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like in AJAX requets?
Just ment page refersh
what if you used Flash?
Flash too i think has limitations
oh i misunderstood
"If at each request stuff starts to grow you eventually might hit that 5MB limit." was it not 10mb ?
Then cookies
not cookies, they so yucky
@FlyingGambit The limit is not fixed but can be determined by the browser. IIRC Google Chrome has a 5MB limit.
flash with cookies
best of both worlds
I don't know then if you need to save more than 10MB without DB. THe last time I was reading about IndexedDB the book recommended not to use it :)
maybe a java applet
communicating with the flash thing using jQuery?
* ahem *
Both on life support devices
@SvenvandeScheur YUI
It was basically a dashboard where you could keep track of tasks. But after like 1 billion (assuming that would take like 10mb) I might hit the limit. That means I cannot save more tasks. Maybe persistent storage is the way to go.
just to complicate it a bit, localStorage and sessionStorage doesn't work in firefox's private mode
what a JS library has to do with localStorage?
rlemon, ya know that someone changes the room name again when you're not here ^^
as in "throws error" doesn't work
@KarelG of course. all room owners are free to change it
@FlyingGambit analyze your task better :)
igaf about room name as long it has "javascript" on it
and it usually does
i hate trackers with vague issue description.
@FlyingGambit Flash is used for games and by companies who do not want their code touched. Java Applets are just dead, unless you have some specific requirements. cookies should be avoided. localStorage is the best solution, but more than 10 MB can be provided by a DB. So my guess is you need to use some server side technology with AJAX requests :)
// afk piggy backing submitter
@Vlad flash is dead as well
@FilipDupanović not really. Adobe Air keeps it alive, because mobile devices.
lol, I've been trolling pretty much all morning. all of my previous suggestions should be ignored.
@Vlad no, Flash is dead on the web
it still has a place, but not on the web
it's dead Jim... FF doesn't have flash, Chromium doesn't have flash and by the end of 2016 neither will Chrome
@rlemon some services that existed for Flash still do not exists for HTML5 :)
Yes Flash on the web is bleeding, but still bleeding :)
yes, that is very true. but Flash is now a nuisance and a security risk
most modern browsers no longer ship with it
yup, true that
and most users no longer need it
and it shouldn't be used, for good reason; Adobe sacked all their devs years ago, flash has been basically sitting with security hotfixes the last couple of years methinks
90% of flash use was video and casual games. casual games are being re-created in Canvas, and Video is only flash on the shittiest of news sites now
there's a bank here offering e-banking through a flash app roflcopterbbq
so keep your games, that's cool I suppose
but it isn't required any longer
ftr, I like flash. I have no problem with flash, outside of the web
@SterlingArcher :D
Actionscripting ? ^^
@FlyingGambit we need to remove HTML and CSS and just use JS!!!1oneone
Sometimes some statements doesn't make much sense
meh, had too much wine
@FilipDupanović jsx + css modules
I know it's Friday, but it's only 3pm :|
we were talking about localStorage and then switched to cookies and Flash storage and Java Applets :)
@rlemon word! PostCSS as a preprocessor!!!
I think I remember a story of someone who attached stdout to a line printer :).
lol that's basically how our products local printer works.
listens on a tty and prints every line it sees
@FilipDupanović guess who came into the office at 7 am today.. weekend is basically here! :p
get up early and get lucky twice :D
But Crosswalk gonna beat Adobe Air :P
Holly's 33rd is today, I got her a new PC and set it up last night while she was sleeping. she was excited to see it this morning, but haven't had a real chance to play with it
I'm just gonna babysit a few CI builds and then I'm off
I'm antsy to run some benchmarks .
Apache Cordova D:
@rlemon you got something better than your machine?
Apache Cordova is the best thing ever!
that poor performance :D
@ivarni That deployment is too big to fail. Just go ;)
@FilipDupanović yes
I have a couple better components that don't really matter
my ssd is better than her ssd slightly, and I have a better PSU
otherwise she has the better pc
they always win o.O; my fiance wanted an i7 when I had an i5 :S
@ivarni lol
But really? Deploying on friday?
@FilipDupanović we both have i5's
hers is newer, mines overclocked
@SvenvandeScheur why not?
