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@KendallFrey noon tomorrow...
I'm not sure yet if I'm gonna buy it
Depending on the price, I may wait and read reviews
if it's <20, for sure. <30, might wait for a few twitch streams
<40, youtube
>40 well shit
yeah kinda
If it's everything it's hyped to be, 50 is something I'll happily fork over
yea but for $50 I wanna see like an hour of gameplay first on youtube
for sure
I love watching KSP missions
It doesn't really say much about the gameplay or combat
people get so creative on youtube with KSP
channels with like 1000 subs, excellent KSP videos with story and passion
and what looks like probably hours of editing
Do you like Nassault-style videos?
I do. Jool is one of my favorites.
Chris P. Bacon does recreation of real or planned missions in KSP.
yea they're nice
but not what I normally watch
there are only a few anyway.
like quill18
he's entertaining, no scott, but good
I'll check that out.
he's not a small channel.
usually how I end up on the small channels is just by letting the videos go to the next recommended.
youtube.com/… Kerbal Space Programming - A long series where they do things like use genetic algorithms to plan maneuvers
after like 5-6 of the authors it will swap you to someone related
right, i see a lot of stuff because of youtube's autoplay
@Luggage I was kinda hoping I'd be able to sleep tonight, but oh well
I'm having trouble finding a good animated version
Thank fuck
@rlemon There's a special place in hell reserved for people like you
@KendallFrey o/
Woah, this kid's channel ......
@LeQs Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@littlepootis gold
@KendallFrey more gold (nsfw, very)
That's not NSFW, that's cute
damn, I found a react affix/popup/modal component I wanted to use and I can't find it again. There are so many.
ahh, tether was what I was thinking of. It's not react-based, but looks good.
Hello all, small question. Is it possible to have a process that starts at time = 0, and another asynchronous function called later on at time = 10, but the first process finishes at 20 and the latter finishes at 15 causing a discontinuity of logic?
in node*
@Luggage I'm a dork, going through my code, looks like I used this gpbl.org/react-day-picker
for a portion anyway
yeah that's what I used, I basically threw it into a portal
and then have an input I populate
when you click the input it triggers it in the portal
I can throw it out somewhere if you want me to, but it's tied to our app a bit so wont be droppable into anything
but the core is react-day-picker
Good Mornig all
I am saving data in this format in localStorage hello there::::hi but when I am splitting it with str.split('::::') it returns me string like this hello there,hi instead of returning an arrya ? why ?
Are you sure it's a string? What does typeof str.split('::::') tell you?
localStorage will be calling toString
That's what I expected
!!> ['a','b'].toString()
@ivarni "a,b"
!!> var str = '1::::2::::3::::4'; JSON.stringify(str.split('::::'));
@phenomnomnominal "[\"1\",\"2\",\"3\",\"4\"]"
@ivarni my bad, it says Object
now why it does not shows the braces on console ?
Because of toString being called
It's still an array
also, if you gave the value to a variable like name, it gets turned to a string, like localStorage
@Shashi does it show double quotes?
4 popup banner notifications... Shit went down tonight :P
Why didn't you tell us earlier that you're hoarding all the LSD?
yup, stash, sorry
I could have used some... for... research
Why drive in a SUV when you can fly with some LSD?
> don't drink and drive, smoke weed and fly
Slap that text on a 100x100 image , put it as a avatar and you're back in 2003
@Paran0a That's even easier than LSD-based time travel!
No, it didn't shows any double quotes.
It is strange, it was an object and now I am able to do what I was trying to accomplish but I am still startled, why console didn't show the braces around an object coming from localStorage ??
@Shashi which braces you are talking about?
whats your issue?
@TheUnknown Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Maurize Your avatar is trying to track me :/
Evil facebook url!
Any tips? I want to override console.log to call my component's log function. The web page in consideration here is not run in a traditional browser environment, but rather in a browser-like environment...
For more info on what environment...its an environment you get while using a WebBrowser control (#winforms).
@NASH If its an object it should have {} right ? but console was not showing it, Because of this behavior, I almost spent my 2 hours on it.
Q: How to send JSON from a checkbox form

yaylitzisI coded this, which is working but I think there is a better way to do this.. I have a form where the user can check from checkboxes. For each checkbox I have multiple info that I want to send to my servlet, so I thought to create manually a JSON... <input name="warehouse" value="{ 'vers...

