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alright, that was awesome, the 1st one is also giving me the tickles :')
aw cool, glad you liked them
well i'm off, goood night!
damn you! I was supposed to study and go to bed
time to put the dance shoes on and 🔥🔥🔥 the floor
then listen to this
bb o/
no phone, I'll just play some Vangelis to myself
@abhishrek check your league messages
Well, that's cool
@HatterisMad i uninstalled League
why did you uninstall league
Hey quys, quick question
start_index = $('.tree').parents().length;
$('.tree').find('li').each(function () {
if ($(this).children().length > 1) {

$(this).children('ul').each(function () {
tindex = $(this).parents().length - start_index;

$(this).children('li').children('a').each(function () {
$(this).css('padding-left', 16 + (5 * tindex) + 'px');
if ($(this).children().first().outerWidth() > $(this).outerWidth()) {
pw = 16 + (5 * tindex) - $(this).outerWidth() + 10;
(see full text)
Ctrl + K
    start_index = $('.tree').parents().length;
    $('.tree').find('li').each(function () {
        if ($(this).children().length > 1) {

            $(this).children('ul').each(function () {
                tindex = $(this).parents().length - start_index;

                $(this).children('li').children('a').each(function () {
                    $(this).css('padding-left', 16 + (5 * tindex) + 'px');
(see full text)
Why is $(this).children().first().outerWidth() null?
it's an A element within a ul
Can you make a jsdiffle reproducing the issue?
@GregBorbonus it could be that the element is hidden
it's not hidden until after
and I've commented out the code that hides it
and it still pulling null
that was my original thought as well
I'm dealing with an awfully ambiguous error with React Native. Does anyone know under what condition this code, assuming proper support via babel, should produce an error?
const foo = {
const foo = Object.assign({}, thatObject) doesn't work either. This is so weird.
I found it. It's some awfulness. Really awfulness.
// how to break React Native for no obvious reason
import ReactNative from `react-native`
@rlemon oh yeah baby
3 hours later…
@clxxxii Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
1 hour later…
1 hour later…
I have a two column layout with flexbox and justify-content space-around so it breaks into a nice single column on smaller screens but while it's two-column and an odd number of items the last one gets centered on it's own "row", is there a way to prevent that? codepen
Since I'm working with pretty much static widths I can add a media-query but that feels hacky
I thought I could override the justify-content on the container with align-self on the last item but it seems I failed to understand how align-self works
Q: How can i calculate price positive and negative price using mongodb or robomongo?

its mebelow is my userpricing collection data { "_id" : ObjectId("584bc9ba420a6b189c510af6"), "user_id" : 1, "price" : 20000.0, "type" : "credit", }, { "_id" : ObjectId("584bc9ba420a6b189c510af6"), "user_id" : 1, "price" : -10000.0, "type" : "credit", }, { "_id" ...

@ivarni why do you need space-around? it'll do what you want without it
@Abhishrek "it works.. bitches"
thats my favorite
the one where Hawkins ruins John Oliver never gets old :,)
idk if it's true though
@bitten Looks nicer on mobile when it's centered
@bitten it is. google the inteerview
@ivarni justify-self?
@Abhishrek That question ends with "Why are there no justify-items and justify-self properties?", I see the answered got around it with some rather nasty hacks though
look at the first
I did
it has the holygrail of flexbox
margin :P
He's using nth-of-type and .box26 and other ugly stuffs
The grail is actually here though :)
I mean... .box77 { position: absolute; left: 50%; top: 50%; transform: translate(-50%,-50%); } is not a very nice solution to anything
hell no
But it's still a pretty good answer, that's for sure :)
I'll stick with my media-query for now since I can predict exactly what width will cause it to break into single column
There used to be a spec called css columns
I guess it died off, it probably held the solution for you
btw @ivarni
margin-right: auto;
on the last one is all you need
.item:last-child {
  margin-right: auto;
thanks :)
So npm test is short for npm run test and you can even run npm t, so why can't npm s be short for npm start? These are the kind of philosophical questions running around in my head
You're saying I need a break? :D
I'm going 3 weeks to Colorado in March, so there!
who still uses npm..
you need to s/npm/yarn m8
I'm literally behind 7 proxies and there's some kind of problem with using yarn here untill the security guys decides it's not evil
@cswl I am using npm too
all the seconds they could have saved.. :(
I need to create an application that auto creates a node.js server
for osx
how can i do it?
@cswl I am in India
its not seconds its an hour difference
@neoDev You mean you want to generate source code or just start a server?
I already have the server
now i need to create an application with this server inside it
Ah, so you need an executable that starts it?
Then I've no idea
what kind of keywords should I put on google?
Q: Package a Node.js app as an osx app

