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@phenomnomnominal Your Olympic rugby team needs to get its shit together
@KendallFrey right?
We won Silver in the Women's though
Don't know what's happening with the Men :(
I haven't seen Japan pull a move like that since Pearl Harbor
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
@Jhawins I should warn you, it's pretty humid here right now...
Guess you didn't see them Play SA in the 15s world cup
@Trasiva lol
@phenomnomnominal I only saw about the last quarter of the NZL-JAP match, but I know you guys are supposed to be, like, really good.
Yeah, we are haha
They had a clusterfuck
The problem with the Olympics is they're so flukey
@Ralf17 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Where is the Olympics currently being held
@Ralf17 yeah good one bud
@KendallFrey you should try stand up comedy
standing up? I'll pass
I even sit for our standup meetings #thuglife
hi all., help needed.,
Q: How to run masonry only after all html5 videos are loaded with infinitescroll?

AMBmasonry infinite scroll append html5 videos overlapping i am currently using imagesLoaded library which checks whether images are loaded then calls masonry. But it was not working with html5 video tag, because of this videos gets overlapped on one another. so i changed calling masonry from doc...

200 points bounty is active. thanks
> @WillemD'Haeseleer i can add my working site, but its NSFW, will it work ?
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
i am trying to replicate the issue on jsfiddle but i cant get it to load second page on page scrolldown.
aww yea go canada go
can anyone help with jsfiddle ? why its not getting second page ?
and how can i specify page name e.g. index2.html in fiddle ?
@AMB Your question is a bit hard. Try to give it some time, take a break or loosen up a bit, then get back to it.
okie., thanks, i am trying to replicate it on jsfiddle for now, will update question once i get it to work on jsfiddle.,
is it bad to have the same socket listener in multiple controllers?
Hello everyone, can I ask a Java question here, cause the other rooms aren't active?
@LucasDryer Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@LucasDryer You may as well ask it in the gardening stack exchange. We're not Java programmers either.
Ok, cool
Where is the gardening stack exchange?
Ok then, I will try to find the garden place. Thanks!
I didn't know that this chat was filled with people who literally only know 1 programming language
Just because the room is "Java" - Script doesn't mean people here are good in "Java".
I suggest @LucasDryer should linger in the Java room until people there notices him.
Just because you guys only know Javascript doesn't mean it's the case for everyone else lol.
@user125535 which goes back to @KendallFrey excellent point.
> You may as well ask it in the gardening stack exchange. We're not Java programmers either.
We don't like being associated with Java because of a naming mistake.
"We". I didn't know this was some sort of cult
hi guys i'm using jquery datatable and I have an edit/delete button on the last column of the table the problem is when i export it to pdf the last column for action(edit/delete) is also included in the pdf. How will I remove it when exported?
@Loktar how is that an excelent point
Hey guys don't run sudo atom .
@user125535 How the heck do you get from "we" to a cult?
@Loktar People in the javascript chat room may have knowledge in other programming languages. You would seriously consider going to some random chat room instead of checking out here? where there's a better chance of finding a programmer who, ya know, delves into multiple programming languages?
@user125535 why are you so mad about this?
Thanks Ralf. I have found help, thanks.
Rooms are categorized here for some purpose. I think you are new in SO @user125535. You haven't obtained a yearling badge yet.
Morning o/ Did I hear Java?
@Loktar because you're being condescending to someone who just wants help?
@user125535 sorry you're angry
@LucasDryer Good, I hope you do well.
Maybe that will make you smile.
@Loktar why isn't it surprising that people who are in a programming chat room have poor social skills.
It's kind of like a self fulfilling stereotype
@user125535 I took your poor social skills as anger I guess, sorry my mistake :/
don't do this to yourself :)
maybe it's the constant abuse that web devs get from other fields haha.
Social skills aren't limited to face-to-face interaction.
I seem to need to remind my parents of this too often
@user125535 Whatever explanation gets you to overcome your anger I'm all for it.
Sassy Trump is sooooo Sassy
hi guys! sorry to interrupt. i would just like to ask why is there an undefined error in this snippet?
	for (var x = 0; x <= document.getElementsByClassName('disable').length; x++) {
	    document.getElementsByClassName('disable')[x].disabled = !status;
@Loktar no need to turn this on me haha. Calling me angry doesn't really help your point.
@user125535 what point is that exactly?
@Loktar I'm not really sure it's your point.
You seem to have some deep angry insight into the room, immediately recognizing it's cult like status.
@rocky <= probably
Why are you calling getElementsByClassName twice every loop iteration? you only need to call it once, before the loop
anyone here do any ML with javascript? I'm trying to train my model but this may not be the best language.
But I need it for reasons I can't state =p
@rocky Depends. Does it happens on first line or second?
@james no these guys just build websites
@user125535 but what if we know other languages?
@KendallFrey i tried removing it from the loop but still its has an undefined error.
tried what?
@KendallFrey damn really nice immediate catch
it was totally the <=
I was focused on the double call to getElementsByClassName
@Loktar There you go encouraging copypasta programming
Deleted. I would rather encourage creepypasta programming
@Loktar Remind me not to get you to debug anything
you guys actually just build websites?
Professionally, I write C# libraries for LOB software
@user125535 is just trollin
@Loktar "creepypasta programming" perfectly describes a novel I've been wanting to exist
Yup @user125535 is just angrrryyyy or trolllliiiinnng.
and you seem to have StickyKeys(tm)
@james yes, look at my skillz erik.js.org
@KendallFrey @Sheepy here is the copy of my code. http://jsbin.com/wocuwujepi/edit?html,js,console,output

