@derp nope, only used compass in a rails terminal. -- before I was using a SASS compile-on-save plugin but that was with a smaller simpler project. That was fast. -- I wonder if there's something wrong with it somewhere.
@monners that's really good to know. Atom is node based, right? that would explain why the SASS autocompile was so nice and fast
it's too late for this project (almost done actually) but I'll consider for the next one
I'm not even sure what we used compass for in the first place. I know it can do a lot of things, just not sure what or why or. .. :D
haha, damn! compass-style.org/help/tutorials/spriting -- I made a sprite manually at some point for this project, could have saved some time if I was more familiar with the tools already in place...
When I came across the phrase "a moderately complex app", I thought it was an app not that complex. But the context seems to signify the opposite. So I checked with google.
I have two datepickers Startdate and enddate and a filter button to filter some results within the date range.
<datePicker id="startDate" name="startDate" />
<datePicker id="endDate" name="endDate" />
<div class="btn btn-success" id="filterRA" onclick="search()"> Filter
for example, someone has <input text> and this framework replaces it with a stylized text input with search button and close button in the corners and looks nice
do any frameworks do a search and replace type deal? what i mean is i write plain vanilla html: <input type="text"><input type="button"> and i add one line of code <script src="superframework_upgrade.js"> and then all my plain html controls become super controls with no additional work on my part?
so most websites with a database use the web server as a gateway to get data from the DB, like browser --> web server --> DB server, but has anyone ever encountered a website which makes DB queries directly from the browser? like browser --> DB server
apart from things like database-testing pages / SQL consoles
Even most Database Testing Pages don't make a direct connection but simply forumalate a request that hits the server before being sent so you can bind variables and such so the SQL is rebound on the database layer
@glugglug Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Pleasedon't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I kept sending messages to my boss on WhatsApp thinking I'm writing my wife on WhatsApp because I've been writing him for work lately and WhatsApp brings up the last person you wrote
So I'm writing him messages like: "I'm at work love you"
but how could I navigate to the script where this linkedClicked method exists. It's not my code, I just found pretty dialog and want to know, which component is used. But there is only single script minified and concatenated attached to page, so it's not clear for me how to actually check exact code which handle this action
@silent_coder there's usually a code section in the developer panel. On the code section there is also usually a magnifying glass for searching for things
does it mean im rejected if i was promised to be called back this morning but they didnt? its for a graduate programme at a large multinational company
The Arduino Nano accepts the 7-12 Volt input power not from the USB port, but from the Vin pin (pin30), see the diagram below:
If you want to supply regulated power, then a 5 Volt regulated adapter needs to feed the +5V pin (pin27) instead.
From the official Arduino Nano page:
The ...
Error: spawn python ENOENT at exports._errnoException (util.js:856:11) at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (internal/child_process.js:178:32) at onErrorNT (internal/child_process.js:344:16) at nextTickCallbackWith2Args (node.js:475:9) at process._tickCallback (node.js:389:17)
I have a dumb question. When a value is null, it seems like default arguments don't work, i.e., myFunc(assets = []). But when I use (assets || []) in the function, it works. What's the deal?