luisgoI want to build an interface for a series of terminal commands that our developers use to manage their development environments. I'd like to try to build it in node.js. Now, I'm thinking I can create it as an HTML5/CSS3/JS application using express, etc... and then would like to package it as a ...

several links there
yes thank you :)
@neoDev you can just use electron or redistribute nodejs with your package
@ivarni great! Colorado looks neat!
@Abhishrek Yup, Breckenridge is the shizz, this will be the 4th year in a row we go there
hey guys, do you generally prefer Chrome or Firefox for debugging JS?
@Nick Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I've been asked to help with a site, but am finding both super complex :(
(and I don't have the source code on my machine, so can't debug in the way I usually do)
@Nick Chrome, goto the sources tab
thanks Ab :)
if you are lucky it won't be compiled without sourcemaps
I've managed to put a breakpoint on which is triggering
if you see something like webpack:// folder, click it
but the data it returns is crazily overwhelming
Oh yeah
That'll take some time
you can hover over variable names
I put an event listener breakpoint on Control -> Change
trying to figure out why a select box isn't changing when you select it
so I figured it'd be the event on Control -> Change
how do I save a Javascript file whilst debugging?
so... I've just deleted everything in jquery.js
and it isn't having any impact ont he site
anyone please? :(
can anyone please help? :(
@Nick what's going on
huge existential crisis
can I help you with something
thanks @neoDev, I'm not really sure what I'm doing tbh. Is there anyway I can edit Javascript in either Chrome/Firefox and it'll automatically update on that page?
I'm ashamed to say that my level of debugging with JS when I can't figure out what it's doing, is to simply delete blocks of code until I figure out what's happening
you want to do "temporary" changes
yeah, I don't have access to the source code
I can help you with chrome
and if I save the entire page and make changes, the JS doesn't work anyway
like I said, with the browser you can do only temporary changes
you will lose them if you refresh the page
is that ok?
temporary changes would be perfect, thank you :)
what are you trying to change?
@Nick sorry not, you need plnkr.co if you want quick auto-refresh every time you change code. if you want to delete all jquery.js temporarily jQuery = $ = undefined
some js is firing when a select box is changed but I can't figure out what is running
thanks, I will try putting everything into plnkr
you can go to the inspector tab Sources
ah, I can't emulate Android/iOS on plunkr :(
then event listener breakpoints
thanks @neoDev
and then add one to control -> change?
in your case it is a checkbox
@Nick you can. run in new window, then run all your favorite debug emulator tools. plnkr can help you refresh page every time you change code.
I am not sure, you should try
thanks so much for your help guys
then it will show you the exact line where the event is firing
you're welcome
@Abhishrek thanks again for your electron tip
it seems useful for what I am trying to do
@Trasiva Damn son, nice
@LearnHowToBeTransparent is there a way to get plnkr working with CHrome or Firefox's emulate Android/iOS?
I'm trying the debug built into Chrome, with the break points, but when I change the code nothing changes
@Nick you have knowledge about mongodb?
never heard of it before Mike, just lookingat it now though :)
looks like I'd need the source code to run it on here?
Anyone have knowledge about mongo database.
@FlorianMargaine Just came across this. Kind of fascinating en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Actor_model
@ivarni tst also works
1 of the 3 fans of my GPU is a bit slow and loud
why? Q_Q
could it be a JS error?
like, you know, that fan is using jQuery
@Neoares Open it
and check for dust
I don't think it's dust
also you can use a utility
to max out the fan speed
I cleaned it with compressed air
yes I know
but the problem is the noise
Might be misaligned fan
how do I fix that
