What do you think is the best way to find object that contain a specific id within an array of his attributes like this [0: 11, 1: 47, 2: 51, 3: 22], with lodash/underscore ? A bit lost ^^
Yes mathematica by wolfram alpha. It works well for math equations and allows you to run programs inside. Corporate/businesses licenses aren't cheap and probably not worth it if you are writing up few papers.
@Meredith I want to retreive models that contain a specific value in his array attribute with lodash. But I can't find the way to make if properly with lodash/underscore
browsers are soo kind when parsing html, so it ignores the raw image data that is actually defining the metadata (i think, i'm not sure exactly what ÿØÿàJFIF,,ÿþr stands for / means)
I am using some starter kit for angular. There are webpack, eslint and other useful things.
But, I don't understand how to works with dependency. I have the following code:
import angular from 'angular';
import routing from './app.config';
import auth0 from 'auth0-js';
import jwtHelper from 'a...
There is only two ways out of this, either I ask some of you Folk to downvote that answer.. OR I tell you the (what I think) solution to my actual problem
so some of you can just write that down and get that bounty
it feels somehow wrong .. but then again.. effort alone should not really get awarded if the solution is no help to the actual problem and the author even says that himself
HTML is a terrible way to represent graphical components with event based interaction. CSS is just flaky and terribly tedious to write. JS is fun to write, but has a ton of flaws, most of which are by design.
@jAndy yes, and no it isn't different when you're suggesting a downvote brigade on someone. He was forward with his intent to offer an alternative solution to the problem asked. Is it worthy of a bounty or accept? maybe not, but should we be asking people to downvote a perfectly good answer? imo, no. not even a little bit
I'm not even saying that Node is good, but if you're gonna bash it, you might try actually knowing what you're talking about instead of spewing bullshit
@rlemon I didn't ask for that actually, someone just brought up the topic that an answer with 2 or more downvotes wont receive the bounty. So since the topic was actually missed (admittedly) it seemed like an ok-solution. But yea, I also don't feel fine with that too.
There is only two ways out of this, either I ask some of you Folk to downvote that answer.. OR I tell you the (what I think) solution to my actual problem