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Is there a good tutorial for learning redux , I just can't seem to wrap my head around it
Most issues with logic should be caught before you write a line of code
can I add multiple state changes subscribers to a mobx store by using it's own API?
oh, I will try the lint
"Redux is a predictable state container for JavaScript apps."
wtf does this mean
@Paran0a you know reactive programming?
I absolutely do not
Well maybe I do , but I just don't know that what I'm doing is reactive programming
It means that your state container isn't going to change unexpectedly
@Paran0a these things are just crap
State container as in my data? My model?
The container that contains all of your state
State container is a container that contains all of my state
Would it be hard to give me an example of such state container? With words.
could you please answer my question, someone?
It's just an object where you store all of the state for your application
Instead of scattering it all over the place
That makes more sense
Well cool ,thanks for that. Maybe they should explain it like that
One way data flow
They explain it pretty well I think
This tells me nothing about the product called redux "It helps you write applications that behave consistently, run in different environments (client, server, and native), and are easy to test. On top of that, it provides a great developer experience, such as live code editing combined with a time traveling debugger."
So much noise
What don't you understand about that?
Compare this with
"It's just an object where you store all of the state for your application
Instead of scattering it all over the place"
> Projects each element of an observable sequence into a new sequence of observable sequences by incorporating the element's index and then transforms an observable sequence of observable sequences into an observable sequence producing values only from the most recent observable sequence.
Which allows your app to behave consistently, run in different environments, etc
Yeah but you know that, when I'm new and come about the product called Redux and want to read more about it you have to understand how hard it is to figure out what it is that its actually about
@cswl See thats better
You're familiar with pure functions right?
Redux just builds on that
By making pure functions easier to work with
And making them more powerful
@Meredith See that's also an easy to learn from explanation
@Paran0a that's from MobX... if you're new to reactive programming... first learn the concepts.. mobx has pretty good tutorial..
Will do, thanks!
@monners don't
Anyway I'm going to bed
Have fun
mobx is not functional reactive programming
it's just reactive, it's a lot simpler than frp
and a lot simpler than redux
@cswl reading it. @BenjaminGruenbaum But it's a good starting point?
@SomeGuy playing with my dhcp server, and the kid is doing fine
almost walking!
he can stand up on his own
"Reactive" is such an ill-defined and overloaded term these days.
One of the reasons that people like me get so so confused when trying to figure this stuff out
I have a 3000 lines file..
well it's a js file
Hello mates
yo m8
is anyone familiar with those webgl tutorials`? learningwebgl.com/blog/?page_id=1217
I got a problem and I need YOUR help: I have a search input which do a mysql query which contains many LIKES (fullsearch). I need to limit the return but if I use LIMIT clause it will just search in the limited matrix
is there any way I could get list of all functinos from this library ?
@Mathematics Object.keys(OData)
@Paran0a mobx is a good starting point
It's hard to find whats a good starting point :7
I was wondering why doesthe author declare a global variable var gl; and then passes it as parameter to the function getShader()`?
he doesn't do that for other functions
is there a reason for that?
He does not pass gl as parameter to the function initShaders()
@Käsebrot: There is no logic, the lesson is just badly made. For instance you can see the javascript in th head par of the html
@RomainFournereau "For instance you can see the javascript in th head par of the html" what do you mean by that exactly?
It's good practice to put your javascript at the end of the body, for performences
Oh really? Is there any place where I can read that up?
google above the fold
so, ended up reverting to ubuntu...
but trying again today :P
I have another question. In the very same file there is a function initTexture(). I do not understand why he uses this for loop here. I mean every time he loads an image all three textures are bound by gl, right?
so why iterating three times?
@RomainFournereau ty!
hello all good eve,
any body know angular 2.0 here
@BenjaminGruenbaum not helping :(
is there any text filter I could use this list ?
Seems pretty well documented
@MBalajivaishnav Nope. Who is she?
@towc finally
now looking for a good iso+mate+non-free
@towc try to understand what a "good iso" is
one that works
why does it work?
why doesn't something work
I have no idea why did my computer decide not to boot with the one I had
checksums were fine, no special instructions...
I can't believe it can be this difficult to get list of functions from a text file !! :/
@towc how does the computer decide that it can boot on it?
@Mathematics M-x imenu
are decorators supported in babel 6.8.0?
@FlorianMargaine it has to have a predefined structure with no broken links?
@towc what's this structure?
@towc wat
all those files within the iso...
