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is it normal that SASS takes multiple seconds to compile?
have you tried using a diffferent compiler?
depends on the size.
for the apply method it takes (thisArg, array) I'm sturggling to understand the thisArg part
from what I understand it replaces the this value of the function?
Do you know how 'this' gets set normally?
I don't really understand your question
note how fooObject.sayMyName(); works but looseFunction() does not.
Well, it works. It gets called, but "this" is not available.
the "this" value is a sort of special argument that is set by HOW you call a function.
// is same as
// what will this do?
looseFunction.call({ myName: "bob" });
print bob?
because the thisarg is the object { myName: "bob" }
write a function that adds two numbers. one comes in via thisArg, one a normal arg, then call it.
1. You didn't return anything
2. you never passed in any numbers to add.
this one logs a number. it's close, but what are you adding 2 to?
as this isn't defined
if i took of strict it would try to add 2 to the window object wouldnt it?
No. You are explicitly telling it that thisArg = null with your .call()
but if i do this
it would add it to the window
as that's what this would refer to
Ahh, you are right. When you pass null, it doesnt' set thisArg to null, it leaves it as-is.
Anyway.. You would never really use thisArg in a function like this. It's really for functions that are attached to objects.
Those functions sometimes get "detached" from the object. For example, when you pass a function as be used as a click handler.
Therefor .call() and .apply() and .bind() let you control that thisArg, so you can pretend a function was "called on an object".
do you guys remember the nasonex bee
someButton.addEventListener('click', fooObject.sayMyName); // this is like that "looseFunction"
Meredith vaguely
@derp nope, only used compass in a rails terminal. -- before I was using a SASS compile-on-save plugin but that was with a smaller simpler project. That was fast. -- I wonder if there's something wrong with it somewhere.
so for something like this jsfiddle.net/otrwooha/5
No. That sets a NEW property "hello" on whatever you pass in as thisArg. I see no use for that.
I'm not saying its useful just as an example of apply
Since it doesn't demo anything meaningful, I can't tell if it shows comprehension.
!!afk 🎩☃️
@Julix Are you using webpack or a ruby compiler?
@Julix, yeah i vaguely remember having some success just trying out different compilers
@monners ruby -- "compass compile" (or watch) is the command I use in my ruby terminal :)
ruby sass is slow, and compass is a massive dependency
nodesass is much faster
If it's still early, I'd drop the compass dependency if you can
@monners that's really good to know. Atom is node based, right? that would explain why the SASS autocompile was so nice and fast
it's too late for this project (almost done actually) but I'll consider for the next one
I'm not even sure what we used compass for in the first place. I know it can do a lot of things, just not sure what or why or. .. :D
haha, damn! compass-style.org/help/tutorials/spriting -- I made a sprite manually at some point for this project, could have saved some time if I was more familiar with the tools already in place...
Is anyone here playing 'Oxygen not Included'?
no i need my oxygen included
is it like the sims where you build elaborate torture machines?
... pretty much
hi all
except your 'sims' get stressed, vomit everywhere, and then get hypothermia because they're covered in cold vomit
Yesterday we were talking about the default properties to resolve (one of) my issues
I've looked into it but can't seem to figure out how I can apply it in my case
i once made a prison in prison simulator where the prisoners had to step over the dead bodies of shot prisoners to enter the "prison"
@derp whoa, that first one is rough
from what i've seen it can only be applied on direct properties of my react component
and not of properties of properties of my react component
is this correct?
the "prison" was a big communal shower with armed guards at all the corners just waiting till tiredness or lack of food made them act out
then bang bang time
@david sounds like my rollercoaster tycoon park
@david, in 'oxygen not included' could i make a simulation where the 'sims' have to work for their oxygen?
@derp is it that game which is on sale on steam?
'oxygen not included'
is it any good?
i dunno, i'm asking myself
@hsimah Also sounds like Dwarf Fortress
They kinda have to work for their oxygen all the time...
either by keeping algae terrariums watered or by running in hamster wheel generators to power electrolysers
makes me think of fallout shelter
have you guys played a game called evil genius?
loved that game
yeah that was a good game
i remember screwing myself over really badly by putting the body freezer right near the entrance ><
was always the first place the damn spies checked
never played it
sounds like the body freezer will need to be filled again with a spy :P
anyone play 'mob rule' ?
also known as 'street wars'
loved that
I have it on my pc at home
ive never met anyone who had played it too!!
how awsome was that game?!
I really enjoyed it
I play it through every once in a while
it's quite simple but also challenging
it was
really like the atmosphere
i was never good at it back in the day. im much better at managing things now.
but sometimes I still get whacked by the boss because I get ahead of myself
I will install it again soon
I like how you could abuse the cops :p
@Julix No problem. Should probably look into a proper build chain as well ;)
I'm shocked to know that the word "moderately" can mean the opposite to its adjective form, "moderate".
"moderate" means something is not that intense while "moderately" means quite a bit, fairly.
words can do that
When I came across the phrase "a moderately complex app", I thought it was an app not that complex. But the context seems to signify the opposite. So I checked with google.
@SterlingArcher I'm making a bet with a friend who will win in the weight challange
@William You seem to know Chinese, don't you?
ni hao
Oh, ni hao.
kung hei fat choi
I'm really scraping the barrel here
and mixing my dialects
gong xi fa cai
@ZhengquanBai In this case I think moderate and moderately DO mean the same thing
it's sort of... a little bit more than average
except maybe the verb form
@david Isn't "moderate" actually "average"?
no, like in weather "moderate winds" would mean it's windy
I may be wrong here
it's an adverb of degree, and there's no guarantee on how someone would use it
it seems en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beaufort_scale says moderate is actually less than average? o_O
@ZhengquanBai no I don't know chinese but I have friend that does
Why doesn't Edge use version numbers?
On MDN if you look at the bottom it just says Edge (yes)
while other browsers say Firefox 1.0
ok so it's just MDN that's not putting version numbers
yeah I guess they havent updated in the docs
Morning :-)
\o hello
How's it going suraj?
just fine :)
good good :p
what r u guys doing up so late
go to bed
:D am in India its 10:53 AM here.. am at work
06:23am United Kingdom
cant really sleep on the job
Can anyone know how to populate a date field through javascript
Lol, suraj you'd be suprised ;-)
let d = new Date()
@lix why are you using let instead of var?
it's what the cool kids do now
sorry force of habit due to the fact my current project makes me use let and const on things
strict linting :/
I also went to not put a semi colon
but then also when i enter any date and click on filters
the date becomes blank
Please somebody tell me any solution
What kind of date field is it?
can i share the question i post
Yeah sure
Q: How to retain the selected values of the datepicker in gsp

