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@FlorianMargaine thanks
@BekimBacaj That's not how things are supposed to work on SO. All answers are to be thought out and explained, so that the user might learn something. — Trasiva 26 secs ago
Y'alls comments make mine look like a dick lol
I'm trying to be nice.
I don't like it, makes my skin crawl.
I'm totally not saying that you should downvote his answer, but his answer deserves more downvotes... do with that as you will.
so that answer now has comments from 4 JS chat regulars. That doesn't look like a gang-bang at all.
Don't downvote it. We can comment on it, but downvotes are semi-targeting if yielded from a chat
It already has a negative score, no need to kick a dead horse
It's not a gang bang until you have to start tagging people in and out.
I agree that the downvoting in bulk is where the line is.
I agree that pizza is good
a pizza is only as good as the meat that tops it
none of you are the op, and you are in no position to judge on his behalf. You don't know how helpful it is unless you have tried it. The op knows his code and will immediately notice his errors. You on the other hand are here to boast your ego and down-vote exact answers just because you can. — Bekim Bacaj 53 secs ago
No. Good pizza can be good plain
You've only had shitty pizza, then.
I'm full of facts
No, I'm pretty sure we're right. — ndugger 10 secs ago
This is now a shitshow
you're welcome
I'm impressed. The OP managed to write a lot of code that almost looks like JS, but isn't.
That guy knows how to fake it.
He could get a job writing code for TV shows.
@Luggage Or CodeTutorial, or any of those other shitty sites.
hehe, w3schools.
you capitalized Harry.
is that intentional? also misspelled.
@MadaraUchiha I'm sorry--we're making a mess...
You're a wizard, Harry.
Listen here hagrid
YOU'RE making a mess. Don't involve us.
YOU'R E a wizard
Yeah. @MadaraUchiha wipe the comments please. stackoverflow.com/a/38922522/774078
We're sorry
Nick isn't, but we are.
I'm only kind of sorry
Yeah it's parrot be like compliance on the rise but no brains no talent no skills at all — Bekim Bacaj 32 secs ago
He caught me, I'm talentless with no skills..
I knew somebody would see through my charade one day
Are you slim shady? — ndugger 11 secs ago
@SterlingArcher That's how I felt at that interview when I totally had my brain go blank.
I fumbled in my interview hard too, but I thankfully brought it back
I don't fumble--I only win
no matter what?
do you have money on the mind and can't never get enough?
I'm also Andre 3000
when you step up in that building does everybodys hands go up?
@SterlingArcher I clearly did not, haha. That shit crashed and burned so hard that they brought the dustpan and broom out to clean up the remains.
@Trasiva ugh :( I've never met Brandon before was he tough?
@KendallFrey what the fuck
the sequel
You've seen it, right?
It's not as good as the first one, but still amazing
@SterlingArcher He wasn't tough per say. I just really let my nerves get the better of me, I knew I was in trouble once he started delving into promises and wanting to know more about lodash and stuff.
@SterlingArcher he's deleting some of his comments
My face when Kendall posted this was... incredible.
@ndugger flags prolly
@Trasiva lodash? Da fuq? That must have been project specific I've never used lodash here
Yea, like I said. I knew when I was fucked.
shoulda brought more lube
lack knowledge of single libraries should never tank an interview.
I care more that people know things they have used than know things they WILL use.
@Trasiva Unlike the couple that didn't know what a blowjob was.
hit me baby one more time
@Luggage This group seemed like they needed someone ultra high speed that already knew angular inside and out with some background in a few other libraries.;
i see
I didn't know they needed an asap developer like that. I can't even step into that project and kick ass.
Emergency hire or king of a project hire?
I mean, it sounded like had the job been a little less We need a JS framework guru, and a bit more Yea, we can take a normal dev who can grow into the role I'd have had the job.
Emergency hire apparently
those jobs suck anyway
cleaning up someone else's mess with no time
Yea, sounded like an emergency hire. They were talking like they wanted me there two weeks after I signed the paperwork.
It didn't sound like it was a cleanup hire, it was more of a need more ammo hire.
I'm fucking dying
wear headphones lol
So they just fired my boss lol
Who gets the throne?
@Waxi yikes
I have this question about MEANjs 4.2, no one helps!
Q: dataObject creation in MEANJS 4.2

Pristine KallioI recently load several versions of MEANJS (meanjs.org) to understand the file structure better and view the changes. In 4.0, articles.client.controller.js to be specific they have: and I'm able to make changes to new Articles there as I appended new fields to the mongoose Schema. $scope.create...

