.[21] As such it can and does freely interbreed with populations of red jungle fowl. - Wikipedia
So, like dogs.
so in a sense its kinda like asking "what came first the animal or the fetus" because egg laying is kinda like an evolutionary alternative to mother holding its child
@RoyiNamir this is the only page I could find: angular.io/api/forms/SelectControlValueAccessor
indian punctuality is wonderful
I have yet to unlock the formula to arrive at indian time from normal time
would there be any benefit in switching between a filter and hash lookup when searching?
You should be answering these questions for other's by now.
no one asks
they all ask about react and angularsmellsalot
data.has(input) ? data.get(input):[...data].filter(x=>x[0].startsWith(input))
I was thinking that this might be overkill
@Luggage I do answer question on main by the way and on here when you guys are hogging all the good questions :)
who is 'hogging' all the goos questions?
every time data doesn't have the key you want you turn it all into an array, then filter over it?
and you are worried about performance?
ya as someone is typing when it is not an exact match
The default is the assumption that they might have spelled something wrong or might not know the whole word
you missed my point. You turn the whole map into an array before looping over it each time you want to search it that way
you are saying don't turn it into an array, instead loop over the properties?
or just use an array in stead of making a new one each and every time.
So I can't really switch efficiently between the two dynamically
how often do you need to resort to the array?
quite often, in intervals as someone types
So.. which is better? Making an array once and looping over it each time, or making a new array each time they type then looping over it?
but loops are fun
Did I really need to spell that out after I pointed out you were making an array each time?
yes, one time is best. However, can I push the has in the filter?
rephrase, since that question doesn't make sense to me.
I know this chat is more so Client side JS - but I have a node.js performance question. I have a session key that I want to use to pull up session information but I'm wondering if I should cache some of that information or if I should bounce the database and check it. I'm only going to be checking for authentication when absolutely necessary.
As with all performance questions, it depends (but you should probably be caching something).
Also, we do just as much node as browser.
It didn't occur until you mentioned it. Can I create a pattern where the array is only created once and I used "get" only when necessary?
I cache it. Cacheing is good as long as you know it can't be abused to keep access longer than you need.
Access checks are one of those things that can happen so often, even a 30 second cache might help. But don't keep it much longer than that.
I like that! a 30 second check
That way if something goes amise and the user becomes unathenticated (for whatever reason) it will through back a request to reauthenticate.
now I'm no expert
but this has got to be a rub n tug
However if your a normal user - you'd be hitting the API every few minutes... but It's only on purchase, user data modification, etc... so I guess it's ok
@JustinKaz Apache's Shiro library and Amazon's website have an idea of "remembered" vs "authenticated." Being remembered will show your name and greet you, but you have to be authenticated to buy anything.
Authentication cookies last 5 minutes, identity/remember cookies last weeks or months.
Any recommended cache libaries - the sad thing is I'm using Node with MySql.
@Mosho dunno man, I live near a lot of places like that. In low-income residential areas, rezoning the bottom floor of a building is super common.
I just googled it, and it's a rub n tug
brb, walking to the spa on the corner
yeah looking at a listing nearby
@ssube I'm not really sure how that works. Do they just store like a first name or something... I don't want to store any data id's in the session def. not a remembrance cookie
@JustinKaz Redis is the big one server-wise, but there are tons of simple libraries for it: github.com/dirkbonhomme/js-cache
a cache is just a Map with a TTL
redis is perfect and easy.
@Mosho I don't think any of the ones around here are, folks are poor enough but a little too old. :(
A map with a TTL? googleing that.
@ssube this area is definitely (•_•) / ( •_•)>⌐■-■ / (⌐■_■) up and coming
Cool - I'll make sure my security checkpoint function runs cached.
That just sounded confusing - but you get the general idea.
How do we feel about passing a JWT token bearer and using JWT to secure messages back and forth between the client and the server?
Node.Js server and a web browser client
what kind of message? HTTPS is pretty secure even without JWT
anything really
I'd just use an HTTPS request/socket, optionally keep the JWT around as an auth header, but nothing more than that.
I suppose I have to stop being lazy and implement SSL on my node.js app
Use nginx or haproxy to terminate SSL, not node. :)
a) having your ssl terminator and your app server on different machines prevents some memory leak attack
The community: Don't over complicate things!
b) they're different workloads and should be tuned differently
c) it's way easier to load balance
Sounds complicated now.
https => nginx => http => node
I was just running a virtual server with node
santa was pulled over and shot?
isn't nginx like an enterprise server thing...