i just wanted to call the getelementsbyclassname twice so i can disable all four elements. I'm sorry, I'm just a little lost. thank you for your help
fuck me that's unreadable
anyone here use tensorflow with javascript?
@rocky Can you transfer it to jsfiddle?
So immutable js flattens arrays when you try to create a list?
i.e. List([[-1, -1], [-1, 1]]) becomes List([-1, -1, -1, 1])
Nvm I was being dumb
@Ralf17 i think it's now working, just removed the equal sign. hooray!
thank you guys! :)
Good :)
Does anyone know how stackoverflow's/stackexchange's search algorithm works?
Is this to broad of a question?
Can someone help me find a duplicate for stackoverflow.com/questions/38864095/…?
If anyone knows of a question with an answer that explains how to escape special characters in regular expressions, that would be it
or it's dupe target perhaps
hi how can i limit data dynamically in api calls
though honestly I think they should be closed the other way around, the first one has a better answer
@ndugger @ssube I am near you..
Lol I found a way into the wedding dome on top the Millennium
@ivarni Nah, it just needs to be escaped in the literal
morning. Maybe someone can give me a hint: If I press the power button on my notebook the cooler starts to work but my keyboard and screen isn't...
(I tried to press capslock & co but no reaction on keyboard)
I need help, the OP has changed the expected output of a question after he has accepted an answer, now he is asking me to change my answer to get the expected results. I asked him to ask new question, but he says he is afraid it might get marked as duplicate. What should I do ? This is the question stackoverflow.com/questions/38844694/…
If the answer is already answered it isn't okay to change the question.
He rather should ask a new question or just comment his current one.
At least you can raise a flag " in need of moderator intervention "
Hey guys, how can I increase the buffer size on the Net module of nodejs on the data event?
do you speak angular
@Mathematics NodeJS
ooooo nope
@Maurice Thanks, I will do the same
Did chrome seriously change the hotkey for going back one page
Idk FF here o/
I had backspace binded to one of the buttons on my mouse. Browsing was so nice when you could go back a page with just one click on the mouse.
Our company is trying to switch to thin client to save electricity and pc cost. Today is the third time I have to re-setup my windows profile in a month. After our most expensive IT staff wasted half his day trying to figure out what is wrong.
Anyone istalled pm2 as a windows service?
@littlepootis holy fuck that miaou room is still alive
Is there a way to check for substring presence with chaijs?
@Eugene what's wrong with expect(foo.indexOf(substr) !== -1).to.be.true?
You have a point. Okay. Just was wondering, since there are .contains, .have. Thought, that maybe, there is something similar for strings and substring checking. Like: expect(foo).to.contain('f')
Do you guys know of a good dupe for this?
someone have a minute for angularjs ? stuck at this plunker
@Mathematics I don't think plunker is written in Angular
Is there a [1...200] in javascript?
yes its everywhere
but in which sense ?
I want an array that goes [1,2,3,4,5,6...,200]
hello guys
need help with backbonejs. How can I capture a route parameter which has ?smth=
Q: Does JavaScript have a method like "range()" to generate an array based on supplied bounds?

