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I'm officially dedicating 1 of my 4 screens as the chat.
@rlemon AMA from Alex Jones might actually be awesome (if not trolled too much ... one doesnt need to troll Jones to get entertaining results)
@rlemon is that alex jones as in "he might be bill hicks" alex jones?
> inter-dimensional beings
pls be true
I'm an inter-dimensional being
I exist and move in 4 dimensions
if you had a framework, would you test the source directly or the shipped, bundled code?
@Mosho is both an answer?
the problem though
is that code is TS
compiled to ES6
then babeld to ES5
Hella compiling son
gods below
test at every step. it's free.
it's not
and on multiple targets
you can't test untranspiled code
test on IE and chrome, etc, etc
Then you answerd your own question. :)
@Mosho why not?
but bundling
@tereško well, nothing can run TS
and nothing can run ES6 modules
Is there no unit testing framework in TrueScript/TypeSctipt (which ever you use) ?
then there's not much different from transpiling yourself
I transpiled myself when I woke up this morning.
I run into issues when trying to test the code without bundling
@Luggage tmi
btw .. you could just transpile your unit tests too
and am wondering, since the code shipped is the bundled code, why not test just that
yea, do that
@KendallFrey Lock the door, there's clowns and ISIS outside best line I've heard all week
@SterlingArcher whut
Neat, I configured my bank app to text me when my debit card is used. Now I can start feeling guilty about spending it
Do html, css, js apps that are compiled with the likes of cordova, electron, nw.js fall under the eu cookie law?
@SterlingArcher So, a python developer, who probably likes python, also likes angular? I'm shocked.
anybody ever gotten one of these?
Yes, I am saying that python is bad, and you should feel bad
@tereško i'm pretty sure ssube was talking about unit testing TS a few weeks ago
wondering if you could set one up at your desk to help optimize your state of mind
@bitten in that case I am really confused about what "testing" he's doing there
@Shane wow. thanks for the link. I want one.
@SterlingArcher How neat is that?
@tereško coverage, for sure, i am not sure if he was |testing| anything
I've got the muse headset, but it's more of a toy choosemuse.com
@Schoening - nice
let me know if you get one, I'm thinking about it myself, but I'd love to hear from anybody that's used one
oh man... midroll ads on massive attack are not cool at all... youtube.com/watch?v=ROrte4MMnrE
@Shane are you watching me or something? I am listening to Dissolved Girl - Massive Attack rn..
huh... that's a lil weird
haha yes ^^
@Shane youtube red solves that
haven't used it yet
@Loktar o/
Good Morning :D
oh... in canada
Just a terrible terrible name for their platform
hey, morning @Abhishrek
we don't get anything up here
@Shane ahh that sucks man
@rlemon has the same issue
well, we do.. but it takes a while
@Shane use a proxy/vpn
I'm from the States originally, so I got used to it and then lost it
cross the border, signup
yeah, I might one of these days
@Abhishrek doesn't matter
youtube knows where you browse from
unless you 100% proxy
@rlemon even behind a vpn ?
14 secs ago, by rlemon
unless you 100% proxy
which is stupid
I've got the netgear nighthawk, supposedly it can handle that
I pay for a proxy, it's handy for some t hings
but then I'm instantly limiting my speeds
need to do custom firmware though, on the fence about it because I've heard it's buggy
I bet you're a terry
ddwrt is fine
in fact I prefer ddwrt over most router software/firmware
@ndugger @bitten Using a chrome extension, I can't get the window object without a content script. And using a content script seems to be the same as using a bookmarklet. What should I do?
I've heard it's old and busted
yea it's legit
hmm, ok
where did you read that?
not being funny, read that in a few places, what's the new one
can't remember, been about a month
no clue, I still use ddwrt
never had problems
openwrt I think
it's got more recent activity
@Slayther Why do you need the window?
@ndugger So I can get the scrolling position?
from what I remember ddwrt is powerful because of what's been done, but it's losing momentum... I could be totally wrong here, but I think that's what I read
@Slayther document.scrollingElement
hey @rlemon , you ever seen the open openbci.com project?
I'll peek at it
I'm thinking about picking up one of these at some point and wearing it while I work
it's an open source eeg
pretty sure it can connect with arduino's, etc
which... hehe... doesn't take much thought to realize how awesome that could be
@ndugger Then I need the document element, getting the same issue
@Slayther I've never created an extension, but there must be a way. I have no idea
Just don't tell me I will have to create a separate program to do that e.e
Seems someone else also had same problem..
> So there is no way I can interact with this pdf embed plugin, just to know the scrolling position in an extension i'm building?
thanks for any help
You need a content script
@BenFortune But I can't get correct scrolling position from a content script