Going on a lucky egg evolve spree :D
Got 23k exp coming
@SterlingArcher All the answers are now gone off that question, whooo.
lol we did it yall
The wording they used was "we didn't fire this person, we just terminated his role, because his position is no longer needed".
Uh huh.
I bet it was kiddy porn.
Both of our IT guys are quitting too.
I guess you could say the ship is taking on water.
Time to fire up LaTeX and prep that resume.
Blood's in the water man.
IT guy = non-programmer?
and they quit because of the 'firing'?
Maybe now is a good time to ask for a raise?
Raise... I wish I could get one.
All my boss says is that I'm critical to the company and "Good Job" but never a damn raise
get another job offer, and push him with leaving
This place is falling apart. I'm just riding the waves for now.
When the IT guys leave, I'll be the only person in a group of 300 that have any idea how any of our systems work. I guess that's good for me.
@Meredith solid :D
Is this Twitch chat?
Anyone on that WoW?
How much do you guys feel that npm-scripts replaced gulp
tbh I have no idea what npm-scripts is
we use grunt at work
@SterlingArcher in your package.json
scripts: {
  test: "",
  start: "",
I was just wondering
Is there a name for });});});}); ?
@jake you use npm scripts to call gulp, that's all the replacement there is. If you can do everything with npm scripts, you didn't need something as powerful as gulp to begin with
@Charlie uhh.. anonymous function closing?
Function with an object parameter ending?
There's no name for that
I think it's a bit overkill to use CoffeeScript just to keep those away
@Charlie a typo in your LISP code ?
Myeah, but no official name such as #! is called a shebang?
I usually have around 4 or 5 of them at the end of my code, but I'm not sure if that's a good or a bad thing
@Charlie that looks bad. Hard to tell with just that but I'd call it code smell. It's possible you fell in callback hell, for example.
I'm using a lot of async calls for things where I could use sync
@Charlie do you know Zade and redbull
But I like to keep it async in case I might add anything later
@KarmaDoe: No?
@Charlie K, nvm.
@KarmaDoe: "A Zade is a remarkably unique individual who despite a lack of quantitative stature, and an inability to refuse chocolate, continues to prevail as one of the most outstanding human beings known throughout the social hierarchy. A Zade is pure, kind and rarely shows evidence to weakness; A Zade is competent " -UrbanDictionary

This definition?
It's an user nickname from a game i used to share with another one called Charlie.
Ah, I see. Nope, don't know anyone called that
Np m8. Gl with the shebangs.
Nah, I'm going to see if I can change this code to *sync, if that's any better performance-wise
sync is never better performance-wise
Ah, nevermind then
want sync dont use js
what's *sync?
ohh, you have a lot of nested code in node and you want to switch to syncronous functions because of it? Use promises, @Charlie
async await
or that, but you need to Promisify for that, too
I think
Correct yeah
unless there is an async/await for nodebacks.
Promise.all is also good
It's basically

`(function(){fs.readDir(function(err, files) { files.forEach(function(file) { ... });});})();`
Not sure if I can use Promises there
forEach isn't async it's just a loop
readDir and the ... is (some callbacks)
You want a library (Bluebird.js) that can easily convert all those node functions to promise-based ones. Promisify
Is that just for code style or does that also help performance-wise?
code style. That'll let you keep async while having less nesting
I see. Might check it it since this is just a side project
Depending on what you are doing, keeping the async functions may/may not matter, but if it's a server, they definately do
It's for grouping my holiday pictures and storing them in folders heh
also Promises are standard JS way of dealing with async functions, so it's useful to do just for that eason

*Getting Started*

_This article is partially or completely unfinished._
That's a good start
@Loktar youtube.com/watch?v=ieOs5BuhzaU Down & Dirty got a new frontman and he sounds good. Looking forward to that album
dont' paya attention to that. bluebird is awesome, used by millions, and is your one-stop promise shop
Go USA Women's soccer team!
Since Denis is a dickhead and the AA album sucked
crazy overtime
@Charlie i've been working with bluebird,
ill get you some code, give me a sec
Sure, just reading this Getting Started guide
@SterlingArcher is he from any other band?
sounds REALLY familiar
idk I don't know his name even
CV Please Not clear
> i heard that Kir Medvedev is the vocalist now, he was one of the guitar players. I believe the rumors because they found a new guitarist replacement which was posted on Facebook and also Kiryll is rumored to have an amazing voice similar to Stoffs. I hope it's true!!
Only rumors, nobody seems to know

