I´m trying to render url action with javascript in an MVC project. I capture an event on my page which calls this function but I´m not sure how to call this certain URL.
Can anyone help me please? :)
function onDropDownChange(e) {
var url = '/Home/Index/' + e.value;
//What now...?
My phone has been having severe battery issues. Something is wrong with the calibration. It will die at any % battery because it doesn't know it has battery. Won't turn back on till it's plugged in, then it turns on at the proper battery level
Guys, I suck at SVG... is it possible to, simply, create a 100x100 grid and draw text within it? It keeps drawing in weird positions, I think one of the "anchor points" is off
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Hmmm I have googled. Anyone have a good solution for replacing _.defaults from underscore. Their function seems too convoluted. That is the last underscore fn for me to replace.
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How do I use this in a MVC project: http://codepen.io/josemc/pen/Kwbapp?editors=1100 The Less CSS uses @ signs which makes my view believe it's C# code...
ok within that if, when I do the following it is just setting the td with an inner input of class remediation-datepicker to that date value. Not every datepicker in the table rows?
You now know what Object.assign does so do what I do. Read the code, execute it in your mind and detemrine if you like the outcome
e.g. I have no idea why you aren't setting properties on destination. It's called destinateion but it's NOT a destination. so.. who knows if that's right