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@david been there, done that
@rlemon i know :D
@david Similar, kinda, just making something to overlay text on a video, ideally.
that was... 5 years ago now?
maybe even more :o
yea long time ago
@david in Master/Detail of ToH they show detail on same page with NgIf directive
not more than 5, no
@corvid measure the text, draw it every frame
or make an overlay and contain the text in that
depends on if you want it selectable or not
or.. second canvas over the first with transparent background?
yea that works as well
or yea.. just html overlay. right
I think I can do it in very plain javascript by adding a few event listeners, but it's hard to architect it to work with react.
no it's not.
developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/… measure text to tell when you want to line break it
then fillText on the canvas
it is super easy
react only plonks down a canvas. you use that canvas the same way you would without react
drawing text is extremely expensive, so make sure to cache it
you can even get fancy and check the lum of the part of the image you're writing over jsfiddle.net/rlemon/fyw8s55c
so your text is always readable.
@david It is not right to use 1 router-outlet and show a Components one by one?
lol wow wth
ahaha I love the heads
@Loktar all I'm thinking is how fucking fun would that game have been in 1998
@Mrusful You can make your own routes and set up redirecting
possibly with a state thing
I think it might be better than the real game.
> What are you talking about? This isn't like No Man's Sky at all. Doom has multiplayer.
@ssube You drink the Docker kool-aid, right? Or was there another regular here which did?
People that complain about multiplayer missing from no man's sky clearly weren't paying attention any time the devs ever talked about the game.
I complain about lack of MP in every game without MP
I bought the game with no prior research and no expectation
it's 2016, give me a MP option FFS
@KevinB same
it's fun, not super fun, not $60 fun, but fun
@david I think will have try override RouterOutlet at weekend, or to do more simple solution, like dialog or ngIf. Thanks for advice
I enjoyed it, until i realized i had been doing the same thing for the past 6 hours
I just want a multiplayer kerball so I can fly my rocket into your space station and blow it up
then i was annoyed
@rlemon I haven't heard you mention KSP in a while
I've got myself a sticky situation. Need to deploy some shit to a friend's server, but it's a VPS and it already runs on kms or whatever virtualisation technology, so I can't use docker/openvz/parallels/etc. What do.
I'd happily recommend it for $15-$20
@KendallFrey played it the night before last
@Zirak ftp
Now i'm crazy about subnautica
@Zirak sftp
@KevinB I found that game incredibly boring
supposedly has an update coming out tomorrow that adds more creatures and generally makes the game more dangerous
Depth is fun
FPS team battle
divers vs sharks
you can be either
I stay away from team games
please write one character into the input of this fiddle, then press backspace, what happens? both that character will be removed and last tag will be red. How can I take them apart? I want one backspace for removing last character, and one backspace for making the last tag red .. how can I do that?
Bonjour everyone, Could anyone please take a look at this question and point me what I am doing wrong here? stackoverflow.com/questions/39605205/…
@ShellZero Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
    throw e;
Anybody ever seen a deadlock like that in nodejs? ^
Achievement unlocked: Deadlock a single thread
@taco port blocked?
access for port open?
something something security
  try {
    runtime.run(_.values(this._processes), options, callback);
  } catch (e) {
    this._connections.forEach(function (connection) {
      console.log(connection.name + ': ' + connection.pendingIPCount() + '/' + connection.capacity);
    throw e; //this is line 106
ahaha @KendallFrey /r/reallifedoodles i.imgur.com/wePyeSM.gifv
@Zirak I do stuff with it, but I don't like it. I'd recommend using something more robust and less absolutely-fucking-broken-like-it-was-made-by-four-year-old-goats, but...
doesn't really matter, just a project I'm demo'ing but the Deadlock doesn't really give me warm fuzzies
@Zirak can you just chroot? it's not great, but it's better than nothing. Otherwise... spend the $20/year on a VPS of your own?
oooh an aerospike
@ssube via who? $20 a year?
the smallest google cloud machine is like $3-4 / month, i think
@taco OVH. It might be $40/year, I don't remember. It's a small enough number that I stopped caring.
Just ran across runkit.com. Kinda like a jsfiddle with access to all npm packages runkit.com/57e2ece229c6f014009b2eec/57e2ed5ea80bc214008a99bc
@ssube ok cool thanks
they charge significantly less than the usual $10/GB
ramnode was like $12 a year back when i used them for testing :P dunno if they do docker shit though
ramnode is also good, but they're openvz/kvm
you don't want to put docker in a VPS
why not? just because it's silly having 2 layers or is there actually a big performance hit?