dhSI have two datepickers Startdate and enddate and a filter button to filter some results within the date range. <datePicker id="startDate" name="startDate" /> <datePicker id="endDate" name="endDate" /> <div class="btn btn-success" id="filterRA" onclick="search()"> Filter &nbsp; <i...

Can you include your onclick function?
It is a jquery ajax call which sends the data to the controller and run a filter method
It's probably likely what your returning is not in the correct format for the datepicker
Best you include the function just to make sure
i am editing the question
pls have a look
does any js framework exist that replaces native controls with fancy upto date controls?
There's vue packages with premade components
for example, someone has <input text> and this framework replaces it with a stylized text input with search button and close button in the corners and looks nice
that's pretty nice
I mean there's a ton of jQuery based date pickers also
I am newbie in jquery and javascript
just posted the search method
do any frameworks do a search and replace type deal? what i mean is i write plain vanilla html: <input type="text"><input type="button"> and i add one line of code <script src="superframework_upgrade.js"> and then all my plain html controls become super controls with no additional work on my part?
I don't know any, you have to at least add a class at least normally
@dhS are those datepicker components of some framework?
no just the normal
Are you sure? Because <datePicker /> is not valid html inside my JSbin and I can't find where it comes from
we are using a internal UI
@lix thanks
might want to include that in the question too
I don't know how but it is working
Makes sense, You could try doing a e.preventDefault inside the onclick handler
yes i have done the same
i have changed the jquery method
thanks for the discussion it solved the problem
Thanks @Cauterite and @lix
no problem… not that i did anything
@Cauterite sometime we need someone to discuss our problems and that the way it can be solved
that what you guys did
so most websites with a database use the web server as a gateway to get data from the DB, like
browser --> web server --> DB server,
but has anyone ever encountered a website which makes DB queries directly from the browser? like
browser --> DB server
apart from things like database-testing pages / SQL consoles
I mean you can do that, but it's bad practice as you can't really secure what is being sent from the clientside
of course you can do it, i want to know if anyone has done it / seen it
Even most Database Testing Pages don't make a direct connection but simply forumalate a request that hits the server before being sent so you can bind variables and such so the SQL is rebound on the database layer
@Cauterite you mean like send a query through ajax directly to database with user and password? No, thankfully
You don't even see that sort of thing happen in trivial examples because nothing good can come of it
so guys how is the java scripting going
@glugglug Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Pleasedon't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
java scripting?? twitch
i'm stuck at the first step "installing java runtime"
i try to click on the download link but my cursor just won't go near it
oh you need to get a fitbit first and get the latest number of steps
i think we're up to 8km of steps now?
i wonder if fitbit runs on java
though you can't do any of that unless you got a nice inheritance from your parents
i've got multiple inheritances
my family doesn't use java
10 print hello
20 goto 10
EmojiScript 😄 + 🔥 == 😱;
@lix === you savage.
😄+🔥💩 😱; if your a emoji purist
I kept sending messages to my boss on WhatsApp thinking I'm writing my wife on WhatsApp because I've been writing him for work lately and WhatsApp brings up the last person you wrote
So I'm writing him messages like: "I'm at work love you"
God it was awkward explaining that one
Could be worse
He thinks it's hilarious
I'm just glad he's the type of guy with a sense of humor
At least he's got a sense of humor about it, though i do wonder if it would of been the same if your boss was female.