alexIn PHP, you can do... range(1, 3); // Array(1, 2, 3) range("A", "C"); // Array("A", "B", "C") That is, there is a function that lets you get a range of numbers or characters by passing the upper and lower bounds. Is there anything built-in to JavaScript natively for this? If not, how would I ...

example: login?r=user/confirm?code=7aSTbeMQY3ZT. I want to capture user/confirm?code=7aSTbeMQY3ZT but when I route with login?r=*query, it captures user/confirm only
Hi all, Is it advised to use svg build something like above and position change pointers via js programming.
d3.js has a couple of things like this
even d3 is need to program this. what about svg for icon pointers @Tom
@AbelJojo wow
just wow
Don't like loans or there predicator
@Mathematics any comments on svg/d3/ snapsvg ?
@Mathematics Wow. That's the first time I see multi-page answers.
@Sheepy did you like it ?
Not sure. It's not as entertaining as I hoped.
Guess it's better than Suicide Squad?
Is there a way to display: none from an element with a certain class till and element with a certain class? (they got all the same parent)
The simplest way would be to loop through all childs and if the class matches with an array hide it.
@Maurice while loop and nextElementSibling
Yes, the best way, I think
Depends on number of element, repeatingly call nextElementSibling may not be very efficient. But I never ran into a bottleneck caused by it.
Hey guys anyone here worked with chartjs ??
I am having an issue using this
when i supply it larger data approx 30-35 rows it is showing tooltip on wrong positions after 7-8 entries , i am using line chart.
My linechart default options are these

pointDot : true,
//Number - Radius of each point dot in pixels
pointDotRadius : 2,
//Number - Pixel width of point dot stroke
pointDotStrokeWidth : 4,
//Number - amount extra to add to the radius to cater for hit detection outside the drawn point
pointHitDetectionRadius : 0,
morning ^^
morning, pretty girl. :)
hey guys, anyone here working with phonegap? could you pls see this post?stackoverflow.com/questions/38856881/…
i´ve seen a lot of people with this problem but i can´t seem to put this at work
anyone tempted to help with AngularJS ?
What is the best way to create separate modules (which are loaded asyncronously at runtime) with webpack? Just create differente entry points for each "standalone" pack (like js, css, html) and let webpack create the bundles?
!!welcome Mathematics
@Mathematics Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Lol, I know rules but they sometime trigger back ;)
Just ask your question. :)
my experience says, if I just post it like this, people would either ignore it or just down vote it, trust me

having trouble with scopes
That's incredibly vague.
Q: How to get my form in link function in angularjs in an isolated scope

MathematicsI want to find out if my transcluded form is validated or not in a directive's link function where as directive has an isolated scope. Directive app.directive('myDialog', function() { function link(scope, element, attrs) { scope.dlgNegClick = function(e) { $(".modal").click...

Sounds a lot like XY
^ There we go
@OliverSalzburg what's on earth is not like XY ?
guys I am caught up in this for a long time..help would be appreciated
Goddam rain over here
o/ GulpJS users here? pastery.net/ehtnpd I have that task but seems to only do it's job for SVG's not for png's :( it just doing... nothing
And you left out the piece of code that actually does anything...
@OliverSalzburg ? I did?
@BenFortune I tried that as well but it only works for the SVGs. I'm not receiving any error. I just see a blinking cursor for a while..
!!nudge 32
@SagarNaliyapara Nudge #3 registered.
!!welcome @BhavinShah
@@BhavinShah Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
guys i am caught at an issue for two days..can anyone please help me out
@SagarNaliyapara Information on interacting with me can be found at this page
@SagarNaliyapara help, afk, ban, convert, define, die, doge, eval, forget, google, hang, imdb, info, jquery, learn, listcommands, listen, live, mdn, meme, moustache, msdn, mustache, nudge, refresh, spec, stat, stats, summon, tell, unban, undo, unonebox, unsummon, urban, weather, welcome, wiki, xkcd, youtube, zalgo, !, !!, $.baby, (4337654<<1)+1, (y), /somecommand, 2020/07/23, 3, 666, :3, :p, </pissing>, ?, @arifnoumankhan, @capricasix, @franciscomelicias, @gurpreetkaur, @tim, ^, ^5
abesnacking, abhi, abhishekpornfreak, acronym, adhd, ah, ahah, algosmarts, aliens, all, am, angryticks, answer
@SagarNaliyapara See /help weather for usage info
@SagarNaliyapara Information on interacting with me can be found at this page
please do that in the sandbox room?
Does anyone remember the website link where the only content of that website is its authors pic.....like thousands of pics with many sparkles
now I'm curious too
guys, when i have 5 buttons on one page do i have to put 5 diff eventlisteners (for a click), is it possible to have only 1 eventlistener for these 5 buttons ?
@Shago Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Shago you can have just one
how is it possible ?
@SagarNaliyapara nudge
@Shago bind an event listener to a class selector for examploe
@Shago just send in the same reference as your listener
i'm guessing your sending in an anonymous function as your listener, so just take it out and name it, then pass the named reference
querySelector fails if className/ID is numeric?
^remove the question mark
Q: On which language CSS is written?