I assume there's a main file that is called by the computer
and that has to be predefined
The bootloader?
and then that file has to do things with every other file
@towc you're clearly trying to bullshit me now. Find out what exactly needs to happen for the boot to occur. Find out the literal bytes order of whatever.
ok, I'll start googling
unless you have some articles at hand
oh god towc
:,( sorry guys, I swear I'm not trying to be spoon-fed
something like "bootable iso format" would be a good start
@MadaraUchiha You might want to tone down the console.log :P A coworker just pointed that out to me and I was using Wolfram Alpha like a sucker
@rlemon i deny that you're rlemon. Fuck that disclaimer.
@OliverSalzburg Being able to look at the console and understand the problem is a good thing for us
Good for your coworker :)
(One of the hints if you fail actually says "maybe look for hints in the console")
Oh, I see
Nevermind then :)
@towc Learn asm too. Write your own tiny bootloader.
I passed it on to all the devs. It's a good test to see who needs to be fired!
@littlepootis was planning to do that first thing after I got debian going actually
I can do it now tho...
@FlorianMargaine what's that ?
hate this api has no documentation and I need to get list of all functions in this file - odatasamples.codeplex.com/SourceControl/latest#Tools/…
good luck
@Mathematics It seems pretty well documented to me
@OliverSalzburg yes, but in file only..
I can't see list of all functions available to me etc...
I need to get them in a list to quickly get the name of function I need
@Mathematics Your IDE should be able to autocomplete easily, given their namespace approach
@OliverSalzburg that isn't the issue, issue is that I want to get list of functions :(
@MichaelFulton how though
@towc the boot has these steps: (1) run master boot code (in BIOS / EFI), (2) once done, it executes the volume boot code (which volumes are available) and (3) start the bootmanager in the volume that got selected.
still can't find a fairly detailed article....
if a volume doesn't contain a boot manager (code), then you can't use it for booting
the first 2 is present in the flash memory on your mobo
@littlepootis huh ?.
I guess I'm going to try making sense of the machine code...
assembler ? :P
@Mathematics I don't see how that is not achieved by what I said. Even a simple grep could produce a list of functions if you really just want to see the names
@towc You got it working now?
understand the registry names and OPcodes first
@BenFortune back to ubuntu
@OliverSalzburg can I do it here ?
Is there any online documentation builder for JS ?
@towc the idea is that the ISO format is both a filesystem and a partition manager at once, designed for CDs. If you want to boot on it, a bit in the beginning of the CD defines if the CD is bootable. Hard disks have something similar, except that the bit is not at the same place. So when you burn an ISO on an USB stick, your computer bootloader will search the bit in the USB stick like for a hard drive (because the USB stick is a hard drive), and won't find it if the ISO is made for CDs
@towc Writing a bootloader from scratch can be difficult. Here's a template.
oh, wow, makes sense
@Mathematics I don't think you can link directly to the file on CodePlex
so the first thing you can do is look if the bootable bit is correctly set
where did you find that info btw? I must be googling the wrong things...
@littlepootis what's that called? Hex inspector or something?
if that is fine, then the issue is with your BIOS which is wrongly configured. Stuff like "Secure Boot" can mess with that.
no, must be an issue with the bit...
@OliverSalzburg so there is no online documentation generator for JS file
or something else
dd ing should set that bit correctly though, shouldn't it?
and I dd ed that iso to the usb, but still didn't work. Hence there must be something wrong with the bootloader?
what if the iso doesn't have the right bit?
you dded an iso to the usb ?
that doesn't make it bootable
Didn't you try with unetbootin too though? That extracts the ISO and installs its own bootloader and partitions.
@FlorianMargaine so the iso has control over that? I guess I need to learn more about what dd does in general....
I thought it just set partitions, un"packed" the files and scrapped the usb with other data to make it safe to boot, as well as setting that bit up
@Mathematics Have you even tried opening the project yet? I mean, everything is right there
@towc dd just copies bytes
ok, hexedit /dev/sdb1 now I see things
it puts the bytes in the .iso, and puts them in the block device
that's it
@OliverSalzburg I need a notepad list, not sure if I could explain it any easier :(
first hex is a E, which in binary does start with a 1...
anyone used node js here ?
@Mathematics What do you mean "online documentation builder"?
@DanPantry I found it, JSDoc is an example
but struggling to make it work now
!!> parseInt('e',16).toString('2')
@towc "1110"
@Mathematics You installed jsdoc into your System32 folder? O__o
@OliverSalzburg why is it wrong, that's where it opened by default
@Mathematics Yes, js/esdoc are good. I use esdoc. You just write block comments ni your code and then use those two to extract the documentation into a website.
