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  const name = capitalize(file)
    .slice(0, match.index)
    .replace(/\./g, ' ')
Is this how you indent?
in the last step: node_modules/browserify/bin/cmd.js -v -d -s docx2html -r ./lib:docx2html -o dist/index.js -i jquery

What does the last parameter naming jquery mean?
I suppose I did not need to direct that ecclusively to @lu
@Waterscroll i indent like this:
  const name = capitalize(file).slice(0, match.index)
                               .replace(/\./g, ' ')
that's the way i code
and when i see any so posts don't indent like me, i'll edit
hi all, a quick java answer would be nice :) i recently saw this in java code : ClassName<..> ,I usually see ClassName(variables) what are these <>?also note that they arent used to compare variables (sry for bad english) can anyone post a link with an answer :/?
@xlxs Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@xlxs sorry. we are too stupid. can you jump to Java room instead? (active 11:00 UTC)
@LearnHowToBeTransparent seems everyone is afk there :/
@xlxs no. we are making projects. remember the active time for both JS and Java rooms is 11:00 UTC.
you can get help
@LearnHowToBeTransparent thank you for the info didn't know about active times :)
@xlxs it is not official, it is experience
@LearnHowToBeTransparent ok thanks anyway :)
@copy I haven't been able to figure out 40: golf.shinh.org/p.rb?Reverse+the+input
This channel is active when we should all be working.
2 hours later…
2 hours later…
I am starting javascript
would I use Jquery in my html file or js file?
starting from the very basics
jquery is js
so I'd keep it in my js file
hello any one online here
1 hour later…
I made a server that serves TS files
idk how I never did this before
it's glorious
serves compiled JS from requested TS files that is
@Mosho are you going to call it "PrintingPress" ?
@Abhishrek sup
@Abhishrek why would I do that
1 hour later…
@AwalGarg nothing much, just browsing
@Mosho just random
@Abhishrek how is your job going? and have you played any tricks on amaan yet? :P
why would I play tricks on Amaan?
He works with you, right?
Why tricks?
He is a very respected co-worker.
2 hours later…
earthquake in NZ, Christchurch, mag 7.4
@Shmiddty I got a 41 using a global that is 7 characters and returns 1-3
Oh, it actually never returns 0
3 hours later…
Hi. Does anyone use mono here...?
I use it, but i don't really know much mono-specific stuff.
I know MS.net and happen to deploy on mono, but it 'just works'.
@Luggage do you also know VB.net?
I use mono develop in the context of Unity
Yes, but I use c# and am more familiar with that.
same here luggage :-)
C# is superior. You heard me. Yes, both languages can do all the same things, but VB.NET is saddled with a very verbose syntax for compatibility.
My university forces us to use VB.net and MS Access. We had to use Turbo C++ before, and coming up next is Java on Netbeans :|
That's horrible. VB.NET is a transition language for people coming from VB 6.
@Neal are you still in NYC?
MS doesn't even recommend it for new development.
@Luggage I actually dislike the .NET libraries more than VB.net the language itself. It is so verbose.
I don't understand how a library can be verbose
you mean the API?
Yeah, that's what I meant. sorry
like all the namespaces and such?
@AwalGarg In JS, you type a lot more than in C# because your code prediction is squat and autocomplete isn't exactly intellisense.
meh. when you have a framework with that much functionality it needs to be organized. You can use aliases and such in your using statements to help.
yea.. I am missing c#'s 'intellisense'.
as my JS project grows I wonder if I should have used TS, or got flow working
@BenjaminGruenbaum Well sure - but I wasn't comparing it to JS :) (won't compare typed and untyped languages ever, actually)
@copy elapsed()%3?
@AwalGarg wow.
@AwalGarg what were you comparing to?
What's the goal? to reverse all the lines?
@Shmiddty what environment?
spidermonkey 7
@Shmiddty WriteAllLines("file", ReadAllLines("file").Select(l => l.Reverse()) or something like that, maybe a few more without my extensions.
looking for a 40 character reverse string
@BenjaminGruenbaum nothing in specific. Just felt that it felt verbose, so expressed that :( As I said, I only use it at college, so no strong opinions.
I put in a request for es6
@BenjaminGruenbaum Is reduce/fold a built in? Was looking for it the other day
@AwalGarg Obviously, you have Aggregate and typically there are specifics for what you're actually trying to do like .Sum .GroupBy and so on.
@Shmiddty [...readline()].reverse().map(putstr)?
@BenjaminGruenbaum nice
@AwalGarg also, it's all on lazy collections.
no es6 features
I think their solution involves a for loop
for(r=readline(i=10);i--;)putstr(r[i]||"") another 42
@copy found it!
!!>console.log(''+undefined, ''+[undefined])
@Shmiddty "undefined" Logged: "undefined",["undefined"]
@Shmiddty "undefined" Logged: "undefined",""
Can anyone do a npm install -g yo generator-mono...I want to check the folders the generator installs...
@Shmiddty Ah, I remember that trick from some other puzzle
I couldn't figure out how to to the loop shorter
@Shmiddty Without the %3
I couldn't get the pascal's triangle to work. integer overflow issues
well played
deyalp llew
should I launch now and end it or keep going
ships done
oh hi
Launch if you are bored and want a new game.
btw,y ou don't need your geothermal generator under a roof
what game is that
but I like them under roofs
looks better imo
and I usually attach a fuse to them
the official game of SO JS Chat room
I want to start over and do a massive drug production farm
rimworld needs water management
but I'm also in fall of year two
and droughts
that's only year two?
and I have a prisoner and animals on my colony
3rd of fall, 5502
I am working with some basic javascript code and have to make use of a file of js code and use it a an api
in terms of coding practice, should I manipulate that file/api or make my own file and call it in their?
@FlorianMargaine The ch11ng guy is quite cool
Hi guys! Can somebody help me to sort out multiple plugin instances, please? I'd like to use different options object depending on the user click but I can't find a way to make it happen :-/
@AntonKoning Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
to rephrase, I have two js files included in my html. Now will my other js file be able to see that file?
Of course
Interesting. Didn't know that.
@Zirak yeah, totally
and super responsive to issues
I opened one yesterday and it's already fixed in master
so ... I have been playing some store.steampowered.com/app/107600
conclusion - steam's controller's touchpad thing is actually pretty accurate, when implemented correctly
1 hour later…
@tereško yeah man it's awesome actually
just takes a lot of getting used to
I think I should try to get some sleep
Hi, someone here? :)
Needing some help ...
what do you need sir?
@towc I'm new to JavaScript and need access the courses of this variable: model = new Timetable.Model(); and the model is looking like this:
Timetable.Model = function() {
  "use strict";
  var that = {},

