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@ssube haha okay
I am asking, you can't have the dbeugger how the interpreter or whatver follows the js before executing it ?
so you can understand ( in this example closure ) better
@Zirak the network side isn't broken-broken, just tedious and annoying to configure. You need to expose a port from the container and then bind it somewhere, which is weird, so you end up with a whole cluster of very strange bridged bindings. I've taken to just opening the ports locally and putting haproxy on the docker box (that's how my lab/personal stuff is set up).
how the JS turns into machine code is not useful. there are debuggers, though
The storage side is broken-broken. I got the direct LVM storage working once, then docker updated and wiped all of it out. Usually it uses nested copy-on-write FUSE filesystems (or something equivalent).
gotcha that has no help ot how closure works?
We have an image here that ends up <3GB and takes >35GB to build because of all the intermediate layers and copies writing copies.
the debugger (e.g. in chrome) when on a breakpoint will show you the closures
@ssube From what I understand if you don't want to expose a port to anything outside the containers you can create a subnet for your containers, have it open it up locally there, problem sort of solved?
@Zirak there's also no real verification of the images, so there are a whole boatload of security problems they just... choose not to resolve.
Okay let me elaborate
@ssube What the what? That sounds weird
@Zirak yet all their docs show binding the port to the outside directly...
their docs are half wrong and half just the dev's-laptop setup
they don't actually explain how to put together a real setup
@ChrisOkyen please stop posting that image
@Zirak the whole thing is weird. They got too clever by half and delved too greedily.
In this code are the reason it goes to 2 and 3 2nd and third is becuase it is going to the declaration
I thought that would be before run time stuff
containers are great, just don't use docker if you can help it
'goes to'?
it's like using npm instead of yum/apt
really simple stuff just doesn't work and you can't tell why
makeFunc is defined at the top but not executed until down at the bottom
goes to number 2 and 3
@ssube oh yeah, that irks me big time. That and the non-existing dependency system
@ssube What do you recommend?
@Zirak talk to @FlorianMargaine. I think he runs LXC at scale.
@ChrisOkyen i think a few different people have all explained this already
We're going to be unhappily using docker (under kubernetes) for now.
I'm not sure what the question even is.
If i mark a flag as invalid, why does hovering over that message give me a message that makes it sound like i flagged it,
Yes , and I am still confused.
@ssube Have tons of fun
just stick a bunch of console.log()s in everyehere and run it.
wait i thought docker was great and did all things? what don't you like about it?
@Luggage me?
What it does doesnt tell you WHY
@ssube You confirmed some of my feelings, a part of me did feel like the whole docker community is pretty amateurish and hacky
well it may
@david Scroll up, ssube and I had a brief back and forth
are you trying to ask why displayName() is defined before name?
is that what you mean by your vague 'goes to 2 and 3'?
@Zirak the tech itself isn't bad, it's just kernel namespaces, but the stuff they layered on top is pretty mediocre. The tooling is where it really falls down, for sure.
@Zirak Ah, thanks. Too many conversations going on at once so i kinda skipped some
you've got a few tools here and there (like gitlab) that integrate, but nothing else plays nice
@ssube kernal namespace program
@KendallFrey kerbals in the matrix
No , i know why that is @Luggage
I just realized that there exists such a thing as a kernel space program
boycottdocker.org is mostly not wrong
@KendallFrey What a happy day to be you
I am asking if this is the interpreter scanning through all the declarations and i thoguht that was a pre before runtime thing
and a Kerbal Panic
@Zirak Most of them are
@KendallFrey I literally can't search for that. Google asks "do you mean Kerbal...?" and hitting "no" takes you to... kerbal.
grunt-angular-build can suck my entire asshole
grunt-concat-requirejs does everything it does with a fraction of the headaches
@ssube lmao
Although I'm not sure my dist file needs the depenendencies concatenated so I need to fix that but suck it Claudio you 56 star havin angular-dickhole
and webpack does it all, then <does something nice>.
@ChrisOkyen There's no pre-before-runtime
Engine gets js, engine executes js
@Luggage orly
requirejs: {
    compile: {
        options: {
            baseUrl: "src",
            mainConfigFile: 'src/reqConfig.js',
            optimize: 'none',
            out: 'src/main-required.js',
            include: ['main.js'],
            uglify2: {
                mangle: false
            done: function (done, output) {
                console.log('done requirejs');
            error: function(done, err) {
It's not too shabs
@Zirak it does parse it first
Variable declaration (and hoisting) is done when the engine enters a scope
I think that's what he means
@ssube you can put it in quotes which is sliiightly better, first result is still a youtube vid of someone who misspelled it
!!afk 5pm meeting
a meeting at 5pm? wtf. that's 40 minutes past quitting time
You should go to the meeting
it isn't even 5pm
and as it starts get up and leave, tell them your day is over and you're heading home
that is going home time
@taco you guys don't monitor your dockers with datadog by any chance?