A = function () {
return new promise (function (resolve, err) {
//do stuff (Yo can even chain another promise here.)
var mb = require('module b')
resolve(); / or return somevalue;

moduleB.js //

functionC () {
  return new promise(function (resolve) {
1 message moved to Trash can
@KarmaDoe Please don't post unformatted code - hit Ctrl+K before sending, use up-arrow to edit messages, and see the faq. For posting large code blocks, use a paste site like gist.github.com, hastebin.com, pastie.org or a demo site like jsbin.com
That sample is bad even properly formatted...
I don't think modules should be included at a function scope level
they shouldn't
but its an idea, to help him with the begginer bluebird stuff
line 1: wtf is that function? it's not defined in the sample
line 2: makes no sense, what is the 'then' object?
line 4: A is undeclared.
line 5: using the promise constructor is often not needed and definately not here, it doesn't even do anythign that's async
No. It's not a help at all. It's invalid code that would be bad advice if it would even run
@KarmaDoe: I don't get any of that tbh hahaha
Guess I'll just turn it into CoffeeScript to get rid of it all
You'll regret that.
then object is defined in bluebird
No, then is a function.
method of the promise*
@Luggage No no, grab the popcorn, watch the shit show.
want to write it properly ?
go ahead
No, This guy is spouting shitty non-working bad code, steering someone way form promises, which are a standard and help solve the nested callback problem
It's destructuive
that code is working , like it or not.

A = function () {
is not only never going to work, it is wrong even by concept
if functionA returns a promise, you have to chain the then call.
@KarmaDoe that still isn't correct.
then is chained after resolve
Look, maybe I came off as offensive, but I know must of the people here will back me up that it's a bad example, shown no understanding of promises and does nothing BUT confuse.
its not white space sensitive
You don't know better than us in this one case. Maybe another topic
you have a ;
you terminate A()
yeah i do
then is now a variable name you don't define
your code is wrong m8
well that wrong code is working
cheerio m8
So? that doesn't make it good code for an example.
magic, it is wrong.
you're omitting a crapload that would be required to make it work, in a very confusing way
i never said it was a good example
*if it is working
enlighten me.
error: then is undefined
A() returns a promise, which you then let get GC'd because you never reference it again
then is undefined.
b isn't a property of then
A().then(B) is probably what you meant
no it is not
now, that looks like it might be working code..
notice the lack of ; allows then then to chain
then then
; terminates the statement
you win this time @rlemon
i just had some spare popcorn,
there is no fun without conflict.
USA Women Olympic soccer team are out in the first round
Wow, rough discussion while I was away
Nah, i just needed to be proven wrong, and i was.
No discussion there.
It's not that we want to prove you wrong, just that handling out confusing examples is harmful.
They guy was on the verge of jumpin^H^H^H using coffeescript.
@Luggage Do you know the method of the worst idea posible ?
I don't get the question.
@William and Romania won the first gold medal...
It's a brainstorming technique
@William That was a nutty game
@Victor in what? Us americans only follow our own team
@KendallFrey it was the stupidest game I have seen in a long time
USA should have won but for the bad call
WTF doesn't soccer use replays like football?
No one is giving ideas, or even helping, but if you expose something that is sure to be wrong or stupid, everyone is going to propose something better.
In this case, i propose bad code, then, everyone else started pointing out what was wrong or how to make it better even.
Well, don't play that game of "confuse people so that someone else helps" because if it was intentional it's kick-worthy.
@William which bad call?
But I don't think it was that.
@William I don't know how the sport is called in English. I think it's called "fencing"
What do you think it was ?
how or what? which is correct?
@KendallFrey I'm sure it will be in the news and replays on youtube. They called offsides I think on both USA and sweden when in the replay it didn't appear either calls were offsides.
in the sweden and usa goals
@KarmaDoe backpedaling
@William google.ro/…
If you're referring to what I think you're referring to, the US player pushed over the Swedish player, which I think was the call
I didn't understand the other one, the swedish goal looked legit
so maybe both were offside
I don't follow it so I have no idea hahaa
Yes the Swedish goal definitely look legit. hmm it wasn't clear to me what they called for the USA goal. You may be right that it was for a foul.
@rlemon Why wouldn't i transfer working code from the start?

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