@lix What a sexist thing to say! In any case, obviously not.. ;)
What if your boss was gay?
Did you just assume his bosses sexual orientation?!
I'm gay.
@ZhengquanBai It's important to be happy in life. Good for you!
Hi Guys. Could you give me a hint. is there any kind of extension for browser which could navigate to click-handler from html?
@silent_coder you can do that using the chrome developer console
@silent_coder f12 will open developer panel for both chrome and later versions of ie
yes. I understand it
Both let you find the html components for the clicked page element
but it's seems like some of angular version
Maybe you have a plugin installed?
<div data-ng-click="linkClicked($event, 'name')"></div>
@silent_coder if you see that, then it is just normal html that clearly uses angular
but how could I navigate to the script where this linkedClicked method exists. It's not my code, I just found pretty dialog and want to know, which component is used. But there is only single script minified and concatenated attached to page, so it's not clear for me how to actually check exact code which handle this action
If it's minified a feed through babel it's unlikely the code is going to be easy to understand
though if there is a bound event to the element you can find the section of code relating to it
ok, thanks.
@silent_coder there's usually a code section in the developer panel. On the code section there is also usually a magnifying glass for searching for things
Ctrl + F
I recommend you start by searching for linkClicked function
But as @lix mentioned, if it is minified code, you're not going to have an easy time understanding it
2 hours later…
how would I open an iterm2 terminal at the current folder location of the Webstorm terminal?
@SuperUberDuper iterm . maybe?
zsh: command not found: iterm
anyone wanna talk node here? mainly how npm does ... "stuff" ...
earlier npm used to download packages and store them recursively in the file system...
when did that change?
I mean as of which version...?
@deostroll It was a while back, I'm unsure at the specific version though
Maybe @BenjaminGruenbaum knows
@deostroll 3.x
@deostroll 3.x.y
@jAndy The Game
Ok so how is the version conflict issues​ resolved between packages?
Non-conflicting are stored in root, conflicting are stored deeper into the tree
C# room is dead today
It's early.
So I came to learn some <script>Java</script>
4:51am - 7:51am in America where many users are from
lesson 1 - use backticks to format code
Also, get out of here with your "java script"s. :)
does it mean im rejected if i was promised to be called back this morning but they didnt? its for a graduate programme at a large multinational company
are you confusing companies with colleges?
He mentioned promises, rejections and callbacks in a sentence not related to JavaScript
Did anyone else notice?
Admittedly I don't know much about graduate programs, but I thought they happened and colleges or universities, not companies.
unless it's Trump University
why tf would u give false hopes to interviewees... might as well not smile and say 'thank u for ur time we will let u know
how early is it there?
london time
so 1pm
meh.. once you get the job you would be venting in stackoverflow
I was told I'd be called back by x date before.. they called me four days later and I got the job. Sometimes people just have shit going on
Wait a day and email them
> IT Programmer
Helloo, I was trying to spawn a python script from my nodejs server, but ended up getting ENONET error, Can anyone help me with this?
Probably wrong paths
@konyv12 the first job I ever applied to they did the same
I even showed up at their building to get an actual yes/no response
Those bastards just said "wait for the call"
@KamilSolecki And you didn't
That's kinda creepy
were they at least a good compan
@BenFortune oy, you ever run an arduino/rpi from a 12v battery?
I can connect to vin but then I don't get a regulated 5v out (from a blog I read)
haven't tried it
@rlemon yuh
how do?
and that plugs into the ftdi? or vin/ground
@rlemon Arduino has a 5V regulator providing a few hundred mA
so... that should work fine?
A: Powering Arduino Nano 12volts