Hitesh SahuI am from JAVA background and I am trying to learn CSS. I was wondering where I can find source code of CSS and see how CSS modify DOM properties . Does anybody have any idea where I can see CSS code and learn how this think work under the hood. Sorry I like to go deep and see how things work to...

hi all
currently working on reg exp
this will tc x 7 times and two digits or the rest

but currently only before or is working not after or
kindly help me here
@Mahadevan what's the expected input/output?
@AwalGarg yeah, it is
Also, my bewakoof shirt arrived.
for example

first XXXXXXX22
or it can be Gg223346
hi @MadaraUchiha
It's a black tee that says "It's not a bug, it's a feature"
it should accept both
but with my current exp it was accepting only first one not the second one
That expression looks much too complicated for what you describe
Are you sure there are no extra needs?
no extra needs
Guys, anyone knows of a duplicate for this? stackoverflow.com/questions/38870721/…
thanks @MadaraUchiha
@ndugger yeah it is a bit humid lol. We got in last night around midnight
Hey there! document.cookie will not give me all cookie information how do I get full cookie data? I want to store it on a string to use later.
Hello, just looking at this line, is there a reason I get an unexpected token error at ( on find(,

caseInfo = contact.cases.find(case => case.CaseId === this.props.caseID)
@Alex Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
is there a way to sort an (sorted) array that the letters are on top?
var object = parseINIString(xhr.responseText)[b]; //reads out an ini section
			var array = Object.keys(object).map(function(key){return object[key]});
@BenFortune you're at MidwestJS? I see your username on the Slack.
I forgot my laptop cord at home. I'm gonna have to grab it over lunch
can someone tell me how to write a function inside window resize
i am facing issue with carousels
So tired... help
Eat drugs
I prefer suppositories
@rlemon looks very interesting. VR?
@SterlingArcher get tested
I will never look at the Rio 2016 logo and not see a penis.
@rlemon lol unnecessary :P
Well... kinda
@KendallFrey it's a representation of all the different water colours you'll experience
Did you see the diving pool yesterday?
obviously :P
I don't think I like ruby on rails :\
It was green, ok.
@ndugger lol that sucks. Is it a Mac? I have a spare charger
@Jhawins yeah
Which talk are you in?
@Jhawins Eh?
@ndugger I'm in 127 right now for React
@ndugger you can use this charger for the day if you want. I brought my Windows machine I'm using it
@BenFortune What lol
@Jhawins there were no seats left so I went to microservices. I'll find you at lunch and borrow it then
You brought a windows machine to a JS conference? They'll laugh at you.
@ndugger Yeah we skipped the welcome to get seats. Ok, cool.
@Luggage I know lol there's ike 1 Windows guy in each row
Well, I finally broke 400 rep, so that's something, right?
I think you get a parade at 400.
I got a rock
I got a job interview that I think I tanked.
tanked? Like you rolled up in there and blew them away?
I just looked, I have 516 answers and 0 questions lol
or the bad kind of tanked?
!!stats Claies
Mostly the latter.
@Luggage Claies (http://stackoverflow.com/users/2495283/claies) has 13556 reputation, earned 0 rep today, asked 0 questions, gave 516 answers, for a q:a ratio of H̸̡̪̯ͨ͊̽̅̾̎Ȩ̬̩̾͛ͪ̈́̀́͘ ̶̧̨̱̹̭̯ͧ̾ͬC̷̙̲̝͖ͭ̏ͥͮ͟Oͮ͏̮̪̝͍M̲̖͊̒ͪͩͬ̚̚͜Ȇ̴̟̟͙̞ͩ͌͝S̨̥̫͎̭ͯ̿̔̀ͅ.
avg. rep/post: 26.27. Badges: 3g 19s 46b
@Claies would you like a cookie?
I mean, I know almost all the JS based stuff. Just some of the UI questions I wasn't familiar with.
The only JS thing that tripped me up was variable/function hoisting.
it's too early in the morning for sweets
They asked about lodash/underscore too, but I don't use them and was up front about it.
what did they ask about them?
Lodash is mostly redundant these days anyways
I still find it quite handy, but I could live without
Mostly they wanted to know if because of having to support IE 8, if we used Lodash to polyfill ES5/6 functionality.