I used to think my macbook makes too much noise, I recently discovered its slightly bulged
I don't know how to open the GPU xD
try getting it refunded
or ask @Loktar
ok but what I'm gonna do without my GPU Q_Q
Buy a new one?
What do you do after you get dumped by a girl?
well, I don't think I can get a refund
Cry a little, suck it up, start dating again!
it has almost 1 year
they can fix it
take it t them
@Abhishrek Buy a new one.
Er wait.
@JasonC Hahaha
where can I buy girls?
The internet.
By not following @MadaraUchiha advice on the right with 21 stars
Or at the sketchy shipping containers down at the docks.
Wait I came in here for a reason.
@JasonC same
Oh yeah, if I want to do something like select * from things where field = value, with multiple results, in Bookshelf.js, that means I need to use Bookshelf's collections, right? My understanding is correct? Before I go down the wrong path.
No idea, I have never used Bookshelf, but someone else might have.
@MadaraUchiha wow, 22 stars
@BenjaminGruenbaum :D
@SomeGuy you might like this: mitpress.mit.edu/books/…
What is the difference between addEventListener and on in events module of NodeJS? It is written exactly same in tutorialspoint.
@ankitbug94 There is none, they are identical.
@ankitbug94 addEventListener allows you to add multiple handlers. Two pieces of code that both assign on___ will interfere.
Oh, the on method, I see
@JasonC next time I'll check node API reference. Thanks. @KendallFrey You too :)
It's OK. I've spent the last 3 days doing a crash course in git, Node.js, Bookshelf, Passport, Jade, and Bootstrap all at once. Sometimes I'm too confused to even remember to check the docs.
And amusingly all of that has still been less effort than my usual choice of writing web applications in Java.
I'm not doing to good on the promises front, though. I can't get it to sink in.
Oh now I see. You are beginner in JS. I hope you liked prototypal things ;)
It's fun.
I had a hard time grasping the concept of JS as I learned it after 1 year of C++ fundamental course in my 10+2.
It's a good exercise for my C++/Java brain. JS itself hasn't caused me so many problems but the asynchronous nature of Node takes some getting used to.
@JasonC devdocs.io is nice, there should be editor plugins too
Oh man finally I can not go to w3schools any more, shudder. Also all their pages crash firefox on linux if you leave them open too long.
ouch! yeah, you should really be following your searches on MDN and devdocs.io sources material for HTML/CSS/JS from MDN and makes it available offlinne or in your editor when your roaming
@SomeGuy this is what Erlang is based on
Does anybody actually use Symbol.replace? Searching github and the like only shows polyfills and feature tests
I can't think of a reason for it to exist..
I can think of one that's easily solved, but I genuinely have not found any prior uses that led to it being specced
@Zirak Hey, meeting with Nick on Wednesday to discuss his talk, you should come if you want/can
@BenjaminGruenbaum When/where? Who's Nick? Are you finally cheating on me? Good riddance
Also what'll be discussed?
@Zirak Nikolay Ribal, this guy google.co.il/…
Probably Symbols, what he might want to talk about and what you might want to talk about and how the event works out
Also, whether or not pygmy goats are a thing or media propaganda
Tell me when/where and I'll try to make time
Wednesday, either my place or some pub
In addition, if anyone cares I'm giving a workshop in MobX on Tuesday.
If I could drive to israel
Hallo everyone! Is anyone here familiar with react + redux?
Yea, but the crowd is rather thin on the weekends. Also, I don't know of any redux users on at the moment, but I could be wrong.
Present company seems to be a react/mobx crowd.
never heard of it (googling as we speak :))
@Luggage redux is vastly more popular than mobx, the good part is that mobx is pretty complete IMO and doesn't need a lot of change and neither does redux
Right, it is more popular, but with the few people acitve at the moment, i think not.
this room already has a higher than average mobx/redux ratio during a busy day.
I'm giving a workshop on Tuesday with the purpose of ironing out the problems with onboarding to mobx.
