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@rlemon my mother was a slayer fan for a while there
My mom saw iron maiden when she was a teenager
@rlemon great choice
growing up was all about slayer, pantera, metallica, and white zombie
TSOF is a bunch of dope stuff
@ssube pretty sure you introduced me to it
a while back
Her favorite band now is green day
probably, I saw him last year
bestbuy.com/site/… Best thing I bought this last year
him with john harris - Loud, is probably my favorite dance track ever
it's just so uplifting
for some reason i have lost my trust in sony
Why were 2 people kciked ._.
nick asked to be kicked
other guy was trolling
power trip
good nuff for me
Wait nvm dont
for headphones i would probably default to sennheiser?
U prob at work
I'm about to jump out of a window due to boredom
@HatterisMad Fuck yeah. If you wanna pay 4 times the price that is
sennheisers are cheap :O
super cheap
They make shitty sennheisers yeah
The good ones are crazy expensive?
I was checking them out at the mall just last week
I'm more than happy with my mediocre headphones.
I think they were on sale for $79.99?
sennheiser doesn't have a comparable performance to price model to your sony ?
@HatterisMad What
Yes they do. They have over ear headphones up to like $900
yeah, i am asking what you are trying to argue
i always break my headphones
@HatterisMad What are you...? I said Sennheisers are nice af.
You said they're cheap so I said yeah, they make shitty (cheap) ones, but that's not the brand.
im guessing that the argument you are making is that for the price the sony's are nicer than anything sennheiser has at that price point?
No. I have no thought on that
I liked these so I bought them :P That's all I know
alrighty then
Ahhhh I think I see it haha
Can't beat beats
Nvm, not gonna drag it on
@BenFortune can't sneeze on em, either
!!giphy beats
@ssube or likely use them as headphones
Hoping for trash can
ROs please view #27
not sure why they went for reusable speakers, either
My parents got me beats for my birthday last year
I don't want to replace them once a week
They broke within a month
man beats were something...
they just shamelessly marketed them and people bought into it
they come in a nice box and are shown in sellout music videos
I like my beats
They started shipping "beats" audio settings on phones too man :(
@HatterisMad just like grey goose
Absolutely wrecking all audio from the device
terrible product, tons of marketing
@Jhawins don't forget hp laptops
and we certainly can't forget all of the people who got suckered in with expensive speaker cables
that whole industry
my equalizer has had a beats setting for years, they just labeled it 200
Hey who's on the power trip I'll just make sure not to come by when they're in the room
we should start a revolution
its lemon, good luck being in the room when he isn't in the room
Viva la baguette
@HatterisMad lol
@HatterisMad yes. totes mcgotes
It's crazy. I come here almost exclusively for knowledge. I participated in the chat and get banned. It's just not worth it. I need the help more than I need to participate in the room
@Vap0r let me find you a good self help book
@Vap0r if you're going to keep picking at people, you'll be kicked again
@Vap0r You got flagged. Flags are shown to every member of the site with over 10K rep, all users vote on the flag. The flag was validated and you were automatically banned. No one in this room banned you. Do not start drama
What'd I miss?
^ My message explains
I'm not picking anyone
i.imgur.com/kM8QcYv.jpg @KendallFrey im so triggered rn
@SterlingArcher it's fucking #1 lol
@Vap0r protip: no matter what you were banned for, that's definitely not the thing to say when you come back
Just gonna watch
@Vap0r So let me get this straight, you called everyone in this room "fucking idiots" then surprised you got banned?
!!giphy cheese outta here
For 30 minutes?
@rlemon omg lol omfg
In his defense I call people here fucking idiots every day
@CapricaSix for the first time.. well done
@MadaraUchiha I'm not supposed to respond or I could get banned
Dude that couldn't possibly have been more perfect.
@Vap0r vOv as long as you stay respectful and reasonable, no, you won't.
Shark Attack 2: Megalodon. Good movie!
@Jhawins 60fps would be better
there are too many shark movies
i love how the shark anticipates him hitting the water
there might be more shark movies than sharks, now
Why aren't there scary movies about badgers running around fucking people up.
