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ANybody have the S7 edge?
Is the curved screen any cool?
@taco you summoned me master?
How's everyone doing? Very quick question. Is node.js's immediate something to stay away from? I found that I needed to perform a function after the stack that called it was finished.
It actually worked beautifully ... I'm just going to keep it..
@tereško The Manhua is excellent
But the translation and naming are making my eyes bleed.
Don't unpin dank memes, hater
@SomeKittens hey man :d
happy Friday
ok... my pc build purchases are finally complete
grabbed that, and a vesa mount
hey @SomeKittens
@Loktar good lord
dude I went all out this build
but.. this is the last total 2 year build I'll do for a long time
just going to upgrade it over time
@ndugger haha yeah, seriously man havent had a new nvidia in like 14 years
wish AMD had better offerings right now, but meh
I can't get locked down to a company, seems silly
gotta go where the consumer offerings are best
I need a sick PC. But I want watches too :(
why not both?!
A sick watch pc
Watercooled, 3TB SSD, curved screen gaming watch
when balls deep isnt deep enough
I'm most excited for that tbh
speaking of ssd
PCIe SSD, yes please!
@SterlingArcher you forgot 38-inch QHD
the speeds are insane
Get real pootis it's a watch
get a PC with that you casual
^ yeah come @littlepootis
lets not be unrealistic! :p
@Loktar "this is the fastest porn i've ever watched"
hahah, I am now a 500 millisecond man
lmao but with my processor speed, I'm ready to go again in nothing flat!
I think I'm gonna buy a new TV tomorrow
That's what I got in the basement. 55" 4K LG
Got it for $750 on black friday :D
I'm sure they're hella cheaper now though
Nice. I've been rocking a 46" for the past 4 years
time to upgrade
My room has like 38" but it does the job
I only own the one TV
my 46" will move to my room
Put the new one wherever you use the most TV
Yeah, I am
I barely use my 55 because I'm always in my room when I'm home :(
@tereško oh ...!
@SterlingArcher ok
How in the fuck
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oh lol charlie keeps trying to sleep on the keyboard. I went to get water :P
What is charlie?
this is charlie
Shes one of the roomies dogs. Moose is coming home sunday
@SterlingArcher He looks like he is about to get ....
Ok i actually love this room.. so im cool here
Whassup Guys long time no see here
@SterlingArcher I didnt see you guys in like a week .. is what i meant
-1 not transparent enough
@littlepootis Hmm :/
@Loktar Why are you Exited?
There are already PCIe SSD's.. there said to be 5000x faster.
than regular SSD's
I'd sell my kidney for 5000x faster than regular SSDs.
Can you use RegEx to select shit that ain't there?
wait its either 500 or 5000 xD
Sorry i gotta get my numbers right :(
@carb0nshel1 What do you mean?
This C++ Thing Isnt Working!! :(
like in a string: 'this is a string' I only have 4 words there. I'm not asking if I can select the white-space between the words but can I select a value or values/patterns not inside my string
you sound crazy
@carb0nshel1 You sound insane.
@carb0nshel1 are you sure your head is working right?
You think you can pull a random substring from string that isnt in the string?
Yeah...like in other parts
Say I have other strings with other values you know
But I can only use the given string. like 'this is a string' And I need to find and pull 'purple elephant' from another string, but all I have is the first one.
@carb0nshel1 Are you completely out of your mind?
Um. Maybe but is that bad
@carb0nshel1 Ok.. nice trolling..
So I guess it's not possible. Sigh
@carb0nshel1 No its totaly possible.. from 'this is a string' .. you can randomly pull out "Your a troller" .. :-) .. Checkout Troller.js
Wtf you are trolling me
@carb0nshel1 Hey.. if someone trolls me.. i got to hit them back with a troll..
it's you're btw.
wrong strategy
never feed the troll
I'll figure this out and share my findings. Thanks I guess?
Well took me long to type this up..
Any help would be greatly appreciated.. hope not much hate.
Please direct those questions to the proper room.
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3 hours later…
Anybody here into developing HTML5/Javascript games?
@ThinhNguyen Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Sep 12 at 12:11, by towc
the compo is up! http://js13kgames.com/entries/glitch-maze
As always, it'd be really appreciated for the link to go around twitter, facebook, and G+
So at least one regular
Hey guys, is it possible to use destructuring assignment with iterators in ES6? For example:
var [red, green, blue] = enumerate();
need something @ThinhNguyen
I just want to develop a 2D game and I'm just wondering if I should build it with any frameworks available or to build with pure JS. I just started to learn game development, I mean, I've worked with JS and web development before but web game is different.