(genuine question, i have no idea)
@KendallFrey 2acres free.... Fucking tempting
Still not quite getting closure as this is the order it goes in
when i break point every line
in the debugger
Because function is hoisted in its parent scope
@david and how with NgIf manage browser history? ^)
if you did var displayName = function() { it might go more in the order you're expecting
ohh it takes priority
@david eh, it depends (that's a big question). Probably both. Virtualization without CPU support burns a lot of CPU, which most VPS providers don't like. Nesting virtualization is also tricky if there aren't paravirt drivers (or something similar) to handle device passthrough (vs software/CPU-level "routing" of the data to various devices). Generally, the cheap virt you see in a VPS won't allow nested virt, but even if it does, you're better off with a single layer.
@Mrusful you'd need to add parameters to your router so it stores the 'state' of your view in the URL
@ChrisOkyen no, more like it's reordered
Now, countering all of that, we run Docker inside of KVM here at work and it works fine.
@david it is work with NgIf?
is it best practice to positon them how it will reorder them
If you guys are using Docker, you should drop by the Docker room sometimes. It's pretty dead usually.
@ssube I found a tweet from the ramnode people saying that they 'recommend' using KVM rather than openvz if you're going to use docker
@ChrisOkyen the function definition and declaration are hoisted when using the function keyword.. above the variable hoisting.
@taco just like docker should be
@ChrisOkyen just be consistent.
@david yeah, openvz is essentially just docker itself
I put all of my functions at the bottom
how restore it? This work should do RouterModule imho
@ChrisOkyen which is why you can do hello(); function hello() { console.log('hello'); }
I know very little about the different types of virtualisation. I'm still just learning
but some like them up top
We use Docker to run thousands of containers
@david you have machines, virtual machines, and namespaces.
Machines have hardware, VMs don't, containers don't even have their own OS.
docker uses the namespaces right?
It is basically forward referencing in assembly
@taco and managing it sucks, the way it handles containers sucks, reporting on it sucks...
in assembly you would build a table
I'm running like 60 containers and it sucks
@ChrisOkyen i don't know, i just see it as reordering like @taco mentioned
because the assmebler can't find it
why are you all running so many containers?
@david yes. Containers are a bunch of namespaces processes, a namespaced NIC, etc.
@bitten we use docker for clean build bots. Each build gets a new, clean, known-good container to run in.
we had to do asm in HS eng class
was fun
So do people who truly support docker just have a single bare metal machine with no virtualisation and just run containers straight?
Someone @jake if it wasn't for this js app id be working on programmt the sega genesis hardware
@ChrisOkyen do it in js
@david there are a lot of ways to do it. If you're at that scale, you probably don't want to be tied to hardware, so VMs are a good way to go. Since VMs have little/no performance hit anymore, it works pretty well.
m68000 processor vdp and ym chip
@rlemon s/had/got/
@ssube oh how i'd love to have some kind of CI
I am not doing your tpyical little dinkering assembly
@bitten for personal projects or at work?
@ChrisOkyen mad respect, but that and COBOL = 🙅
it's easy to set up
I've actually never really used assembly in usermode code
@ssube at work, my personal projects are more like jsfiddle and so on
@ssube what's the difference between a VM and a VPS? I always thought they were basically the same thing
@KendallFrey we wrote our robots in asm for senior year
my senior doesn't really have a plan and i don't know enough to set one up
@bitten what sort of place do you work for and how big is it?
@david a VPS is a VM acting as a server, out on somebody else's hardware.
Oh speaking of assembly, @rlemon how much do you know about programming an Arduino over USB? As in, how hard would it be to program one in assembly?
no, full write to control device a long word that tells another processor what to do ( the grpahics )
@KendallFrey tedious
Container (docker) = namespace, VPS = virtual machine, dedicated = machine
everythings possible. you just need the hex file to flash to the arduino
ok then
well sure
what's the tedious part then?
@Mrusful I will shut up after 1 more invocations.
@ssube it's 3 developers including me. independents so there are a few clients, but they are generally all companies that dabble in ecommerce and microsites. then we had a few side projects every now, currently building a statistics dashboard for a company
@KendallFrey writing asm
!!ban Mrusful
check out AVR studio
@KendallFrey Mrusful added to mindjail.
i've only been here for a 3 months
@Mrusful You iz in mindjail
Writing assembly is the most tedious thing in the world
i guess i just need to sit down and look at the pros/cons
Preparing the VDP for writing data

This bit hurt my brain. In its basic form, moving palette and pattern data to the VDP comprises two operations: set the operation type and destination address through the control port, then move the data through the data port. Sounds simple, but the operation type and address need to be amalgamated into one longword, with a rather obscure bit structure. I’ll try to explain as best as I understand it myself. Here’s the operation/address longword split up into bits and nybbles:
@bitten hm. That's big enough to make throwing together a basic 2/3 machine setup worthwhile.