Pretty much a person posted a picture of a girl that was a model with "motivational" text from fiverr and the text pretty much said she skipped lunch and drank coffee instead. I said ~"maybe that's why she's so thin" and it started an avalanch of shit
@rlemon Does cap need any modifications for meta.stackexchange.com/questions/292058/… ?
@SterlingArcher that whole family is wearing the same clothes. Obviously a cult.
@HatterisMad I'd watch the shit out of that movie
^ He said she looked emaciated. Not that it matters. But he used quotes so I'm correcting lol
@BenFortune she connects on websockets
There would be literally no survivors
Emaciated !-- thin. Learn u some vocab pleb
@Jhawins nah first I said she looked thin
tall people would survive
I'm not scared of badgers
we can just step over the badgers
I thought the initial 60 second kick was from the "you all suck" comment.
@rlemon Was just thinking for inline images and stuff
and I'm not tall
@SterlingArcher right? like you shoot it and just piss it off
Then I looked up "emaciated" and it said "abnormally thin" so I said she looked somewhat emaciated
not that it matters. You are back. Your debt to society, wether deserved or not, has been paid.
So move on, please.
Badgers are the epitome of evil
@Vap0r you were banned for getting upset and telling everyone to fuck off, not any of the previous stuff
Chaotic Neutral bordering on Chaotic Evil
@ssube fair enough. thank you
@HatterisMad wanna see some terrible earphones
@Jhawins like a samsung?
I bought these....
They sound like any other earbuds I have ever had.
Any $30 set of buds..
that looks incredibly uncomfortable too
Actually they are amazingly comfortable.
it's almost like ear buds are limited by the size of the speaker
And NEVER fall out.
the #1 thing about headphones is that they gotta look good
They don't sound good unless you look fly af
@Jhawins I have these, they're pretty great
@Meredith my bright yellow earphones im using right now say otherwise :/
bright yellow is a legitimate aesthetic
but that's the same reasoning behind my car
why do I need a car and headphones?
@BenFortune I don't care for them as far as audio goes. I have better sounding earbuds. But fit and comfort omg man... These are the ones I'll use on the bike forever
hmm.... maybe its just because i hate the color yellow
bright red is not a legitimate aesthetic
@BenFortune We're talking about audio quality and you link an audio quality destroyer
not in blue...
What's wrong with the fiio's?
@Vap0r So from what I gather
@MadaraUchiha I'm done talking about it
Someone posted an image, you said something, some people disagreed, you chatted a bit, and then you called them fucking idiots, and then you were surprised at theb an
@MadaraUchiha I'm going to take everyone elses advice and just not mention it.
@rlemon I think mine are just the newer style with BT. Same speakers and such it looks like
power trip
@Vap0r Fair enough.
@Jhawins can't complain for the price. I know I got mine on sale
I think $79/.99
Nice yea I got mine for like $139 on sale. But like I said they're BT too.
I charge them every other week. Lasts so long
I'm pretty sure I'm overdue for a bout 7 account suspensions
nice sound out of them. I have no complaints.
Just had that too lol
I'm stuck in that fun mode where my messages send then show timed out
im getting that too
.. every single one of them..
@rlemon Has been happening for 5min to me
I should buy new ear pads for my sennheisers
testiddy test
youre not a real senn owner unless you call them senns
looks alright to me :)
just reload the page
@corvid did a few times. didn't fix it
thinking about it
Delete system32
If I'm using Container Component "architecture" in react, with the hierarchy being NotificationListContainer->NotificationList->Notification, and I need to have an event that closes a single notification, actuated by an element in the Notification component, how would I pass this down?
Also my chat stopped scrolling down automatically a while ago
Luggage recommended that I pass it down from I believe the container class, since it holds the state
@Meredith I had this for ages, meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/333547/…
I think it was an extension breaking it
@Vap0r That's the idiomatic React way, yes.
I hate it.
@Vap0r Wait, what? You can just connect the top level component and pass it down by props, no?
Context all things
@corvid absolutely, was hoping someone might say that
@corvid Yes, through the NotificationList that will do nothing with it besides passing it down.
@rlemon Ugh
I just want to make sure that I'm passing it down the right way.
you don't connect to a parent from a child, you pass props to the child from a parent
Also, the NotificationListContainer is just a higher order component that connects the NotificationList, correct?