@FilipDupanović we both have i7's
@SvenvandeScheur in production by Friday, project started on Wednesday
Hers is actually fast mine's a Mac
Anyone here got any mobx projects I can steal from learn from? Most of the boilerplates out there don't show anything
but yea, I've got a 770 gtx and she's got the 480 rx
so her gpu kicks mines ass
@rlemon :'(
@Abhishrek ouuu, the Mac from work :)?
nahh, that's fine.
yep lol
my graphics needs are minimal
I remember you were wowed when you got it
My desktop has a 3 year old i7 but the GPU is god forsaken
the rest I shipped to States in parts
I could use more ram and a new CPU maybe
KSP could run a bit smoother
@rlemon get a xeon :3
@Abhishrek, is stuff breaks you wont be able to fix it during work hours, thats why in many places deployments are delayed to monday on friday
@Abhishrek dude, I'm getting a Dell
Not mine: "Our Capistrano scripts all require you to add a --yes-i-know-its-friday-and-i-really-want-to-deploy flag on Fridays."
@Abhishrek yeah, I was surprised Xeons are available for consumer PCs
@rlemon Processor not Vendor!
do young kids not remember Dell commercials?
I thought they were for server builds exclusively
@rlemon never had Dell Commercials
@rlemon great vaporewave material
Oh god
@Abhishrek tl;dr "dude, you're getting a Dell" became a meme in itself for how ridiculous the guy was when saying it in most of their commercials.
But seriously @rlemon get a Xeon
but seriously. I'll get what is affordable and what I need
@Abhishrek just what kind of a mobo do you need for one?
and I bet there have to be some gotchas with how it performs
@corvid i only have this but it's not that very mobxy, i was mainly looking at handling the view with promises and stuff / using the store and states as a router kinda thing
@FilipDupanović Afaik you can just buy a Rack :P
how do you combobulate server CPUs with consumer hardware :|?
fit them in a box
meh, maybe just get one of them Xeon laptops and wait until there's one with a GTX 10 card innit... tell the missus you're finding a cure for cancer for reals
find out later it wasn't the best of choices for gaming
Stripe not available in my country for biz... nooooooooo
@bitten I don't really understand what this AppState that shows up in most applications is meant to do in a large scale application
You mean like, "webscale"?
@rlemon pentium III :o
@SvenvandeScheur obviously, I'm a nodejs rockstar
@SvenvandeScheur 1999 yo!
amazing dude
@FilipDupanović WTF thats not what I meant LOL
@corvid by the sounds of it, prolly some pervasive state bound to the application, e.g. language?
@SvenvandeScheur what si that ?
@FlyingGambit deprecate California Style Sheets, Hey Tee Marksmith Longboats and use Jenny Scrolls for EVERYTHING \o/
It sort of looks like a SNES game...
yeah, put it in the oven and maybe it gets a gray tint
I bet you had to take it out and blow at the connections every once in a while
No, the unit had a missive sink on it
with a quite small fan
yeah lol, I only saw one IRL, the whole setup looked queer
I went from 133MHz to 1.6GHz; when I first heard someone had 128MB RAM my jaw dropped
that's more ram than my first hdd
@FilipDupanović I am Literally getting troll fu_ked sideways
you're aware
do I not speak what your heart truly desires? a universal language to communicate teh codes with your fellow bros
like webassembly?
@FlyingGambit why there are so many framewors :)
@SvenvandeScheur lisp
@littlepootis becaz people think instead of patching existing ones they should come with a new one
lodash is an example
lodash is a different story
@FlyingGambit the next one that comes out I'll do a router for it, get mad stars on GH, pick up a hot chick with dem
@FlyingGambit ashkenas approves of lodash
I don't really like the concept of libraries "rewriting" a language, lodash doesn't do that too much I think but I prefer vanilla...
And gone is the cordova code...
@SvenvandeScheur map, pluck, pick are some neat functions from lodash
@littlepootis why does his approval matter ? never heard of his name
@corvid AppState? can you find an example in the repo i linked to you?
Does the dude abide?
@FilipDupanović All the chicks from stackoverflow chat ?