Read that shit
@ssube we use Kubernetes and the docker containers are deployed to Kubernete's pods
@KendallFrey I'm very impressed with the AVR stuff
@rlemon In terms of there being lots of boilerplate? Or just simply that assembly is hard to write? Because I don't mind writing assembly if it's for fun.
@ssube all i know is that the ecommerce sites are all running on nginx and the senior has it all set up behind redis and some other things
I'd suggest Gitlab's CI tool (it's free) and set up one, maybe two agents. Most ISPs have a template to preinstall it.
Seriously I happily ask yall to look at that
@KendallFrey I imagine there will be a bit of overhead while you address everything on the atmel chip
I second gitlab.
@bitten oh, that's easy enough to do. Including maintenance (person-time), you could set up simple CI for maybe $100/year.
i just want to improve the workflow to get some kind of ci where i can push, run tests, run linting, get notifications on successes and so on
I've never done it with modern stuff
initalizing the sega ( not any screen just hardware ) was several hundred lines of code
@Luggage have you used the CI side of it?
Also you can buy gitlab hosted, if that's your thing
the Asm I wrote was for the PIC16F family like 15 years ago
I have, but not a lot.
@taco we're working on setting that up, so we can get the build bots to autoscale.
I've configered a basic build.
I can always write inline ASM in the Arduino IDE too
@Luggage yeah that sounds nice. i installed gitlab last year locally but it ate up so much memory that it was vetod
Just wondered what it would take to write my own compiler
@KendallFrey is c not cutting the mustard? or you just want asm
Just for fun
@bitten the minimum is about 512MB (I've run it on that size VPS).
@KendallFrey uhh.. check out gcc-avr
i'd like to get familiar and introduce ci, i just don't know where to start
too much memory? wtf?
I probably won't, but I like to dream
@ssube but at the start you said that running docker on ramnode would be bad because it's a VPS, and then you said at the end that it's okay to run them on VMs I'm confused
also, does the chip run code from flash memory instead of RAM?
@Luggage yep. i installed it and some other guy configured it and after a few weeks it sored up to 4gb of memory (it's shameful.. i know)
You trying to do realtime programming, @KendallFrey ?
@david not all VMs are equal. VPS providers tend to oversell CPU, so you can't max it out all the time. Docker is also very storage-intensive because of the CoW setup.
@ssube well i'll have a look. gitlab hosted looks good
Did yall read that shit
sorry, avr-gcc
@Luggage Not yet, but it would be cool
and avr-copy
@bitten dude, I run a server for (at peak) 180 people and 6k commits/month (10k+ builds/month) and we just recently went to 16GB and don't need all of that.
For 5 people, you can use a 512MB machine.
@ssube so if i want to mess around with docker it would be smarter to do it on my linode vps than say a cloudatcost one?
@david I'd just do it on your own machine, tbh.
@KendallFrey install QNX
have fun
Throw it in a VM on vmware/vbox
@rlemon ...why?
@KendallFrey it is a rtos
assuming i want it to actually be running constantly though, like an actual server
i turn my pc off at night
and blackberry owns it now
@rlemon What use do I have for it?
learning how to do some rtos programming
build an automation system
@bitten let your company/boss know I'd be willing to help set it up for a small fee, or run you through the basics just for fun.
timing-critical programming
I'm happy with my arduino right now
then be happy
@ssube perhaps it was something with the machine, it was just vetoed before i had to chance to look into it. that was last year, and i'm no longer there anyway
@ssube aw, great. well i'll definitely take you up on that! i will bring it up and see what he thinks
@david yeah, then you'd put it on a server. I rent a big old dedicated box from OVH, but you can do pretty much anything.
i just need to do the pros/cons of it all so he sees that it's worthwhile
@bitten let me know. This is my job right now (my title is Release Engineer) and I wouldn't mind doing some contract/gig type stuff to put on my resume.
This is insane

Preparing the VDP for writing data

This bit hurt my brain. In its basic form, moving palette and pattern data to the VDP comprises two operations: set the operation type and destination address through the control port, then move the data through the data port. Sounds simple, but the operation type and address need to be amalgamated into one longword, with a rather obscure bit structure. I’ll try to explain as best as I understand it myself. Here’s the operation/address longword split up into bits and nybbles:
@bitten Cons: hosted locally, you need to update it every month. Pros: free, CI in the same place as code, it even has issue boards now.
i'm coaching him with version control still though, he still does file.php, file_2.php, file_NEW.php so the last few months have been a journey.. also i've never had to be strict with a senior or teach someone who is a senior to me, odd feeling
@ssube perhaps pros/cons to the workflow. what issues does it solve, and so on
if you're just introducing version control, GET GITLAB
@ssube ty!
it's a nice GUI for git
What the hell was SEGA thinking
it makes git so much easier for non-technical people
Does anybody know some Flo-Based Programming options in JS besides NoFlo?