@AaditMShah As long as enumerate() returns an array, sure.
@ThinhNguyen I started (and kept going) without engines, I built my own, but then I have way too much time on my hands, so I'm not a good standard to compare to
I suggest you look at other game engines (and not the code), and try to understand how do they work, through research and stuff
If you do decide to use a framework, give phaser.io a try.
@ivarni it's becoming the jQuery of gamedev in my opinion :/
Well, just like jQuery it just.. works :)
fair enough
But to see how it can be done without a framework, maybe study github.com/simonswain/coldwar ?
That's a pretty awesome one, even though it's not very interactive
it's also pretty complicated
hard to start with
thank you guys
without framework or jQuery is good, i'm just terrified about how physics works :D
@towc Worked for me. But then I just built a snake game and then I got bored with it
There's more money in building CMSes :)
Or rather... setting them up
i.sstatic.net/pjAv9.png could just be that I suck at drawing :)
@ivarni Perhaps I'm not using the right terminology. I don't want enumerate to return values. I want it to yield values. Hence, enumerate is a generator?
or storage?
Hmm.. so you want to destructure the result(s) of an async action?
Not sure how that would work
The generator would yield a value each time .next() is called so to get 3 values out of it you'd need to call that 3 times
Or are you thinking more about streams?
Nevermind, I got the answer:
var [red, green, blue] = enumeration();

function* enumeration(i = 0) {
    while (true) yield i++;
I had to use generators.
That works?
It does work. That's interresting
Yeah, I didn't know that either. Apparently, neither did the person who answered my question. =P
To be honest, I didn't know it was possible to destructure a generator before trying this. Pretty cool trick – of course, when used responsibly. I think your enumerator case is a pretty good fit for this. — naomik 3 mins ago
Now what would happen if the generator was async? Maybe using xhr?
I don't know. I'm not very familiar with most of the new features of JavaScript. I kind of moved away from JavaScript and hopped onto the functional programming bandwagon a while ago. Hence, I'm now more familiar with Haskell, SML, Scheme, etc.
Well I just crashed chrome
Not trying that again
Why would my ajax call not return emails that start with numbers?
@HamreenAhmad Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
ok :)
what is this error?
Incorrect datetime value: '02:02:02 am' for column 'time' at row 1
in this query
insert INTO invoices(name,phone,totalsum,givenmoney,date,time,moreinfo) VALUES ('f','2','2','2','1994-01-01','02:02:02 am','AA')
i also tried to use insert INTO invoices(name,phone,totalsum,givenmoney,date,time,moreinfo) VALUES ('f','2','2','2','1994-01-01',DATE_FORMAT('02:02:02 am','%h:%i:%s %p'),'AA')
but it still same error
so, why doesn't Object implement [Symbol.iterator] by default in es6?
also morning
maybe they want to discourage people from traversing raw objects and instead use Map, Array etc. which even makes sense
Hello room
@PrinceAccorede Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
1 hour later…
Does anyone know if merge in Immutable.js is a no-op if I pass the same properties that it already has? Should I worry about checking if anything's changed before setting the values or am I overthinking this?
It's a bit #lazyweb when I think about it though... I could just check
const A = Immutable.Record({
    a: 2,
const a = new A({ a: 3 });
console.log(a === a.merge({ a: 3 })); //true
console.log(a === a.merge({ a: 4 })); //false
Starting to like this library
@AaditMShah I use that too. I prefer wrapping the yielded value in Symbol though.
1 hour later…
Can you do this in JS? var answer = x + y - a
Sure, try it. :)
I'm using a collective selector I think its called to reference two elements from a script
var $sidebarAndWrapper = $("#sidebar, #wrapper-main");
but the console tells me that $ is not defined on that line
Although in my markup I have both with the correct ids
<div id="wrapper-main">
<div id="sidebar">
So any idea why I would get an error about $ not defined?