@FlyingGambit made underscore
I did not even know this existed twitter.com/malyw/status/798904609221869569
@KendallFrey Happy Friday Dudes! cc @rlemon @FlyingGambit
@littlepootis he probably agrees because he did not want to go through pain of rewriting the yucky code inside
@Loktar How do I get tricked by that link every Friday
lodash is nice to have and I like it more than JQuery (may be not comparable)
@FlyingGambit it's not even a trick man
It's just the Friday song
Black Frey day :D
I just bought an ipad
I feel so dirty
I need a shower
but today is not black friday
@rlemon oh you so naughty
@Neoares oh I am off by 2 weeks
some guy in office told me today is black friday
sadly i believe everything
$ w
!!> 'https://alfred3-sample.auth0.com/api/v2/'.match(/\/\/(.*)\.auth0/)[1]
@Abhishrek "alfred3-sample"
does that look light a good way to fetch the alfred3-sample part?
const [subDomain] = (new URL('https://alfred3-sample.auth0.com/api/v2/')).hostname.split('.')
@BenFortune "ReferenceError: URL is not defined"
const a = document.createElement('a'); a.href = 'https://alfred3-sample.auth0.com/api/v2/';
const [b,,] = a.hostname.split('.')
@BenFortune hahaha
god dammit. I guess great minds think alike?
yaya service workers
@FlyingGambit Underscore and jQuery were the only libraries I used back when I used to do frontend.
I still use lodash :(
I haven't put in the effort to drop it, yet.
@rlemon You bet your ass. Why [b,,] btw?
reminds me there is two wasted values
Fair enough
doesn't actually do anything
What happens it if returns more?
Makes sense
He wants JS to do the work of reading two more values, then throwing them away
in all likelyhood my trailing ,, would be stripped away in the jit
sad throw-away culture we live in..
@SterlingArcher You suck, just for the record.
It's like those people that grab 20-30 napkins, then use one.
@Luggage fuck you, the other 19 go in my glove compartment for emergencies -- don't take my napkins!
@Trasiva Yeah Karen
@Luggage Free napkins, why pay for them?
OHh, that's fine. I'm talking about the people that just throw them away.
about twice a year Holly cleans out the glove compartment and we end up having like 4-5 handfuls of napkins
like any desk drawer at any job i've ever had.
My friend steals napkins and toothpicks.
She collects them..
She's a hoarder?
@Loktar just napkins and toothpicks.

Idk, MIT, I guess
ಠ_ಠ('You done fucked up');
it overwrites console.warn
VM786141:1 Uncaught TypeError: console.warn is not a function(…)
It's a joke.
@littlepootis Thats how it should have been
Why would you even do that, just alias it
even if it is a joke, why
Jokes don't have to make sense.
@Luggage oh why drop it ? it still has nice shorthand functions
look at most of mine.
could have been a joke, AND not fucked things up
@FlyingGambit true
@rlemon PR
hey guys. what is the best option for getting dental work done in the united states.
A: Insurance
B: Fly to other country
C: pay out of pocket?
A: Best choice, but probably too late if you need something NOW
B: Um.. only if it's a real expensive procedure..
C: See A. Might be your only choice.
What procedure?
Not that I know what things cost.. but..
@HatterisMad Flying to other country is a good option and may be cheap but cost of flight needs to be included here
uhh fillings at the moment
dental insurance is usually wuite cheap compared to health insurance.
to prevent being root canals in the future
ask for a price. it's probably cheaper than flying somewhere
and you have recourse if it goes wrong, unlike in mexico
I just had a cleaning for $170 or something.
i just called a local dentist and they said $300 per filling
But it's covered. Just giving a cad price
something i can't afford
How cheap are your international flights?
@HatterisMad insurance, and then pay out of pocket
I got my braces done in $300
well all the rest of my dental work that i have had in my life was done in thailand
because goodluck finding dental insurance that will cover it all
(besides cleanings)
and i can damn near fly to thailand and get my dental work done for the price of doing it here
what loktar said.
@HatterisMad can you take a line of credit or something if you need cash now?
@HatterisMad cost of the trip factored in as well?
@Loktar yeah
do you need filling in every tooth? :)
yeah I can't remember what a filling cost, I know a rootcanal + crown (uninsured) is around 1200 or so
$300 x 32
yeah @Luggage $300 is probably about right I'd bet
fillings aren't generally crazy pricey
@Luggage i have never had health insurance in my life and my parents don't help me with money
@Loktar filling in thailand was $6 a tooth
I help my parents with money, so don't play that sad story to me.