@Mathematics That's because you're running it elevated
@Mathematics don't install random stuff off the internet to system 32.
if nothin else, you'll lose it
@DanPantry how can I remove it now :(
Which is additionaly confusing
@Mathematics LOL
brb breakfast
Would this be enough ?
@Mathematics That failed because you're using Crapdows. You can't start commands with ./ in windows.
C:\Windows\System32>npm uninstall jsdoc
unbuild [email protected]
any article I can read over breakfast?
@Mathematics Probably fine
@Mathematics jesus christ
right... the wiki for "iso format" was much more meaningless
What did I do wrong now :Z
yes, you can do that
also you can do rmdir node_modules which will have the same effect
it's not tech related, i just like adam phillips
@DanPantry trying to find a good tut for it now,
after installing it
@Mathematics wtf
If you need something to read I'll always recommend html5weekly.com/issues/246 or javascriptweekly.com/issues/289
@littlepootis ?
BTW @Mathematics don't run command prompt as admin when using node.
@Mathematics Hahaha wtf
you're installing arbitrary code from the internet.
running command prompt in admin mode when doing npm i is equivalent to saying sudo npm i ...
@DanPantry thanks, I will follow that now
I hope for what I have done so far, there is nothing to worry about ?
Actually better yet, just don't use admin command prompt unless you come across a situation where you cannot do what you want without it.
Funny: I have an indicator dom element with an simple animation. But this animation don't play in this function.
$(".upload-profile").addEventListener("change", (e) => {
	var reader = new FileReader();
	reader.addEventListener("load", (e) => {
		css($(".panorama-user"), {background: "url(" + e.target.result + ") no-repeat center", backgroundSize: "cover"});
		$(".indicator").style.display = "none";
	$(".indicator").style.display = "flex";
@DanPantry can't you do .\"node_modules\bin\something"?
but then you may aswell just do "node_modules\bin\something" iirc
@Maurice very funny
seriously, this is a bug in firebug.
I can't believe there is no online documentation generator for JS, like there are hundreds of C#
@bitten possibly?
@Mathematics I have no idea what you're on about.
There's jsdoc, esdoc, tsdoc...
They're not "online" because they need to look at a codebase to generate documentation.
I mean sure you might be able to make a tool that looked at a given git repository on github to generate docs but what would the usecase be for that instead of just doing git fetch && jsdoc?
@DanPantry I need to install them all
I just need documentation for a single file :(
@Mathematics That's a very unique case, you'd still need to write the documentation yourself if you wanted it to be meaningful, and frankly jsdoc does not take that long to install. At all. Stop being lazy.
npm i jsdoc -g
congrats, now you have jsdoc on your command line available for all future projects
no need to reinstall it.
this won't going to stop coming

npm WARN deprecated [email protected]: wrench.js is deprecated! You should check out fs-extra (https://github.com/jprichardson/node-fs-extra) for any operations you were using wrench for. Thanks for all the usage over the years.
BTW. You CAN do it online. jsdoc.sanstv.ru
@DanPantry thanks, now just hoping it won't install a virus on my computer
wow this is helpful
@Mathematics Stop being so fucking condescending to people that are trying to help you.
@BenFortune i was commenting on the software :|
It's not my software, it was the first result of google after I searched jsdoc online.
Perhaps you should try actually searching for it instead of complaining you can't find any results. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
@DanPantry i understand, i appreciate your help, can we not criticize software alone ? :(
You've criticised every piece of software you've used so far (npm, jsdoc, esdoc) etc
Because you're using it wrong
technically, all software is broken
And you're not bothering to actually search for the answers yourself
in his case, he's broken though
So, yeah, you can criticise software if you're actually trying
let me fix myself
seriously, go read a few tutorials - it sounds like you just lack comprehension in the entire of the node field
you're coming across to me as some kind of help vampire
@Mathematics a quote for the ages
chat is not your tutorial
@Mathematics You don't want JSDoc, those are XML Docs
You want Doxygen or something like that
@OliverSalzburg jsdoc/esdoc are just standards
they can be consumed by other tools to create webpages or markdown or what have you
jsdoc itself though yeah only generates web pages
@OliverSalzburg eh, I phrased myself poorly.