I wouldn't call lodash a polyfill since it doesn't follow any JS spec..
Like I said, I know nothing about it, that was their question.
Yeah, lodash doesnt polyfill anything. Thatsnot what a polyfill is...
Also, I'd have walked out after the first half of that question. :)
The rest of it was pretty on par though, tripped up hard on the box model CSS stuff, but I think that was mostly out of nervousness.
seems a bit odd? did they mean to suggest that they use things like Map / Filter / Reduce a lot and are using Lodash because they can't use ES6?
Map filter and reduce are not es6
@KendallFrey imgur.com/a/a6Mig how even...
And very easily polyfilled... You don't need an entire library for that
I don't think they are using lodash, I think he asked just to see how I resolved the JS issue on our stuff.
that makes a bit more sense.
(Secretly it doesn't matter, I've been writing all our stuff for IE9 + for the last three months, and no one's had any issues)
Good man.
When I did all that log parsing of the user agents, like 1% of our users had used IE 8 in the last year.
Can anyone review this code, and let me know if it can provide a good example of teaching you the idea behind a javascript promise: jsbin.com/rejayahole/1/edit?html,js,output
Oh, promises! That was the other part I tripped up on, but that was because I don't have any practical use for them yet.
@Trasiva did they ask for a use case?
You have practical use for promises if you do any JS work in a client at all.
If only that were true with this group Luggage.
@SterlingArcher HIPSTER PUPPY i.imgur.com/8j5K2M2.jpg
@SterlingArcher HAPPY SNEK i.imgur.com/BGZ6VWF.jpg
I shall continue my quest to rid myself of jQuery today. Time to find a replacement for summernote.
@Luggage Case and point?
function ShowHide(link, id)
    var panel = document.getElementById(id);
    if (panel != null)
        if (panel.style.display == 'none')
            link.innerHTML = '- ' + link.innerHTML.substr(2);
            link.innerHTML = '+ ' + link.innerHTML.substr(2);
That's their toggle for show/hiding objects.
At least it's plain DOM manipulation instead of a pointless jquery layer. But yea.. DOM as state is still wretched.
Plus there's ToggleItem (does the same thing without the innerHTML)` and Toggle (which passes the actual element and a boolean).
Ew, pascal case
Don't get me started.
@Jhawins I think I might just go home at lunch. This microservices session is garbage.
@ndugger the React session is for someone who has never even heard of React :(
And they're over generalizing things
React == Array.map :/
So the audience is full of "who puts xml in javascript?" comments?
Yes, exactly.
@Jhawins today's sessions just suck...
Go up there, push the guy off the stage and take over.
head down to washington and hennepin and you'll find some other sessions that suck better
That's how these events are supposed to work
@Luggage Ok Jill Stein.
and nick, record it.
@ssube I don't get it
@ndugger that's where the daytime hookers are
Probably a glory hole is.
Or that.
Me either but I was gonna pretend I am up-to-date with whatever event he was referring to.
Chicago/Lake or the Hennepin/Washington area by all the shitty strip clubs
Seriously, the session here couldn't be more dry. They didn't plan a talk, just a seriesof cjallenges specific to a shitty hapi stack
Can anyone see why this line of code would cause a parsing error at find(,

caseInfo = contact.cases.find(case => case.caseID === this.props.caseID)
@ndugger Here I'll post the workshop repo
@rlemon lol did you see my haircut?
@Jhawins Jesus Christ, that's your presenter?
10/10 hipster. Got the beard shaped and everything. Was looking homeless
@rlemon @rlemon lol did you see my hipsercut? (source)
No that's the co
Kent Dodds is presenting now
He looks like he looks at other hipsters and scoffs at them because they're too main stream while he sips on his $15 latte.
I can't stand dodds... He's too happy
Looks fine to me. I just think the session is lame
> Mormon

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