I use text-to-speech on /var/log and a baby monitor
I think I got it
@Luggage dood
i just spilt my coconut milk
@Luggage I've seen worse :(
@ssube yeah until we can come up with something in-house
@taco does it report running/stopped containers properly?
not sure
I'm getting one unnamed container running and no other real metrics, but it claims to be connecting right.
we use other monitoring solutions for health
Wait, so KVM is basically docker? It's not full virtualisation?
wait not KVM
@taco you have to, since datadog is only up half the time
the other one, openvz
holyshit this is confusing ><
@david it's fuller than docker but not full, no
hm.. i wonder if windows will be able to run openvz "containers" with it's new linux on windows thing
those first two and last two fall in different categories
indoctrination during sleep using a text-to-speech on something
but openVZ is basically Virtuozzo without alot of the SWSoft stuff
@taco yeah, for sure. I just meant the esxi and kvm are real VM visors, where openvz is pseudo-containers.
or Parallels or whatever they're called now
like trig identities, port numbers to port function, tau digits that give me n digits at the nth iteration...
any file I can start with?
Used to follow hypervisors more when I was a DC Tech. Don't care so much now
I can JS a file containing tau digits in the format I want them...
hi peeps, any ideas with Elm not found in emacs: stackoverflow.com/questions/39626833/…
are there any bare metal hypervisors that virtualise gpus? could I go full special and chuck one on my main PC and have windows running alongside linux and be able to switch between them?
we don't use emacs
I care. I want my desktop to have a type 1 hypervisor for true OS switching
@david get a GPU cloud host
I don't knwo why that's not a thing, yet
@Luggage yeah that would be cool as fuck
@taco no i mean for my home pc
thanks towc
@david oh ok
@towc thank you.
they're super cheap for the specs
you should just consider switching to vim
for your own good
@Luggage it can't be far off surely, people are using GPUs for neural networks and shit more and more
@ssube Cool. They used to run a GPU cloud at my last company. The problem we ran into is its expensive to upgrade, but GPU clouds weren't as big then
well, that's a reason for both OSes to have access to GPUs, I guess, but otherwise I'm not sure how neural networks relate
ohh, that's what you meant. I misread.
so.. i think it's possible now. umm.. xen? i think xen can do it.
I forget.
but I don't think it's really consumer-grade, yet, and it should get there.
@taco is this the right form for alt.js?
I last looked into it a couple of years ago so it's probably changed. Might be worth another go
export default "we must build a wall!"
Tony, I think we accidentally pinged each other.
@taco you seemed friendly, thought you might be able to answer that question :P
I'm more of a devops, all-around IT guy. I'm a noob at JS
Please do not randomly ping members to ask for help
@Luggage https://wiki.xenproject.org/wiki/Xen_VGA_Passthrough
"Xen VGA graphics passthru is a special form of PCI passthru, and PCI passthru dedicates the PCI device (graphics card) to exactly one single VM."
so it looks like you can't have graphics on 2 vms
maybe you can still switch?
@taco, thank you. this room is usually JS, though active, thought it might be a good place to talk about alt.js langs. obviously not...
does pci mean, alsodoes that mean pci express, too?
i sure hope so :S
or separate gpus for separate vms?
@Tony Oh you meant forum not form. Yeah sure you can talk about js if you want
@ndugger, if thats directed at me, apologies didn't mean to breach etiquette. :(
@Luggage not a bad idea... i guess the integrated GPU on most chips now is pretty much unused
so then you basically have two computers sharing a heart
Linus did a video about it not too long ago ^ above
not torvalds, i hope
@david, what about the alt.js langs: clojurescipt, livescipt, purescript, elm et al...
@Loktar coooool, unfortunately I only have 1 actual GPU :( even the integrated one isn't quite right with my motherboard. Maybe on my next pc
Thats some smooth shit closure can do
@david just buy some cheap ones ;)
@TonyCronin I guess? I don't know if many people here use them though
the rx460 is priced right
rx470 is actually a fucking great 1080 card, not priced bad either
yea, use those lower speed pci express ports for something
their main issue with the build above was HDD speeds
eww, ati
@Luggage ati doesnt exist
the rotting corpse formerly known as ATI, then, if we're going to be formal.
If you want a high end card Nvidia is the choice right now, but mid to low, it's crazy not to go with AMD
@Loktar OH 1080p, i thought you meant it was comparable to the 1080
@david oh hah no
@david, I'm js at work, just looking for that golden solution for prototyping. Nothing beats jquery, but clojurescript an figwheel is some crazy sh**t, but tbh hard to bring into the day job (.net). thought I'd look at elm next...