Yea.. I'd be interested but I'm no where near you.
@Luggage right, because of a few people like me and you :P
@Luggage I don't know mobx very well at all - I read half of the source, once :P The whole point of the workshop is to show how easy it is.
I went to a local JS meetup here in Baltimore a few weeks ago and it was pretty poor, unfortunately.
we don't have much community, here
I don't know the internals of mobx, but I 'get it' from a users point of view, due to my history with knockout.
I am trying to figure out how ot use reactions to let me make a mobx-based router that knows what data to reload.
kinda like Relay.js, in a way.
I have been toying with the idea of doing a 'talk' myself (my first). Maybe about Tagged Template strings.
@Luggage we have a lot of community here - thousands. I regularly speak in front of 100-200 people, about twice a month. Then there are conferences which are around 600-1000 people, I get invited to speak at those about once a month but take it about one out of 4 times since it's a paid event so I think it's less important.
@Luggage my "zen" of mobx is simple, don't use anything but computed, observable and observer :D If you do - you're doing side effects outside of react.
yea, I think that's only part of mobx's power, though.
@Luggage why?
The zen is that it's reactive, you never subscribe explicitly. The only things that should be autorun are things that are actual side effects of the UI - and I'd rather wrap those in React and not in autorun.
I get that my view is very skewed towards my use case.
reactions and other side-effects are how you'd make something like createViewModel
No, I get it. Most components should only be observer/computed, no side-effects.
But.. for certain 'kernals' of functionality, mobx can be used there, too. (not at all related to react)
the no side-effects fits in with react just being a 'view'.
If I want to do something like select * from items where field = 2 in Bookshelf, given a collection Items, how do I actually do that? Items.forge().what? The Bookshelf docs for where() list no parameters, every tutorial focuses on relations, and I can't really seem to find any docs or examples anywhere.
You have Item and Items? the second one being the 'collection'?
Collections may be going away in bookshelf. Use Item.
.forge() is just another way of calling new Item()
new Item().where({field: 2}).fetch(); //or .fetchAll() for multiple results
Oh I see. It misled me because the docs say Model.where() returns a Model, not a Model[].
Then .fetchAll().toJSON() will work?
or rather
.where() jst sets a filter for future fetches.
.then(function(results){ do something with results.toJSON(); })
Ah OK. Thanks.
yea. the results MAY be a collection, or a plain array. I forget)
.fetchAll() is mor recent, so you USED to use the collection for that.
now* I'd jsut stick with using the Model only for fetching, since model.fetchAll() seems to be the prefered way
Sounds good to me; one less part of the API I need to learn.
I'd seriously consider sequelize if I was doing a new project. Bookshelf has worked for me, but it still feel incompplete at times
I don't know that I would CHOOSE sequelize, but I'd give it a good trial run.
I could still switch at this point. I was trying a few. Objection confused me, then I found Bookshelf and just rode with it. I'll take a look at that too. I'm still kind of evaluating.
bookshelf has the advantage of being simple enough that you can expand it if you need to
and you'll need to, here and there.
@Luggage nice! in my region it's pretty easy, most communities are present on meetup.com, so if you have a topic that's dear to you can easily find those who might be interested in hearing your talk
yea, I went to the only one in my area on meetup.com.
damn, latest react still breaks webpack-dev-server somehow..
Goddamn VR fucks with your mind
My hands don't feel real
did you take any virtual drugs while you were in there?
@SterlingArcher are you with robinhood?
@JasonC I warmly recommend you use async/await instead of regular chaining
@Luggage I'm on the beta dist tag for Webpack and React latest, works ok on my end
