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would be weird to have it backward but it seems to be the trend and the official name going forward
we still on the es6/es2015 talk?
it is simple. the 6th version of es is es2015. so both are correct. es6 and es2015
same with es7/es2016
@rlemon scroll up
link it, I'm too lazy to find that shit
(click the message, permalink)
nop :)
then accept my input
@Zirak it good?
Really, it doesn't fuckin' matter. Modern browsers will remain up to date. As time goes on IE will gradually become completely irrelevant now that Edge is on the same build format as the other mainstream browsers.
@phenomnomnominal Hell's bells with nacho pappardelle
@rlemon So would that be unarmed and dangerous?
@rlemon Did you watch the video?
Super legs
Not that I understood him in the least bit.
this is so weird. Can someone walk me through resizing the root partition on a debian/LVM machine?
so, from df I seem to see that my root partition (different from my home partition) is /dev/dm-1
Filesystem                  1K-blocks    Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/dm-1                     9480420 9464024         0 100% /
udev                            10240       0     10240   0% /dev
tmpfs                         1622784  159640   1463144  10% /run
tmpfs                         4056956     508   4056448   1% /dev/shm
tmpfs                            5120       4      5116   1% /run/lock
tmpfs                         4056956       0   4056956   0% /sys/fs/cgroup
/dev/mapper/debian--vg-home 934577248 3344932 883735512   1% /home
boot from a liveCD and run gparted
resize all day long baby
don't I really risk to corrupt other stuff?
meh, then backup
or well, unless I had a big enough usb
backup where? It's 1TB...
unless I buy another computer it's pretty pointless
so I might as well just buy another computer
you have 1TB filled?
also a drive isn't that expensive.
don't be dramatic
no, but I assume that since I'm using an LVM and stuff, the data is discontinued and can be found anywhere on the disk
so condense it
don't even know what to google. Directions?
but I doubt you'll have problems. just create an empty partition, backup your data, extend your primary, if nothing goes wrong nuke the new partition (or keep it)
look up tutorials using gparted
it is good software
fun fact: don't have enough memory to install gparted
don't run a potato
get more than 640k.
well, I'd need to expand my root partition
googleing "lvm expand partition ext3" didn't work?
which is what I'm trying to do
or whatever FS you are using
oh no, was looking for google directions on condensing memory
Hey how can I access the bound this of a function. When I log said function I see [Function: bound getByUser]. But when I try to log foo.this I get undefined
this isn't a property
it is a keyword
and the functions bound thisArg is mostly dynamic tmk
Technically, no function accessible to your code has has it's this bound.
foo = foo.bind(bar)
does now
@rlemon Is there any way to access the value of this
not outside of the function
With only access to the bound function
to my knowledge
inside of the function you have this, which identifies itself I suppose
@rlemon foo doesn't have it's this bound, in that you can call it with all the normal ways of providing a this. It merely calls the function inside it with the bound this value
@KendallFrey well yea, which is why I said kinda. it mimics a pre-defined thisarg to the one you just bound to the return
bind is basically (f, t) => () => f.call(t)
I'm aware.
reddit.com/r/videos/comments/4z5zna/… jesus this is not what I expected. (the video the comment links too is just the dude talking about it)
@rlemon God damn.
if you watch the video he is totally just defending himself.
but he is completely torn up over killing the dude
Yea, I noticed both accounts.
I can't even imagine
Taking a life isn't a joke.
when the chick got out of the car tho I was like wtf
that was not expected
I sure don't want to visit FlyHeight.com though.
!!afk Freedom!
angular2 karma jasmine question.. i'm trying to call a function from my testing script and keep getting undefined.. the function has .subscribe(x => return super.publish(x))
all i mean is that it return a subscribed variable

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