At least not that I'm aware of
It always returns 0
Got an example of your content script?
Well, is injecting JS from background page same as running a content script on the page?
@rlemon ddwrt is almost as awful as linksys stock. have you tried openwrt?
Ok, I will create a separate content script
I've read openwrt is kind of the emerging leader there... but it's not quite ripe
full disclosure though I know nothing beyond a couple day's research when I was buying my router
@ThiefMaster pft. nothing is as bad as linksys stock.
even dlink does it better
@BenFortune Here:
setInterval(function() {
  alert("SCROLL:" + window.scrollY);
  console.log("SCROLL:" + window.scrollY);
}, 5000);
@Slayther if you made a form that accepts a link, and have a back end wrap an overflow: auto div element around the embed element, you should be able to get the scrollTop from the wrapper
not ideal though, current page won't make sense
@doug65536 Back end?
a webserver
Like, a chrome extension?
I don't want to go that far
The above code in a content script
Alerts "Start"
And then alerts "SCROLL: 0" every 5 seconds
Why is linksys so bad? It's like a printer driver
No matter what scroll position is
@SterlingArcher That's not the NX :(
@SterlingArcher what do you think it is?
I only want NX and NX related news
But this is googles phone launch
@Slayther Chrome uses an <embed></embed> element for PDFs, maybe you should check that instead of window.
@BenFortune Though why does that work in console?
window.scrollY returns correct values in console
Does Chrome handle that?
@SterlingArcher NO EXCUSES
@SterlingArcher Oh yeah the official launch is today
Thanks to Bell, though... :P
@BenFortune document.querySelector('embed').scrollTop also returns 0
@Slayther Does it? Mine reports 0 every time
@BenFortune From console, it does.
From bookmarklet or content script, no
@BenFortune that doesn't work either. I tried.
Didn't realise how much crap they needed for their PDF viewer
Yeah and they enveloped it in turd
So you can't access their crap
Not in conventional way anyways
PDFs are turds.
They need to bring back NPAPI
PDFs are awesome.
If I will have to create a separate program to access the fing scroll position, I will shot myself with a rope and hang myself with a gun, in that order.
You suck at suicide.
I know :(
Why do you care about scroll position in a pdf?
it's an output format.
@Slayther isn't it because pdfs aren't libre?
probably creating a bookmarking thing
That automatically saves your exact position and you can bookmark different positions and pages as well
@bitten No, because chrome's pdf viewer is weird.
That was my goal
well, you can't depend on external pdf viewers at all (like chromes). The only reliable iway tis to render your own pdfs, which is a hassle
i can't imagine any js-based pdf renderer is as up-to-date as adobe's
Sigh.. How can such a simple task be made so freaking complicated.
I will just buy Google and deal with it
it's difficult because pdf is normally a final output that you SEND to someone
It's all boxed up and ready to ship.
@Luggage But the PDF viewer should deal with it and provide some API at least
unless it's a JS pdf viewer, it's an external program and chrome's is differnt than IE, which is different than the adobe plugin
@Luggage I just care about Chrome's
So, this guy just asked how to mathemetically prove that n+2 > n+1 ∀ n
@littlepootis Wow..
:/n => 2 > 1, welp that was hard
pdf.js looks better than i thought
@Luggage Well it seems I will have to use a JS pdf viewer
And use anything they expose
yea, but pdf.js seems like it's the one that comes in firefox. it should be decent
and do what you want
@Luggage Comes in firefox?
It's the PDF viewer used by Firefox
Welp, if Firefox uses it
It must be good enough
then it must be slow?
@Luggage Have you seen shumway?
@Luggage It's not :P
If I can get scrolling position, I'm good
The window.scrollY doesn't work there either lmao
you can get the page number.
apparently, you can bookmark it by url./
@littlepootis document.querySelector("#viewerContainer").scrollTop
Aww, doesn't work
@Slayther It.. works :)
good luck. I got the prototype of the embed, it is HTMLEmbedElement. it has scrollTop, always 0
It works. I will just use js pdf viewer
how does that hold up to different zoom levels?
It doesn't
It works good
You just set zoom to auto every time
And it displays correct line
hi all
does anyone know where i could start learning es6 for dummy?
theres alot out there, but something more fun to read
Read ES6 for pepes
have you learned ES5 yet?
@Spurdow Learning JavaScript, 3rd Edition (O'Reilly) is not bad.
Teaches you everything.
@Spurdow this site concisely shows new stuff, and shows what you would do in ES5 for comparison
if you already know es5 it helps to see what es5 is required, to understand what the es6 feature does
@KevinB I'm still stuck on ESlvl2
Can't beat the protoboss
Hrm. Another salad for lunch or chipotle
!!chipotle or salad
@SterlingArcher chipotle
You're the boss
@littlepootis yes thats true, but for now I want to enjoy learning, sometimes oreilly books are deep, and yet english is not my primary language. anyway thanks :D