you don't have jQuery
Guys do you have any idea why I got : Unhandled Promise rejection: Failed to load app.component.html ; Zone: <root> ; Task: Promise.then ; Value: Failed to load app.component.html undefined after complete steps from here: angular.io/docs/ts/latest/guide/webpack.html
hmm @lemon it's been added in the libs folder
that means nothing
also have a reference to it in the index page
<script type="text/javascript" src="lib/jquery/dist/jquery.min.js"></script>
where is the code run
The code is called from a script tag referencing site.js file in my main index.cshtml
where on the page it is in relation to the script being included
hmm I think I have referenced my site.js before jquery script tag
that is probably the reason
need more coffee
How can I do this in JS? str.replace( /,/g, "" )(5,000)
+1 @rlemon
I need the str.replace function to remove the comma
!!> "5,000".replace(/,/,'')
@rlemon "5000"
str wasn't a namespace in the example you took that from
it was a example variable containing a string
why is 5 + 10 Concatenating rather than adding
i am getting 510
concatenating *
@TheCodesee one or both are strings
ok i had to use parseInt
@rlemon Got any further thoughts on Children of a Dead Earth yet?
yea, it's too complicated to play drunk (right now)
gave up last night and started playing gamedev tycoon
what a surprise
the campaign is a little boring if you ask me
albeit I'm on like mission 5
they're ofc just ramping things up
the controls are inverted from KSP and I can't figure out how to change them
that's super annoying
ohh and you need to finish like campaign mission 10 or w/e before you can make your own ships
that's kinda lame too
@KendallFrey imgur.com/Tc0l1KK lol "In our exhaustive 35-minute study"
paper from Vancouver
@rlemon What controls?
@KendallFrey wasd and mouse controls for panning zoom and rotation in space
the rotation is opposite of KSP
and there is no invert option I could find
and the control points for setting up transfers or w/e they're called are backwards from ksp.
so when you're dragging to increase, it is decreasing
gonna take a bit of getting used too
That didn't look like what I saw in the videos
in ksp pulling back would increase, closer would decrease. in CoaDE it is opposite
From what I saw, it looked like the dV was based on the position of the knob, rather than the integral of the position, as in KSP
Guys do you have any idea why I got : Unhandled Promise rejection: Failed to load app.component.html ; Zone: <root> ; Task: Promise.then ; Value: Failed to load app.component.html undefined after complete steps from here: angular.io/docs/ts/latest/guide/webpack.html
felt backwards to me
well, if those are the things you don't like, I think I'm gonna pick up a copy today
it's fun. just gonna take a bit of getting used to
I want it to be more like KSP
which I know it never claimed to be
You can't expect them to clone KSP
but otoh they had to get inspiration from it
but ohh man if someone made a KSP mod for NPC space battles...
There is one
a mod that puts a different group of npcs on each planet, and your new goal is to take over the solar system before they destroy your base
well, it works for air battles
don't know about space
I'm thinking like a huge mod. multiple ai's
oh yeah that would be cool
they build ships and launch them and you have to build like defense networks and then missions to go bomb them
ohhh man that would be amazing
and this is the problem about games that remind me of KSP --- now I wanna play KSP
Once KSP has multiplayer... who knows?
I want different star systems in KSP
There needs to be a mod for turning ore into parts
so you can build fully fledged bases on other planets
I still haven't figure out KIS/KAS and how to actually build things in space/on the moon
@KendallFrey there are mods for that I think
@rlemon There is a mod with adds other stars orbiting around a black hole
I've seen people building parts
on duna
So you could build a rocket from scratch?
umm.. saw that done in space in a video
not sure if the mod is still active (which is the problem with a lot of the cool ones)
in space? hmmm
I guess that does kind of make rocket building easier
extraplanetary launchpads
I can't imagine a way to actually design a rocket outside of the VAB
that looks really cool
kinda disappointed that it doesn't work with stock mining
lol, I can imagine constatntly building fuel tanks on orbit and expanding your station infinitely
how do i call a super / overriden method in es6? still need ParentClass.prototype.method.apply(this, ...) ?
also afternoon gents
super.method()? Or am I missing something?
super as in the class that is the extended class of the current class
class Foo extends Bar{
    /* override */ baz(){ return Bar.prototype.baz.call(this) + 1; }
can I avoid "Bar.prototype.baz.call" somehow, and do like in java super.baz() or php parent::baz()?
class Foo extends Bar{
    /* override */ baz(){ return super.baz() + 1; }
Can you decrypt this.obfuscated JS code? pastebin.com/PbHnar4Y
oh well, i just should have tried that :P thanks. is super an actual variable?