1080 is overkill for 1080p though
i was quite confused
like.... crazy overkill
i have a 1070 :D
yeah that's even pushing it for just 1080 tbh
it's probably overkill for my 2 1920*1200s
unless i had games on both maybe
I'm getting a 1080 in a month or so
once Vega comes out I'll move back to AMD
although my 2x290x's are still performing pretty great.. I dont even need to upgrade just feel like it
@TonyCronin everything beats jQuery
honestly annoyed with my choices at the moment, current PC im pricing out is almost at 3k
and is intel/nvidia, I've ran all red machines for like... 16 years now :/
@Loktar damn son
Loktar is playing 4 games right now.
my next upgrade will be a 144hz monitor most likely
I should just wait Vega and Zen are out next year but meh
@david nice yeah that's a fun upgrade actually
@ndugger. not for quick and dirty prototypes. ymmv.
try to get one with gsync as well
but then you'll want to wait till the next ones are out the following year
@TonyCronin I completely disagree. github.com/ndugger/youdontneedjquery
if I were you I'd grab a 1440 144hz/gsync if it's in your budget
@KevinB well they are around 8 months out probably
just on the edge of too long for me lol
I built my current PC 2 years ago (in Nov) and I upgrade every 2 years like clockwork
@TonyCronin from my experience, jQuery actually slows me down. I move quicker with the vanilla API
I previous upgrade was to a 660ti, now i have a 980ti, no reason to upgrade for another year or so at this point. next round of upgrades though i'll need to replace my ssd and hd
Minimum i'd want is 144hz and IPS, g-sync is pretty damn cool though
IPS is so good v.v
@GNi33 those were some mad skillz!
omg, I just realized that jQuery is like a metaphor for religion.
@ndugger. hats off. I'm building agajnst Bootstrap, so I'm a copy and paste king! elm looks interesting. FRP looks the holy grail of user interface. again ymmv.
@david there are monitors with all of that
wait that's the freesync one oops
@Loktar was going to say
anyway yeah you can get all of that, it's a great time lol
you have to pick the right one don't you?
@TonyCronin if you are a copy and paste warrior, stick with JS, not a compile-to-js language.
@TonyCronin You would benefit (moving forward in your career) to become comfortable with the vanilla API, if you aren't already. I come across a lot of script-kiddies that can only program using frameworks and libraries and lack any real development experience beyond copy/pasting.
freesync is radeon? gsync is geforce?
freesync actually sounded better from a technical point of view :S
freesync is an open standard
gsync is proprietary BS like nvidia always does
so the monitors actually cost a bit more
like 100-200 more
There's nothing inherently wrong with proprietary technology.
@ndugger when it does the same thing as an open standard and costs the consumer more its stupid
Do you guys recommend using Fetch API vs XHR calls?
I always prefer to overpay for my ossessions
@taco yes
now your monitor can essentially lock you into a company because one chooses not to adopt an open standard
ok thanks
ahh, an apple customer
so with a driver update geforce cards could support freesync?
@ndugger, brendan eichs beast looks incomprehensible to me at times. tbh crokfords jibes about js being lisp (scheme) in C'c clothing was what made me look at clojure. Nice article by the way. starred.
lol. sorry but that message looked incomprehensible to me at first.
Got my first gaming PC in 12 years and I'm running at 144 FPS due to G-Sync. Love it
@david most likely
@TonyCronin Brenden Eich and Cockford are both deluded old men that have nothing more to contribute to the web so they flail their arms around hoping that people will still pay attention to them
since the nvidia mobile GPUS dont use gsync lol they use freesync
@taco you're just running smooth, not actually at 144fps :P
I mean that wouldnt be due to gsync I mean
@Loktar that puts nvidia in a shit position
Crockford 2016
gsync and freesync smooth out frame variances rather
so there is no tearing, and it's super smooth
right I have v-sync off
I suck
I use n-sync.
basically if you drop down to 130fps for a bit it won't go to shit, the monitor will adjust its physical refresh rate to 130 to compensate
@david meh nothing new
they have their gameworks BS too
ymmv. you play with the toys of old men & women. mccarthy, hopper, turing. Eiech steers JS towards WASM. watch that shit change what we do, very carefully...
@david basically, you just have to check the ranges
like some freesync monitors are from 30-75hz yet support 144hz
so after 75hz you wont see the benefit on those monitors
havent looked into gsync monitors a ton, not sure if they do that
but my next one might be for my 1080 idk, thinking of grabbing an ultrawide 100hz one
@TonyCronin I never said that what they've done for the web is unimportant, I just said that they have nothing more to contribute, so they work on nonsense projects like Eich's Brave browser, and Cockford's Seif project.
Good for them for wanting to still do things, but they could at least try to do things that matter
is dvi still the standard? (asking as someone who's desktop monitor is is from before obama)
DVI is being removed on most new cards

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