any idea with this?
@Shashi I thought we had established that you were dealing with an array?
@Shashi how are fetching from lcoalstorage, i mean code, paste here.
@deostroll So, just override it
@ivarni Yes, we are and that task has been done successfully ...thanks to your point of checking typeof
its done!!
cool !
Guys, this question I closed should maybe be reopened, can you help ?
@DenysSéguret Hi, I do wish to have the question reopened. I'm still in the process of figuring it out by myself. Not sure how long that'll take. — zjk 53 secs ago
@OliverSalzburg what do you do in case you give multiple args to console.log. How to correctly handle then?
@DenysSéguret Can't work out if he's asking about the double colon or the method.
Looks more like the latter
@BenFortune you're right what the question exactly is should be clarified. I think he can't make sense of the whole but for that you need to look at more code
oh he edited
Haven't used RxJS, but ::resolveAll(nodeModules, undefined, isExplicit) looks weird
@deostroll Well, that depends on what you want to do with them
This meta question could probably be do with one last delete-vote.
@BenFortune If you think, like me, that it's not obvious, maybe you should vote to reopen ? (or not, because most of the obscurity is related to a lot of functions to search and read...)
@deostroll Does this help? github.com/apache/cordova-wp8/blob/…
Heh, I contributed to that file :D
Obviously I'm the guy to talk to about this topic ;P
@DenysSéguret: re-opened, since apparently, :: wasn't the point of that question.
Started using strider at work in place of Gitlab's CI, it's pretty great.
@Cerbrus I downvoted the question but I'm not sure why it should be deleted
The OP isn't interested in any opinion different than his own
@BenFortune Yay :D
He just keeps repeating the snippet feature should be removed because it's broken,
while it's just users being incompetent
"It is not like we get paid to do this". You will have to wait long time until someone is going to pay you for downvoting someone's valid question on Meta instead of discussing the actual matter. — Alexander Farber yesterday
You are trolling me by first answering my question, then commenting on my editing history and finally asking me "what is your question". The question is to fix or remove the Code Snippets feature of SO since it does not work well. — Alexander Farber yesterday
can anyone tell me why I can't use Form Data object on Firefox 49? I'm successfully using Form Data on Chrome Opera and Safari
"I'm right, you're wrong, you're trolling me"
@Cerbrus Yes, he is obtuse, but does that mean the question should be deleted ? It's already in hell
@DenysSéguret why shouldn't it? It's of no value...
Looks like I missed some fun
@Riccardo990 Did you forgot to add a MCVE to your question ?
@MadaraUchiha Aye, seems like our resident "Ugh..." was active.
@Cerbrus the problem I see with deleting a question is that it looks like it's being censored. A lot of downvotes send a clearer, impartial, message in my opinion
@DenysSéguret as a matter of fact I've got a MCVE I own a live website where I'm testing the Form Data I'm not sure whether it can be called a minimal complete and verifiable example but I might link you there
no, you might not link me to a site I can't easily read, modify and test
so let me try to theoretically explain you the issue
I'm trying to email me a password reset that's it
@DenysSéguret I dislike the "delete = censorship" idea. The question is just junk that adds no value.
@Riccardo990 A live website is absolutely not an MCVE
Cerbrus you do like your meta debates huh :D
@Paran0a I feed on them.
And on waffles.
@BenFortune so what do you suggest? how can I reproduce an example of password reset?
@Riccardo990 Why would you need that when your question was "Why can't I use FormData on Firefox 49"?
@Riccardo990 UPDATE [Users] SET [Password] = ''; <-- PW reset.
@BenFortune the question is still the same I can't use Form Data only on Firefox 49 and the password reset is just an example
@Cerbrus the server side is working I'm stuck with the client side
@DenysSéguret If only I could +1 that
@Riccardo990 Many people use FormData on Firefox49 so your question is obviously too vague
that's why I tried to tell you where I'm stuck
And yet you still haven't produced an MCVE.
@DenysSéguret matter of fact I have an ajax if email is successfully sent tell the user to check the inbox else something went wrong
Ah, selective reading.
@BenFortune I can't reproduce a MCVE since the problem I'm dealing with can't be a MCVE
Anything can be an MCVE, and usually when you're writing the MCVE you find the solution yourself.
you told me my example can not be a MCVE
I'm done.
thank you for your theory
Someone else can deal with the vamp
@BenFortune you're done aren't you? why do you call me vamp?
I didn't do anything I'm wondering why I can't use Form Data on Firefox that's it
Because you are?
how can be possible that anything I ask is misinterpreted
I didn't ask nobody's code and I don't want anyone makes the work for me I simply asked myself why I can't email myself a password reset using form data on firefox
Hello hackers...
A: Remove Object from Array using JavaScript

nemesisfixxThanks for all the solutions here, but I see as this can be generalized, to cater for any kind of situations. My generic approach is this: My Generic Solution function deleteFromArray(obj, array){ var objJSON = JSON.stringify(obj); // type of obj won't matter, and we can match holistically to...