@MadaraUchiha :sarcasm sign:
@rlemon I know
Just like you pass down an onClick handler. In this case, you'll pass down a "onCancel" handler.
@corvid yes, it receives the data from an API
e.g., const NotificationListContainer = connect(/**...*/)(NotificationList)
corvid, <NotificationListContainer> has the list of notifications and gets them from the api in it's onMount. <NotificationList> and <Notification> are just dumb components to describe the html they generate
Also.. he's not using redux, so the connect() is meaningless
@Luggage awesome I was pretty sure that's how it should be but wanted to make sure I wasn't missing anything, and this function: onCancel would be a member function of the NotificationListContainer itself, correct?
Yes. It'll take an rgument so you know whic to cancel
Either a reference to the notification object, or an id, etc.
Is anyone else seeing the MVC here?
So. Somewhere. Probably <NotificationList> You'll want to take that, .bind() it to the notification, and pass it to <Notification>
"Smart" component/container = Controller
Redux + Shitton of boilerplate = Model
Dumb component = View
@Luggage I think I'm gonna go with just ID for my purposes, but are there any performance impacts if I were to pass the entire notification object?
But somehow, it's "functional" and "pure"
No. It's just passing a reference. There should be no perfomance hit or benefit.
@MadaraUchiha yep, it's perfectly normal MVC
did you have a gist of NotificationListContainer? can you re-link that, please?
there is no MVVM, no MV*, no new pattern
@Luggage yeah, give me a second and I'll gist the 3 files together
I'm gonna go gist a glass of water. brb.
@ssube I feel like we're going one step forward two steps back for a long time now
React is a really good view library, MobX is a good message broker/central state store
People like MVC but after everyone decided to invent their own MVC and call it The One True MVC, everyone got tired of hearing that term
Have you guys tried MVDADAFADDV
hook those up to more traditional service/data classes and you have some good patterns
equitableapp.com thank god this is a joke lol i bet somebody thinks its real and is praising it though
@ssube Yes! Why does no one do this?!
@Luggage doesn't sound like a bad idea. Here is the link: gist.github.com/anonymous/a42e855b60477a2e48717a45d6687b85 now I'm off for water :)
I do :(
with DI, too
Why do everyone use React Router, which is in my eyes one of the worst pieces of engineering in the past few years
it's made developing a decent size game by myself super easy
@SterlingArcher that seems like something nathan fielder would do
@ssube Is it open source?
@MadaraUchiha I use it because I am just entering into react and don't know any better.
oh your restaurant is struggling?
try splitting the bill based on income
@MadaraUchiha not yet, it will be
@Vap0r That is a valid excuse.
the guy from nathan for you
first it needs to be "working"
@ssube Do ping me when it does. I'm interested in seeing an alternative finally.
@MadaraUchiha I've been meaning to start a blog, that's not a bad post.
@Vap0r Most people give much more bullshitty excuses than that.
extremetech.com/computing/… windows10 users? comments?
I am still back int he 7 days
@Vap0r 1. Make a cancelNotification(notificationId) {} methon on the container.
@rlemon well, they show the ad fairly and to everyone, because I already have that exact deal and see it
2. Pass it, bound to the container, to NotificationList. e.g. onCancel={this. cancelNotification}
it only shows up in the quick access page, though
[–]ryankearney 543 points an hour ago
I've seen a similar notice on my Windows 10 Enterprise machine.

Windows 10 Enterprise

What in the actual fuck?
from reddit
3. In NotificationList, pass it again, this time bound to the notificationId to the onCancel of <Notification>
> "If you want to disable this pop-up, go to View > Options in File Explorer. Scroll down and turn off the option for “Show sync provider notifications.”"
4. In Notification, use props.onCancel as the button click.
I have an OEM license on a desktop and already have Office 365 and OneDrive
Guys my beard is less than a centimeter away from being as long as my index finger
people at work use windows 10, I just couldn't be bothered to leave my office
@SterlingArcher Sure, your "index finger"
i dont know how long your index finger is
And my hair goes from my index fingertip to the middle of my palm
I don't have a ruler this is as best as I can do
@rlemon it's about as intrusive as google's doodle, but far less interesting
@MadaraUchiha It just seems to me that react is temporary, or at least weirdly implemented, and this is coming from somebody with not a bunch of experience with it. But at the end of the day it is described as a "framework to help make user-interfaces". ES6 features are really given to me by babel, templating is pretty similar for future versions of ES. So we get the shadow-dom benefit, which really seems like it could be implemented by the browser. Ignoring that, it's just another view-system.