@BenjaminGruenbaum will it be recorded?
@Luggage there are obvious side effects, but I'd rather handle them all in React - for example if I have a Title component that modified the <head> I'd still wrap that in React rather than just autorun it.
Since all lifecycle hooks are preserved.
@bitten I don't think so, oddly enough this is the third time I'm going to speak about MobX and the second in Israel and none were recorded :P
Mostly the Toyko one being recorded would've been nice.
aw shame, i liked your async await talk a lot.. really helped
I'm glad to hear that, honest. I don't think this one will be recorded. I can ask though.
well no pressure or anything but i'll try and keep an eye out, good luck!
1 hour later…
I am new to developing mobile apps and I am trying to connect my node.js server to xcode. How do I go about doing so? I understand the process using node.js via a website but its confusing to me when it comes to xcode. Is it the same process?
@JimJones Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I am researching but nothing on google seems clear to me. Can someone guide me through the process?
I am using swift 3 in Xcode
@Neoares sounds like a bearing is going out
what's the card?
You can usually buy aftermarket coolers for them
hi @Loktar
my touch bro
you try dead and buried yet?
Wanna play something together?
one second
can we even chat via oculus home or anything?
hmm, don't see anything
me neither
lol looking through the nose hole right now
what game?
you do that too, huh? lol
dead and buried, or just the toybox maybe?
lets do toybox I guess and then dead and buried if you want
both are cool
Hi, how am I getting here a type error this.listeners is undefined in the if condition? I'm only checking for undefined:
context.EventPublisher.prototype.addEventListener = function(event,
    listener) {
    if (this.listeners[event] === undefined) {
      this.listeners[event] = [];
nevermind got it, failed to pass a reference to my eventpublisher object
@Loktar If you ever wanna kill people for fun and profit, gimme a ping. I'm hitting a friendless dry spell
@Loktar what
@Loktar gigabyte gtx 970
@Zirak I'm always up for manslaughter.
I'm wondering how the room feels about Jon Skeets latest posts on diversity
yay for social justice warriors \o/
@Zirak I'll be around for sure tomorrow Cats bday today so I'm hit or miss
@KendallFrey that was badass man!
@Neoares there are for sure gtx 970 after market coolers
Yeah, do you have VR sports installed?
I'm gonna check if it has MP
yeah I do
@BenjaminGruenbaum you can't spell manslaughter without letters
LOL man where i hit the one ceiling tile its all jacked
Doesn't look like it :/
ah lame
alright I'll be back later
@Loktar either you're an amazing jumper or you have a low ceiling
that was pretty fun
its probably like 7 ft?
I'm in the basement it';s a drop ceiling so not super tall
like I can't touch it if I just stand and reach
but I can touch it if I jump a few inches
lol when I tried to hit that ball though I wasnt even thinking
@Shmiddty I can spell it with tears
like i reached way up and jumped as hard as I could lol
VR, man
can you append npm scripts? ie running npm run watch would output `foo --smth` to the terminal

"build": "foo",
"watch": "npm run build --smth"
doesn't seem to work
npm run build -- --smth
I'm struggling to use glob in node. How do I say "collect up every file in every directory that is a child of the directory the script is beign run from, that is one that is a JSON file?" I tried: imports/**/*.json
@Mosho thx
TS 2.1 is legit af
Hi Chris
@JustinGreenberg Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@JustinGreenberg Hey, want to join a room with just you and me?
@Zirak Hmm?
I'm afraid not at the moment
Tomorrow, maybe
I fought against you
And won, btw
sure, I said
put a table inside a table, I said
what could go wrong, I said
@Zirak Ah, lol, didn't notice
It's not me, I haven't played OW in ages :(
Don't lie, I defeated you
Noticed only at the end of the first round, made it a point to kill you so you'll notice. Then found out it wasn't you

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