I seriously think this does not make me a vamp
ben stiller am I right?
Is this way of applying aesthetics to presented solutions a good way forward? especially given some of us just love the code-snippets playground ;-)
No, it's just noise.
the solution has already been displayed undefiled, in the answer, in the normal way
@nemesisfixx Why would you post such an answer on a question like that?
Like, it already has 16 answers, the solution is trivial and you post a huge wall of code
They don't need some pretty asthetics, they need straight-forward working code with an example/explanation.
no, i was just exploring the allure of the code snippet mostly. plus, it doesn't hurt to solve an old problem in a new way (none of the other solns uses the json equivalence check - very handy in js imo)
And trying to extract an element from an array by serializing everything to JSON is insane
well, it works well for an array of objects
!!mdn filter
If I want to remove an object from an array, I don't need to serialize all elements first
@BenFortune Something went on fire; status 403
especially where there's no unique identifier in the objects to use as key in the filter
@nemesisfixx This is too specific to my tastes
@nemesisfixx So implement a proper comparator
I'd abstract this further by implementing reject or something of that sort.
(sorry, stepping out for lunch... catch u later)
const reject = (fn, arr) => arr.filter((...args) => !fn(...args));
Or fancier:
Is there a regular progress bar like this one made for angular victorbjelkholm.github.io/ngProgress
Also momring
const reject = (fn, arr) => arr.filter(complement(fn));
const complement = fn => (...args) => !fn(...args);
@Paran0a Yes, but I can't for the life of me remember what it's called
Yess!! That's it , thanks Ben
It mentions NProgress in the first paragraph of the page you posted...
Hey man I'm not here to read stuff ,okay?
I'm gonna simplify that answer by nemesis.
Yikes, that's a lot of noise.
@nemesisfixx: SO is NOT a platform to "Express yourself". It's a platform for quality Q/A.
I finally asked a question on the main SO
Q: password reset fails only on Firefox using Form Data Object

Riccardo990I'm trying to email me the password reset using Form Data Object and Ajax in pure javascript. The below code works on any browser except Firefox and I've read the Form Data Object documentation on MDN and the basic function of this object are supported on every desktop browser and on the basis of...

I sincerely hope this may be a vaild MCVE
now I'm really done
the vamp is done
If you've already included jQuery, why aren't you using it?
@BenFortune he is.
I'm using it on my live website but I forgot to delete it on the example thank you for telling me I'll fix it now
Sorry, I meant in place of the vanilla XHR calls etc
I've replaced the jQuery part but maybe I've misunderstood you
As in, if you had jQuery included, why not use $.ajax in place of XMLHttpRequest
are you talking about the vanilla framework as explained here? developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/XMLHttpRequest/…
But you've removed it now :)
> vanilla framework
I've removed it becaue I successfully used the ajax jquery the challenge I have to accomplish is to use plain javascript I want to get rid of jQuery
I must be able to make it in plain javascript
@Riccardo990 Does this work for you?
let me try it by the way if your example works feel free to answer my question providing your working example
be right back
@BenFortune your example works so could you please tell me what I did wrong about my question?
I really can't understand
oh ffs the clock in my vm is on UTC, I totally just missed an appointment :(
posted on September 23, 2016 by Axel Rauschmayer

As of version 6, Babel supports presets, sets of features that can be enabled together. Two new presets are useful complements to babel-preset-es2015 (for ES6): babel-preset-es2016 gives you the two features of ECMAScript 2016: the exponentiation operator and Array.prototype.includes(). babel-preset-es2017 gives you: babel-plugin-syntax-trailing-function-commas: optional trailing commas in