@Luggage apparently
@JustinKaz nah, it's pretty easy to run
apache is way more enterprisey
it's free and open source with a commercial version with some more features (but the free one is good enough for most uses)
nginx is much faster at ssl than node and your app can't leak keys then
houses getting sold before I get to see them is totally annoying
welcome to a seller's market
pain in the ass
I was just going to host the client on a server and have the client call ajax to the server
@ndugger they say it slowed down around here
@JustinKaz as far as your customers/scripts are concerned, nothing changes
Are you say I should wrap my node.js API around nginx - and still server my cleint static files on another unit.
was up 40% y-o-y in april lol
@JustinKaz nginx handles the ssl, can handle static files, but otherwise just proxies to node
node goes Behind nginx just like is it often behind apache or IIS
darn... means I have to spool 2 more virtual servers
I was hoping to save money here :D
you can put it on the same box, for small sites
Oh... node never operates on itself?
It's not going to stay a small site for long... at least I'm praying
nginx takes like 150mb of memory for a few thousand req/sec
reverse proxy with nginx etc. is usually the way to go
it can go on the same server. the multi-server was a suggestion for good reason, but puting it all one one still has advantages over node w/out nginx
@ssube nice!
and haproxy can push 10gbit of https traffic on a phenom 4 :P
Whats the reason to split it?
I'm in the office... alone... with the guy that drives me absolutely crazy.
God help me
it shouldn't matter to you how many servers it is
do you even cloud
sometimes you're on your personal cloud, not the company one
@SterlingArcher that guy... that guy is usually me. I love being the office pest.
A pest is one thing, this guy is just... power hungry and rude
@Mosho Cloud = Cost... each server instance usually comes with a fixed cost and I won't to keep that low for the begining
@SterlingArcher headphones
@JustinKaz performance (nginx ssl is much faster, static files are somewhat faster, you can run multiple node processes), graceful errors (nginx can show an error page when node is down), memory leaks (it goes a long way toward mitigating heartbleed and friends), bunch of other reasons
cool - I'll build my node app first
hope he's ok
@Mosho already on. This guy hates me personally because I sort of.. drove his wife off this project. In my defense, she was horrible.
than I'll wrap it before it goes live
yeah, you don't need to run nginx for development
it just slows ya down :)
I'm apparently stupid enough to a) use windows and b) update to the latest "creator ???" update - so I'll be pestering you all with insane madness later. Thanks for the help so far - love the Stack Overflow community (At times)
do you know linux? if so, install the ubuntu thing and just use that
Yeah but I'm also a pro video effects guy by day - so I need windows
yeah, windows can run a ubuntu container now
I'd go Mac but... their price point is so outrageous
That's like saying we're going to cut out the best of Linux and serve you everything you hate about windows in a nice container...
at this point I pretty much just run that to run tmux, then shell out or nfs mount my laptop and game dev box, rather than messing with a dozen machines
Although I imagine I should use Ubuntu because it's closer to what the production box will be using
lol, the ubuntu on windows thing is just a tech demo for them using containers on the desktop to jail processes
I need to figure this NFS mount thing - because I do want to virtual machine a linux box
well, it's a posix compatibility layer..
"Desktop to Jail Process"?
@JustinKaz try docker
or linux kernel -> windows api layer
the long-term goal, as I understand it, is for games and unsafe apps and whatever to run in containers on the desktop, so they can't leak
they do that on the xbone with hyper-v and the dashboard/game VMs, they want something similar on the desktop
if you just need to run your website in a linux env, docker is perfect
even for local development
@Luggage the old compatibility layer was, I thought this round just used a container
@Mosho that's a bit broad. I have a great article bookmarked on why that's not the case, usually, and how you can wrap docker to make it a sane development tool. We do something like that at work, where make kicks off a bunch of tasks in invisible containers.
there might be some containerization, too, but the part I care about it that it runs linux binaries on windows (without the linux kernel) and that they can be in the same memory pool and the processes are side-by-side with windows processes (so different thana VM)
yeah, it's more chroot/jail, which is what makes me think containers are their goal
it'll be super easy to port games if they all run on the same container image
i think that's a side-effect of having to make a full linux filessystem available
or if they are just an image
but VM let's you run the same distro your production server runs under an almost identical set of parameters... I can be sure this app will work well with production
@JustinKaz your app should be robust enough to run under different conditions, but you should have at least some that match prod
that is, your dev machine doesn't have to match prod
yeah I agree
yea, i can dev node apps on windows and deploy to linux (or dev on mac).
but a VM is still handy for some types of testing
How many node apps have you done with it - and any known issues?
I dev on windows with linux running the build and then deploy to a different linux
I don't like having to work in a VM contantly, though
@JustinKaz It usually doesn't matter where you write your code
It matters where you test it
Well.... PHP it does... if your stupid enough to CaSe your folders... :(
well, developing involves running the app, too, not just editing text files
yea, be consistent with casing even thought windows won't care.
it's hard to developer for node on a pure windows environment, but you don't have to go full linux
and use linux-style paths (node translates)
I'm doing backend in python on windows, deploying to linux

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