@bitten biggest pro: you commit code with a YML file and you get a red/green build that tells you if your code works.
You can do merges and code reviews and issues built into the same tool.
@ssube he's technical, although a lot of our repos are on remote servers. he still uses sftp, where as i mount the servers and can go through there. i'll pass it on though ^^
@ssube $69 a month cheapest... probably too expensive for playing around but not too bad if i ever want to use it for real
So with this code
@david soyoustart and kimsufi have cheaper (down to $20-30/month), but for small stuff, just put each app on its own VPS
why doesn't it go to aler(name) after 2
isn't 2 and 3 checking the declaration .... so shouldn't it investigate the entire functions
@ssube that's what i want, to set up tests around our code as they deploy broken code into the staging environments still and it's also just a sanity check
@bitten you can set up two-way mirrors, but that might not work for your company. I dunno. If he seems interested, I can go into more detail.
@ChrisOkyen Because displayName isn't actually running until you call it at #5
having CI and an issue tracker are critical to actually getting software out the door
i also want to set up something with phantom in the ci so it'll render out certain pages if there have been layout changes
@BenFortune ever used rpi-gpio module?
@bitten letting a bug get to production costs 100x what solving it in CI does. Even staging is 10x what a CI fix would cost.
@ssube the issue tracker is also a nice touch too, especially having them in the same ecosystem
@bitten we do that, with both Phantom headless tests and Selenium (grid, iirc) to run slaved-browser tests.
@ssube yeah i'd love that
@bitten yeah, since Jira is like $5k for 10 people
really? lol
@ssube i've luckily never used jira, i've only heard bad things
I hate it, but then, I hate most things.
it has to have more feature that we utilize then
Jira is the most enterprisey agile tool ever
but doens't the interpreter need to check whats going on ?
jira is the brittany spears of programming. appealing at first, then annoying, then you just want to stop hearing about it
so it can check shit before it goes to it when it is called
or is that not how it works
@ssube yep, i agree. i've still got a lot to go but i've banned editing production sites.
@ChrisOkyen why does it need to evaluate the function when you pass it as a pointer?
it just needs to keep reference too the function itself.
it's been a great but exhausting last few months as i'm not used to teaching so much ^^
pass it as a pointer?
trying to use terms you'd understand
everything is a pointer
@ChrisOkyen It may or may not look inside the function, but it won't hit a breakpoint inside the function either way, since it isn't actually executing the code.
nothing is real
@bitten yeah, setting up a new CI system is hard. You need to figure out what people are doing and support as much of it as you can, but prevent some of the more evil things.
like jquery
It took me a year or two to get ours working well, but since then it's been just routine maintenance.
and that time was almost all spent figuring out weird, undocumented, legacy stuff
@ssube yeah exactly, i've been bringing it up gently.. i just need to find out what people expect from it and what features they would benefit from
so the step into stuff doesn't follow all steps of the interpreter
@bitten try out travis CI and see if you like it. If so, you can either pay for Github and Travis (couple K$/month) or set up Gitlab.
@ssube brave soul
you don't really step into
like a two pass assmebler passes twice
you view the parent
Are you familiar with a two pass assembler?
it does stuff before it runs
you kidding me? I write JS
I know how to add 2 jquery variables, though
I know nothing
Is that an assembler that makes two passes?
one and a half, for efficiency, new EPA regulations and such
Anything specific you don't like? I'm not a huge fan myself but I refrain from judgement because I don't know it too well. Not only docker specifically, but the entire container ecosystem.
Chrooting is probably what I'm gonna do, it's just a bit annoying...setting up the config scripts and all.
ohh, you have to push the 'sport' button to get two full passes. gotcha
ew, florida
I can't go to that link. Restraining order.
@Zirak the networking and storage side is garbage.
@ssube thanks for the rec. i like gitlab's gui and familiar with it's code review process so that's most promising for me. is travis just like a watered down gitlab ci?
Two-pass assemblers

An assembler is a translator, that translates an assembler program into a conventional machine language program. Basically, the assembler goes through the program one line at a time, and generates machine code for that instruction. Then the assembler procedes to the next instruction. In this way, the entire machine code program is created. For most instructions this process works fine, for example for instructions that only reference registers, the assembler can compute the machine code easily, since the assembler knows where the registers are.
!!afk so long and thanks for all the phish
r u out?
@bitten travis is to gitlab CI what github is to gitlab. Same concept, almost identical implementation, but one somebody else's server.
Travis is ok, but it starts at $130/month and doesn't let you use your own images, afaik.
@ssube Can you elaborate or point to someone elaborating?

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