I'm not sure how it works on a language level tbh, I just know it does what you'd expect most of the time
looks like it's not a variable
did the SO logo stop being a working link for anyone else?
super is a function
and needs to be the first thing in the constructor
class Foo extends Bar {
  constructor() {
super is a keyword
it behaves like in java, it's not just a function
not a function
but you can call it like a function :P
@LearnHowToBeTransparent JSFuck isn't effective obfuscation. The site which generates that allows for deobfuscation too. Try harder :)
Anyone know of a JS library for touch-based pinch/zoom, pan, and rotate? I'm not looking for a gestures library; I need precise values, e.g. {rotation: 180, x: 13, y: 4, scale: 1.23}. Use case is to move an image on a canvas. Just looking for the input part; not actual image manipulation logic. Of course I could do this from scratch, but if there's something already I'd just as soon not reinvent the wheel.
@Nateowami Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Mosho Link still works for me, both the logo on the right side of chat, and on the SO main site.
I see
Q: Clearing div element using JabaScript

cerbinonclick on li element, I want to clear div which i will find by id. I have got a code JAVA SCRIPT this is how i writing code in a div: document.getElementById("outputLaps").insertAdjacentHTML( "beforebegin", <br /> + "some code"; And that's how i try to clear ...

user image
hello every body
I am using bootstrap carousel and learning the api from w3schools.com/bootstrap/bootstrap_ref_js_carousel.asp
is there any way to know if there any slides left?
for example Lets say there are 3 slides, first click shows second slide, second click shows the third slide but third click will not show any thing because there are no slides left to move next. Is there any way to know that?
@SpringLearner I haven't used Bootstrap much, but I'd suggest checking the official Bootstrap docs. They're likely to be far more complete and up to date than w3schools.
@Nateowami Thanks for replying
I have checked bootstrap site also
but there are no docs for that
If you inspect the little buttons for changing which image is shown, it shows the group has the class "carousel-indicators". Each <li> under it is one button, and the active one has the class "active". If you just what to know if the last image is the one being shown, you could check last child of the <ol> and see if it has class "active".
"Spaces or tabs?" "Semicolons." @aisamanra https://t.co/QmiH4t79gN
@Nateowami Thanks
that probably works in JS as well
oh wow, didn't know this:
!!> function a(){;}; a
@towc "function a(){;}"
There is unanumous agreement that clearRect clears your canvas. But, I see that it erases the filler. It does not erase the stroken border. See, that larger box is not completely erased. Why?
Does everybody take it as necessary?
ctx.beginPath() was necessary after clearRect
whats your idea about using wow.js
@LittleAlien You should always use beginPath, it has nothing to do with clearRect
is this the right place for React JS discussion? Couldn't see a react chatroom
@towc I don't get it. What's so special about it?
@Sandro The project website speaks for itself
@Ash Yes, it is
ah brill!
@OliverSalzburg u any good with react?
crosses fingers furiously
@OliverSalzburg you let me down. off my christmas card list you go.
Switch to Angular 1 and I'm your guy ;P
haha, if im honest, im tempted to try it at this point! seems a bit more straight forward from what ive seen!
anyone in here free to help with a react router question?
@Ash Just ask, if someone can answer, they will
!!tell 33064792 ask
@OliverSalzburg Command ask does not exist. Did you mean: afk, asd (note that /tell works on commands, it's not an echo.)
Meh. I need to learn how to use the bot :P
@OliverSalzburg semicolons are valid statements
I'm making a simple 2 page app, that accesses the state object from both pages.
A list page, and a click through page with more details. The details page is linked using an object property from the state object using push browserHistory - <Route path="/:ApplicantId" component={ApplicantPage}/> I’m confused how to access the state object from this ApplicantPage component as it isnt listed in the root app, can i pass this route the state object as a property?
hey m59
@towc Oh, I see
@Paran0a CSS Selector Level 4 is not technically CSS4, but a CSS module. There are also Unit level 3 (calc), Cascading level 3 (unset), Fexbox (no level), Variable (no level, only supported by Firefox, maybe Edge later) etc.
evenings gents. should i even bother writing this?

class x{
    constructor(foo) { this._foo = foo; }
    get foo()        { return this._foo; }

or should i go with...
class x{
    constructor(foo) {this.foo = foo; }
@OliverSalzburg what do u mean by that
The project website speaks for itself
@OliverSalzburg what's your expirence about that
i mean wow.js
i want to use this plugin
@Sheepy variables is level 1. and it's supported by blink now (perhaps just in canary)
00:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

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