@doug65536 that is one of the sites i read lately, thanks anyway. :D
I don't like how JSFiddle blocks code with the settings button
Hi, can someone here help one guy that have a question, i couldnt help him, may somebody could stackoverflow.com/questions/39853550/…
@CeylanMumunKocabaş Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I did 18 seconds of SO searches and cannot find the dupe
Q: How to add a fade effect when changing classes?

Sadegh ShaikhiI don't know how to add an animation effect when the classes are changed. Here is my code: $("#a-button").click( function() { $("#a-div").toggleClass("hidden show"); }); This works but it doesn't have any effect when changing the classes.I want to make it smoother, maybe something lik...

Can you do inline transitions in react css transition group?
@KendallFrey oooooo
i didn't know react had anything to do with transitions
@rlemon hmmm
@Luggage When something appears on or leaves the dom
css transition group sucks.
yes it does
one thing I dislike about react is dealing with transitions/animations
I usually do some hackey shit like add a class to transition and after a timeout actually unmount the element
That's what I am trying to figure out a decent solution to right now, I just want a sidebar that appears on clicking a button and forces dom elements to the left more
@corvid on mount add a class that transitions in
make the initial style off the page/hidden
yea, in this case, don't even add/remove from DOM. Just show/hide and use plain css transitions
At least, that's how I would do it.
yeah my issues are generally when an element is actually unmounting but I need a leaving transition
entering is usually pretty straightforward
right, i can see that. Like deleting things from a <ul> and wanting them to be all fancy in thier departure
@Loktar Wouldn't you also have to add that to componentWillReceiveProps in order to have it reactively update on the state changing?
I guess that depends on how you want it to act
I've only had to use componentWillReceiveProps once so far in my react career
when you menu expands, you might have to adjust the style on other elements. e.g. the 'container' of your page main body. For this, you could just add/remove a 'menu-opened' class on a root element and so the rest in css
.menu-opened .menu { display: block }
.menu-opened .container { padding-left: 200px; }
What about when it leaves?
@ndugger your components don't take new props? or are a100% of your components stteless?
then remove the class?
I just generally don't have to check that a component is going to receive new props. I just let it happen
I've used componentWillReceiveProps many times
ohh, right, but you have to react to it sometimes, right?
I use it on some input components to know that a value was changed from the outside
componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) {
    if (nextProps.visible !== this.props.visible) {
        if (nextProps.visible) {
        } else {
I mean, I use different classNames depdning on props or state inside of my render, yeah
example of doing a transition on a modal with it
yea, if you only react in render() you don't need componentWillReceiveProps.
I only use it 3 times, but that's also because only a smallish part of my app is in reac.
componentWillReceiveProps (nextProps) {

	if (this.context.shouldForceUpdate()) {
		Object.assign(this.apiObject.props, nextProps);
heh yeah our react apps are rather large
that's my only usage of it ever
Don't even ask what apiObject is
It's complicated
been using it since 2014 though
lmao I forgot I was screensharing during my standup and I was playing with the google maps tool I made and I was wondering why everybody went quiet when I zoomed in on Kangaroo Valley in australia, and my PM just stops and goes "Jordan are you looking for kangaroos or something?"
Who's Jordan?
Who's you?
@SterlingArcher were you looking for kangaroos?
@SterlingArcher glares
I was looking for kangaroos, yes.
did you find any?
I did not, no.
Maybe they were hiding
that sucks, almost as much as being back at work after having a week off :(
At least I was playing with the maps tool and didn't troll off on the internet
Amazon can't math
@SterlingArcher now that you're the scrumb lord, you can start the standup with "today we'll be sharing our favorite noods"
Is that the amazon review of @KendallFrey's mom?
@BenFortune lol wtf
@SterlingArcher no that was a survey of how long everyone thinks @KendallFrey penis is
@ssube jokes on you, being a scrumb lord just helped me get a company SPOT award and a bonus. Suck it nerd
@Loktar OHSNAP
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property '__SECRET_DOM_DO_NOT_USE_OR_YOU_WILL_BE_FIRED' of undefined
@SterlingArcher ahaha you assholes do spot awards too? Those must be out of some shitty 80s management book, cause we have them too
@Loktar the radius of a star is still pretty big...
and all our employee incentive programs are straight out of the lame "how to be an 80s guy" business books
lmao @ssube we have a sick referral program, but corporate awards are pretty old school. We're doing internal branch updates though. But hey, a SPOT award looks good on a resume, and i cant hate on $500 bonus for kicking ass
you get to grab secretary butts?
@ssube The hell is a SPOT award?
@Zirak participation award that your manager nominates you for and are selected politically
A "hurray you did a thing" motivators?
a 'gold star' ?
@SterlingArcher spot awards on a resume lolwut? those are like "hey, good job making me not look like an asshole yesterday" tokens from your boss, they're meaningless in real life
Monthly, bi-annually, randomly?
@Zirak yes
I hate you guys stop raining on my first professional award
@Luggage it's your 5yo notebook? :o
I'm really happy about it :(

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