@BenFortune the fiddle you kindly provided is correct but I can't apply it to my MCVE
I'm literally going crazy
@Riccardo990 What do you have so far?
I have a callback function that if the email was successfully sent tells the user to check his inbox else shows the error
and the fucntion which prompts the ajax request fires on mouse click the send button
Somebody do the rebecca friday thing
after the game thing
@Riccardo990 You're in luck. Over the years HTML has many new APIs that make life without jQuery much easier than the age of jQuery ver 1.
@Sheepy I'm perfectly aware that if I go jQuery I succeed the question is this:
What , css4. what did I miss
is there a way to successfully send a form to a server without using jquery stringify function?
I thought Form Data Object was enough
and it is partially becaue it works on almost every browser except Firefox
@ivarni ah, unlucky
@FlorianMargaine @Loktar it's...
i'm sorry I meant jquery serialize
All is well.
@Paran0a it's in a working draft stage
Why are selectors like :not and :valid declared as being css4, didn't they already exist for quite some time?
@rlemon IT'S ME! MAAARIO!
@Paran0a you missed nothing, there's a bunch of drafts for level 4 stuff and for brand new level 1 stuff, but "css4" is a nonsensical term that doesn't actually mean anything
@Paran0a :not has been around since 3. It received an upgrade in 4. :valid was in ui-3 before being moved to selectors-4
Yeah I think calling it a css4 is kinda misleading then :/
Yeah, no one is calling it "CSS4" other than people who don't understand CSS specs
Who just happen to be the ones most easily confused by this sort of thing
I like css4. Because I read it like "CSS? 4*getaboutit*"
^ pre coffee jokes. Take what you can get.
Did we get any help designing the input type file button
what is all this nonsense about css4
there is no css4
there is just the game
there is just Friday
there is no spoon
@Loktar flybrix.com hot damn
I think I know what the kids (i.e. you) will be getting for christmas
i wanna buy myself one of those VR thingies
@rlemon noice
ikr. makes me wish I had lego
thinking my nephew would love this
I was kind of weird as a kid, in that I didn't play with Lego
I had K'nex instead
I'm sorry to hear that
I'm totally not complaining about that
K'nex is awesome
I know , I had a small package of it , but much much more legos
I think thats stuff is one of the coolest things kids can have
my first project
@KendallFrey we had a bin of the random lego, but I was totally a mecano kid
still have a bunch
K'nex and meccano are much more mechanical in nature IME
Lego is just artsy
Talk about superiority complex
lego was for building things that were meant to fall apart / be taken apart
mecano was like: I made a crane, this shits going to be a crane for a long time
nah, stuff's boring once it's already made
Bionicles would rek your weak ass "train station" project
I could spend days making the roller coaster, run it a few times, then take it apart again
I would make like trucks and cars and once a helicopter
@KendallFrey roller coaster tycoon?
@KendallFrey played with all those, the most mechanical is lego technic, imo
or try to make metal planes and make them fly in my backyard
@KendallFrey There needs to be LEGO for roller coasters
also morning
@Wes yeah, that's pretty good, but vanilla lego is terrible
they should make neodymium magnet lego
Whenever they want lego to be anything, they always have to invent a bunch of new pieces and sell them in a single-purpose set
call it, nolego
Why does the physics of CoasterDynamix kits always look so unrealistic
@BoltClock Maybe because the acceleration due to gravity is relatively much higher?
That's always been weird for me
@KendallFrey they for sure glued pieces together or used a non lego chassis. don't think lego can hold the weight of a person.same goes for the wheel axles
lego's pretty strong...
seen james may's lego house?
i have now
I've seen Lego furniture. Shits pretty strong if you make it right.
Vibration is the key weakness
So... vigorous physical activity on the Lego furniture is ill-advised
@RyanKinal depends on who you are, 1-2 minutes should be fine
Good to know
Surely your hand can't generate that much movement?
You'd be surprised
>100rpm easily.
17 hours ago, by Sterling Archer
Maybe go fuck yourself
@BenFortune he shake weights regularly. dudes got forearms like tree trunks
^ advice taken
lol shake weight
Though there's technique to consider. Some people are all wrist, others all forearm, some are even full arm users.
Let's not even get started on the stiffen-the-whole-body-and-vibrate-intensely group. Those guys are crazy.
Hands free m8
Windmilling it to freedom.
interestingly, almost every girl I've heard answer the question of "what would you do if you have a penis" (including my SO) quickly went to "helicopter all day long"
I mean, if they were less heavy and more elongated I'd probably do the same with a pair of breasts, if I'm being honest.
Haha, that's awesome
@SterlingArcher @ndugger Pokétree
Ugh, fuck people with ridiculous expectations.
got a call from mom?
You fucking savage
am I the only person who sees a two scoop on its side?
I see balls
@rlemon yes
I always thought it was someone sticking their ass out of an open door
it's someone trying to do 69 with someone else who just wants to sleep
i have one query how to delete dynamically created table every onchange event.
This is the function which triggers on on change event.
function switchOption() {
	var  selectedValue= $("#companyClass").val();
        type: "GET",
        url: "getClass",
        success: function(data){

        	var tablebody = $('<tbody>');
			var tablerow = "";
				tablerow = $('<tr>')
					.append($('<td>').append($('<input>').attr({type :'checkbox'}).attr('class','checkBoxSize').attr({value : ''+$(this)[0].q
Any solution guys.?
Solution to what, you haven't asked a question
Or told us what's wrong
i have one query how to delete dynamically created table every onchange event.
This is the function which triggers on on change event.
clear all tables from the element you append it to before you append the new table
I'm not quite sure, but I think jQuery might just have a way to do this
^ was about to say that :)
TIL: We have this meta tag:
Tempted to propose the removal of that tag.
@Cerbrus That'll go down well

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