Anindo GhoshThe Arduino Nano accepts the 7-12 Volt input power not from the USB port, but from the Vin pin (pin30), see the diagram below: If you want to supply regulated power, then a 5 Volt regulated adapter needs to feed the +5V pin (pin27) instead. From the official Arduino Nano page: Power: The ...

@rlemon Not my picture, but you get the idea imgur.com/6pmCEkT
I misread this answer
throw er; // Unhandled 'error' event

Error: spawn python ENOENT
at exports._errnoException (util.js:856:11)
at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (internal/child_process.js:178:32)
at onErrorNT (internal/child_process.js:344:16)
at nextTickCallbackWith2Args (node.js:475:9)
at process._tickCallback (node.js:389:17)
this is the error
Path is fine
> the recommended input current is 2A
Got it from here, did it last year for a friend's car
damn, if the pi draws that much you won't want the Arduino regulator
pi3 draws 2.5a on full load
@BenFortune I don't think positively of a company that doesn't have the guts to say no to a potential employee
@KamilSolecki So then why were you so persistent in a company you didn't like?
@Strikers Then your path to python is wrong
I wasn't persistent. I went there once. It cost me nothing, but maybe pointed them to a fact something's not rightZ
good lord. $14 on amazon, not prime.
I want this thing now!!
var spawn = require("child_process").spawn;
var process = spawn('python',["/python/script.py", "/Images/test.jpg"]);

this code is in root/server.js and python folder is in root, am I doing anything wrong here
@Strikers you missing a .
@Strikers Is python in your PATH?
probably two .'s
@rlemon 14 bucks for a pi?
no the BEC
@rlemon damn really? I think i got mine from gearbest
there are no hobby shops around here that I know of either.
I'll have to check on google to see if any exist
"Closest hobby store that has more than butt-less moose costumes: USA"
Related: there is a nice alternative to rpi, called pine64. Half the price, three times the power.
Also supports x64
@KamilSolecki There's a million, and none of them come even close.
You buy the PI for the support and the community.
I have both, and this one is quite decent.
!!afk 💩🛀🔪
shit shower shave?
Poop in the shower guy?
I once pooped in a public swimming pool. I was asked not to return
I was like 5
@BenFortune all the free scripts / tutorials / compatible modules
@Steve'saD sorry for laughing then, I randomly assumed it was last week.
good lord it makes DIY so easy
Plus that yeah
@KamilSolecki lol
@KamilSolecki How do you know it wasn't?
Maybe he's 5
@BenFortune new plan. I've got an old car lighter -> usb adapter.
hello regulated 12v->5
@BenFortune lmao, some days i wonder
@rlemon lol that works
Could take the adapter apart if it's not for a car
Why the hell is it so hard to find somewhere to live
I need a new battery tho. this one is only like 7ah
or just maybe a few more of them
That was it, Thanks Folks
Jesus, if I leave SO open on another window when gaming, it lags like crazy
@BenFortune Well, then turn off the game
@BenFortune Jesus is here?!
Ah, Jesus, you troll you
I have a dumb question. When a value is null, it seems like default arguments don't work, i.e., myFunc(assets = []). But when I use (assets || []) in the function, it works. What's the deal?
@corvid Because it goes off undefined
@corvid did you read the first line on the MDN article on default parameters?
I highly suggest it
@rlemon You really expect him to have looked into it?
but || works on any falsey value?
You poor sod
@corvid default parameters are not a falsey check
> Default function parameters allow formal parameters to be initialized with default values if no value or undefined is passed.
:throws chair at corvid:

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