  function setCourseList(list) {
    courses = list;

  that.setCourseList = setCourseList;
  return that;
Need to do that for university => not my code
so you're asking us to do your homework?
we can give you hints
but we won't give you anything more, remember that
I know, I'm learning the language
think about what you have
and think about what you can do with it
if you're not clear where to start, try logging model
I understand that new Timetable.Model() is calling the constructur
well, not really
it's being used in the wrong way
if you removed the new, it would be used as a constructor
but to make it actually work as a constructor, you'd need to replace that with this
then work your way until you find what works, and look at constructor examples
Is there anyone here who might be able to help me with a webapp deployment issue?
I'm using Tomcat 9.0.0.M8
@DRich don't ask if you can ask. Ask your question and if anyone's around and willing to answer, they'll help you
Pardon me
So logging it is giving me an Object which is containing setCourseList and a __proto__ object
Q: Tomcat webapps dir not equal to Chrome Source DIR

DRichI'm trying to deploy a Spring Webapp to Tomcat 9.0.0.M8. I'm doing this by copying the necessary files into the apache-tomcat-9.0.0.M8\webapps\\ directory. The issue is that some of my JavaScript files do not appear in the source folder when I view it from Chrome: Of course, this means my HT...

@MatthiasHerrmann now you can investigate further
In summary, why isn't my webapp directory = the source directory in localhost?
Searching Google/SO hasn't turned up anything regarding this particular issue
I've seen some stuff about why an ENTIRE folder might be missing
but nothing about why only a handful of files might be left out
@towc I got no glue, I don't need the setCourseList method and I guess get __proto__: won't help me either
why do you say you don't need that?
Because it is a setter and I need to get the courses which are of type array and the setter stuff has already been implemented for us (because we have just started to learn the language)
oh, so you're trying to make a getter by writing code?
ok then, just use the same structure
but instead of setting, return the value
@MatthiasHerrmann Show us the setter code
that's already the setter code
@tereško looks like geometry wars
no, the setter is already called by some code (which is implemented for us) we need just to acess the courses and loop through them and outputting some html list elements as result
@towc What's the setter code?
scroll up
@MatthiasHerrmann oh sorry
it's that
got it
The courses are set like this: model.setCourseList(data.courses); but idk how to acess the courses...
@MatthiasHerrmann but
you know how to set the courses
re-paste your code
or give us a pastebin link
Nvm ty fortrying to help me, I guess I will ask in the course about that^^
best of luck
Atom isn't opening :/

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