@Loktar root canal was $27
@Luggage my mom is too proud 😒
I grew up in a trailer
@HatterisMad yeesh, I wonder how they compare skill and material wise
@Luggage haha dude same
my dad lived in my basement for 8 years
not the trailer part, but the taking care of parents part
we lost every house I lived in... great times
@rlemon actually my mom is doing just fine now, but i've helped a little in the past.. and certainly got no money form them (except fo rthem raising me and all.. )
@Loktar all of my doctors in thailand went to school in california and spoke fluent english and had better care than i have had in the states
not to be ungrateful
my moms basement just flooded and she won't let me help her
@HatterisMad well shit man, maybe that's the best route then
@FlyingGambit really?
damn I envy you having that option
@Luggage yeah but i mean my parents wont help me with fundamental health issues when they blow money on stuff like racing
They asked me $1000. I was like "yeah, no, thanks".
I paid $600 for a stupid root canal + crown (with insurance covering the rest)
@littlepootis Yup, in India everything is cheap
I'm in India too
Tell them you need a couple new carburetors.
man... I don't have to pay for myself. but fuck is animal dentistry expensive. just payed (now, in total) ~2 grand for one tooth + post care for my cat
@Loktar I had 7 teeth removed in thailand for $750 , $600 of that was the anesthetic and hospital room
@littlepootis Got it done from Lions Club Hospital
@HatterisMad damn cheap man
do they expect pay up front?
I mean you could get a TON of stuff done and just leave the country forever! :p
@Loktar a lot like your mom
@HatterisMad you, having lived there, might be a lot more comfortable going to some place like thailand. Me? not so much.
but at those prices why I guess
Yeah unless you have insurance that works with them
@Loktar if they catch you tho you have a prominent career as a ladyboy going forward
so um.. after this.. get inssurance. I think dental is pretty "cheap"
@Luggage it is quite common to be a medical tourist in thailand
@KendallFrey hey don't take her Holiday Discount as normal prices
you getting your damn touch today?
she never told me she has a holiday discount
I read NO ONE in Canada has gotten theirs yet
and most people were moved to Fri
@Loktar "umm, Mrs. Loktar, I don't think santa says "Hoe Hoe Hoe"", "he does in this house!"
what's %20 of $0.01?
@Loktar It's out for delivery
@KendallFrey well she charges based on dick size so...
@Luggage i am debating about getting dental insurance right now or trying to wait it out until i make a visit trip to thailand soon and just get it done when i am there
@littlepootis I am not a clever man
@Loktar ohhhhhhhhhhh
@HatterisMad Flying to Thailand is your best bet here and maybe they even allow payment in installments
@FlyingGambit for $6 fillings i won't need to pay in installments lol
@KendallFrey niiiceeeeee
It could come at any moment
If a dozen donuts costs $0.12 how much does 100 donuts cost
@HatterisMad Depends on the number of tooth you have to get filled
@SterlingArcher Feeling in your toes
@SterlingArcher $200. Thanks Obama.
You guys suck lol
@SterlingArcher your health
@Luggage Soemthing to do with Obama Care ?
Just keep repeating my joke, guys
I don't know.. I like Obama, it was a joke for sterling.
but do you like like him?
like like ?
plz circle answer
yes      no
/me circles "answer"
@SterlingArcher More than your broke ass has because you bought an Audi, fur coat, and a drug dealing watch.
@KendallFrey you were the kid every teacher tried not to get in their class
@rlemon I used to do the same thing.
I probably was
'Please circle the appropriate answer' circles 'appropriate answer'
Still no @ssube yet?
@Trasiva lol I've been better about my expenses. Haven't been impulsive since the fur coat lol
I'm waiting for the results of an impulse buy :3
I impulsed for presents
probably over spent
a several hundred dollar VR headset doesn't count as an impulsive buy
the Touch does
@ndugger it does if you purchased it on an impulse
@Trasiva Either way, Obama is a great person, a respectable man
@FlyingGambit What the fuck does that have to do with my comment?
@SterlingArcher So you're only buying a watch a month then?
What is a better way of doing this:

gotta keep that collection growing
lmao I have 2 watches!
@Trasiva was supposed to be for rlemon
aka find and remove
gotta go
bye guys
@jake well your code won't do that
pop doesn't take arguments
@FlyingGambit and a poop apparently

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