Really, it doesn't fuckin' matter. Modern browsers will remain up to date. As time goes on IE will gradually become completely irrelevant now that Edge is on the same build format as the other mainstream browsers.
but I doubt you'll have problems. just create an empty partition, backup your data, extend your primary, if nothing goes wrong nuke the new partition (or keep it)
Hey how can I access the bound this of a function. When I log said function I see [Function: bound getByUser]. But when I try to log foo.this I get undefined
@rlemon foo doesn't have it's this bound, in that you can call it with all the normal ways of providing a this. It merely calls the function inside it with the bound this value
angular2 karma jasmine question.. i'm trying to call a function from my testing script and keep getting undefined.. the function has .subscribe(x => return super.publish(x))