The package jsdoc, which he is apparently using, expects JSDoc style comments in the code, which the project doesn't use. Unless I'm misunderstanding
I meant to say that the jsdoc format is understood by quite a few alternative generators (not just jsdoc), so you don't necessarily have to generate XML documentation from jsdoc comments
Yes, my understanding is that he wants documentation generated "for free"
so he could use doxygen but given that he is averse to installing jsdoc, I hate to see how he would cope with doxygen ^^
I still don't see why one would need a "notepad list" of functions in an API if it's structured and documented this well. But I'm sure he has his reasons :D
1 hour ago, by Mathematics
I have a 3000 lines file..
@OliverSalzburg le me check
dang. jsdoc is not documenting my private functions in my module. Maybe its getting caught somewhere
they are not listed as private. they are just private because they are in an IIFE
it documented the Constructors fine though
@FlorianMargaine Getting close to being done?
@FlorianMargaine Neat! Doesn't talk yet, does he?
That's when they become annoying, isn't it? :P
@SomeGuy not really, just laying down the foundation, picture is getting clearer
next is the actual gruntwork
@SomeGuy far from it
@SomeGuy walking is already quite annoying
now he doesn't need us to go do stupid stuff
@FlorianMargaine Ah, lol. I meant to check it out, but I ended up committing to something time-consuming and haven't been able to yet
@FlorianMargaine Hahaha, right. Sounds annoying
@SomeGuy to be fair, I only worked ~4 hours or so up till now... haven't been able to play much on the laptop in weeks
Oh, why's that? Work keeping you busy?
@SomeGuy work and building a house
The standard this file is following is using /// <summary> which is not supported by JSDoc
@FlorianMargaine Like from scratch?
@SomeGuy yeah
@SomeGuy which is mostly about making the plans, and then a constructor builds everything
we're going to sign to buy the field in a week
Wow, neat. Moving further away into countryside or something? Or did you just want a bigger place?
I wanted to be a house owner
Haha, oh. Fair enough
we found a nice field in the middle of a forest, not far way from where we currently are
@BenFortune probably brexit-related
@BenFortune timezone change. Refresh
Welcome to the matrix
how would you do a slide toggle effect when the element has a box-shadow?
using overflow hidden hides the box shadow
Can someone give me a hand? How do I achieve this hover effect as in the second item? i.imgur.com/zKwWDDG.jpg
@JohnDotHR do you mean an element is shown on hover?
Yeah for each picture seperately
I kinda know how to make it but it would be messy as I would be applying it for each image seperately.
just place img and text container together in a wrapper , then on hover of img display the text
well, with css you can do something like .blue-box { display: none; } .element:hover .blue-box { display: block; }
Hmm, let me give it a shot.
it's probably simpler than you think, just hide the element, and when you hover over it's parent then show it
@bitten So this is what I've made.
Won't it be messy specifying a captionf or each img?
Can you try working around the jsfiddle real quick?
Ignore the hover background color change
It should be an overlay because images are inside.
overlay or smaller width/height?
Like this
@Paran0a @bitten Got any clue?
I simply cant get it right.
@bitten this, my lady, is right.
are you just trying to make a box appear when you hover over an image?
Seperatre over each image
do you have anything against using jquery?
or do you prefer raw css?
To be honest, I don't really care as long as it works.
@yosefrow I have vanillaJS
Don't use js for that ;P
especially if you can alter html as you want
I'd be so thankful i f someone coujld give me a hand with that fiddle..
if you can do it with css - do it. if not use javascript.
@JohnDotHR im making one for you now
it's this performance thing.#
@yosefrow Are you editing my fiddle or?
> Are are editing my fiddle or
@Maurice Makes complete sense :P
[muscle arm emoticon]
@Maurice 💪
btw. Which layout would you prefer for a profile page with a title image (it's about sizing). 1: full width layout (even the title image) and do background-size: cover (will probably zoom in the image or 2: fixed width so the user can upload an image with specific size 💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪
@yosefrow Hows it going?
@Maurice The former sounds like it would be more flexible with different display sizes
@OliverSalzburg yeah, the full width option is responsive
@JohnDotHR are you trying to make a slider? or do you want them all displayed at the same time
I haven't applied my sliding script.
It's just the HTML and CSS
If you want I can add the js/jq
It is actually a slider ( left-right ) @yosefrow
i see
facebook for example have a layout for pc and an extra layout for mobile.
I think I will do a fixed width to avoid annoying title image display
I'd go with a fixed with up to a point, I always like doing width:100%; max-width: 940px or something
@yosefrow Just send it over when you are done. Thanks a bunch dude,.
First time seeing area element in production wow

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