Unless I'm missing something which is entirely possible
@Vap0r React is a view library.
And yet it is very widely used as a complete framework
@Vap0r React is weirdly implemented until you try to implement it yourself, then it makes so much sense.
It's your view, your controller, sometimes your model, your router, your state manager
I also don't see it as Temporary either.
looks like it will be around for a time to come
it's very difficult to make UI components that actually work without tight bindings to other components
But at the end of the day, this is just a design pattern pretty much, right?
the patterns feel weird because you're forcing things to be immutable/idempotent where you'd normally use jquery and side effects
@ssube Right, but the question is really what are you abstracting away by dividing everything into teeny tiny components?
It makes sense in some cases, but not in all cases.
@ssube ...
@MadaraUchiha events and data sources, usually. I don't use especially tiny components.
How many times have you seen code like this:?
@Luggage wow thanks, taking a look at it now
that code is invisible
componentWillMount() {
uh, I haven't yet, tbh
@ssube I have, plenty of times.
I get my data, THEN put the component in the element tree.
People like the idea of immutability, but will readily break it on the first backpressure from management.
Which makes the entire thing moot.
@SterlingArcher Classic.
yes, that applies to react and literally everything else
staying immutable is hard
@Vap0r I chose, for simplicity, to just .bind() in the render(). This isn't the most efficient since it'll re-bind each render. It's not a huge deal, though.
@Luggage what would an alternative be?
In practice, I .bind() all methods that need it in my constructor.
But don't worry about that for now if you don't want. It's really not a big deal. I just wanted to point out that my code has a 'bad practice'. A tiny one.
you wouldn't write constructor(config) { this._foo = config.get('foo'); }, you shouldn't write this._foo = foo.bind(...), decorate everything
@ssube @action.bound
@ssube So don't pretend it isn't
//bindy bindy
].forEach(fnName => this[fnName] = this[fnName].bind(this));
I mean, Redux makes it sound so easy
But i'll be using @action.bound going forward, when appropriate
@Luggage You know you can do this: right?
class Foo {
  bar = () => {
    // bound
that pattern is super gross
yes. I find it ugly.
and bad
Not much different from what he's doing
Just with a bit of sugar on top.
It's not. It's the same thing.
you have to have a new function for each one, you don't have to write them as lambdas
@Luggage ok, so some basic pseud-code for my handleCancelNotification function would be:
getState -> filter out object with ID of "notificationID"
setState to filtered out object array
.bind() is basically making a new function for each one
imo a decorator is the only clean way to do it until we get real syntax or real classes
OH! And my localstorage stuff too!
Yea. Stick with local state first. then add in the localStorage
So you know the rest works
Makes sense. Thanks again
I agree on the decorator, hence the @action.bound (they are mostly actions anyway)
I'll eventually get around to whipping up a decorator for non-actions.
@Luggage what is @action.bound? tried searching it on google but no luck
it's a mobx thing. Ignore for now.
is this how canadians throw knives at people
@Luggage deal
it's less important which end hits them and more that the projectile moves slowly enough that you can say sorry before it hits
@SterlingArcher No, that's not a Canadian. That's a piece of plywood.
what have they done to Plank
okay this is confusing. mdn states both which and keyCode are deprecated. code is not. But React's SyntheticEvent for keyboard only has which and keyCode... what do?
please don't bring back the plank
@corvid key?
isn't it expensive to compare strings vs numbers though?
and that's the point where I realize I need a refactor
ew. 4 spaces.
@corvid y.... yes... maybe, probably, usually
@corvid no, those are tabs
Wow. I've never seen such consistent use of whitespace from you. Congrats.
@Luggage I stopped copy-pasting from jsfiddle
@corvid If your code is fast enough that string comparison will be noticeably slower, you have nothing to worry about.
Don't feel bad @rlemon
um ok then
welcome to spacebars
is that mustache?
Happy hour at SpaceBar!

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